John Stossel is the host and creator of Stossel TV. The former host of Stossel on Reason, Fox Business' Stossel, and ABC's 20/20, he has won 19 Emmys and authored several best-sellers, most recently No, They Can't: Why Government Fails—But Individuals Succeed. He is also the author of a popular weekly column that is syndicated via Creators.
Latest from John Stossel
The Worst Campaign Promises of 2016
It can be a good thing politicians often break their promises.
Libertarian Lite
Some say libertarians could win politically if they give up their principles.
Regulating the Future
Government pretends it's the cause of progress, then it strangles innovation.
Rise of the Robot Cars
Bureaucrats stand athwart technological progress, yelling stop.
Arrogance of the Political Class is Endless
Most 2016 presidential candidates want big government their way.
Obama Promised Optimism at State of the Union—Americans Don't Need Politicians For That
Optimism about America comes despite politicians not because of them
What Are the Odds You Know Who's Going To Be President?
Prediction markets do better than pundits or polls.
What Went Right in 2015
There may have been terrorism, crimes, storms, and Hillary Clinton, but 2015 was also full of good news.
Pretend Answers on Terror
Politicians and pundits think they know what should be done.
Liberty, Fraternity, Security
After ISIS attacks, France follows in America's footsteps on targeting civil liberties.
The Left's Smears on Research That Doesn't Support Their Conclusions
From gun control to climate change
Leftist politicians work to keep guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.
Beat the Elite
Politicians in Washington want to tell you what to do and take your money for it.
Forced Silence
Campaign finance rules and the politicians and prosecutors who manipulate them are a threat to freedom.
The Cult of Victims
Attaching attention and moral status to "victimhood" is changing the character of the nation.
The Drug War Makes Border Enforcement More Difficult
Presidential candidates demand more action on illegal immigrants and illegal drugs, but the two goals conflict.
It's Time to Cut the Red Tape!
Rolling back the bureaucracy and regulations should be a signature campaign issue, but it's not.
There's Nothing Mysterious About the Market
The mystery is why we keep letting government get in the way.
When Rules Multiply, the World Needs Rule Breakers
Breaking the rules can lead to innovations.
Gun Control Lies
In New York City, you can't even wield a fake gun on TV... unless you're making anti-gun propaganda.
Environmental Protection Agency
Zealots at the EPA
Creating environmental rules that defeat even environmentalists
The Politicians' War on Uber
When politicians threaten to destroy innovative companies, they're threatening us all.
Progress Through State Violence or Smaller Government?
Progressives can't imagine progress without government force
Instead of Replacing Alexander Hamilton, Replace Federal Reserve Notes With Private Currency
The central bank folly.
The Left's Bad Ideas About Science Are More Harmful Than the Right's
The contemporary anti-science left
Calls for 'Social Justice' Won't Work Without Free Markets
Capitalism helps reduce racism and sexism.
Capitalism Spurs Medical Innovation
Efforts to remove the 'profit motive' from medicine is a self-interested move by professional meddlers.
Let's All Disobey Stupid Laws
Many freedoms we take for granted exist because of lawbreakers.