Eugene Volokh is the Thomas M. Siebel Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford, and the Gary T. Schwartz Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus and Distinguished Research Professor at UCLA School of Law. Naturally, his posts here (like the opinions of the other bloggers) are his own, and not endorsed by any institution.
Eugene Volokh
Latest from Eugene Volokh
Getting Dartmouth to Revoke Plaintiff's Admission Wasn't Speech on Issue of Public Interest,
under California's "anti-SLAPP" statute (which allows for prompt dismissal of claims brought based on certain kinds of speech).
"This Case Pits Real Lawyers Against a Robot Lawyer"
"Spoiler: the robot wins for lack of Article III standing."
"Protecting People from Their Own Religious Communities: Jane Doe in Church and State,"
a new article of mine, is now available at the Journal of Law & Religion.
Adoption by Stepmother Doesn't Cut Off Visitation Rights of Paternal Grandmother
An interesting case, decided under an Ohio statute.
Don't Ask a Judge to Rule for You and Then Send Him a Death Threat
"Cut your backwards ass bullshit or you will start losing family members and the President of the United States will wind up dead!"
90-Day Suspension of Colorado Lawyer Who Filed ChatGPT-Written Motion with Hallucinated Cases
Looks like the main problem wasn't the blind reliance, but the coverup.
Challenge to NYU Law Review's Race and Sex Preferences May Proceed Pseudonymously, at Least for Now
[UPDATE: Added a brief discussion of pseudonymity and class actions.]
Maryland Statute Banning Attempts to Influence Judges and Jurors Through "Corrupt Means" Upheld
The case arose following plaintiff's arrest, allegedly for telling Justice Kavanaugh's wife that "he might ruin [Justice] Kavanaugh's career and reputation"; but the charges against him were dropped, and he challenged the statute on its face, rather than as applied to his speech.
Broad Injunctions Against Enforcement of Allegedly Unconstitutional Statutes
An interesting opinion from Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett; it arose in a case challenging a Florida law that was aimed at drag shows, but it deals with the remedies question and not the underlying substantive First Amendment question.
Washington Court Refuses to Enforce Saudi Child Custody Decree
"During the custody battle [in Saudi Arabia], Ghassan AlHaidari accused Bethany of gender mixing, adultery, and insulting Islam and Saudi Arabia. Gender mixing, a punishable crime, entails having a male friend. To prove the charge of adultery, Ghassan submitted a photograph of Bethany with a male, who Ghassan claimed to be her boyfriend. The crimes of adultery, insulting Islam, and insulting Saudi Arabia carry a death penalty in Saudi Arabia."
No Absolute Privilege for Accuser's Allegations in High School Sex Misconduct Investigation,
because the investigations doesn't offer the sort of due process available in a judicial trial.
Community College Ban on "Verbal Forms of Aggression … Harassment, Ridicule or Intimidation" Is Unconstitutionally Vague,
concludes a magistrate judge in recommendations to a federal district court.
Community College "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility" Requirements for Teaching and Other Professional Work Violate First Amendment,
concludes a magistrate judge in recommendations to a federal district court.
Alleged "Psychic Intuition" Still Isn't Enough to Make a Federal Claim "Plausible" Enough to Withstand Dismissal
An allegedly psychic "Internet sleuth" alleged a professor was involved in the University of Idaho student murders; the professor sued; then the "sleuth" countersued.
Crime of False Report of Child Abuse Includes False Report to School and Child Services Agency Officials,
not just false reports directly to the police.