New York's Progressive Rent Regulations Having the Exact Same Negative Consequence That Skeptics Predicted
New York told landlords they couldn't pass along renovation costs, so landlords stopped doing renovations
New York told landlords they couldn't pass along renovation costs, so landlords stopped doing renovations
Many jurisdictions are alleviating housing shortgages by cutting back on zoning. Unfortunately, there is also a trend towards expanding rent control, which is likely to have the opposite effect.
Plus: New York's rent control expansion has predictable effects, people are boycotting Uber again, and violence continues in Hong Kong.
A report from the city's Department of Planning finds that housing construction has not kept pace with job growth.
Development restrictions and NIMBYism, not tech sector success, explain Silicon Valley's housing costs.
The actor and comedian is the owner of a three-unit rental property in Chicago.
California is about to get a real world lesson in how rent control laws can't solve a housing crisis.
The wish-fulfillment machine kicks into high gear on both sides of the aisle.
The socialist presidential candidate wants the federal government to take the lead in regulating rental prices and building new rental housing.
Economists have long warned that rent control only limits housing supply and drives up prices in the long-run
Rent increases could be capped at 5 percent plus inflation under a new agreement struck by Gov. Gavin Newsom and state legislative leaders.
The Golden State toys with bad fixes to its worsening housing affordability problems.
Landlords are suing to overturn state rental regulations that limit how much they can charge tenants and who they can rent to.
It's by building lots more housing, obviously.
The state's new rental regulations make it more difficult for landlords to raise rents on well-off renters.
A compromise version of the bill would cap rent increases at 7 percent plus inflation for three years.
Everywhere rent control is tried, the same things happen. Landlords exit the market. Developers stop building apartments. Supply drops significantly.
A new mailer from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation argues that allowing the construction of apartment buildings near transit stops is tantamount to "negro removal."
A suite of bills just dropped that would impose price controls and limit evictions
Oregon's new rent control law won't deliver on its promises.
The senator's own San Francisco is a case study in the policy's poor consequences.
The bill comes with new risks for tenants and property owners alike.
And that will probably make housing less affordable, not more.
Lyndsey and Sharon Ballinger's lawsuit claims that Oakland's Uniform Relocation Ordinance is unconstitutional.
Prop 10 is dead, but support for rent control is alive and well in the Golden State.
Prop. 10 would give cities free reign to reimpose rent control.
The news network largely ignores the role of government restrictions on housing construction
San Francisco is famously America's most expensive city.
San Francisco is facing a housing crisis, but overturning current limits on rent-controlled apartments threaten to make the problem worse, not better.
San Francisco rent control reduced affected rental housing by 15 percent while boosting citywide rents by 5 percent.
A new California ballot initiative proposal combines wishful thinking with the heavy hand of government.
The co-host of Last Podcast on the Left talks about Millennial libertarians, gun rights in New York City, and our fascination with serial killers.
Says the notion that expanding the housing market benefits both poor and rich sounds "counterintuitive"
Surprise: A bureaucracy powerful enough to evict your neighbors for no good reason can do the same to you.
Neutron bombs could not have emptied and destroyed the Bronx more effectively than did rent control.
Whether or not the "sharing economy" is properly communal, it better satisfies human needs. Naturally people want to kill it.
Left-wing regulations are increasing inequality, reducing affordable housing, and killing economic opportunities.
Rent control is killing the city's stock of apartments.
The popular short-term rental site angers everyone but its participants.
The Peace and Freedom Party nominates a former sitcom star.
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