Presidential History
The High Price Tag of the Obama Library
Legislators in broke Illinois are considering approving $100 million for the Barack Obama Presidential Library.
George Washington: Boozehound
Prodigious alcohol consumption by Washington and his fellow founding fathers has been whitewashed from American history.
Student Apology About "Living Legacy" Surrounding Gif of Obama Kicking Down Door Totally Oblivious To Legacy of Presidents' Violent Foreign Policies
McGill University considering revising policy that led to public apology
U.S. Presidents Aren't Worth Celebrating
Every year, there are conservatives who complain about a "War on Christmas." If there's ever a War on Presidents Day, sign us up.
Tonight on The Independents: A Very Special Presidents' Day Episode
It's a Fox Business presidentapalooza.
Elizabeth Hurley Denies Tabloid Reports She Had Affair With Bill Clinton While He Was President
Tabloids claim her ex-boyfriend Tom Sizemore said Clinton got her number from him
The Baby Boomers' JFK Fixation
Camelot nostalgia and assassination obsession as a form of generational arrogance.
John Kerry, Kennedy Assassination Theorist
The secretary of state suspects a conspiracy killed the president.
Historical Document of the Day: Gerald Ford on Squeaky Fromme
The taped testimony of a president
No More Asking for Permission To Speak
We have entrusted the Constitution to all three branches of the federal government for safekeeping. But typically, they fail to do so.
State of the Union Addresses: Going Downhill for 100 Years
The 'kingly' boredom of the State of the Union address
Declarations of Impotence
7 forgettable State of the Union speeches by second-term presidents
The State of Our Union Strong, Most Presidents Agree
"Strong", "sound" and "confident" mainstays of presidential vocabulary
Barack Obama First President Re-Elected With Less Popular, Electoral Support Second Time Around
Presidents don't usually win like this
The Right Should Re-rethink Presidential Power
Hard as it may be to remember, conservatives were the original opponents of the Imperial Presidency.
Will Romney Be Last Republican Presidential Hopeful Trying to Run Up Margins Among White Voters?
Since Richard Nixon Republicans have relied on overwhelming margins among white voters, but it doesn't look like it's going to work anymore
Presidents Usually Have Lousy Second Terms, They Also Don't Win With Unemployment This High
President Obama enters his second term