Why Do So Many Believers Think Atheists Are Worse Than Rapists?
Looking for answers at the Reason Rally in Washington, D.C.
God Is Not. Great!
Magician and TV performer Penn Jillette on atheism, terrorism, cynicism, libertarianism, and why he'd give a random stranger the keys to a Ferrari
Among the Nonbelievers: Part II
Atheist activists in Orlando talk John Locke, religious toleration, presidential politics, and Don't Ask, But Do Tell.
Among the Nonbelievers
Atheist activists in Orlando talk separation of church and state, sick kids, and Evil God.
Islam, Free Speech, and Democracy
What really happened in the Pennsylvania "zombie Mohammed" case?
Freedom of Religion vs. Freedom from Religion
If churches want to be left alone, they should stop begging alms of the government.
Obama's Contraceptive Failure
The president pretends to accommodate religious objections to his birth control mandate.
Commerce Is the Culture War
When government dictates what people buy and sell, it dictates much more.
The Gospel According to Obama
Barack Obama says faith drives much of his domestic agenda-and no one even blinks.