Food Freedom
Shark Fin Bans Lack Bite
Misguided state laws threaten to ban the sale or possession of shark fins. Fishermen, chefs, and diners will suffer the consequences.
India's Misguided Push for Food Security
Will India's right to food bill actually put food in the mouths of the poor?
California's Bogus War on Food Trucks
The latest baseless attack on mobile food vendors crashes and burns.
Can the Government Force You to Eat Your Broccoli?
The Supreme Court weighs in on food freedom.
Are Food Trucks Really Like Child Molesters?
California law would ban nouveau chuckwagons from locating near schools.
Say Goodbye to the King-Sized Snickers Bar
How Michelle Obama is fighting to make excessive chocolate consumption legal but rare-and giving Big Candy a boost in the process
The Case for Walmart
New York City politicians should drop their misguided war on the retail giant.