Franzen's Folly
The novelist vs. high art's Dark Other
The wonderfully inauthentic art of America's most vital singer-songwriter
It's easier than ever to make and buy culture. No wonder some people are so upset.
Presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain certainly is a man of honor. But is he a man of principle?
From barbarism to democracy, elites seek a suspect in the reported death of art.
For today's independent artists, integrity can be financially rewarding. Can punk rock and alternative comics make peace with entrepreneurial capitalism?
As the artistic regime shifts, realism, rhyme, and representation make a comback.
Conservatives gather at a swank, sunny resort to remind themselves how terrible the world is. The occasion is Dark Ages II, and it deserves the name.
What's the point of going into space? The answer lies in a future economy based on "charm."
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