Amanda Knox Tells Her Own Story
"Our criminal justice system relies upon our own ignorance and the fact that we don't know what our rights are."

Amanda Knox's story is one of the most infamous and controversial criminal cases in recent memory. In 2007, while studying abroad in Italy, she was accused of murdering her roommate, Meredith Kercher, in what the lead prosecutor claimed was a bizarre sex game gone wrong. Despite mishandled DNA, a coerced confession, and a lack of credible evidence, Knox was convicted and spent nearly four years in an Italian prison before being exonerated in 2015. Her wrongful conviction was a media spectacle that sensationalized every aspect of her life.
In March 2024, Hulu announced an eight-episode limited series about Knox's story, with Knox joining Monica Lewinsky as an executive producer. Notably, this is one of the rare times Knox has been offered a say in the way her story is told by others.
In October, Knox spoke with Reason's Billy Binion about her role in one of the first modern true crime stories, the psychological impact of being imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit, and what she calls "the single victim fallacy." She hosts a podcast called Labyrinths with her partner, Christopher Robinson. Her book Free is set to be released in March 2025.
Reason: You were arrested and imprisoned in November 2007. Two years later, you were found guilty of a murder that you would ultimately be exonerated for. We know wrongful convictions happen across the world. There is someone, somewhere, right now in a similar situation. What would you say to that person if they were sitting in front of you?
Knox: I never want people to think that you can rely on the truth ultimately coming out. That is not something that we can count on necessarily. I can't promise that justice will ultimately result in any of these cases.
There's no telling how it's going to work out. There's a lot of factors that go into that. There's luck. There's the right people showing up at the right time. There's the evidence coming through. There's technology that becomes available. All of that plays into whether or not an innocent person is going to get out of prison and then successfully reintegrate into society. The thing that they always need to know, though, is it is entirely up to them to figure out how to be their best selves in these circumstances. That is their power, and no one can take that away from them.
But prison is pretty horrible, is it not?
It's 100 percent a horrible place. When I was in that space, I woke up sad, I spent the whole day sad, and I went to bed sad. That was just my emotional default setting, which was very new to me. I was a very happy person up until this circumstance happened. That didn't change the fact, though, that there was always something that I could do in any given day that would make it worth living. And it might be something really simple like writing a letter to my mom. It might be reading a book and educating myself. It might be doing as many sit-ups as I possibly could. There were always things that I could find that were meaningful to me, even in their humble ways that made at least life in that moment worth living.
Do you find that that's transferable to people experiencing tragedies that have nothing to do with wrongful convictions?
Yes, I think it's applicable to anyone going through a horrendous circumstance. I really thought that this experience I was going through was very unique and it made me feel very ostracized from the rest of humanity. That was part of the sadness—feeling like I didn't belong to the rest of humanity anymore. I slowly, over the course of years, have realized that we are all carrying our own private tragedies and we all can feel like we don't have agency. And my message to people is, regardless of where you are and where you belong, there is something that you can do that matters to you. Find that and do it.
You've written about some of the more dramatic indignities that you experienced—constantly being solicited for sex and harassed by people in positions of authority, a cellmate attacking you and not being able to defend yourself because it would've hurt your chances in court. Because you were ultimately exonerated, many people would be horrified on your behalf. But they should be horrified even if someone is guilty, right?
Absolutely. The indignities that so many people face in prison—guilty or innocent alike—are not doing any of us any good. A lot of the people that I met in prison were sitting there feeling victimized and feeling like they could not wait to get back out and make the same mistakes over and over again. It's a little bit "fuck off." There was this feeling of "I'm not sitting here becoming a better person. I'm sitting here being victimized all over again."
So many of the women that I was imprisoned with had been victims of crime long before they had ever committed crimes themselves. They were swimming in a world where crime was a part of the rhythm of life and so was prison. Their sense of who they were and how they belonged to the rest of humanity was corrupted by a sense of victimization.
I think that some people might argue that vengeance is the point. It's just the point of justice to make people suffer who made other people suffer. That's the goal. And if that's the goal, if that's what you really think our society needs, then sure, we're doing it right. But if what you want is a society that is safer, that is attempting to address the causes of crime in the first place and is attempting to mitigate circumstances that might lead to crimes, then you have to take a step back from that righteous indignation you feel toward a person who committed a crime and instead say, "What is it that works?" And what we're doing right now is not working.
The "evidence" in your case was extremely spurious—mishandled DNA evidence, law enforcement lying under oath, and most importantly, a coerced confession where you implicated your boss at the time, Patrick Lumumba, after several days when you were screamed at for hours in a language you did not speak fluently. You were slapped several times. You got your period during the interrogation and weren't allowed to use the restroom. What do people not understand about what effect that has on the mind?
It's the biggest obstacle I feel to justice in so many of these wrongful convictions cases. Coercive interrogations and what happens behind closed doors with authority figures who are hell-bent on getting what they want out of witnesses or suspects: That side of the criminal justice system is very dark and very scary. A lot of people like to think that, if they were in my shoes, nothing short of being beaten with a rubber hose or dangled out a window would get them to implicate themselves or others in a crime that they knew they were innocent of. Obviously, the research speaks otherwise. But speaking from personal experience, I can tell you that I have never been put in a position of doubting my own sanity like I was in the hands of those police officers.
I was made to believe that I had repressed all memories of having witnessed a traumatic event but that now I was being forced to unearth repressed memories or else I would never see my family again. I was put in an impossible position where they reshaped my understanding of reality through lies and manipulation so that I felt like there was no possible answer besides the one that they eventually coerced me into signing onto—which was that I had witnessed my boss commit a horrific crime and I was so traumatized by it that I could not even remember it. That was the story that they wanted me to tell. And once they had it, they latched onto it.
I think they were under a lot of pressure to come up with answers. Because there is this resistance to appreciating psychological coercion and torture, there was a resistance once the evidence was at hand. They saw, "Oh, this guy [named Rudy Guede] who has a long history of breaking and entering, his DNA is all over the crime scene. Maybe that's the guy who did it." They held onto, "Well, Amanda confessed, so she must have witnessed something. Maybe she got them confused, or maybe she's a mastermind and she's cunningly subbing in one person for another." There was complete resistance to the idea that they had just gaslit a 20-year-old into not even knowing what was the truth or not anymore.
I still remain wrongly convicted of a lesser charge, which is slander. After I signed those statements, and it turned out that my boss obviously was completely innocent and had nothing to do with this crime, even after I retracted those statements, I was accused of having maliciously and intentionally slandered him in order to divert the course of justice. I was found guilty of that crime, and I was sentenced to three years in prison for that crime. And technically, in Italy, they say that I served rightfully three years in prison for the outcome of that interrogation. I'm still fighting that to this day.
The press uncritically recycled information that the police and prosecutors would feed them. What do you make of that when the job of the press is supposedly to hold the government to account? Do you still think that's a problem today?
Yes. I think that's actually the thing that the Netflix documentary filmmakers were really good at pinpointing. I was shocked until I realized that the people who are writing those headlines and publishing those headlines are being rewarded for that behavior. They are being paid by us when we click on those headlines. And they are giving us exactly what we seem to want, which is not well-researched, thoughtful, balanced, something that takes time and consideration and expertise. It's being first. It's being loudest. And it is tapping into that deep part of ourselves that loves schadenfreude and that enjoys the sort of lewdness and shamefulness of other people's stories and gets gratification out of that.
How has that affected your media consumption and how you see the world?
I am very skeptical when I see even things that are not just obviously scandalous headlines, but just little two-second blips of "This person said this." And I'm like, "Hmm, that context is probably being stripped away for that sound bite."
That said, I do think there is a certain amount of media literacy entering into the broader public because we all are now content creators. In a weird way, now that we've seen a little bit how the sausage gets made, we're more aware of how the bigger sausages get made. I think that's a really interesting turn. It's not that we demand higher standards—we demand higher transparency. You came to this crazy outlandish conclusion, well, fine, but tell me how you got there. I'm here for the ride. Just show your work.
I read something in The New York Times written after your memoir was released. The article concluded like this: "The injustice very likely done to [Amanda Knox] pales beside the brutal truth of Kercher's death, and no plea for sympathy will ever bridge the difference." What do you make of that?
It is a common response, and it's so common that I actually came up with a term for it: the single victim fallacy. This idea that in any given morality narrative, there's only room for one victim. So either you care about Meredith's tragedy or you care about my tragedy; you're incapable of caring about both. And this is a logical fallacy. You absolutely can care about the fact that young women get murdered when they are in their own homes studying abroad. The real tragedy of what happened to Meredith is that this was a common thing that happens to women all over the world. We are targeted and brutalized by men, treated as objects, and then thrown away. And that is a horrific reality that I almost faced, and that a person that I lived with experienced.

In learning about your case, I came to the conclusion that Italy's criminal justice system is a hot mess. You weren't read your rights during your interrogation. You were denied a lawyer despite asking for one. You were held without charge. The prosecution withheld a lot of evidence from the defense. And your jurors weren't screened for bias. What perspective did that give you on the U.S. criminal justice system?
Well, I didn't really know anything about criminal justice systems when I left for Italy. And so when I came home to the U.S., I didn't really have much insight into how similar or different it was to what I had experienced in Italy. It was only when I met other wrongly convicted people who had spent time in prison here in the U.S. that I got an education about what problems we have. And in some ways, it made me appreciative of certain things that they did in Italy.
For instance, appeals are guaranteed in Italy in ways that they are not really guaranteed here in the U.S. And it was shocking to me that the average number of years that a wrongfully convicted person here in the U.S. spends in prison is like 14—and I spent four in Italy.
I think a lot of people find themselves in situations where they don't even know what their rights are, and they don't know that they should have legal counsel there to educate them about their rights. And that's how a lot of people end up getting into trouble, because our criminal justice system partly relies upon our own ignorance and the fact that we don't know what our rights are.
What do you think the criminal justice reform movement in the U.S. is doing well? And what do you think it's doing not so well?
I think something that it is doing well is also the thing that it's not doing well, depending on what criminal justice person you're talking to. I do not think that it helps to make more enemies than you already have. The things that I have seen that have worked the best, that have really benefited the most people, have been when criminal justice advocates and defense attorneys have found some kind of common ground and common purpose with the law enforcement community and the prosecutors. Trying to find the places where we agree is actually a really important fundamental step.
I'm a practical person. I want to have an effective impact on the world that's actually going to accomplish my goals to live in a world where we can trust each other and feel safer and be able to trust our authority figures. I feel like there are lots of different ways to approach this. One thing that I really care about, that I advocate for, is banning police use [of] deception when they are interacting with witnesses or suspects.
Right now, police can just lie to you. They can lie to you, and there's no consequences. And I think that is incredibly damaging to their relationship with the rest of us. I also think it leads the police officers to have false self-confidence in what is true or not. They have this false sense of being able to tell if someone's lying or not lying because they have been trained to lie. The research shows that they don't, and that's dangerous.
I think if we work together, we can help more people faster. And so when I see criminal justice advocates quietly or loudly attempting to find common ground with "the enemy," that makes me feel really reassured.
True crime has had a place for centuries, but with the perfect storm of new social media, extremely salacious allegations, and all these things that were tailor-made to grab people's eyes, Amanda Knox essentially kicked off the true crime craze of the modern era. What are your thoughts on the popularity of the genre, and is there a way to tell those stories in a respectful and decent way?
I get into a lot of that on a miniseries that I did for [my podcast] Labyrinths, called "Blood Money." I was curious about the history of it. I was not a true crime person before I became the subject of a true crime phenomenon. So a part of me didn't quite get it. The more I looked at the history, the further I saw it go back. True crime has been of immense interest as far back as even before the printing press. People were writing about crimes, about salacious crimes. Crimes that were abnormal, that rose above just the tragedy. And this endless fascination with justice. What does justice look like? Does it look like a person burning at the stake? Does it look like the victims finally getting to have a say in the courtroom? What is justice?
What troubles me is that the worst experiences of people's lives are not talked about for the sake of journalistic integrity. It's infotainment. And so often, the people who have the most at stake in whether and how those stories are told have absolutely no say about it. And there's no qualms about it even by content creators.
I have rebelled against this idea that someone like me has nothing valuable to say or to offer when it comes to how my own story is told. A lot of people come to me and want me to help them tell their story, and that comes with an incredible amount of psychological weight for me because I've had my story told by other people over and over and over again, and I have felt utterly exploited in so many different ways.
A 2021 movie called Stillwater was inspired by your story. Did they consult you at all?
No, I found out about it the exact same time that everybody else found out about it. They started having headlines like "movie inspired by Amanda Knox's life."
You're like, "Oh, OK, I guess, once again, the worst experience of my life is being used by others for their own profit making." And it's not that I begrudge them that impulse because we all are inspired by real life, what came before us, and what is within our eyeline. And unfortunately, my story made headlines around the world for a very long time, so people were aware of it, and they knew that they could sell it because it had sold a million fricking newspapers already.
What made me sad about Stillwater was they said that they had done their due diligence and gone out of their way to speak to the people in rural Vermont—or wherever it was that they were saying Matt Damon was from—so that he could really get into the character. But they were advertising the movie based on me, and no one had ever bothered to reach out to me to ask me about my experience.
One reason why I actually agreed to do the [2016] Netflix documentary was because the filmmakers said, "Hey, we're not going to do this documentary without you." I said, "OK, well, I don't want to do it." And they said, "OK, we're not going to do it." I was like, "Wow, you are the one and only filmmakers I have ever heard who walked away from all this footage and all this vision because they were like, it's not right to do the story without you."
Are you involved in the Hulu series coming up?
I am. The one time that Hollywood actually invited someone like me to be an [executive producer]. It's a really cool flipping of the script, and I think I have to thank Monica Lewinsky in a huge way for that. As someone who has had her worst experiences out there and exploited, she wanted to uplift people who are in my position to actually have a say in telling their own stories. And so I am finding myself in the extremely privileged and rare position of being a subject who has a say. I am taking that very, very seriously. I am really proud of the work we're doing.
There are still people out there, after all of these years, after all of the evidence being aired, despite all of it, who still think you're lying. What do you say to them?
I don't. If somebody thinks I'm lying, I've learned that it has very little to do with me and a lot to do with whatever is going on with them, which I don't have control over. So I don't really worry about that unless it's in a courtroom—and then I'm fighting it.
I have given myself the grace to not feel the burden of having to explain myself to every single person out there. That's in large part due to having met other wrongly convicted people. Before I did, I felt this horrendous obstacle of, "If I'm going to belong to humanity again, I have to explain myself to every single person," and I have given up on that horrific, impossible task. I do not feel compelled to do that.
This interview has been condensed and edited for style and clarity.
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Her story doesn't add up. No problem with letting her tell it, but there's some dishonesty in reporting the other side here.
In other turds, punishment = = justice!!! The more PUNISHMENTS, the more JUSTICE!!! We must PUNISH-PUNISH-PUNISH, till our raging punishment boners are Satan-sated!!! Then let's let a few hours expire, so ass to recharge our depleted punishment boners, and then do shit AGAIN!!! Shit doesn't matter if they are REALLY guilty, or snot, just find SOMEONE to blame, and then PUNISH them!!!
(Is there punishments video? Asking, for a FIEND!!! An EVIL fiend!!!)
Twat MORE punishments do YOU want to see inflicted upon her?
Your post doesn't add up.
It contains no specifics.
Sounds like there’s a rabid squirrel that should be put down.
Her new concept of "single victim" is a retelling of false choice fallacy.
And there is a not insignificant group of people that don't care if they are in prison.
Our Dear Leader, The One And Only, TRUMP, is The One True Victim of EVIL Lawfare, and of Mike Pence, General Milley, the Lizard People, AND of the Demon-Craps!!!
Thou Shalt have NO Udder Victims, Udder than TRUMP!!! Else ye are a WITCH, who needs to be PUNISHED!!!
(And if anyone DARES to call this a false choice... Then THEY are promulgating a false, WITCHY choice!)
And her promotion of it is some next-level attention-whoring. The difference between herself and Britney Griner is that Griner knowingly possessed CBD/Hash oil.
Never talk to cops.
100% this.
They're just like everyone else and want to take the quickest and easiest way to get the job done. Always have a lawyer do the talking for you.
That said, I'm not familiar with Italian law. Do you have a right to have an attorney present when being interrogated?
Italian law, from what I can tell, is to arrest people first and ask questions later. Look at the way they treated the people involved in the Linate Airport disaster in 2001.
Instead of looking at the systemic issues causing the collision, they went and convicted the air traffic controller for eight years for causing the disaster - which he had actual little control over due to issues with the airport out of his control.
I seem to remember them convicting and imprisoning seismologists for not predicting an earthquake too.
Scientists convicted of manslaughter for failing to warn of earthquake
Out-take from the article...
"There are still people out there, after all of these years, after all of the evidence being aired, despite all of it, who still think you're lying. What do you say to them?"
"I don't. If somebody thinks I'm lying, I've learned that it has very little to do with me and a lot to do with whatever is going on with them, which I don't have control over."
She's gained some wisdom here. Some people think that they can read the news and put on their Magic Tinfoil Hate-Hat, and then they can Know ALL Things! Who, PervFect MEEEE, have to sit on a jury and actually HEAR the evidence, before I decide?!??! Ha! Absurd!
Trying to explain to PervFected People, Who Are PervFect Witch-Hunters, that there ARE no magic witches, is a waste of time!
The odd thing with all of this is they figured out who actually did it relatively quickly: Rudy Guede. This isn't some sort of criminal mastermind, evidence of his guilt was everywhere. He got released in 2021 and most recently had a restraining order taken out against him by his girlfriend. Nice chap.
So the Italian police's case was that Knox and her boyfriend planned it.
I've not followed this closely at all, so I had no idea. Thanks!, Petti, sarc, JewFree and others embarrassed as new report exposes Hamas Ministry if Health including soldiers and people who died of natural causes like cancer in their Israeli caused death totals.
The whole thing is phony from top to bottom. The Israelis aren't angels and Mossad is frequently downright evil, but the Hamas estimates everyone was publishing were beyond stupid, and everyone who fell for them are functionally retarded.
For fuck sakes, the exact same "corpses" showed up at every different "atrocity".
When everything is said and done I'll be surprised if actual civilian deaths exceed a thousand.
That said, a good percentage of the people who "fell" for them only did so out of Jew hate.
"...The Israelis aren't angels and Mossad is frequently downright evil,..."
Properly so. Hamas started a war which only they can end. They will do so when they have suffered sufficient casualties.
If that number is 100%, so be it. They were stupid enough to start a war they could not possibly afford to win and hoped their most potent weapon (victim-whining) would do the job.
Outside of antisemitic shits like JFucked, truman and Misek, (and Hollywood lefties) no one is buying it. Get your act together or get dead; I don't care.
Surprised if they exceed a thousand?! Every building in Gaza is demolished, 2.2 million packed in < 100 sq miles, more ordinance dropped than in Vietnam . . . How high ARE you?
Muslims are encouraged to lie to non muslims. The quoran flat out calls for it. Never under any circumstance trust a rag head
No - cite the text. You're thinking of the Talmud - Zohar 1160a: "Jews must always try to deceive Christians."
Funny, the Left did the same thing with the Capitol riot. Did those officers die on J6? No, but they were there so the Left lies that they died because of it.
READ the below and hang your tiny brainless, power-lusting shit-head in SHAME for always taking the side of Trumpanzees, power-luster-pig! also
‘Kill him with his own gun’ – DC cop talks about Capitol riot
DC Police officer Michael Fanone: I had a choice to make: Use deadly force, which would likely result with the mob ending his life, or trying something else.
“Pro-law-and-order” Trumpturds take the side of trumpanzees going apeshit, making cops beg for their lives! For trying to defend democracy against mobocracy! Can you slime-wads sink ANY lower?!?!
Sqrlsy, you were lied to from top to bottom. It is now apparent to any one who isn't blind or doesn't rely on CNN and friends, that there was an insurrection that day and it was perpetrated by the FBI, with complicity from the GOPe and the top Dems. By now this should be obvious even to you.
Sure, sure! There, there now, Murderer's Lament (Suicide Farmer)! And the Amphibian People (Ass led by Their Leader, Pepe the Stolen-IP Racist Frog) mind-cuntrolled them ALL!!!
Twat I want to know... Which NO ONE (not even PervFected You) has ever explained to me, is WHY were SO MANY PervFected Trumpanzees gone apeshit, AND Dear Leader Trump Himself, SOOO susceptible to Pepe's Mind Cuntrol? WHY could they SNOT resist, and think and act for themselves?
HANG MIKE PENCE! And Trump agreed!!!
"Hang Mike Pence" narrative was a lie. Only one guy was recorded shouting it and he was never arrested even though his face is on camera, and the rest of the crowd is calling him a fed and telling him to fuck off. The J6 committee admitted that they dubbed it and other chants onto the clips they showed during their kangaroo court.
You've been spreading lies, maybe out of ignorance at first, but now you know that they are lies but you don't care.
Yes, Dear, the Amphibian People have taken over the WHOLE world, and EVERYTHING that You don't PervFectly Like, is all LIES! Only YOU are Truth!
“Hang Mike Pence”!!! Dear Leader agrees!!!
Trump defends Jan. 6 rioters’ ‘hang Mike Pence’ chant in new audio
The audio captured part of an interview ABC News’ Jonathan Karl conducted with Trump at Mar-a-Lago in March for Karl’s upcoming book.
PS, Mike Pence’s dangerous words and ideas were that votes, voters, established democratic norms and processes, peaceful transfers of power, and the USA Constitution should actually be RESPECTED!!! Now just IMAGINE THAT!!! This was HERESY to True Trumpaloos!!!
Seems to me that trumpanzees gone apeshit (to include Dear Leader His PervFected Self) suffer from SEVERE character flaws if they can SNOT bring themselves to RESIST Mind Cuntrol from the FBI and the Amphibian People!!!
And who is mind cuntrolling YOU, Oh PervFected Murderer's Lament (Suicide Farmer)?
How unsurprising.
Biden commutes sentence of doctor who made millions deluding chemotherapy drugs for patients.
Biden is commuting an awful lot of genuinely horrible people. These aren't the regular "lied to the FBI" kind of charges.
Biden is trying to turn down the complain after pardon g the child pornographer
Pretty sure the Biden crime family is selling these.
It's definitely a case of 1500+ payoffs for the road for these Biden assholes. Dirty until the very end.
Absolutely. I’m guess g he clears at least $20 million on his way out the door. After all, his earning power is about to go away, and his crackhead degenerate son isn’t going to pick up any slack.
I’m surprised they didn’t try to get Hunter appointed to a congressional seat.
Ooooh, that ugly "profit".
Lady, what do you think all the other media reporters were, amateurs and non-profits? Do you really think love makes the world go round, and not self-interest? What do you think this particular interview is about, if not profit, both by the interviewer and this magazine, and by your own self-interest? Or are you saying you were kidnapped and drugged and forced into this interview?
I'm not following what you're trying to say here. Can you explain a little more?
Her complaint is that someone made money off yet another Amanda Knox movie (Stillwater). My complaint is that everyone who's ever reported on her case has made money off the story. Why do so many people think "profit" is ugly? Why do governments create this separate category of "non-profits" which are somehow holier than "for-profits"?
Is she the only one allowed to make money off her story? She and everyone else who moans about profit is a hypocrite.
It isn't the law, but it's probably best practices to interview all the participants if you're going to tell the story. That seems to be her primary complaint.
To your point, study some semi-ancient history about this clearly over-paid CEO of "United Way" charities, and his scandals...
Who are you to judge who is “overpaid”?
I stopped giving to the United Way when I read about this vastly overpaid "charitable" person. I don't buy snake oil from snake oil salesmen who I think are overpaid. Notice I said NOTHING about Government Almighty punishing "overpaid" persons for being "overpaid", ass long ass said persons commit no other REAL crimes, such ass fraud, which is stealing by lying.
Who are YOU to judge my judgments about where I donate or spend MY money, or who I speak out against, as long as I say what is true?
The problem is not YOU thinking the UW exec is overpaid, the problem is you asserting that is true. In actual true fact, his pay is a matter of negotiation between him and whoever signs his paycheck, a voluntary trade which be definition makes him properly paid, neither over nor under, by the only two people who have skin in the game.
Now if you don't want to donate because you think he makes too much, that is your right too. But you are a third party and your opinion is not some universal truth.
"...But you are a third party and your opinion is not some universal truth...."
That's the spastic asshole; his opinion on anything at all is not worth shit.
That's the Sevo the Pedo, Hippo in a Speedo; shit's opinion on anything at all is not worth shit.
I used to think that there was NO use for ugly, disease-carrying cockroaches like Sevo! Turns out that I was wrong!
Cockroaches turned into cyborgs in just 68 seconds with new automated machine
This new machine could churn out armies of cyborg cockroaches in no time for things like search and rescue operations.
The statements and opinions of the spastic asshole are not worth shit. Fuck off and die, asshole.
Sevo the Pedo, Hippo in a Speedo, I sure do (doooo-dooo!!!) hope that the techies can turn PervFected You into a cockroach-cyborg, so that SOME real use can be made of PervFected You!
It IS universally true that if I think some asshole is a hypocritical overpaid detriment to society, then I won't spend a DIME of MY money that may feed him or her and-or their overfed egos! Unless I have NO other choice! This is called (in the aggregate) a "boycott", and a boycott CAN be a TRUE fact of life!
In my day... Yes, I am a geezer... Employers pressured employees to give to the United Way (some percentage of pay). I do believe I had "skin in the game", because they tracked it... The departments were rated for how many people chipped in, etc. So I "bucked the system" and did NOT put in, after this shit came out about the United Way CEO!
So I DID have "skin in the game", and my "mere opinion" did, and does, matter!
Why do governments create this separate category of "non-profits" which are somehow holier than "for-profits"?
Right. If you believe money is corrupting the problem is revenue, not profit. Dems and lefties focus on profit because it exempts themselves, but in reality non-profits are just as corruptible.
Reason is making money off her right now in fact.
Not very much though, because, well, current Reason.
Like most people (in similar circumstances), she doesn't think that her story should be milked. I personally don't care, but this ain't a socialist position.
No, it's her problem of hypocrisy, of thinking that being made a public figure entitles her to control the narrative, and that includes sneering at "profit" as making things worse. If that movie "Stillwater" had been made by some non-profit organization, she would have hated it just as much. She threw in "profit" as a slur, and that's my complaint.
I think she’s more irked by the media profiting at her expense, as opposed to being irked at the basic concept of profit.
Ugh. Oh, ok, so I’m like, this chick is soooo fresh, like subprime, once again……
You're like, "Oh, OK, I guess, once again, the worst experience of my life is being used by others for their own profit making."
Funny, I took her principal complaint here to be not about the profit per se, but the "using" portion of her comment. That others are making money off of her story without her consent. Now she doesn't obviously own her own story like this, but she does own her reputation, and it is not difficult to understand how other people producing a movie about a traumatic episode of your own life without your input at all might be disturbing.
Like the way you democrats constantly slander anyone who deviates from The Narrative, or is not subservient to the democrat plantation.
and it is not difficult to understand how other people
producing a movie about a traumatic episode of your own lifeforcing vaccines without your input at all might be disturbing.Gee, if there only was a social-political system that minimized the number of people with authoritative power.
And if only they had a magazine and a website to promote that idea...
And only if it wasn't for 85% of the supposed "libertarian" cummentors and dementors (actually sore-in-the-cunt cuntsorevaturd wolves in sheep's clothing) that CUNTSTANTLY tear down Reason, their writers, and their principles, with LIES that they pull out of thin air, and out of their Magic Tinfoil Hate-Hats!
Who are You to judge whose posts are unworthy of being read, Oh DLAM The Delaminated and Cuntaminated Wonder Child?
Spastic asshole should fuck off and die, right?
Euthanized at the vet. With acid, and/or maybe a flamethrower.
This is how I see SQRLSY…..
Oh no, readers disagree on writers on terrible policy on immigration and deferring by default on "private property" on corporate censorship. They must be "cuntsorevaturds." The hallmark of libertarianism is never questioning like minded people.
You know who thought the Ferguson Effect was made up BS? You know who dismissed tech censorship as right wing bellyaching? You know who wrote that theorizing drones over NJ skies were sent by Iran was "hawish", as they just regurgitate state explanation? You know who insisted the crisis of the border was hyped up by republicans before it really hit the fan? That's right, Shikha Dalmia used to write here.
Given that the Russian probe was based on a total fabrication and all his convictions are essentially a hit job by a kangaroo court, it's not far fetched to say Trump has some things in common with Amanda Knox. He had the resources to fight back. J6 was in part a result of his supporters expressing outrage over the injustice.
You're outraged by "Hang Mike Pence" but remained silent on "From River to the Sea" and wanted signs of CEOs going up in NY. Save your selective morality for Blusky, where retards of your caliber are welcomed.
It's amazing that you think that everything you wrote above is 100% true.
Probably because it is true, Lying Jeffy.
"From River to the Sea" sucks, too!!!
Now twatabout that them thar twataboutism? Or will matters about THAT clear up ONLY after we "Hang Mike Pence"?
Butt, whatabout that them thar whatabouts? Twatabout Hillary? Whatabout OJ Simpson?
How many brain cells does it take to run a socio-political simulation on the following:
Judge and Jury: “Murderer, we find you guilty of murder! 20 years in the hoosegow for YOU! Now OFF with ye!”
Murderer: “But OJ Simpson got off for murder, why not me? We’re all equal, and need to be treated likewise-equal!”
Judge and Jury: “Oh, yes, sure, we forgot about that! You’re free to go! Have a good life, and try not to murder too many MORE people, please! Goodbye!”
Now WHERE does this line of thinking and acting lead to? Think REALLY-REALLY HARD now, please! What ABOUT OJ Simpson, now? Can we make progress towards peace & justice in this fashion?
(Ass for me, I think we should have PUT THE SQUEEZE on OJ!)
He’s also silent about millions of his fellow travelers cheering in the assassination attempts made against Trump.
Citation please, lying Servant and Serpent of the Evil One!
Why are YOU so silent about the trillions of sore-in-the-cunt cuntsorevaturds who CUNTSTANTLY lust after torturing, killing, and then drinking the blood of all the newborn Christian babies? WHY do YOU personally disobey Trump, and pollute our Blood and Soil, AND Our Precious Bodily Fluids?
C'mon, man. Masks aren't mere talismans!
Let me guess, when you see someone who is wearing a mask in public nowadays, your kneejerk response is "brainwashed leftie", right?
They generally are. Do you wear a mask in public?
My kneejerk response is "fucking idiot", and then "what a poseur".
"Our criminal justice system relies upon our own ignorance and the fact that we don't know what our rights are."
Or, in Trump's case, it relies on totally corrupt prosecutors, willing to twist the law for political purposes. They need to be in jail so they don't do it again.
Now do a story on confessed liar and convicted murderer Crystal Magnum and how she fabricated the bull shit story about being raped by the Duke Lacrosse team members.
This b.s. about believing all women is just that...B.S.
E. Jean Carol included.
E Jean Carroll belongs in an 19tu century insane asylum, and subject to the ‘treatments’ offered at the time.
"Our criminal justice system relies upon our own ignorance and the fact that we don't know what our rights are."
So... is this a withering attack on Italy's justice system? Or are we glibly mixing complaints about Italy's justice system with ours and just going with it?
She mentions complaints about both justice systems.
So... the answer to my question is... "Yes"?
Justice systems between America and most European countries vary quite widely, especially in terms of interrogation rules, methods and procedures for evidence gathering, charge determination and the judicial and trial process. Hell, France (to name just one) doesn't even use a 'beyond a reasonable doubt' system, they use the preponderance of evidence standard.
Hell, when an American cop goes to Europe to consult on police work and announces he was shocked to discover that most police interrogations "began physically", that tells you how, at least as far as expectations go, the differences are significant.
Police are lazy all over the world. Most murders are committed by people the victim knows or are living with, so that's always the obvious suspect. So they just went with the easy suspect.
What's interesting here in St. Louis is that a few weeks ago a young black man was killed. Usually the local police shrug and go on with their lives. But because he was a rich young man at a prestigious local high school. So cops were super motivated and lo and behold, caught the shooter
I just noticed that SQRLSY is a cult leader of his own church.
I'm not sure if Scienfoologism is legit field or parody. I have to know, in order to determine if I should that this priest or priestess seriously.
That PROVES that I am legit, and that EVERYONE should follow MEEE, and worshit the FDA!!! Read and heed!
One thing I agree with Trump on. Get rid of daylight savings time.
Living on the western edge of a time zone, I would prefer to abolish Standard Time and go to year-round Daylight Savings Time.
Stick with the status quo. The grass isn’t necessarily greener.
It's dark here at 5:00 in the winter. Fuck that.
Interesting article about the nature of the federal civilian workforce.
Did you know:
1. The federal civilian workforce is about the same today as it was in 1984; and
2. That 80% of the federal civilian workforce don't work in DC.
Article did a good job of making the case that wages for the federal workforce are not driving the federal budget. No mention of entitlements or interest on the debt though.
Excellent point made...
Or straight to the point: What's Constitutional and what is ILLEGAL (UN-Constitutional) use.
Huh. So Trump lied again about Project 2025.
Trump, before the election: I've never heard of it!
Trump, after the election: It's wonderful!
I won't go into individual items, but I had nothing to do with Project 2025. Now, if we had a few people that were involved, they had hundreds of them. This is a big document, from what I understand,
If that's a lie, it's weaksauce.
But really I don't care what he thinks of 2025. If it happens it happens, and what they push doesn't bother me.
"They complicated my election by doing it because people tried to tie me and I didn't agree with everything in there, and some things I vehemently disagreed with, and I thought it was inappropriate that they would come out with a document like that prior to my election," Trump continued, adding, "I thought it was a very foolish thing for them to do."
But your takeaway from what this interview is that he was lying and is changing his tune? Do you wonder why people came up with "Trump Derangement Syndrome?" It's like you're not even existing in the same reality to read something and conclude the exact opposite of what it says.
But of course, you're only repeating the Newsweek headline, where they took a quote where he said,
"I didn't want to read it. I read enough about it. They have some things that are very conservative and very good. They have other things I don't like."
Then they clipped out "very conservative and very good" and put it in the headline as if that was the main takeaway, when the reality is that he like some of it and doesn't like some of it. I don't know why it should be surprising that he does agree with some of it; the problem is that people attributed things in it as though Trump was the one pushing it when he was not.
"...and some things I vehemently disagreed with..." says Dear Leader, butt He will SNOT tell us WHICH shit offends Him!
Has He EVER apologized for agreeing with "Hang Mike Pence" and "execute General Milley", and "my erections were stolen"?
The Meeting of the Right Rightist Minds will now cum to Odor! Per Odor of Spermy Daniels!
Years ago by now, Our Dear Leader announced to us, that He may commit murder in broad daylight, and we shall still support Him! So He Has Cummanded, and So Must Shit be Done!
And now, oh ye Faithful of the Republican Church, Shit Has Become Known Unto us, that Shit is also in His Power and Privilege Ass Well, to murder the USA Constitution in broad daylight. Thus He Has Spoken, and Thus Must Shit Be Done! Thou shalt Render Unto Trump, and simply REND the USA Constitution, and wipe thine wise asses with shit! Do NOT render unto some moldering old scrap of bathroom tissue! Lest we be called fools, or worse!
Proud Boys, STAND with TRUMP, and stand by! And if ye don’t agree 110%, then we don’t need you polluting our world, because all who disagree with us in ANY way are LEFTISTS!!!
There, I think that’s a wrap! I’ve covered shit ALL! You can take the rest of the day off now.
(You’re welcome!)
Your "Hang Mike Pence" narrative was a lie and I know that you and Jeffy know that.
So PervFect You thinks that truth will go away, if only You PervFectly Perform Big LIES about it often enough? Is 98% of the world, and truth, out to "get" You, Oh PervFectly Paranoid One?
Unlike most people around here, I don't give Trump the endless benefit of the doubt. In fact, I think it might even be possible that Trump might tell a lie from time to time. You know, like every other politician ever.
I don't really believe that he had "no idea" what was in the document prior to the election. I think instead that he was reading the polls which said that it was a net negative for him to be tied to the document so that is why he distanced himself from it. He learned his lesson from his 'fine people on both sides' gaffe when, before the election, he didn't try to split hairs and try to explain publicly the things he liked and the things he didn't like about Project 2025, so he just denounced the whole thing.
Why do I think he was lying? Because a large number of the document's authors were associated with his prior admin or his campaign. So the same ideas that were in that document were also presented to him as policy during the campaign.
I think the real Trump Derangement Syndrome arises from people who treat Trump as a sort of quasi-Pope, infallible and always to be taken at face value. Why is it that Trump always gets the benefit of the doubt, every single fucking time?
Why do I think he was lying? Because a large number of the document's authors were associated with his prior admin or his campaign
But your citation, that you used as proof he was lying, is a case in which he's being selectively misquoted. So your citation was useless. You've already made up your mind that it was a lie, and now that I've pointed out that your evidence is not evidence of anything at all (and look at your earlier message where claim this i some type of pivot of Trump when it's entirely in line with what he said before the election), now you have to shift the goalposts of your argument.
You KNOW he was lying, and you don't need any evidence. So you see something that pretends to be evidence, share it, and when it's demonstrate it's not actually evidence of shit, you still don't adjust your conclusion. You're arguing backwards from the conclusion that you're right.
I don't really give a shit about it, but the way you'll push a disingenuous argument is awe-inspiring. You were just wrong, you actually don't have evidence of the thing. It's okay to be wrong. Personally, I think I believe Trump when he said he intentionally didn't read Project 2025 so he could distance himself form it. I believe he didn't care what it was and wouldn't adopt it even if he approved of certain things within it. Just like I'd believe Harris or Biden if there was a leftist think tank sharing around policy ideas before an election and they claimed they weren't familiar with it, even if I know they'd probably agree with a lot of the proposals it contained.
But your citation, that you used as proof he was lying, is a case in which he's being selectively misquoted. So your citation was useless.
That's not my citation. This is my citation:
Just look at the authors on that list. The overwhelming majority of those people are people that Trump either appointed in his first term, Trump will appoint in his second term, or served on his campaign. To say that Trump was insulated from the ideas in Project 2025 is ludicrous. They are all people in Trump's orbit in one way or another.
You've already made up your mind that it was a lie,
I treat his claims skeptically. Do you?
You KNOW he was lying, and you don't need any evidence.
I could say the same about you:
You KNOW he is telling the truth, and you take it entirely on faith that he is truthful.
Is that a correct way to phrase your position?
This is the type of crap I'm talking about. All skepticism or critical thought goes out the window when Trump speaks, and it is just accepted on faith that he is correct, and the burden is on everyone else to prove otherwise. Which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the standard applied to every other politician. THAT is Trump Derangement Syndrome. Or maybe I should call it Trump Cultism.
See, in 2023, when Biden decided to start cracking down on border security, it was because he was sincerely and genuinely concerned about the growing border crisis. OR, he was reading the polls and they told him public opinion had moved against him.
Which is it? Probably 80% of the people, myself included, would say Biden, LIKE EVERY OTHER FUCKING POLITICIAN, was primarily motivated by poll numbers and getting re-elected. But oh no, not Trump. He is as pure as the wind-driven snow and when he says something it comes straight from the heart and he would never be so crass as to be motivated by polls. Right? Right?
Personally, I think I believe Trump when he said he intentionally didn't read Project 2025 so he could distance himself form it.
Of course you do. On what basis?
Just like I'd believe Harris or Biden if there was a leftist think tank sharing around policy ideas before an election and they claimed they weren't familiar with it, even if I know they'd probably agree with a lot of the proposals it contained.
I think that's bullshit. Especially when that same think tank contained the same people that Biden and/or Harris formerly employed.
Trump? Read?
Let me put it another way.
At some point, you have to admit that Public Choice Theory applies to Trump just as much as it applies to everyone else.
Let me put it to you yet another way.
Sometimes, Trump's critics are correct.
Do you think that Team Trump really has a 100% record of always being right on everything and every issue that they have ever addressed and every word that he has ever uttered? That would be absurd, a statistical impossibility. So in those times when Team Trump is wrong, that would necessarily mean that there are times when Trump's critics are correct. To acknowledge that Trump's critics are correct does not mean endorsing the entirety of the worldview of all of his critics. One can agree with Liz Cheney when she says that "Trump is a threat to democracy" without endorsing all of her batshit insane international military adventurism. It is simply acknowledging a statistical reality.
Holy strawmen, Batman!
Thank you for validating the true meaning of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is to extend Trump the infinite benefit of the doubt and to assume he is truthful and demanding everyone else prove him wrong, which is the exact opposite assumption applied to every other politician ever.
“Let me put it to you yet another way.”
Lol. Jesus Christ, and then you did. You might wanna think about getting a new hobby. Seriously.
Every single time.
Unlike most people around here,
I don't give Trump the endless benefit of the doubt, I'm a fifty-center paid to advance Democratic Party narratives in comments sections no matter how ridiculous and asinine"Fixed that for you, bro.
Nice try, asshole, but that's not what he said before the election at all.
Liar, liar, panties on fire!!!
WATCH: ‘I have nothing to do with Project 2025,’ Trump says
Politics Sep 10, 2024 10:59 PM EST
Jeff lies. It his fundamental traits. Truth doesn't matter to him. Narratives do.
It os funny watching him intentionally misquote Trump and then call it a lie. Yet will run with sarc to claim their word for word citations are lies.
They are fundamentally dishonest people. Like most of the left.
It "os" funny watching JesseBahnFarter-Fuhrer writing like the high-school dorp-out that shit is, dorping right FAR, far-right out!!!
Do you recall the awesome enchanter named “Tim”, in “Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail”? The one who could “summon fire without flint or tinder”? Well, you remind me of Tim… You are an enchanter who can summon persuasion without facts or logic!
So I discussed your awesome talents with some dear personal friends on the Reason staff… Accordingly…
Reason staff has asked me to convey the following message to you:
Hi Fantastically Talented Author:
Obviously, you are a silver-tongued orator, and you also know how to translate your spectacular talents to the written word! We at Reason have need for writers like you, who have near-magical persuasive powers, without having to write at great, tedious length, or resorting to boring facts and citations.
At Reason, we pay above-market-band salaries to permanent staff, or above-market-band per-word-based fees to freelancers, at your choice. To both permanent staff, and to free-lancers, we provide excellent health, dental, and vision benefits. We also provide FREE unlimited access to nubile young groupies, although we do firmly stipulate that persuasion, not coercion, MUST be applied when taking advantage of said nubile young groupies.
Please send your resume, and another sample of your writings, along with your salary or fee demands, to .
Thank You! -Reason Staff
Are you volunteering to be the TDS (Trump's Deranged Supporters) translator? Because you get really angry when someone takes Trump for his word, and then you get really angry when they don't. You get really angry when someone looks at what Trump said instead of what he did, and you get really angry when someone looks at what he did instead of what he said. You want both ways with everything. So those of us with principles require someone completely devoid of principles and integrity to be a translator, in order to understand what those who judge everything by who, not what, really mean. Did you just raise your hand? Because you possess all the qualities, or lack thereof, necessary for the job.
Look at sarc rush to defend jeffs dishonesty with the quote lol.
You two pathological pieces of shit can't help it.
There is no translation needed. The words he used were clear. You and Jeff want to twist his words like the dishonest leftists you are.
Man what pieces of dishonest shit you two are. Lol.
His words are clear unless you tell me to ignore them and look at his record instead. Which happens a lot. Which is why I could use the musings of a malevolent malcontent with a masters in mendacity.
So you lied about needing a translation?
Why do you and Jeff struggle sp much with english?
Can't help yourself, can you?
Jeffy lied, Sarckles. It's right there in black and white if you'd bothered to read it before white knighting.
Time to pull your head out of your ass, and stop embarrassing yourself.
He obviously knows what it is now. You Marxist faggots have been screaming about this for months. And only scum like you care about this anyway Pedo Jeffy.
You lost, big. And you’re gong to lose a whole lot more. So seethe harder, you fat bitch.
Good grief. So he hadn't heard of it then but he does now so that makes him a liar???? UR so stupid.
I'd never heard of it but this article by Politico is so retarded.....
Throughout the entire article ... "Christian Nationalist"
Evidence ... "The documents obtained by POLITICO do not outline specific Christian nationalist policies."
Seriously. I got to ask. How biased and prejudice and full of complete BS does a person have to be to spout names throughout an entire article only to admit they have ZERO evidence of their BS having any foundation what-so-ever.
You leftards are literally a cult of [Na]tional So[zi]alist[s] bound and determined to conquer and consume the USA.
This new “evidence” that Trump was lying consists entirely of Trump saying things completely consistent with what he said before.
Maybe Trump was lying, but the fact that Jeff has to pretend this is a smoking gun when it’s absolutely not is just a sign of desperation. It means he’s operating entirely on confirmation bias.
"...Trump saying things completely consistent with what he said before."
Yes, Trump DOES bless political violence! "Hang Mike Pence", and "Execute General Milley"!
Still foxy. Would.
You make such cuck like comments. Is this why you became a leftist to try to win over a fat cat lady?
Thank you for confirming what I have long believed: people who make comments with the word "cuck" are low-class bottom-feeding trolls.
That’s pretty insulting to bottom feeders.
"people who make comments with the word "cuck" are low-class bottom-feeding trolls."
But Lying Jeffy and Sarckles have zero problems with squealing "incel!" at people, like the giant hypocrites that they are.
These two scream vermin, Hitler, xenophobia, racist, garbage lol.
Two biggest hypocrites on the site.
Nothing says high class like commenting on the fuckability of a woman who is the subject of an article on criminal justice.
(FTR, I don’t care that the comment was made, just think it’s funny you chose to call anyone else “low-class”.)
How drunk are you?
You need to ask?
Imagine the wildest bender you've ever been on and then multiply by ten. And that's just a Sunday afternoon in Sarcland.
Sarc's liver should be studied by scientists because the secret to immortality probably lies within.
Power corrupts absolutely.
And there is no shortage of 'Power' in today's 'Politics' workforce.
All the ills Knox presents is but a consequence of [WE] 'Identify-as/Work-for' gangsters RULE absolutely without any recognition of a Supreme "Peoples" Law over them.
The only thing that made the US exceptionally great was "The People" LIMITED their government by its foundational design. Letting that get lost on 'armed-theft' empathy (emotional/feelings) explains every ill in the justice system.
I came to the conclusion that Italy's criminal justice system is a hot mess.
Right now, police can just lie to you. They can lie to you, and there's no consequences.
They lie to us because we lie to them. The only reason anyone's upset about it is because they're better at it than you are. And because it works.
You forget that the goal of the justice system isn't to establish The Truth. The goal - at least in America - is the protection of Due Process. Treat every single person exactly the same, and make sure their rights are protected every step of the way.
That's it. You're over (wishful) thinking it if you think anything contrary or believe you have a better system than ours.
While I can appreciate the sympathy that Reason extends to the accused, what Reason intentionally ignores - constantly - is that SO MANY of those accused ARE IN FACT CRIMINALS. Usually caught red-handed. And where Reason should be celebrating the preservation of due process for them, it instead condemns law enforcement simply for enforcing the law.
Because, more often than not, they just don't like the law. And they take it up with the wrong people. Usually at the wrong place and time as well.
These are not reasonable people. It's that simple.
Before I did, I felt this horrendous obstacle of, "If I'm going to belong to humanity again, I have to explain myself to every single person,"
We all have to do that, Amanda. Any time you're out in public, you are actively engaged in defending the reason why we should consider you worthy of society. It's not hard. Don't be a jerk, obey social rules and norms, follow the law, take responsibility for your actions, accept accountability for your bad choices, return your shopping cart to the corral (ask me if you don't understand this), never harm the most vulnerable among us, and provide for yourself instead of expecting/demanding others provide for you.
If you can't manage those very simple, baseline human things - then you have no place in society with the rest of us. It's that simple.