The Bankruptcy of Bidenomics
Biden's economic policies gave us three years of excessive, wasteful, and poorly targeted federal spending.

President Joe Biden spent much of his third year in the White House trying to brag about what he'd done for the American economy.
In February, speaking to a chapter of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in Maryland, he declared, "For the past two years, we've been carrying out my economic plan that grows the economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down." Biden then recited a laundry list of economic indicators. The unemployment rate was 3.4 percent. Gas prices had dropped by $1.60 per gallon. In his first two years in office, he said, "we created 800,000 new manufacturing jobs." Inflation was down from its peak, and take-home pay was up. "We've got more to do, but I'm telling you, the Biden economic plan is working because of you all," he said, pausing for applause. "And I really mean it."
This was typical of Biden's prepared public remarks. In at least a dozen speeches and statements in 2022 and 2023, the president referred to either "my economic plan" or "the Biden economic plan," crediting himself and his administration with the state of the economy. "My economic plan is showing results," he said in a prepared statement in November 2022. "My economic plan is working," he said in July 2023.
In summer 2023, Biden finally gave that plan a name. Or rather, he adopted the name his critics had already used to describe his policies: Bidenomics.
The term had begun as a derisive label for the president's economic foibles. An unsigned July 2022 editorial in The Wall Street Journal bore the headline "Bidenomics 101." It took issue with Biden's public demand that "companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump" bring down their prices—a sort of Nixonian jawboning where you respond to inflation by trying to bully companies into keeping prices low. The president, the editorial charged, "doesn't appear to know anything about how the private economy works."
Nearly a year later, in a speech in Chicago, Biden set out to claim Bidenomics as his own. The president framed his approach as "a fundamental break from the economic theory that has failed America's middle class for decades now."
Rather than "trickle-down economics" that helped only the already well-off, Biden said, he was pursuing an economic agenda that rejected the "belief that we should shrink public investment in infrastructure and public education." He touted his record,crediting three major laws he'd signed—the American Rescue Plan (ARP), the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act—with helping to set the U.S. economy on a better track. "Guess what?" he said. "Bidenomics is working."
Biden's speeches were defensive in tone, and for a reason: Voters have consistently reported broad unhappiness with the economy. Surveys find low support for Biden's handling of economic policy across nearly every demographic, including the younger voters and minorities who are typically Democratic stalwarts. The president's embrace of Bidenomics was an attempt to convert skeptics into believers by arguing, more or less, that the economy was actually pretty great and that this was because of him and his policies.
The Bidenomics push was best understood as a messaging strategy rather than a shift in policy vision; the White House memo announcing the Chicago speech was crafted by two political messaging operatives rather than anyone on the administration's policy team. But it did capture an underlying policy vision, a distinct approach to the economy that came to the fore during Biden's first term. That vision had many facets—pandemic aid, industrial policy, handouts for labor unions and public workers—but in many ways, it could be reduced to a single, overriding response: government spending.
Bidenomics was, at heart, a philosophy of throwing money at programs, people, political allies, and favored constituencies. That spending contributed directly and significantly to the rapid rise in inflation that helped fuel voter dissatisfaction with the state of affairs. Thanks to misallocation, poor implementation, and self-contradictory regulatory requirements, the substantive public payoffs to that spending have been weak at best and counterproductive at worst.
Empowered Workers
In his Chicago speech, Biden framed the ARP as part of Bidenomics' goal of "empowering American workers." That was a shift from when he first pitched the legislation in January 2021.
Initially, Biden described the ARP as pandemic relief, with a particular emphasis on giving vulnerable Americans resources for dealing with COVID-19. "From big cities to small towns, too many Americans are barely scraping by, or not scraping by at all," the White House's announcement said. "And the pandemic has shined a light on the persistence of racial injustice in our healthcare system and our economy."
By the time Biden entered office, Congress, under President Donald Trump, had already passed about $4 trillion worth of pandemic spending. For Biden, that wasn't enough. Prior pandemic spending was "a step in the right direction" but "only a down payment" that "fell far short of the resources needed to tackle the immediate crisis."
In his first weeks in office, Biden proposed a $1.9 trillion spending package. Like previous rounds of pandemic aid, it would be funded via the deficit—by borrowing rather than raising tax revenue or cutting spending elsewhere. He rejected a counterproposal from congressional Republicans that would have totaled about $620 billion. Biden offered few specifics as to why that figure was insufficient, but he insisted the real risk was in passing a spending package that was too small. In a meeting with the Republicans proposing the smaller alternative, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said, Biden said "that he will not slow down work on this urgent crisis response, and will not settle for a package that fails to meet the moment." The new president was intent on going—which is to say spending—big.
"We are in a race against time," the ARP announcement said, "and absent additional government assistance, the economic and public health crises could worsen in the months ahead; schools will not be able to safely reopen; and vaccinations will remain far too slow."
Yet even at the time of passage, it was clear little of the ARP package would be spent on COVID relief. Less than 1 percent of the total was targeted specifically at vaccines. According to a contemporaneous analysis by the nonprofit Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, less than 6 percent was earmarked for various containment and mitigation measures—testing and tracing, general investments in public health, funding for the Indian Health Service. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) noted that a $50 billion disaster relief fund, nominally targeted at pandemic mitigation, could be used on other unrelated disasters as well, and that only half of it would likely be spent by the end of 2022, suggesting that a large portion would go toward something other than immediate pandemic emergencies.
Meanwhile, one of the largest pots of money, about $350 billion, was directed at state and local governments, who were under no obligation to spend it on the pandemic. This funding was included at the behest of lobbies representing those governments, such as the National League of Cities, which projected a $360 billion shortfall in local governments as a result of a pandemic-induced fiscal crunch. From the outset, those estimates were obviously self-serving: In 2020, even as the pandemic upended so much economic activity, state revenue was up about 7 percent from pre-pandemic levels—and that's not counting the billions in state and local aid that Congress authorized before Biden entered office.
So it was hardly surprising when most states were eventually flush with cash. California took $26 billion in ARP funding; months after the law passed, the governor's office reworked its budget to account for $76 billion in previously unexpected tax revenue. By March 2023, the Government Accountability Office reported, less than half of the state bailout money had been spent, highlighting how unnecessary that assistance had been. Some of the money that was spent, meanwhile, went to bailing out long-struggling government-owned golf courses in New Jersey and California.
The ARP also authorized about $130 billion worth of spending on public schools. This was ostensibly a COVID relief measure, but the funding could be spent for purposes that had nothing to do with the pandemic. Those billions arrived after two previous infusions of pandemic relief that had allocated a total of $71 billion for schools—almost none of which had been spent, suggesting that a lack of money was not the primary problem.
Indeed, many schools remained closed for in-person education even into 2022, mostly in blue states. The chaos in public education not only left parents scrambling for alternatives; it damaged a generation of children. National test scores showed that even in the aftermath of the pandemic, student test scores on reading and math continued to drop, reaching their lowest levels in decades.
What drove the longest school closures? Teachers unions, which lobbied aggressively for the school funds in the ARP and, at the same time, pressed relentlessly to keep teachers from being required to return to classrooms. In his Chicago speech, Biden reiterated a frequent promise to be the "most pro-union president in history." In this one way, he could indeed be said to have empowered a very narrow, very specific class of American worker.
Infrastructure Deficit
The American Rescue Plan was passed along partisan lines, without any fiscal offsets. For his next act, Biden would reach across the aisle with what became known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) or, more formally, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
When the BIL passed in late 2021, the White House issued a self-congratulatory statement calling it "a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation's infrastructure and competitiveness" while taking a shot at officials who for too long "have celebrated 'infrastructure week' without ever agreeing to build infrastructure." But the BIL itself was a deficit-spiking boondoggle that has so far failed to meet many of its own goals, funding incomplete projects and wasteful subsidies for favored constituencies.
The total cost of the law came in at $1.2 trillion, of which about $550 billion was new spending—the rest was redirected or reauthorized, including about $200 billion that had initially been part of the ARP. (Just months earlier, Biden had pitched the ARP's massive dollar figure as vital to pandemic relief. Now, apparently, much of it could be redirected.) As the spending package came together in summer 2021, the CBO estimated that it would add about $256 billion to the deficit. Other estimates found that its long-term increase in baseline spending on transportation meant the deficit increase would be closer to $400 billion.
Like so many large spending packages, the legislation was treated as a Christmas tree on which to hang tangential projects. Some of the bill's "once-in-a-generation investments" included funding for unproven drunk-driving-prevention technology on cars, a vaping ban on Amtrak, and new reporting requirements for cryptocurrency.
Much of the funding was more directly targeted at transportation infrastructure. But that doesn't mean it was well-spent.
For example, about $3 billion was allocated to California's long-delayed, long-overdue high-speed rail project. Under the original plan, a 520-mile rail line was to connect San Francisco and Los Angeles by 2020. By 2023, only 170 miles of track had been completed and the line had been trimmed to connect Merced with Bakersfield, two smaller metro areas well over an hour's drive from either of the originally planned endpoints. The project, initially funded by a bond of less than $10 billion, had run wildly over budget, with a projected final cost of $128 billion. By the time the infrastructure bill's funds were awarded, the rail line had already received $20 billion in grants, including $2.5 billion as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act—a bill passed under President Barack Obama, way back in 2009. Biden's infrastructure bill shoveled billions more at the train to nowhere.
The BIL also allocated about $7.5 billion for a nationwide network of charging stations to power America's growing fleet of electric vehicles. These have been a priority for Biden since he took office, and, through an executive order, he had set a nonbinding target that 50 percent of all vehicles sold in the United States should be electric or plug-in hybrid by 2030. He also aimed to add 500,000 new charging locations.
Yet as of late December 2023, just one single charger in Columbus, Ohio, had come online with the billions provided by the infrastructure law. A few more are likely to open in 2024, but the sluggishness of the rollout demonstrates the law's general inefficiency. Only a handful of states have even broken ground on the stations. Most have not even submitted proposals.
Part of the problem is that, in order to qualify for federal funding, the law initially required chargers to be built primarily with American-made products. Those Buy American provisions made infrastructure projects slower, more expensive, and in some cases completely infeasible. Not long after the law passed, states expressed concern that the requirement could permanently stall charger construction, with transportation officials from Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming warning in a letter to the administration that "the programs could be particularly hard to implement in rural states if [the U.S. Department of Transportation] and [the Federal Highway Administration] do not implement the provisions with flexibility."
In early 2023, the Biden administration waived the Buy American requirements for chargers produced and installed by October 2024. The waiver notice explained that it "enables EV charger acquisition and installation to immediately proceed." It was effectively an admission that the law's provisions had been at cross-purposes.
An Act That Doesn't Reduce Inflation
In 2021 and through 2022, U.S. inflation began to rise rapidly, hitting levels not seen in four decades. Although inflation increased in other developed countries as well, it ran higher in America, according to a Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco report issued in late 2021. In June 2022, year-over-year inflation peaked at 9.1 percent, and it remained at historically elevated levels for much of the rest of the year.
When the ARP was being debated, critics—including some economists associated with the Democratic Party—argued that its $1.9 trillion package, coming on the heels of the $4 trillion in deficit-financed pandemic emergency spending under Trump, was too large and too poorly designed, and it thus could cause inflation to spike.
One of the ARP's biggest provisions was a series of "economic impact payments"—checks of up to $1,400 per person for families making up to $150,000 annually, which is most families in the country. Those payments temporarily boosted American bank balances, which rose to record levels during 2021 and 2022, long after vaccines had become widely available and the most pervasive pandemic restrictions had been lifted. They also drove frenzied consumer spending, often for goods constrained by pandemic-related supply-chain restrictions.
Biden dismissed inflationary concerns, claiming in June 2022 that "the idea that [ARP] caused inflation is bizarre."
In early 2023, three economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis published a report saying that pandemic spending played a "sizable role" in excess inflation. U.S. "fiscal stimulus during the pandemic contributed to an increase in inflation of about 2.6 percentage points," they wrote. Pandemic spending wasn't the sole cause of inflation, but it was a significant factor.
Public sentiment about the economy was sour, and inflation was the biggest cause. In May 2022, Biden declared bringing down inflation would be his "top economic priority."
At the time, Biden was negotiating an ever-shifting package of social spending that his administration had dubbed Build Back Better. Early estimates put the package's total projected cost at around $3.5 trillion. Over the course of negotiations, thanks in part to resistance from moderate Democrats, especially West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, that figure was whittled down to $1.7 trillion. The legislation was renamed in accordance with the president's stated priorities: It was the Inflation Reduction Act.
The new moniker was entirely an exercise in political marketing. When the legislation was drawn up, the CBO's nonpartisan economic analysts declared its impact on inflation would be "negligible." The Penn Wharton Budget Model estimated the law's impact on inflation would be "statistically indistinguishable from zero" and the law would cause the economy to actually shrink slightly in the first 10 years after passage, while growing slightly more by 2050.
It was dubbed the Inflation Reduction Act anyway. Presumably the Economy-Shrinking, No-Effect-on-Inflation Act of 2022 would have been a harder sell.
Inflation rates did decline over the following year, but this mostly meant that prices were rising less quickly rather than actually falling. While some Democrats tried to credit Biden's policies for the slowdown in price increases, there was little reason to believe the Inflation Reduction Act played a meaningful role. "I can't think of any mechanism by which it would have brought down inflation to date," the Harvard economist Jason Furman told PBS.
Even Biden eventually seemed to agree that the law's real purpose was unrelated to its name. A year after it passed, Biden declared at an August 2023 fundraiser that at least part of the Inflation Reduction Act "has nothing to do with inflation." Rather, this $368 billion piece of the bill was "the single largest investment in climate change anywhere in the world." He added: "No one has ever, ever spent that."
Semiconductors Stall Out
Biden's agenda extended into the realm of large corporate affairs. Here, too, was a contradiction: Sometimes he bragged about bolstering large corporate initiatives, while other times he called for cracking down on big businesses. In both modes, he struggled to achieve his stated goals.
Biden came into office as a proponent of industrial policy—essentially, using federal subsidies and regulations to promote unionized factory production inside the United States. His biggest initiative on this front was the CHIPS and Science Act. Passed just days before the Inflation Reduction Act, it directed $76 billion to domestic manufacturing, with a particular emphasis on semiconductors, which are used to make computer chips. This included hefty subsidies for giant companies like Intel and Micron, providing public support to plants that were announced long before the CHIPS Act was passed.
Among the most prominent projects to benefit was a Phoenix microchip plant owned by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC). In a December 2022 appearance at the still-under-construction facility, Biden declared, "American manufacturing is back, folks."
But at the Arizona plant, which had been under construction since 2021, manufacturing hadn't even started. Construction has been slow and has suffered from cost overruns. As with the Buy American mandate in the infrastructure law, a bevy of rules and regulations that applied to companies receiving CHIPS subsidies slowed down construction and development, undercutting the intended effect. Among the law's provisions, for example, was a requirement that beneficiary companies provide on-site child care.
In 2023, just seven months after Biden's speech at the Arizona plant, TSMC announced it would delay the start of chip production until 2025, blaming labor shortages.
Meanwhile, the president also issued a whole-of-government order pushing executive agencies to focus more aggressively on antitrust. He appointed Lina Khan, a young academic who had authored a headline-making 2017 paper arguing for breaking up Amazon, to head the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Khan proceeded to file major lawsuits against the tech giants Microsoft and Meta. The FTC lost both suits. In summer 2023, Khan's FTC also launched a major lawsuit against Amazon.
Not all aspects of Bidenomics were directly related to spending. Biden also expanded the federal government's regulatory reach. At the end of 2022, the Biden administration's Unified Agenda, a guide to federal regulatory actions, listed 332 "economically significant rules," a designation for rules estimated to have an economic impact of $100 million or more. According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which compiled the regulatory data, "Biden's count of completed economically significant rules is higher than anything seen in the Bush, Obama, and Trump years."
But Biden's primary economic policy tool was spending—on unnecessary checks to Americans earning six figures, on school reopening funds that didn't reopen schools, on charging stations that went unbuilt, on a semiconductor factory that hadn't opened, on overbudget bullet trains, on an inflation reduction bill that wasn't about inflation, on aid to state and local governments that didn't need it.
"No one has ever, ever spent that" was about as useful and succinct an encapsulation of Bidenomics as one could find.
Challenging Fiscal Outlook
The best case for Bidenomics is that, on paper, the American economy at the end of 2023 is doing fairly well.
Inflation rates have fallen steeply from their 2022 peak. Job growth remained steady throughout 2023, moderating slightly at the end of the year, with the unemployment rate remaining firmly under 4 percent. As the 2023 holiday season approached, consumers appeared to be pulling back on spending, but not so much that it would cause an economic downturn. Although a 2024 recession remains a possibility, many forecasters are optimistic the economy will achieve a "soft landing," with inflation rates declining even as the economy continues to grow.
Yet there is little evidence Biden's spending binge left the American economy better off. It's not just that the spending contributed to inflation, pushing up prices on everyday necessities. The Fed responded to the inflation by raising interest rates, and that has gummed up the economy in many ways. New ventures predicated on rapid growth fueled by investment now have a much harder time securing funds. Slowdowns hit construction projects, with residential construction permits falling 30 percent from the previous year at the start of 2023. They picked up somewhat later in the year, but only after crashing first. Higher interest rates shocked the housing market in other ways too, as existing homeowners resisted selling in order to keep older, lower-interest-rate mortgages.
The president periodically said he'd like to bring down housing prices. But under Biden, prospective homeowners have been saddled with the highest mortgage interest rates in years, making homeownership—already exorbitantly expensive in many markets thanks to choked supply and regulatory burdens—even pricier for anyone who couldn't afford to pay cash.
Then there was the debt and the deficit. In May 2022, Biden bragged he had reduced the federal budget deficit—the annual gap between spending and revenues. It was true that during Biden's first years in office, the deficit came down from its pandemic peaks. But the drop was almost entirely due to expirations built into emergency spending. Biden was essentially boasting that he had allowed some temporary spending to expire as planned.
By 2023, the deficit wasn't coming down anymore. The federal government ran a deficit of $1.7 trillion, up $320 billion from the previous year. The CBO released a long-term budget forecast warning of a "challenging fiscal outlook" driven by "large and sustained deficits," leading to "high and rising federal debt that exceeds any previously recorded level." The projected cause: "faster growth in spending than in revenues." In short, spending.
Higher deficits, meanwhile, mean more spending on interest: "Rising interest rates and persistently large primary deficits cause interest costs to almost triple in relation to GDP between 2023 and 2053," the CBO noted. Small wonder that Biden stopped bragging about the deficit.
Much of Biden's presidency has been defined by this sort of memory-holing, when the president uses dubious evidence to give himself credit and then moves on when the story changes. Indeed, the word Bidenomics itself eventually fell to this sort of revisionist political marketing.
After his Chicago speech, the president traveled the country making the case for Bidenomics. It wasn't successful. Polls found that a clear majority of even Democratic voters were unhappy with the economy. In a November New York Times/Siena survey, just 2 percent of respondents rated the economy as excellent. Literally zero surveyed voters under 30 in the key swing states of Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin gave the economy top marks. Biden administration officials themselves seemed dismayed by the limited results of the president's policies: In late 2023, an unnamed White House official told CNN the president was immensely frustrated about the slow rollout of infrastructure projects that Biden had hoped to show off.
Biden used the word Bidenomics more than 100 times in various speeches, according to NBC. But by late November, the term had entirely disappeared from his prepared remarks. Democrats had reportedly decided that their economic messaging would instead revolve around the more generic phrase "people over politics." One marketing gimmick would be replaced with another—because Bidenomics wasn't working.
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Trumponomics or Bidenomics? Torture via hot pokers or via rat, snake, and ant bites? Shit sammiches or smegma-and-pus sammiches today? The choices are YOURS, my fiends!!!
Well, considering that you eat shit sandwiches daily…
I wonder if they’re served to him by ENB?
I am making a real GOOD MONEY ($550 to $750 / hr) online from my laptop. Last month I GOT chek of nearly 85000$, this online work is simple and Qg straightforward don't have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. You become independent after joining this JOB. I really thanks to my FRIEND who refer me....
This SITE....>
Shillsy's firmly "both sides" whenever Democratic Party treachery is incontrovertible. He's fair and balanced like that.
Bidenomics is delivering exactly what Koch-funded libertarians wanted when they voted for Dementia Joe - looser borders.
Hey Sandra, YOU can support EXPENSIVE labor with YOUR money, all day, every day!!! NO ONE (that I know of) is stopping you! You can go pay ALL of your excess money to the bums under the bridge, with their "Squee-Gee" rackets, to reward them for taking a few swipes at your windshields! And then you can QUIT yer bitchin'! I hereby authorize you!
Well if YOU support OPEN BORDERS then why don't YOU invite a dozen IMMIGRANT MEN in their TWENTIES to live with YOU?
(For those unaware, Squirrely is mad at me because I exposed the fraud that is his anti-violence, anti-election-denial shtick. I got him to admit he didn't even remember the progressive psychopath who tried to massacre Congresspeople at the height of RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION whining.)
How many Catholic priests, Native American Shamans, Methodist Ministers, Scientology “Leaders”, Jewish Rabbis, and Islamic and Hindu “Holy Men” are you inviting into YOUR house to stay with YOU? None, right? Since they are living “at large” in the territory of the Collective Hive of the USA, then with the Collective Hive of the USA being just EXACTLY like YOUR living room, the public (voters, through the Powers of Government Almighty) should decide which religious leaders are allowed to practice which religions in USA territory!!! Because the Collective Hive owns it ALL!!! …
Straight-through and honest analogy here… If this does NOT clarify to you, the collectivism inherent in your analogy, then you have a fossilized mind!
You pay taxes on your property, and maintain it. You have the right to says who uses it, no doubts in my mind about THAT! You do NOT own (or pay taxes on) ALL territories in the USA, power-grabbing PIG!
Lmfao is this your texting game when you talk to women you fucking incel loser? 😀 AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA
WTF you talkin' 'bout? ALL the nubile young babes cum to me and BEG for SQRL necklaces!!!! She want a SQRL necklace... She want a SQRL necklace...
Hi Tulpa!
“Dear Abby” is a personal friend of mine. She gets some VERY strange letters! For my amusement, she forwards some of them to me from time to time. Here is a relevant one:
Dear Abby, Dear Abby,
My life is a mess,
Even Bill Clinton won’t stain my dress,
I whinny seductively for the horses,
They tell me my picnic is short a few courses,
My real name is Mary Stack,
NO ONE wants my hairy crack!
On disability, I live all alone,
Spend desperate nights by the phone,
I found a man named Richard (Dick) Decker,
But he won’t give me his hairy pecker!
Dick Decker’s pecker is reserved for farm beasts,
I am beastly, yes! But my crack’s full of yeasts!
So Dear Abby, that’s just a poetic summary… You can read about the Love of my Life, Richard Decker, here: and
Farmers kept refusing to let him have sex with their animals. So he sought revenge, authorities say.
Decker the hairy pecker told me a summary of his story as below:
Decker: “Can I have sex with your horse?”
Farmer: “Lemme go ask the horse.”
Farmer: “My horse says ‘neigh’!”
And THAT was straight from the horse’s mouth! I’m not horsin’ around, here, no mare!
So Richard Decker the hairy pecker told me that, apparently never even realizing just HOW DEEPLY it hurt me, that he was all interested in farm beasts, while totally ignoring MEEE!!
So I thought maybe I could at least liven up my lonely-heart social life, by refining my common interests that I share with Richard Decker… I, too, like to have sex with horses!
But Dear Abby, the horses ALL keep on saying “neigh” to my whinnying sexual advances!
Some tell me that my whinnying is too whiny… Abby, I don’t know how to fix it!
Dear Abby, please don’t tell me “get therapy”… I can’t afford it on my disability check!
Now, along with my crack full of yeasts… I am developing anorexia! Some are calling me a “quarter pounder with cheese”, but they are NOT interested at ALL, in eating me!!! They will NOT snack on my crack!
What will I DO, Dear Abby?!?!?
-Desperately Seeking Horses, Men, or ANYTHING, in Fort Worth,
Yours Truly,
R Mac / Mary Stack / Tulpa / Mary’s Period / “.” / Satan
Holy shit, the anxious schizo incel failure in full rage. Check this out 😀
You’re such a failure at your copypasta, Sqrlsy. Absolutely terrible and pathetic rubbish. In fact, not once in this exchange did you have anything resembling so much as a halfway coherent thought or argument. I fear someone will lose some serious IQ points attempting to make any sense of your dreck. F-
Long copy-pasted shitposting is Sqrlsy's attempt at a heckler's veto.
Whenever the conversation isn't going his way he tries to render it unreadable by posting a mountain of irrelevant trash.
None of them are Tulpa or Mary, though your shitposting does remind me of White Indian.
Christ God Almighty. What a fucking waste of space.
I just see lots of little gray boxes.
Seriously, just take this piece of shit out and euthanize it.
I am SOOOOO sorry that I Hurt Your Precious Baby Feelings, Oh Great Flakey Snowflake!
Hey Punk Boogers! HERE is your “fix”! Try shit, you might LIKE shit!!! … If’n ye check ’em out & buy their service, ye will be… A Shitman hiring a hitman!!!
Another gray box. It must drive it even more nuts that I don’t read it’s gibbering inanity.
It should be put down.
Whatabout Pizza-Gate?
Ass long ass ONE team of assholes can play whatabout with the OTHER team of assholes, ass a distraction away from FIXING THEIR OWN ASSHOLERY, we make ZERO progress!!!
I FAVOR NO TEAM’S POLITICAL VIOLENCE!!! Butt YOU will mind-read me and deny that! YOU are a part of the problem, and NOT a part of the solution!
Ahahahahaha look at the anxious butthurt little vulnerable narcissist bitch double and triple messaging and receiving nothing but ridicule :DDD
Just take the L, idiot, and tell us more about Tim and his wand you stick up your ass.
"Whatabout Pizza-Gate?"
Yeah Jeffrey Epstein and his Island totally didn't exist, right?
Bored billionaires and powerful men would never go after girls a little on the young side, they're way too ethical for that. And nobody would think of pimping them to them for blackmail purposes. Right?
Or just all the media figures caught.
Jeffrey Epstein was NOT at the pizza joint, you gibberish-drooling moron!!!!
Hey Moose-Mammary Moron!!! Evil is REAL!!! Therefor YOU are evil!!!!
But, John Podesta was at both. Also of note, a couple of the Pizzagate “debunkers” got caught for CP.
Pick a business, any business, that's been open for more than a year, and there will be some evil people who've visited it. So I guess it would be OK to enter almost ANY business, and shoot it up! According to moron "logic", that is.
So... Evil right-wing assholes do evil right-wing shit? Other evil right-wing assholes will make up excuses for them! 'Cause tribalism!!! NO ONE should be surprised!!!
Then explain why the “debunkers” got caught for CP, Shillsy.
If ANYONE DARES to debunk right-wing assholes, they MUST be evil!!! And ALL evil people deal in child porn!!! THAT is how udderly SIMPLE things are for malicious, mendacious morons! So my job here is done! Ye can thank me later, alligator!
Go fuck a chipmunk, Sqrlsy. Take your L and go.
Other than all the people involved that have been caught with child porn, it’s a conspiracy theory that those people are pedophiles.
The REAL cuntspiracy theory is ass follows:
I told ya so!!!!
The Sad Saga of the Stolen Erections
And lo, it came to pass, that Tim the Enchanter blew upon His Magic Flute, and led me to a secret cave (the Cave of Caerbannog), whereupon mystic runes carved into the very living rock foretold of a day to come.
This sad, sad day has now manifested itself, just as foretold. The Promised One had been delivered to us, and was to fertilize His Queen, Spermy-Stormy Daniels, in an amazing scene; a glaze of Vaseline. Their offspring were to be called Strumpets… Which is a concatenation of Stormy and Trump. They were to number in the millions… About 332 million; enough for all residents of the USA to be issued one Strumpet per each resident, to sit on his or her right shoulder, and make sure that each resident stayed WAAAY Righteous. Each Strumpet was to progressively exert more and more Righteousness Control over each resident, by covering them in Strumpet Vines.
Sad to say, the Bad Bider-Grunch stole Trumpsmas AND Trump’s Erections! The stolen erections prevented the birth of the 332 million Strumpets, in the world’s WORST mass murder (genocide) so far! Even Saint Babbitt could NOT save the Strumpets!
This is the Sad Tale of the Demise of the USA!
Shillsy was losing covering up for pedophiles so he pulled out his Tim copypasta again.
It's impossible that sexually bored powerful men want to bang an underage teen, right Shillsy?
It's impossible that death-loving Moose-Mammary-Necrophiliac-Farter-Fuhrers would lust SOOOOO MUCH, that (even while trotting out Their Perfect Christian Theology), they would TAKE SHIT UPON THEMSELVES to decide WHO should DIE-DIE-DIE, right, self-righteous Holier Than Thou BITCH?!?! HOW MANY TIMES does Perfect YOU need to be told, Your Perfect Hairstyle (let alone Your Perfect WhoreStyle) will NOT save You from the results of YOUR Own Perfect Evil?
Mammary-Necrophilia-Farter-Fuhrer, Supreme Demonic Director of Decay, Destruction, and Death, will now SPEAK! HARKKK silently and RESPECTFULLY, all ye lowly heathens, as She Directs Death, and announces WHICH few of us MIGHT deserve to live, and WHO all deserves to DIE-DIE-DIE!!!
“You should really join ᛋᛋqrlsy, ᛋᛋhrike. You two goosestepping fascists offing yourselves would definitely be a mitzvah.”
-Quote MammaryBahnFuhrer the "Expert Christian Theologian", AKA Mother’s Lament, with a head full of cement
So Mammary-Necrophilia-Fuhrer, Supreme Demonic Director of Decay, Destruction, and Death... WHEN are You going to STOP stealing the IDs of Your victims, and then posting kiddie porn in THEIR names, and then blaming THEM?
Inquiring minds want to KNOW, dammit!
Ya EVER gonna WAKE THE FUCK UP, Perfectly EVIL, Self-Righteous Beee-Yotch?!??! Twat's shit gonna take?
When are YOU ever going to wake-up, you baby-killing, censorship-loving, Nazi demon?
Actually, that was rhetorical. I know that you already know what's true and right, and hate it.
Unless their last name is Trump, then he’s all ready to believe in pizza gate and private jets and piss tapes with Russian hookers.
Butt, whatabout that them thar whatabouts? Whatabout Hillary? Whatabout OJ Simpson?
How many brain cells does it take to run a socio-political simulation on the following:
Judge and Jury: “Murderer, we find you guilty of murder! 20 years in the hoosegow for YOU! Now OFF with ye!”
Murderer: “But OJ Simpson got off for murder, why not me? We’re all equal, and need to be treated likewise-equal!”
Judge and Jury: “Oh, yes, sure, we forgot about that! You’re free to go! Have a good life, and try not to murder too many MORE people, please! Goodbye!”
Now WHERE does this line of thinking and acting lead to? Think REALLY-REALLY HARD now, please! What ABOUT OJ Simpson, now? Can we make progress towards peace & justice in this fashion?
(Ass for me, I think we should have PUT THE SQUEEZE on OJ!)
Laugh my AAAAAASSSSS OOFFFFF Look at this complete dead end of evolution, look at the defeated, schizophrenic vulnerable narcissist stomping and moaning powerlessly, desperate for attention and we just cant stop laughing at the most pure image of perfect failure that he is Ahaahahahahhahahahahaahahahahabhahahah
Kill it.
Hey Punk Boogers! HERE is your “fix”! Try shit, you might LIKE shit!!! … If’n ye check ’em out & buy their service, ye will be… A Shitman hiring a hitman!!!
Yep, it should die. Burning it at the stake might be fun.
You got the sqrl mad.
Maybe it will have a stroke and die.
Man, that is a LOT of grey boxes here.
Agreed, I only muted ads, boozers, skitzos, and child porn posters
Shitsy is a legit psychopath and likes it when his political enemies are murdered.
He is such an anxious failure, I bet I could make him lose his shit in less than 10 minutes if I met him in person.
You are THAT ugly?!?! Well, I guess I could believe that...
Yeah, i bet it would take you about 10 minutes to scan/see a person, lmao, so retarded, quite literally, re-tarded.
Flail more, dipshit.
Malicious, mendacious moron more, malicious, mendacious moron!
Shitty, shill, stupid, sucky, seditious, slaver squirrel.
A lot less.
Yes, I do sincerely wish that ALL of the malicious, mendacious morons would crank LESS instead of MORE onto their dials, of malicious and mendacious moronism!
Is your malicious and mendacious moronism WORKING for ye? Yes, I can see that shit is SNOT!!! So cut BACK on shit!!! WAAAAAY back, Jack!!!
Like I've said all along. Democrats don't even realize they live in the USA with a US Constitution.
They seriously believe they live in a Democratic [Na]tional So[zi]alist Empire where the empire plans the economy.
My dream is the Supreme Court will actually enforce the people's law over these Nazi's someday and take back the USA from these treasonous Nazi-Hacks.
Democrats are not American. Instead, they’re malignant Marxist territorial residents.
In more "they are our profit, just want to work" open borders news...
NYC to give illegals 1k a month in prepaid cards. They have to promise not to use it on booze and other things. Pinky promise. To cost 53M a year. This is on top of the free hotels given them.
Washington state spent 340M of relief funds for illegals during the pandemic. Did I say pandemic? I meant through at least last year.
I fucking hate the people who run my state. Now they’re working on rent control proposals. I’m sure it will be a few years before this sees the light of day, but my guess is these Marxists pass something well before 2030.
And lastly California want to put the illegals who just want to work on unemployment. Costs range from 300M to 2B.
“Hold my lavender infused faux triple sec mocktail”…Denver. UBI migrants.
Cost free. All profit. As we have been told.
I’d imagine there’s a decent cost for food truck maintenance.
Not too much. They'll just hire an illegal under the table to fix it for cheap.
Just watch out for those guys from Gaza (coming to the US in just a few years).
Remember, you bigot, in 30 years approximately 5% of all these illegals will have opened successful restaurants - making all of this ok.
Because there's no negatives - well, no *net* negatives to open immigration thus those 5% will make up for the burden foisted upon us by the other 95%.
I ran those numbers, 53M per year/$12000 only equals 4,416 immigrants. What are the other 100,000 plus from the last year going to do?
San Francisco Chronicle
A Bay Area school struggling to boost low test scores and student attendance is paying $250,000 for an organization called Woke Kindergarten to train teachers to disrupt racism and remove those barriers to learning. Its test scores fell even further.
CRT is not about educating children. It is about indoctrination of children. This outfit is the same one who changed the words for wheels on the bus to be about freeing palestine in NYC.
I dunno. Test scores are racist, math is racist, so falling test scores sounds like anti-racist success.
The niggers on the bus say wooorrrld star, wooorrrld star, wooorrrlldd star
This is my addition to woke wheels on the bus
You don't like world star?
Mothers Lament is the new self-appointed Word Gestapo Nazi here.
He is fully Woke.
Ok, racist.
LOL, the only people on the thread actually being 'don't be racist' are the supposedly rabid right-wingers, who are in turn being shamed(?) by the left-wing pedophile advocates with a history of calling black people 'lawn jockeys'.
Democrats from the '90's would not recognize you today. Clown World.
Trust Pluggo to get mad when I asked the good Reverend not to use the "N" word even as hyperbole.
And unlike Kuckland who just likes to shock, you do it because you're a fucking Klansman.
He also like to watch kids getting raped, or preferably rape them himself.
UK is about to pass their new Online Safety Act that will criminalize misinformation online. The legislation exempts mainstream and corporate media in the bill.
Wonder why.
Imagine telling someone in 1994 this:
"In thirty years self-identified liberals worldwide will be pushing for the censorship of non-elite political speech, political prosecutions of opposition parties and political opponents, detaining dissidents and opposition opponents indefinitely without trial, mandatory injections of experimental drugs, global internet surveillance, government agency censorship, bank account seizures for political speech, deplatforming, social credit scores and the racial segregation of universities."
They would all be on board
I would’ve probably laughed at the person who said it.
But in 1994, most liberals were at least tolerant of Marxists, who wanted all these things and more. Maybe all that happened is a bit more indoctrination, a few more struggle sessions, and the "liberals" decided that coercion is a faster way to utopia.
See also 1972 and Hanoi Jane.
The only good marxist is a dead marxist.
And true libertarians(tm) would be mocking and shitting on the people that were pointing all of it out.
Bidenomics was, at heart, a philosophy of throwing money at programs, people, political allies, and favored constituencies.
So he followed the DNC platform of the last 3 decades. This isn't new. Just new branding. Like the left does constantly when their policies fail. Just try again with a new name.
The American Rescue Plan was passed along partisan lines, without any fiscal offsets.
I've been assured in these comments about BOAF sides.
Surveys find low support for Biden's handling of economic policy across nearly every demographic
Of course.
Turns out voters prefer those $1400 Donnie checks.
Article about Biden. TDS sufferer screams Trump. Declares everyone else a trump cultist. Denies he is a Democrat.
Don't worry. You won't be alone in the above today.
Even three quarters of Democrats reject Buttplug's comically dishonest framing of #Bidenomics.
I'm a realist so I believe the polls. Remember how told conservatives polls were all wrong and then "unskewed" the numbers?
Voters should enjoy 3.7% UE and 3% GDP growth now because it will only get worse when Fatass Donnie is elected.
Realists knows how easy polls are to manipulate. Do you think they even report raw metrics? Lol. They adjust the results to what they believe the voter population makeup will be.
turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
"" is your lazy way of explaining why the entire country doesn't consist of Democrat talking points regurgitators like you.
You use it the way religious fanatics use SATAN!
Oh bullshit.
You know damn good and well that we have facts and what Donnie's people tell us are "alternate facts". You know - lies.
I live in the world of facts. Trump Cultists prefer alternate facts.
I love how you defend against using narratives by using narratives. Lol.
Like the fact that there wasn’t real inflation a couple years ago?
Nobody believes your bullshit.
Or the current Biden can't stop illegal immigration without the new bill. Even Maher called him out for lying. Lol.
Unlimited L's
Bill Maher calls out Joe Biden for lying about requiring additional paperwork from Congress to deal with the border issues
"The president can fix this, he already has the existing laws…This is all so silly... I need a piece of paper from Congress to deal with the border…No, you already have that."
It’s transitory!
Trans-inflation instead of cis-inflation?
"I live in the world of facts..."
See? See? I told you the despicable, steaming pile of lefty shit lies
You’re embarrassed here on a daily basis because your ‘facts’ never check out. Honestly, you should just be put to death.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s false claims about the size of the crowd at President Donald Trump’s inauguration were “alternative facts,” a top Trump aide said Sunday.
In an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd pressed Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway about why the White House on Saturday had sent Spicer to the briefing podium for the first time to claim that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.”
“You’re saying it’s a falsehood. And they’re giving – Sean Spicer, our press secretary – gave alternative facts,” she said.
Fact = US is more energy independent in 2024 than in the Trump years.
turd, the TDS-addled ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
The Reason comments underpants gnome.
1. Buttplug posts CNN
2. It's an article about how Trump's claims about crowd size are lies but what they claim is true.
3. Buttplug pretends it's about economics rather than crowd size, because why the fuck not.
4. Profit???
6. Buttplug then lies off his ass about what he said.
6. Buttplug is humiliated when his claims are discredited.
7. Buttplug runs off to furiously jack it to kiddie porn.
How badly does turd lie? Well:
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2
April.20.2021 at 10:47 pm
“Ashli Babbitt attacked the USA much like the 9/11 hijackers did.”
Yep, the shit stain is dishonest/stupid enough to equate an un-armed murder victim with a terrorist flying an airliner into a high-rise. That kind of brain-damage doesn't come around often.
Fact = Putin spent 2017 to 2020 not invading Ukraine, then invaded when Biden was Commander in Chief (and after his botched Afghanistan exit).
turd's "facts" never were "facts", but he keeps repeating the same lies for years.
Is turd simply that stupid? Does he hope others are that stupid? Or is the concept of an object reality beyond his severely limited mental ability to comprehend?
In addition to being a racist, pederast, and lying out his asshole, Turd is massively fucking stupid.
There’s a reason I say he’s the stupidest motherfucker to post here.
You want to talk about media and crowd size reports? Lol. Biden is king of this media manipulation.
By the way, why do you continue to give Biden credit for something he actively is against and tries to limit?
Lol. Wait till you the see the size of the crowd at his next inauguration.
Nobody here believes your bullshit.
Remember --- he HATES Biden.
Pluggo believes and says whatever Soros orders him to.
People prefer when necessities didn't cost so much.
Also people were surprised 2022 - the year you insisted everything was fantastic - was Wall Street's worst year since 2008.
Almost like these factors are more relevant to the typical household than #DefendBidenAtAllCosts metrics like RIG COUNT or the TSCPI (Taylor Swift Concert Profitability Index).
I'm well aware of the high CPI (Cheesy-Poof Price Index) which contains the vital components spittin' tobacky, Mountain Dew, frying grease, and souse meat.
The elite don't care about CPI.
Well this is a fun bookmark. Shrike admitting fuck the poor. The rich can afford increased costs of staples. Lol.
Buttplug does the same thing Kirkland does, where he insists only losers with no money disagree with his banal #DefendDemocratsAtAllCosts routine.
It's shockingly easy to find MSM data contradicting that. Here's CNN's midterm breakdown.
Party preference by income bracket:
Under $30K = D 54%, R 42%
Over $200K = D 41%, R 58%
IOW the more financially comfortable voters were more likely to want to punish Biden's party. I bet spittin' tobaccy use is rare in this demographic. But many of them pay attention to their net worths. And they didn't like what they saw in 2022.
turd certainly is dishonest, but he’s got a heaping helping of stupid to go with his dishonesty. Stupid, lying, despicable steaming pile of lefty shit and proud to be!
Responds to a post including mainstream proof that 2022 was disastrous for Wall Street, ignores the proof, and pretends the only people who noticed 2022 sucked were poor junk food addicts.
Go on. Keep embarrassing yourself on behalf of this century's Jimmy Carter. 🙂
Liberaltarians will try to reform Biden in 30 years like they are trying to do for Carter.
Tell us again about how Carter’s legalization of homebrewing had nothing to do with the rise of brewpubs and craft beer, and how brewpubs would have arisen anyway had that not happened. Explain how people would have still learned to make craft beer had the hobby been illegal, leaving them with no legal access to equipment and ingredients. Compare that to liquor, which is still illegal to make at home, and explain how craft distilleries would pop up all over the place if they were made legal, even though nobody can legally get practice making at home.
I really like that story because it shows exactly how stupid and mendacious you are.
You can call it a strawman if you like. If you do then that means you never claimed any of those things, and you agree that Carter kicked off the craft brew revolution.
Defend or give him credit. One or the other.
Just because Carter did a few good things, that does not counterbalance the stupid stuff he did from handling Iran to inflation.
I’m not defending any of those things. I’m responding to Jesse’s lie that legalizing homebrewing had absolutely nothing to do with the rise of craft beer. As well I’m saying that there would be a similar revolution with spirits if home distilling were made legal like it is in most of the civilized world.
Hey. A strawman. I never said he did nothing retard. I said your narrative that he legalized the industry is wrong. As you state above.
I'll add the word industry to words you dont know.
"I’m responding to Jesse’s lie that legalizing homebrewing had absolutely nothing to do with the rise of craft beer."
Lol, what the fuck dude. I'm seriously laughing my ass off. Every day you're getting stupider.
Sarc: Carter deregulated the beer market.
Me: his deregulation had no effect on the commercial market
Sarc: liar!
Sarc is too stupid to understand the arguments he is trying to make.
If he wants to make the argument that home brewing effected consumer preferences that led to increased products, that's fine.
But the fact is a bill that does not modify a commercial market can not deregulate the commercial market.
It was a good bill. It led to the growth of types of beer in consumer preferences. It did not deregulate the beer market as it didn't pertain to commercial requirements for sale of beer.
Sarc is so fucking stupid he can't comprehend this and is angry a week later after I pointed it out to him.
The brewery regulations for commercial product came about in the 80s in response to changing customer demands. But carters bill did jack shit in decreasing or changing commercial regulations at the time. Sarc is basically retarded as usual.
Sarc truly revels in ignorance.
I never said he deregulated the beer market.
I said he legalized homebrewing.
Without which the craft beer revolution would not have happened.
Remember The Fixx?
InBev taking over Anheuser-Busch and laying off a bunch of their brewmasters had more to do with the craft brewery explosion than Carter ever did, 40 years prior.
Just because Carter did a few good things
Did you just admit that a Democrat did something good? Isn't that an unforgivable sin?
No. It is your strawman being shown to be a strawman.
Strawcastic just had to white knight the Pedo this morning. Why? I guess he’s a bit lonely with White Mike gone.
It's part trolling, part rage at being mocked, part alcohol induced dementia.
Sarc is referring to my pointing out his Carter regulation didn’t actually effect the industry.
Sarc is pushing a modern myth. Even Atlantic called it out before quietly updating their article to reestablish credit.
Here is Carters regulation change:
What Carter did sign was HR 1337, which legalized homebrewing “for personal or family use, and not for sale”–‘deregulating’ individual, not commercial, behavior.
It would be like crediting home growers of marijuana for creating the current marijuana industry and products.
It is the go to of fake left defending libertarians like sarc. The industry didn’t take off until state deregulation of brewer size and increased licensing, under Reagan.
The best part of this is even when sarc is given explicit facts he rubs back to the preferred dem praising narratives lol.
It would be like crediting home growers of marijuana for creating the current marijuana industry and products.
Medical, actually.
Yay! Beer.
Yeah, probably, but that's because just imagine how disgusting politics can be in 30 years time. It's possible the politicians of tomorrow will make us pine for the like's of Pelosi...oh wait we're already there.
Lets make that pine for the likes of AoC and the rest of 'the squad'.
"...Keep embarrassing yourself on behalf of this century’s Jimmy Carter..."
Experiencing embarrassment requires certain (admittedly small) levels of self-awareness and intelligence; turd can't get on that roller coaster.
I keep telling you, moron, stop reading off Jeffy’s shopping list.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
lol you had a 2 out 3 chance but managed to pick the amount of the check Biden sent out, rather than either of the ones Trump sent.
Biden - inflation doesn't exist
Biden bragging he cut the deficit. Haha
At least with Trump, his narcissist side wanted the country to do good so he could brag. You and Biden, want the country to fail but still want to brag.
Anyone else notice balin hasn't posted an article since the Mann suit got called out?
Menn should wear mann suits and women should wear nice-looking women's dresses! Ideally showing some cleavage, if the babes are still young and good-looking! To HECK with all this androgynous stuff-and-stuff! That's what I say, at least!
(So if I want to wear a mann suit, who are YOU to call me out on SHIT?)
Half the writers here are niche writers, they don't post until their quota comes up.
He is the niche "science" writer, he usually posts on Saturdays. He compleatly bought in to the lies mann has told despite plenty of commenters showing him evidence of him being compleatly wrong
What happened to Shackford? Has he taken up "drag queen story hour" full time?
He's probably laying low since his beloved hate group drag queen that the dodgers honerd had a guy get arrested for jerking off in a park while watching children play
Every. Single. Time.
That might explain why we haven’t had the typical drag queen articles out of Shackford recently.
I do have to hang my head in shame these days, and ‘fess up to being old, over the hill, and out of touch!
Butt… Now what IS this deal about “Drag Queen Spermy Daniels Hour” who-haaa thingee anyway?!?!? Is or was she the Queen of Dragging men (against their will and utmost efforts at self-control) into her lady-parts bear-trap “Snatch, I gotcha” device? What can one DO to resist her contriving and cuntriving mind control?
Does GREAT world-ass-class POETRY fend off her mind cuntrol? Doesn’t hurt to try, right?
All Hail Der TrumpfenFuhrer, Full of Grace
Savior of the human race!
Never mind, us all, He’ll disgrace!
Conservatards, above all, MUST save face!
In glory, a glaze of Vaseline,
Behold Spermy Daniels, our Queen!
What a scene, what a scene!
The Donald? NEVER so obscene!
Now don’t you DARE throw a fit,
It won’t matter, not even a bit,
We mustn’t ever, EVER quit,
We be saved, by The Trumptatorshit!
Q: What’s the difference between a rooster and a Spermy Daniels?
A: The rooster says “Cock-a-doodle-doooo”!, while the Spermy Daniels says “Any cock’ll do!”
Fats of Fury: "What happened to Shackford?"
Shillsy: "DONALD TRUMP!!!!!!!"
Benevolent and intelligent posters: "People should treat each other like they, themselves, like to be treated."
Moose-Mammary-Necrophilia Farter-Fuhrer: "ALL of those who disagree with MEEEE, deserve to DIE-DIE-DIE!!! In the Sacred Name of MY Perfect Christian Theology!"
MammaryBahnFuhrer (the Self-Proclaimed Christian Theology Expert) is now deciding who should live, and who should die, via suicide! You got Chapter and Verse on that, Oh Great Queen of the Internet Cesspools? Or are You now become Jesus-God?
Have You figured out yet, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? I am waiting with bated breath!
Also, how is Your Followership building up? I mean, for Your “Expert Theologians for Worshipful Methods of Identity Theft”? Where do we subscribe to Your Newsletter?
Hear, hear, HEAR ye the self-righteous preachings of MammaryBahnFuhrer! (Imported below). She knows JUST the right “Popular-with-the-Cool-Kids-in-Her-Own-Mind” theology to espouse, along with wearing JUST the right purse, hairstyle, whorestyle, and other accessories! Meanwhile, in the EXACT same source, She engaged in identity theft! Her heart, in truth, is a ravening black hole of hypocrisy, greedy self-righteousness, and other evils!
Now, the preachings of The Great Mammary. Note that She picks the verses that say that the right BELIEFS and whorestyles get you “in” with the “in” crowd, and then you’re free to engage in ID theft and other evils, at will!
Mammary-style whorestyles - preachings below:
It amazes me how Americans living in a purportedly Christian culture don't even understand the basic tenets of its theology.
Pretty much the whole point of Christianity is that everyone has sinned and is worthy of damnation so God became a human and took our punishment for us. And the libertarian angle is, that you still have a choice to accept or reject the gift already given.
Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV: For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Romans 6:23 ESV: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
John 3:16-17 ESV: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
(End of Mammary-Necrophilia-Farter-Fuhrer-style preachings.)
We can pick and chose our Bible verses to justify ANY evils we WANT TO justify! And YOU equate "fashionable theology to justify ANY evil shit that I want to do" with Your fashionable hairstyle and whorestyle! Got the right fashionable BELIEFS, and so then The Queen can do WHATEVER She wants! Your BELIEFS will protect You from the consequences of Your evil actions? Do You not GET this, Oh Fashionable Queen of the Internet Cesspools?
"By their fruits, you will know them", is something that Jesus said. DEEDS, not "Magic Beliefs"!
So Great Theologian... How about Your DEEDS? Like identity theft? Was it YOU who stole "Buttplug the First"'s ID, to post child porn under his ID? How can we know either way, for SURE (how can we believe any denials that You might make), when you steal IDs, and implicitly in doing so, deliberately LIE, for malicious purposes? Stealing another person's ID is something that I would NEVER do!
So tell me again about Your Superior Theology?
PS, You (Oh Queen) are apparently saying that it's OK to act HOWEVER YOU WANT, and get a "free pass" with Your Magic Beliefs, fashionable hairstyle and whorestyle, etc. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!!! Your Magic Beliefs DO NOT protect You from the consequences of Your evil choices!!! If You drink a gallon of whiskey every day, is God going to forgive You because You have Magic Beliefs? AND give You Your healthy liver back? Have You SHOWN this to be true? Or do You know ANYONE who has demonstrated this?
If You spit in the faces of ALL of Your friends, will You have any friends left? You're not married, are You? Is this perhaps the pay-back that You have earned by being a Perfectly Superior One, in the face of EVERYONE that You meet? Can you NOT see my basic point, that Your Magic Beliefs are ZERO protection from "karma", or, "what comes around, goes around"? "Karma" can even be applied to the body... Treat your body like shit, and it will NOT be very kind to you, in return!
Pretty sure Shillsy’s headed somewhere hot unless he makes a serious change.
Also this part was 100% accurate regarding Shillsy:
"It amazes me how Americans living in a purportedly Christian culture don’t even understand the basic tenets of its theology."
Like it or loathe it, Christianity's been the bedrock of Western thought for 2000 years, but guys like Shillsy don't even have the most basic concept of its doctrines.
Your words speak for themselves, death-loving necrophiliac! Your "Christianity" is ALL about hate, self-righteousness, and lusting after DEATH for anyone who disagrees with Perfect You! And Your "Christianity" has NOTHING to do with treating others as You'd like to be treated! How can You NAZI this, Oh Perfect One?
That last question kinda answers itself, if you understand evil. You can't see Your Own Perfect Evil, because... Part of Your Own Perfect Evil is that You DO believe that You Are Perfect!
Hello, WAKE UP!!!!
He works for the foundation now, not he magazine.
So now it's Old Man Bad? Finally.
I'm surprised the Democrats haven't replaced him already. The nightmare scenario is he wins and has to step down, handing the reins of power to VP Harris.
I suspect he will step down after the vote and before the Electoral College convenes, whereupon they can pick anyone (i.e. Gov. Newsom.)
(i.e. Gov. Newsom.)
They're in a pickle - they can't replace him without looking bad. Because to replace him would mean that getting him elected was a mistake.
They're in just as bad a place with Harris. They can't replace her and they can't afford to promote her to the top of the bill either.
So many decades of easy wins - where the GOP obliginly shoots itself in the foot in order to keep their sweet deal (privilege with no power as long as they tow the lion) made them lazy. Trump freaked them out. The combination of the two left them with Biden as the only 'viable' candidate and now they're stuck trying to figure out out to survive 4 more years.
The 'pickle' they find themselves in is that nobody younger than 65 years old that's currently holding power as a Democrat is even remotely electable for President since they are by and large to the left of Stalin.
My prediction is they will make people like Trump and Biden look positively tame by comparison. It's a problem that is bound to get much, much worse before there is much chance it will improve.
It’s hilarious to me that so many of our erstwhile friends here don’t understand that the GOPe were content on being the controlled opposition and Trump, being the rodeo bull he is, fucked that all to hell and made them actually do shit like go on record voting to kill Obamacare, etc.
They were all too happy to oblige all the spending, but having to actually listen to the base? That’s beyond the pale.
Biden and Harris on Air Force 1 will have an 'accident' because it's built by Boeing. It will be a tragedy that Newsom will have to run while holding back tears.
It doesn't matter. GenZ, incapable of understanding this article, will vote "not Trump" this November.
"Stupid is as stupid does" - Forest Gump.
And the Academy Award goes to Gavin Newsom. He’s been living under a rock for the past four years, ans Governor, and performs his lines with perfection.
Political analyst and CSU East Bay professor Nolan Higdon:
"But a lot of the things that have to do with crime and or the lack of accountability when it comes to crime. These have been structural issues that are that are decades in the making."
Did he support Prop 47?
Does Newsom play well outside California?
The money quote
“That’s just not true. I said, ‘We have the 10th toughest — $950 — it’s the 10th toughest in America.’ She doesn’t even know what I’m talking about,” Newsom responded, in reference to California’s $950 threshold for grand theft established by Proposition 47."
But remember
1. Reason will never give you a writeup as to why you should vote for a candidate. Though I will admit its nice to see the rare 'dump on someone other than Trump' article.
2. Trump will destroy our precious democracy.
3. The adults are back in charge.
They were all in for bill Weld.
>White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said, Biden said "that he will not slow down work on this urgent crisis response, and will not settle for a package that fails to meet the moment." The new president was intent on going—which is to say spending—big.
Really? She said that? All I've ever seen her do is flip through a large portfolio like she's looking for something and then say 'I'll circle back to you on that'.
White house spokesman Joe biden said "jdowirjtnslxlksnsx"
Which way was the wind blowing at the time; he's a reliable weather vane.
"Everything government touches turns to crap." - Ringo Starr
Weird. Yesterday you were fine with slinging mud at the GOP based on the GOP article. Today it is boaf sides.
Sarc's fair like that whenever the Democrats get caught being stupid.
>The best case for Bidenomics is that, on paper, the American economy at the end of 2023 is doing fairly well.
And then goes on in the next paragraph to basically say that the best case for Bidenomics is that, on paper, the American economy managed to avoid total destruction by Biden's policies - even though things are worse than they were 6 years ago they're better than we could have expected given the President's 'work'.
The best thing you can say about 'Bidenomics' is that if the President its trying to claim responsibility for the economy - then we're more than happy to blame him for it.
Never forget that these are the policies of the democrat party, not Joe Biden.
Trumptards called it - big December jobs revision!
UP! (Wingnuts wrong again)
The Jobs Report Includes a Big Revision to December Growth
Job growth wasn't just hot in January. Friday's jobs report also showed that growth was far stronger in December than previously thought, thanks to an unusually big revision to the data.
Employers added 333,000 jobs in December, instead of the initially reported 216,000. November's job growth was also revised higher, showing a gain of 182,000—or 9,000 higher than the prior estimate.
The December revision, plus the surprisingly strong January figure, together mean the economy has added some 285,000 more jobs than anticipated over the past two months.
Record jobs growth
Record stock market highs
higher GDP
manufacturing boom
strongest US Dollar in 10 years
Poll: 20-point deficit on handling economy highlights Biden’s struggles against Trump
"Biden trails GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on major policy and personal comparisons, including by more than 20 points on which candidate would better handle the economy. And Biden’s deficit versus Trump on handling immigration and the border is greater than 30 points ... The poll also shows Trump holding a 16-point advantage over Biden on being competent and effective, a reversal from 2020, when Biden was ahead of Trump on this quality by 9 points before defeating him in that election ... And Biden’s approval rating has declined to the lowest level of his presidency in NBC News polling — to 37% — while fewer than 3 in 10 voters approve of his handling of the Israel-Hamas war."
Don't worry though. They eventually explain why people like you just can't get enough of the dementia patient, and why I still expect him to be reelected.
"Biden holds advantages over Trump on dealing with abortion (+12)"
We all know you wouldn't lift a finger to defend Biden if he flip-flopped on that one issue and everything else about him was identical.
Polls show Americans are dumbasses.
They always say Republicans are better with the economy despite the fact Republicans left the economy in the shit-house in 2009 and 2021.
And really GH Bush lost in 1993 because of the economy.
Now you can argue that it is just bad luck for GOP economic failure.
But no sane person can say "Yeah, the economy in 1992, 2008, and 2020 was fantastic!"
Trump is going to win.
Trump is going to win.
At this point – yes. Polls back you up.
Then three months later he will claim the economy is the BEST EVER IN HISTORY!!
The TDS-addled turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
Don't be so sure.
You realize there are tens of millions of voters like Buttplug right? Rabid partisans who will crawl over broken glass to support even an unusually weak Democrat like Dementia Joe?
Add in the possibility of Trump running the stupidest campaign possible (still whining about 2020) and the GOP might hand Jimmy Carter 2.0 a second term.
Sadly, you are probably correct.
There will be a solid number of Democrats who simply vote against Trump. It's disappointing he'll almost certainly get the Republican nomination, because there are at least a few Republicans (who aren't running this time) who would certainly do a much better job.
Trump is a political molotov cocktail and not much else in my book. He's still better than just about any Democrat (who is actually running) making this yet another choice between a turd burger and a shit sandwich.
Trump is the only president in my adult life that hasn’t started any new military engagements. He also signed the First Step Act. And he reduced the amount of money the federal government takes from me by about $200 a month.
I know libertarians have different priorities, but taking less of my money, blowing up less people, and throwing less people in cages are all pretty high on my list.
I’m curious what issues are more important in your book?
……GOP “might” hand jimmy carter 2.0 a second term? You don’t sound as sure as you used to. Lol.
Fat Alvin letting those dreamers who beat up the cops walk is practically writing trumps campaign commercials for him. Complete with video. Throw in Adams ominously fretting over the destruction of NY and the dems make a case for trump.
Maybe you’re right that nothing short of boots on the ground in Ukraine can blow this for sleepy joe, or his surrogate. I disagree.
Anyone who pretends the economic downturn of 2020 was unrelated to the unprecedented-in-any-of-our-lifetimes pandemic and lockdown regime cannot be taken seriously. Major movie releases were canceled. MLB played an abbreviated season. Public health experts advised people to stay home whenever possible. (Except when they decided taking to the streets in ostentatious celebration of "Black bodies" was more important.)
It was kind of a big deal.
But still, 2020 wasn't as bad for Wall Street as Biden's second year.
I know this because ...... errrrr, CNBC told me 2022 was Wall Street's worst year since 2008. That would make it worse than 2020 by my math. Worse than any Trump year in fact.
Hmmmmm, what were you doing in 2022?
Oh now I remember. You fully committed to an aggressive gaslighting campaign to convince us everything was wonderful.
You're pathetic and stupid, but I don't think you're so stupid you can't realize how ruined your credibility is. Just couldn't keep your mouth shut in 2022. Constantly went to bat for an objectively poor economy.
I don't call you "less famous, more partisan Paul Krugman" for nuthin'. 🙂
You maintain that Fatass Donnie's shitty economy was due to Covid then.
Very plausible.
turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
"You maintain that Fatass Donnie’s shitty economy was due to Covid then.
Very plausible."
Who the fuck do you think you're tricking? Everyone can remember six years ago.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
turd, the ass-clown of the commentariat, lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a kiddie diddler, and a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a TDS-addled lying pile of lefty shit.
Fuck off and die, turd; save the children from your perversion.
You know we already debunked this shit during the week right? Full time jobs decreased, part time jobs fill the gains. Self reported numbers for employment have the biggest gap as per payroll in history. Biden changes metrics in December for full time job metrics and it still decreased. Number of 2nd jobs increased again.
Pluggo makes a goldfish look like it has a long-term memory.
In Jan 2024, didn't private jobs decrease by 31K, yet overall jobs increased. Not odd at all right?
Ok now do
1) Private jobs
2) Wages
3) Average hours
Show your work. Because 1) is negative, 2) is tiny, and 3) has decreased
Poll for Peanuts!
Why did Republican administrations leave the US economy in the shit-house 1993, 2009, 2021?
A- Bad luck
B- incompetence
So, Pluggo, why did Democratic administrations leave the economy in the shitter in 1981, and 2001?
2001 was after the Big Dawg left office Jan 2001:
The Dot-Bomb Recession: March 2001–November 2001
Duration: Eight months
GDP decline: 0.3%
Peak unemployment rate: 5.5%
But you didn't answer the question.
A or B?
You do realize that recessions can take time to show up in an economy after a policy is created, right?
Shrike, you realize the dot com bubble burst the last few months of the Clinton administration right retard? But you want to blame W. Lol.
God damn youre fucking retarded.
turd lies. turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a TDS addled lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
You know what’s hilarious about those three years? They immediately follow Democrats taking control of the House and the Senate. Oopsies.
Yep, the Bush Library is mostly about how powerful Barney Frank was and how he bitch slapped the big ol’ pussy Bush around. Oh, and then the Iraq War part is how Kerry pecker smacked Bush into invading Iraq. Bush was the least consequential president in history and a huge pussy.
Ha! Kudos to the Wall Street Journal for pissing off the far left:
Opinion | Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital
turd lies when he knows he’s lying. turd lies when we know he’s lying. turd lies when he knows that we know he’s lying.
turd lies. turd is a TDS addled lying pile of lefty shit and a pederast besides.
What did anyone expect installing a corrupt lifelong federal office holder as president? He expanded the federal workforce, tossed dollars to his political cronies, exploded the border and made war on the American people. His crackhead son is the smartest person he knows.
"Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State" could be easily attributed to FJB.
Some of us tried to warn friends in 2020, but they wanted “no mean tweets” instead.
Uhm, I checked triple A site and they quoted national gas prices at $3.19+/gallon not $1.60. never mind reread it, dropped by $1.60/gallon. So, we're now bragging that they aren't almost $5/ gallon nationally when they were under $3/gallon for most of the term of the predecessor and he wonders why no one gives him credit for a 'good' economy.
Many economists and bankers admit to Trumps economy being good. Including ones that are life long dems like Dimon. Drives shrike insane so he quotes journalists and politicians.
'Biden's speeches were defensive in tone, and for a reason: Voters have consistently reported broad unhappiness with the economy.'
Clearly those people do not accept the official Biden/DNC/media truth, and should therefore be stripped of their right to vote. Good voters are defined by happiness with Bidenomics, and everything else this administration has done.
Off Topic. When you lose the NYT you know you're in trouble
As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do.
Fun facts about E Jean Carrol
Poorly targeted? Au contraire - I'm fairly certain that all the payoffs, slush funds, bribes, and handouts got to exactly where they were intended.
Your mistake with this whole article was thinking that Joe's spending had anything to DO with the economy. It's not. It's a vote pump. Always has been with the Democrats. Their spending never makes ANYTHING better ANYWHERE, because none of the money ever goes to where they pretend it will.
It just lines pockets and rewards loyalty.
Indeed +1000000. The benefits of having a [WE] gangland gangster armed-theft affiliated "our democracy" instead of a US Constitutional Union of States.
The [Na]tional So[zi]alist[s] get to disperse their stolen pot-of-gold however they see fit / beneficial to their [WE] gang.
Meanwhile, Biden is starting WWIII.
I was reliably told by Reason that Trump started WWIII when the military droned a Hezbollah/Iranian leader, and WWIV was J6.
Iran downed a commercial jet full of Canadians…totes worth it!!
Biden gave everyone $1400 checks and then black people started buying $700k homes and G-wagens and Rolexes!?!! We can’t have blacks with savings and going to my kids’ school!?! Next they will be going to my doctor…not over my dead body!!!
You sound rational.
I worked at a grocery store seafood dept in Baltimore county in 2020. Assuming the sample group I observed for months is in any way representative, they spent it on snow crabs. Full steamers at 6:05 am, while people waited in their pajamas for snow crab breakfast.
Meanwhile restaurants across the land were closed down or restricted to carry out only. Fun times.
For the rest of the balance, the white people in that market spent their stimulus on toilet paper and the 30 year old kid living in their basement.
I can't even tell which sock pup this is anymore. I'm going with Shrike.
"Biden's economic policies gave us three years of excessive, wasteful, and poorly targeted federal spending."
Well, isn't that why so many dead people voted for him in the first place?
(Never mind!)
Under what rock do these Reason writers crawl out from? "Inflation rates did decline over the following year, but this mostly meant that prices were rising less quickly rather than actually falling." How stupid do you have to be to write that? The only time prices fell in the US was during the Great Depression, when prices plummeted 27%. I hate to break it to this writer, who seems to have been born yesterday, but prices rise and don't come back down. It's called "inflation". Maybe he's never heard of it? Prices didn't magically fall at the end of Trump's term to magically reverse the 8% inflation during his presidency. And they won't now. The best we can hope for is what Biden is delivering -- a decrease in the inflation rate down to Treasury's target of 2%. Perhaps the writer should enroll in an Econ 101 course at his local high school. He needs it.
There have been multiple periods of deflation in U.S. history. And there’s probably another one coming whether you want it to or not.
You are saying home prices never decrease, or gas prices, or you know a surplus of wheat/corn wouldn't lower any prices.
Good to know.
Wait, prices do come down. It has happened more than the 'Great Depression".
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Which of those 25 points is inaccurate?
"It’s run by a groomer who believes in magic plates, magic underwear, and native Americans coming from Israel."
Anyone still disagree that "Lynn" is that piece of shit, KAR?
Ah, the anti-mormon commenter changed their name again.
So you don't dispute the facts listed. Thanks. Glad we can agree on that.
Fuck off and quit sockpuppeting, KAR.