Absolute Immunity Puts Prosecutors Above the Law
By giving powerful law enforcement officials absolute immunity from civil liability, the Supreme Court leaves their victims with no recourse.

When a storm flooded Baton Rouge in 2016, Priscilla Lefebure took shelter with her cousin and her cousin's husband, Barrett Boeker, an assistant warden at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola. During her stay at her cousin's house on the prison grounds, Lefebure later reported, Boeker raped her twice—first in front of a mirror so she would have to watch, and again days later with a foreign object.
Lefebure's allegations led to a yearslong court battle—not against her accused rapist but against District Attorney Samuel C. D'Aquilla, who seemed determined to make sure that Boeker was never indicted. As the chief prosecutor for West Feliciana Parish, which includes Angola, D'Aquilla sabotaged the case before it began.
When a grand jury considered Lefebure's charges, D'Aquilla declined to present the results of a medical exam that found bruises, redness, and irritation on Lefebure's legs, arms, and cervix. Instead, he offered a police report with his own handwritten notes, which aimed to highlight discrepancies in her story. D'Aquilla opted not to call as witnesses the two investigators on the case, the nurse who took Lefebure's rape kit, or the coroner who stored it. And he refused to meet or speak with Lefebure at all, telling local news outlets he was "uncomfortable" doing so.
The lawyer that Boeker hired to represent him was a cousin of the district attorney, Cy Jerome D'Aquila (who spells his name slightly differently). Boeker did not need his services very long, since the grand jury predictably declined to indict him.
After that fiasco, Lefebure sued Samuel D'Aquilla in federal court, saying Boeker falsely claimed his encounters with her were consensual and sought D'Aquilla's assistance in blocking rape charges. According to the lawsuit, D'Aquilla was happy to help. Lefebure accused D'Aquilla of violating her rights to equal protection and due process by deliberately crippling her case against Boeker.
Such lawsuits typically are doomed from the start, because prosecutors enjoy absolute immunity for actions they take in the course of their prosecutorial duties. That means victims of prosecutorial malfeasance cannot seek damages even for blatant constitutional violations. When district attorneys falsify evidence, knowingly introduce perjured testimony, coerce witnesses, or hide exculpatory information from the defense, their victims generally have no legal recourse. And although such misconduct theoretically can trigger professional disciplinary action, including disbarment, that rarely happens.
While debates about criminal justice reform tend to fracture along political lines, prosecutorial immunity need not be a partisan issue. One of Lefebure's attorneys, Jack Rutherford, is a prominent transgender lawyer with progressive political commitments. Her other attorney, prior to his death in September, was Ken Starr, the Republican whose investigation led to former President Bill Clinton's impeachment. When the government appealed a federal judge's decision in Lefebure's favor, the American Conservative Union, the group that puts on the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, filed a brief on her behalf, as did several victim advocacy groups.
The members of this unlikely coalition may not see eye to eye on much, but they agree that government officials should not have carte blanche to abuse their powers.
'The Wrongs Done by Dishonest Officers'
The Supreme Court announced the doctrine of absolute immunity for prosecutors in the 1976 case Imbler v. Pachtman. The Court ruled that a man who had spent years in prison could not sue a prosecutor who allegedly withheld evidence that ultimately exonerated him. The justices approvingly quoted a sentiment that Learned Hand expressed as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in 1949: "It has been thought better to leave unredressed the wrongs done by dishonest officers than to subject those who try to do their duty to the constant dread of retaliation."
Absolute immunity for prosecutors was a product of judicial activism at the highest level, and it seemed to contradict the plain meaning of federal law. Under Title 42, Section 1983 of the U.S. Code, a provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1871, "every person" who deprives someone of constitutional rights "under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State" is "liable to the party injured," who can seek damages in federal court.
Despite that broad language, the Supreme Court has grafted exceptions onto the statute. They include "qualified immunity," which shields police and other government officials from Section 1983 liability unless their alleged misconduct violated "clearly established" law. Meeting that requirement can be close to impossible, since courts often demand that plaintiffs cite precedents with nearly identical facts. Absolute immunity goes further, blocking lawsuits against prosecutors even when it is beyond dispute that their actions were unconstitutional.
Although Imbler was the first time the Supreme Court had addressed the issue, the majority said federal appeals courts were "virtually unanimous that a prosecutor enjoys absolute immunity from [Section 1983] suits for damages when he acts within the scope of his prosecutorial duties." The justices located the basis for that conclusion in the immunity that judges had long received under the common law for judicial acts.
The Court noted that appeals courts "sometimes have described the prosecutor's immunity as a form of 'quasi-judicial' immunity." It said "the functional comparability of their judgments to those of the judge…has resulted in both grand jurors and prosecutors being referred to as 'quasi-judicial' officers, and their immunities being termed 'quasi-judicial' as well."
When the Civil Rights Act of 1871 was passed, attorney Scott A. Keller explains in a 2021 Stanford Law Review article, the common law gave judges "immunity for their discretionary duties without asking whether they acted in bad faith." In addition to officials who oversaw trials, absolute immunity extended to jurors and "high-ranking executive officers—those exercising core, fully discretionary executive powers." But courts "had not yet begun to grant government prosecutors absolute immunity." Instead, "prosecutors and all other lower-ranking executive officers performing discretionary duties had a freestanding qualified immunity, which could be overcome if a plaintiff established clear evidence of subjective malice."
In the 1967 case Pierson v. Ray, the Supreme Court held that Section 1983 had not abolished absolute immunity for judges. In Imbler it went further, ruling that prosecutors enjoyed the same sort of immunity, contrary to what courts had held in the 19th century. As with judges, there is no exception for bad-faith decisions like those Lefebure accused D'Aquilla of making.
Thanks to that doctrine, courts have blocked Section 1983 lawsuits even in cases alleging egregious misconduct. In the 1994 case Dory v. Ryan, for example, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit approved absolute immunity for a prosecutor who allegedly coerced a witness to lie in testimony against a man who was then convicted and imprisoned for a drug crime. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit reached a similar conclusion in the 2003 case Cousin v. Small, which involved a man who spent a year on death row after the prosecutor allegedly withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense.
A year later in Bernard v. County of Suffolk, the 2nd Circuit said prosecutors could not be sued for putting government officials on trial to satisfy a political vendetta. "Racially invidious or partisan prosecutions, pursued without probable cause, are reprehensible," the court said, "but such motives do not necessarily remove conduct from the protection of absolute immunity."
Even when prosecutors behave reprehensibly, federal judges worry that allowing a civil remedy would invite a flood of frivolous lawsuits that would drown the criminal justice system. Clark Neily, a former constitutional litigator who now is senior vice president for legal studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, says "there's no empirical basis" for that fear.
Without absolute immunity, there would still be strong deterrents against filing groundless claims. In addition to paying court fees, a plaintiff has to find a lawyer who is willing to take on the case and go up against taxpayer-financed litigators. Lawyers typically do that in exchange for a contingency fee, meaning they will get paid only if they win at trial or secure a settlement. Attorneys therefore have a strong financial incentive to avoid frivolous claims.
Lawyers also understand that most judges are former prosecutors and that attorneys can jeopardize their careers if they earn reputations for targeting prosecutors without a solid basis. "I don't know any lawyers that would take that lightly and bring a [frivolous] case against a prosecutor—probably the most powerful government official in America," Neily says. "The magnitude of that risk is almost inexpressible."
The Prosecutor Who Was Also a Judge
When that power is abused, it can wreak havoc on the justice system, as Ralph Petty demonstrated for two decades. By day, Petty was an assistant district attorney in Midland, Texas, arguing cases against the accused. By night, he clerked for the same judges in the same courthouse, which gave him access to confidential information that the defense did not see. He spent evenings writing rulings in favor of the government, otherwise known as himself. And he earned more than $250,000 in the process.
Petty managed this covert balancing act for nearly 20 years. Midland County District Attorney Laura A. Nodolf caught wind of it when she came across his accounting records in 2019, the same year he retired, and an exposé by USA Today publicly revealed Petty's illegal side hustle in February 2021. His misconduct stripped defendants of their due process rights in more than 300 cases, including one that nearly killed a man.
In 2003, Clinton Young arrived on death row after he was convicted of murder. As one of the prosecutors on that case, Petty simultaneously worked for the presiding judge, John Hyde, despite the fact that prosecutors are prohibited from discussing ongoing cases with judges in private. But Petty did not just talk with Hyde; he was Hyde's right-hand man.
It was a relationship that proved fruitful for Petty. In an April 2021 decision recommending that Young receive a new trial, Senior District Judge Sid Harle found it was more likely than not that Petty's private communications with Hyde, who died in 2012, "at the very least…contributed to" a series of judicial rulings that favored the government over Young.
Worse, it seems that several orders Hyde issued were drafted by Petty himself. Harle noted that the orders had a "distinctive style and format" that was characteristic of Petty and that "differ[ed] from other documents prepared by the Court and other members of the Midland DA." Those orders addressed the instructions to Young's jury, the jury verdict forms, the judgment of capital murder and sentence of death, and Young's request for a new trial, which Hyde rejected.
Young, who has maintained his innocence for decades, was removed from death row in January 2022 pending a new trial. Harle ruled that Petty's "shocking" actions "destroyed any semblance of a fair trial."
The cost to Young is hard to calculate. "I missed my 20s," he says. "I missed most of my 30s. By now, I'd have my own home….I'd have a family, I'd have kids by now. I don't know how to put it."
Petty's malfeasance may have deprived hundreds of people of their liberty, and he came close to sending a possibly innocent man to his death. Yet it will be nearly impossible for his victims even to ask for financial recompense.
In 2001, Petty successfully prosecuted Erma Wilson for drug possession—a charge she vehemently denies to this day. She rejected multiple plea deals, intent on proving her innocence in court. But that is difficult to do when your prosecutor is also your de facto judge.
More than two decades later, Wilson, who is suing Petty, is still dealing with the consequences of that conviction. She could not fulfill her childhood dream of becoming a nurse, which was precluded by Texas licensing laws that disqualify people convicted of drug felonies. "All I want now is to hold Petty and Midland County's entire judicial system accountable, so other prosecutors will think twice before violating the people's rights," she said after Petty's misconduct came to light. "There is nothing that can be done to give me back the past 20 years of my life or my missed nursing career, but I can ensure that similar violations don't happen to others."
It's a mission that former federal public defender* Lara Bazelon, a law professor at the University of San Francisco, also has undertaken. A crucial part of the Supreme Court's justification for absolute immunity is the assumption that rogue prosecutors will face professional discipline. Putting that assumption to the test, Bazelon has spent the last several years filing complaints with the State Bar of California against prosecutors who leave a trail of professional abuse. She pores over the evidence and compiles the exhibits. "I do [the bar's] work for them," she says.
One of Bazelon's complaints involved former San Francisco Assistant District Attorney Linda Allen. According to a 2014 decision by a California appeals court, Allen committed "highly prejudicial misconduct" when she secured Jamal Trulove's 2010 murder conviction by lying about the only supposed eyewitness to the crime.
The appeals court overturned Trulove's conviction, and he was acquitted at his second trial in 2015. "If that state bar is ever going to discipline a prosecutor," Bazelon told me in January 2022, "it's going to be this one."
It was not. Despite Allen's deceit, Bazelon's complaint died on arrival. "The state bar is entirely unwilling to do its job even when its job is done for them," she says. "Their reasoning wouldn't fly in my sixth-grade daughter's classroom."
Bazelon has filed nine such complaints, none of them successful. "It is outrageous and undermines the Supreme Court's promise that absolute immunity for prosecutors is just fine because they will be disciplined by the bar," she says. "They won't be. And until they are, we will have more Jamal Truloves."
With Great Power Comes No Responsibility
The National Police Accountability Project notes that "absolute immunity for prosecutors is especially dangerous as the current system already incentivizes prosecutors to secure convictions at all costs, with promotions, reelection, and elevation to higher office often contingent on procuring as many convictions as possible." Prosecutors know they are shielded almost entirely from accountability for job-related misconduct. Why follow the Constitution when it is effectively optional?
That question was thrust into the mainstream during the widespread protests against police abuse in the summer of 2020. Qualified immunity, once a niche topic discussed almost exclusively among policy wonks, became a topic of dinner-table conversation overnight. But absolute immunity slid under the radar. "Qualified immunity makes it very, very difficult to sue government officials," observes Institute for Justice senior attorney Patrick Jaicomo, while absolute immunity "makes it impossible."
Police officers, who are protected by qualified immunity, continue to receive widespread scrutiny. Prosecutors have largely evaded it, notwithstanding the fact that they exercise greater power with less accountability. Yet while absolute immunity remains a relatively obscure issue, a cross-ideological consensus against it seems to be developing, as reflected in Lefebure's case.
"This case is ultimately about the rule of law and the constitution of democracy," Starr told Reason in an April interview shortly before his death. It is hard to support limited government, personal responsibility, and law and order while arguing that powerful officials should be able to violate people's rights with impunity.
Surprisingly, Lefebure's lawsuit made some headway. In 2019, a federal judge in Louisiana ruled that Lefebure could proceed with some of her claims, emphasizing a distinction that the Supreme Court has drawn between prosecutorial and investigative functions. U.S. District Judge Shelly D. Dick concluded that D'Aquilla's "alleged conduct in failing to request, obtain, and examine the rape kit; making notes on the police report; and failing to interview the Plaintiff prior to the grand jury hearing were investigative functions for which absolute immunity does not apply."
Two years later, a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit overturned Dick's ruling. "If anyone deserves to have her day in court, it is Priscilla Lefebure," Judge James C. Ho wrote for the majority. "The allegations in her complaint are sickening."
Ho said that "Lefebure's story is particularly appalling because her alleged perpetrator holds a position of significance in our criminal justice system as an assistant prison warden." He added that "Lefebure deserved to have the support of her state's elected and appointed prosecutors, investigators, and other officials in her pursuit of justice." If "her account is correct," he wrote, "the system failed her—badly."
Unfortunately, Ho said, "Supreme Court precedent makes clear that a citizen does not have standing to challenge the policies of the prosecuting authority unless she herself is prosecuted or threatened with prosecution….We are horrified by the allegations in this case—the repeated acts of rape and sexual assault, followed by grotesque acts of prosecutorial misconduct. But we have no authority to overturn Supreme Court precedent."
That ruling elicited a rare rebuke from three retired federal judges: former 9th Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski, former U.S. District Judge F.A. Little Jr., and former U.S. District Judge Michael Mukasey, who also served as President George W. Bush's final attorney general. "It shocks any semblance of a decent sensibility that there are places left in America where a sheriff and district attorney routinely fail to collect and process rape kits, where an assailant's 'we got a little rough' is accepted at face value by law enforcement, where the victim is the one investigated, and where the well-connected can avoid spending even a night in jail after being arrested on suspicion of the most depraved conduct," the trio wrote, adding that the ruling did away with "an entire class of law enforcement-related equal protection claims."
The 5th Circuit's decision left Lefebure with one last option. Her lawyers pleaded with the Supreme Court to take up the case and send a message that government officials like D'Aquilla are not above the law they are supposed to uphold. In May, as the Court's term was nearing its end, the justices declined to consider Lefebure's appeal.
Justice vs. Precedent
Lefebure v. D'Aquilla is not the only case in which Ho has bemoaned the gap between justice and Supreme Court precedent. "Worthy civil rights claims are often never brought to trial," he observed in May. "That's because an unholy trinity of legal doctrines—qualified immunity, absolute prosecutorial immunity, and Monell v. Department of Social Services of City of New York [a 1978 case involving municipal liability for official misconduct]—frequently conspires to turn winnable claims into losing ones."
Ho was responding to a lawsuit by Michael Wearry, a Lousiana man whose capital murder conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court in 2016. Wearry sued District Attorney Scott M. Perrilloux and Livingston Parish Sheriff's Detective Marlon Foster, accusing them of fabricating evidence against him. The majority of a 5th Circuit panel ruled that neither defendant was protected by absolute immunity, since the allegations involved investigation rather than prosecution.
Ho wrote a separate opinion in which he acknowledged that "the doctrine of prosecutorial immunity appears to be mistaken as an original matter" but concluded that the lawsuit was foreclosed by that doctrine. "The majority says it is 'strange' to apply prosecutorial immunity here," he wrote. "I agree. But a faithful reading of precedent requires us to grant it here, no matter how troubling I might personally find it."
Federal courts often concede that officials have violated the Constitution while in the next breath shielding them from facing a jury, saying that is what judicially constructed immunity doctrines demand. "Congress decides what our laws shall be," Ho noted in Wearry v. Foster. "Congress can abolish qualified immunity, absolute prosecutorial immunity, and Monell. And it can do so anytime it wants to."
Until that happens, it is unlikely much will change. If Lefebure's case is any indication, the Court is not inclined to revisit these precedents, even though it created this problem to begin with.
For now, accountability for the most powerful government actors will continue to be the exception. Ralph Petty, the moonlighting court clerk, was disbarred in 2021, two years after he retired in style. Linda Allen, the prosecutor in San Francisco, lost her job there in 2020 but was promptly hired by neighboring Santa Clara County. Samuel D'Aquilla still works in the same judicial district.
Boeker, the assistant prison warden at Angola, kept his job for nearly four years years after Lefebure accused him of raping her. He ultimately got the boot in May 2020, shortly before he was arrested on felony charges—not for the alleged rapes, but for assaulting an inmate with a fire extinguisher.
*CORRECTION: The original version of this article misstated Bazelon's former profession.
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Some animals are just more equal than others. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Congress to do something about either absolute or qualified immunity, the foxes are guarding the hen house on this one.
I get paid over 190$ per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I’ve been doing..
It seems bizarre that the US is full of gun nuts insisting their guns are to protect them from government officials acting in egregious ways, but no-one ever demonstrates that 'immunity' doesn't make people bulletproof.
I am shocked that this doesn't occur. We had several discussions to that effect back in the days of Balko. He regularly detailed people who were wronged in life changing ways... and then the government protected their own.
Yet all of the innocent men freed after people put them on death row by lying and skirting the law seem content to forgive and move on.
Kelly Thomas's dad never hunted down the guy who shook his gloved fist in his son's face and said "you see this? This is going to fuck you up!".
One imagines a more Charles Bronson approach. I have only seen this once. A coworker from Russia lost his son to a robbery... I think maybe it was a drug related shooting? The details are lost to me now, but police did nothing. He would bring them witnesses and they wouldnt talk to them. He would search down video footage and they wouldnt talk to him.
So he went out most nights hunting the guy who killed his son. I don't know what ended up happening... but he was extremely motivated.
But that is the only one I am aware of.
Oh wait... there was that rape case in Atlanta. The one where a 15 year old girl was raped. Police couldn't find the rapist ... for about 2 weeks. Then they found him at lunchtime one day in the middle of the street on College Ave. Naked. Beaten. And with a pair of vixe grips attached to his mangled man parts (apparently used to drag him there). No suspects were identified. Dozens of witnesses didn't see anything.
Those are not government officials, of course, but the emotions should be the same.
It seems that Dirty Harry and Death Wish scenarios just don't actually happen all that often.
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I mean, it isn't really shocking at all. It just gives the lie to those self-serving claims.
It’s shocking that you’re this big of an idiot. Oh wait, it’s quite expected of you. So not shocking at all.
It doesn't happen that often that we know about. Some of that seeming lack of action may be due to an incomplete "for sure" knowledge of who the malefactor was. (You would want to be "for sure" beyond any reasonable doubt at all, wouldn't you?) On the other hand, if you did know "for sure", and did elect to "exercise a right of private action" would you talk or brag about it, or would you do it stealthily, or from a distance, all the while condemning such "vigilante action"?
If a prosecutor were murdered, that would definitely make the news.
So what stops them from doing so?
I mean, is revenge a fiction? We keep hearing about the concept of revenge, about getting even with those who wronged us, but no one ever actually seems to do it.
I wonder why.
Why? Because it would be a kamikaze mission. Literally getting away with murder is very difficult.
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We've been tamed.
Individuals have become such docile animals.
Up until, say, WW II, it was possible for people to just up and start a new life. No national IDs, jobs weren't as specialized, people didn't have as many technological ties, houses were simple. Rob a few banks, move 1000 miles away, keep your nose clean, and get away with it.
Can't do that any more. Not only are there national IDs which are hard to gin up from scratch, people have more ties -- cell phones, email addresses, social media. People have much better toys and don't want to give it all up and start over. Houses are luxurious by past standards.
It's one reason I can't envision another civil war. People have too much at stake. You can't just walk away from your farm, move a few hundred miles to the frontier, and start a new farm. Even if have some technological job, such as sailor, railroad driver, telegrapher, you can find something similar or learn something new from the bottom up without as much disruption as would be needed today.
Add to that the comprehensive surveillance state, with private pain-offs. Move or not, everyone will know what you did--or at least what some authority figures accused you of.
It doesn't matter whether that surveillance is by the State or by private operators. Modern society makes it almost impossible to bug out and start a new life, and even where it is possible if you really go to ground and keep your head down, few people are willing to give up modern society and its creature comforts. Why give up a modern home, the internet, a car, vast food and toy selection, modern medicine, in exchange for living close to a stone age life, foraging, hunting, and growing a few piss-poor vegetables?
That's bs if you say black lives matter you can kill whoever during a riot
Why would that stop them?
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It seems that in some situations, forgiveness simply enables further evil.
I've never bought the Christian idea of unconditional forgiveness. I prefer the Jewish idea that forgiveness is the last step in the process of atonement.
The problem is many people think it's Christian doctrine to forgive someone for sins that they committed against others. It's not.
Unconditional forgiveness is a duty of the individual Christian for offences against them, personally.
Nowhere in Christian doctrine can you forgive someone for offences committed against others. It's very clear that only the individual and God can forgive you for sins against others. In fact it was recognized that when Jesus forgave sins he was making a claim to divinity.
"And Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic, “My son, your sins are forgiven.” But there were some of the scribes sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, “Why does this man speak that way? He is blaspheming; who can forgive sins but God alone?”
And immediately Jesus, aware in His spirit that they were reasoning that way within themselves, said to them, “Why are you reasoning about these things in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Arise, and take up your pallet and walk?’
“But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic— “I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home.”
And he rose and immediately took up the pallet and went out in the sight of all; so that they were all amazed and were glorifying God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this.” - Mark 2:5-12
As the ordinary individual and the state are not divine, neither the individual or the state can forgive offence not against them, personally, in Christianity. Justice must be served.
So, I've been watching the director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven since I heard it's a great film. Not in one sitting since it's 3+ hours long. It's pretty good.
But there's the pivotal moment of the movie: after Templars Guy and Raynold attack a Muslim caravan in breach of the peace between the Crusaders and Muslims, war is only averted by King Baldwin, who diverted Saladin by promising to punish the violators. Baldwin is near death, after which the throne will pass to the toddler son of his sister. His sister's current husband is so he'll assume power as regent. But his sister loves Balian, who is Good and Wise as opposed to Evil and Foolish Guy.
At this point, as death from leprosy is imminent, Baldwin wants to execute Guy along with Raynold and marry his sister to Balian.
Solves a lot of problems.
But Balian is Good, so he refuses to agree to the "murder" of Guy, despite the fact that Guy should by all rights be executed for his plot with Raynold. But we, the audience, are supposed to believe that Balian has made the morally correct choice.
But everyone knows the consequences- Guy will take over, free his mentor Raynold, and start a war with Saladin. Which is exactly what happens (after Guy tries to assassinate Balian). Crusader army gets wiped out because Guy and Raynold are evil dumbasses, and the Christians lose Jerusalem.
This is what we're conditioned to believe is right...
Weird how Western cultural purveyors view the Crusades with more anger and horror than any contemporary Muslim.
It could be a bit of embarrassment. The West has never really seemed proud of what they did in the Crusades. They went there, they conquered some land for a time, and then they lost it all.
For the Muslims, by contrast, they regained everything lost to the Western invaders. Why should they view it with anger or horror? They won.
Most of the Crusades were Christians and Muslims teaming up to fight other Christians and Muslims. Though they always started as religious crusades and jihads they usually quickly degenerated into local power plays by various lords and sultans.
Three factors that are commonly ignored by modern treatment of the Crusades are:
1. The Muslims were the actual invaders to lands that had been for centuries part of the Eastern Roman Empire and majority Christian. The initial conquest of the Levant began only 400 years earlier. The Seljuk Empire was founded in 1037. The Crusades began in 1095. A majority of Anatolians, Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians and Egyptians were still Christian at the time of the Crusades.
2. The Crusades began after a long period of Muslim aggression against Europe. Islamic armies had infiltrated as far north as central France and Switzerland in the West and into Austria from the East. Islamic armies had invaded Italy and attacked Rome, sacking the Vatican.
3. Most of the European Kings and Princes who answered the call of the Crusades were recent Viking heritage. Their immediate pagan forefathers had been trading, invading and fighting in Muslim countries for several hundred years. They knew what they were getting into.
Older Christian nations (Venetians, Byzantines, Armenians, Georgians, etc) tried to take advantage of them to regain former territory from the Seljuka, etc. Sometimes they too became victims of their aggression.
Well Written, and the answer to anyone saying that the Crusades were about European aggression only need to understand exactly WHAT the MUSLIMS DID IN EVERY TOWN IN EUROPE WHEN THEY INVADED. Please, go on. Tell people what really happened and WHY the response was the Crusades.
There are those with principles in life, and those without. Balian is one of those with principles and will refuse to do something that goes against his principles. Baldwin is similar. Both take a longer view of life and what should be done and relationships to be maintained (such as with Saladin). Guy and Raynold take a shorter view and do what will gain them the most in the short term with no regard to the long term, hence why they are evil dumbasses. We see much the same in real life and modern life.
I can use Illinois as an example. We have aldermen in Chicago (all Dems of course) who take a $5,000 bribe and get caught. They took a very short term view of what's in it for them. Then, when we have any politician who takes a longer view, the usual suspects gang up on him/her to kick him/her out of office so they can continue their short term plunder. It's why we have the pension problems and budget problems that we have in Illinois.
"There are those with principles in life, and those without. Balian is one of those with principles and will refuse to do something that goes against his principles. Baldwin is similar. Both take a longer view of life and what should be done and relationships to be maintained (such as with Saladin). Guy and Raynold take a shorter view and do what will gain them the most in the short term with no regard to the long term, hence why they are evil dumbasses. We see much the same in real life and modern life."
You can add that Balian and Baldwin have a strong sense of responsibility, especially to their family/people/subjects. Meanwhile, Guy and Raynold are selfish, greedy, and cruel.
Herein lies the fatal error: in attempting to uphold his principles, Balian betrays them. His decision is selfish. He's chosen his own moral comfort over the well being of those he's responsible for.
Like when Garak is the bad guy for trying to nuke the Founder’s home world to hell on DS9, but Worf stops him. Garak rightly pointing out that this would stop forthcoming horrendous war and save billions of lives. But Worf stops him because it would be dishonorable.
Garak was right.
The real issue is that IMMUNITY IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL ON ITS FACE. It creates those above the law and a class that has no right to redress.
This is actually THE PERFECT CASE to bring to the Supreme Court. It is a STATE LEGISLATED IMMUNITY and can be overthrown at the federal level EASILY with the right attorney.
GET IN TOUCH WITH JAY SEKULOW, if he will not take the case then ask him to find someone.
Well, that's only bizarre if one believes that gun owners are hair-trigger homicidal maniacs. Which you might consider to be disproven by your own observation there. Gun owners are largely pretty responsible citizens, however regrettable their restraint might be in cases like those in the article.
Even Kyle Rittenhouse showed tremendous restraint. He could have easily killed a dozen more people had he been so inclined.
Davedave 6 hours ago
It seems bizarre that lefty ignoramuses like you are capable of tying your shoes.
Fuck off and die, slaver.
"but no-one ever demonstrates that ‘immunity’ doesn’t make people bulletproof."
It's funny how people like DaveDave are always insisting that the gun nuts are an existential threat to law and order, and then they bitch and moan that those people don't live up to their caricatured fantasies.
It’s quite clear to me that davedave is a moron that’s spent his entire life in a bubble, and has no idea how people outside that bubble live, or even think.
Leftists aren't people
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Usually, guns protect you without actually needing to be fired.
There is always recourse; that's why we have the second amendment, and why the fascists hate it so.
Or as we used to say in the sixties, "you can't fight city hall, but you can burn it down".
That was my thought.
The entire constitution was created to limit government power in harming citizens, yet SCOTUS seems to think that isn’t the case.
And Congress, for refusing to address the issue with legislation.
The most contra-reality idea that the Supreme Court entertains is that Congress has any intention of doing it's elected duty. How many times do we see them defending a bad law and saying "It is the place of the legislative branch to change this if it is unsatisfactory."
As if they are optimistic that our politicians will be shamed by such public acknowledgement of their dereliction.
"why the fascists hate it so"
Except in fact the overt fascists oppose gun controls.
That was a pretty weak troll.
Name one.
Davedave. Two fascist lies in one statement.
You really are this dumb, aren’t you?
Well, Davedave, as a covert fascist (meaning, someone who behaves like a fascist but doesn't identify as one), you do favor gun control.
Billy, this is great!
I sincerely hope that Reason will follow up on all of these stories. I would love to see original reporting on these topics in addition to summary articles that explain the state of affairs. This sort of topic is why I originally subscribed to the magazine decades ago.
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Do you restrict yourself to copulating with humans during your webcam show, or will you go for the occasional dog or horse if the tips are high enough?
An interesting thought exercise is to reread the declaration of independence and compare those grievances against SCOTUS activism allowing England back into US government.
To say nothing of the number of Boston Massacres, taxation, and other King George behavior.
Yes, it's about time to give up on the secessionist nonsense as a failed experiment and admit the only legitimate government of the 'United States' is in Westminster.
Of course, having pretended to be a separate nation for a couple of centuries, the colony in question has missed out on any of the constitutional reforms affecting the rest of the United Kingdom, so is basically a personal possession of Charles the Last.
How many different ways can we describe an empire in decline? Currently, in terms of QI, the only difference between that and the Coercive Acts is that we aren’t sending the perpetrators to England for the fake trial.
It's about time streaming pile of lefty shit like you fuck off and die.
Serious question: can we find an alternative to the adversarial legal system? What other methods to assess culpability and impose punishment or restitution would not rely on two predefined opposing advocates who by definition (and legal foundation) will present distortions of reality to support their slanted narratives?
I’m at a loss to improve in this. You present both sides of an argument and leave it to a neutral group of people who have to unanimously agree to the truth. There are supposed to be balanced-the prosecutor is only supposed to pursue cases where they are utterly convinced of guilt, and any benefit of the doubt falls on the accused.
It does not always work because the system is composed of humans who are not perfect. But the idea of having a truly “perfect” system that cut out the humans involved is also terrifying. I’ve never heard of any different system that wouldn’t need 100 + years of tweaking just to catch up to what we have now. Better is to make small changes and tweaks to try to iron out the issues we currently face.
One obvious alternative model is science (the actual kind, not the government surplus kind). The operating mode of scientists focuses on the search for objective, reliable data followed by the most logical, unbiased analysis and interpretation.
Yes, scientists are human. But in training, most are taught to recognize and overcome biases, not exploit and inflate them. And yes, science can include adversarial competition. But those are best settled by full access to all data, not cherry-picking and rhetoric.
BTW, science has also demonstrated how most people cannot listen to contrasting skewed narratives, recognize them both as distorted, and find a third "better" interpretation. Maybe if we want something close to "truth" and consistent legal outcomes, we should try a truly blind method. Anyone ready for trial by computer?
Yes, scientists are human. But in training, most are taught to recognize and overcome biases, not exploit and inflate them.
Which is why you can hire well credentialed scientists in blood analysis who will utterly contradict the expert on the other side who will say the opposite.
Forgive me for not trusting the capacity of scientists to remain unbiased in important matters after the last three years.
What about using artificial intelligence instead?
One obvious alternative model is science (the actual kind, not the government surplus kind).
As we learned from the last two years, there is no such distinction. Anyone who thinks that this time, in this case we can rely on cold, hard science is mistaken.
But in training, most are taught to recognize and overcome biases, not exploit and inflate them.
I give to you: Anthony Fauci.
*drops microphone*
But you rely on science every day when you use the technology that you undoubtedly rely upon. Why can you trust the science behind, say, your cell phone?
"But you rely on science every day when you use the technology that you undoubtedly rely upon."
Do we really? I stopped relying on one of my first phones because it was constantly losing signal and couldn't hold a charge. So, by your reasoning, I guess science failed me miserably. Same with my buddy's first car- a chevy caprice. That fucking thing- built with The Science! (tm)- went through brake pads so fast that any time we got into the car for a run to the store we had to notify our next of kin.
The Science! (tm) brought us asbestos, the Challenger & Columbia, and Apollo 1. The Science (tm) brought us 3 Mile Island and Chernobyl.
There's a useful distinction between science and technology.
Yes, but Jeff isn't making it.
But this goes beyond such a distinction. Chemjeff is wrong to say that we "rely on science" every day. When our lights turn on, and we use our phone to get us to a new restaurant where we eat fantastic food before going to a spectacular movie, we don't "rely on science".
We can rely on these things for many reasons, science being a small part. Science may have given us cell technology, but it took a small team of engineers, designers and visionaries to turn wonky and unreliable flip phones and blackberrys into the iphone derivatives we rely on today.
The things we rely upon today weren't built by science. They were built by engineers and even craftsmen or tradesmen. They took esoteric principles, found applications for those principles and theories and packaged them into the things that work. They followed a complex process that RARELY depended on the Scientific Method.
And they failed. A lot. They failed all the time.
And this is what is so dangerous about fetishizing science as Chemjeff and Skeptic are doing. The Scientific Method is not a short cut to Truth. Every year, millions of good, unbiased scientists meticulously follow the Scientific Method on a journey to the WRONG ANSWER. That's ok, because the Method encourages disclosure and repeatability, and wrong answers will eventually be discarded. But applied to our legal system, bad theories wouldn't be esoteric papers that are hotly contested for years before being quietly withdrawn. Instead they are people imprisoned, fined and otherwise deprived of basic freedoms.
The Science! (tm) is not a mechanism for doling justice, and it is an extremely dangerous development that people believe it is some panacea.
Pedo Jeffy is the Sultan of disingenuous analogies. It’s part of his overall skill set as an inveterate lying shitweasel.
"But in training, most are taught to recognize and overcome biases, not exploit and inflate them. And yes, science can include adversarial competition. But those are best settled by full access to all data, not cherry-picking and rhetoric."
This is spoken like someone who Fucking Loves Science! (tm) but also doesn't know anything about it.
I was part of a team working a case for a former telecom company. We went to one of the foremost scientists in the country on a patent dispute. He told us that the evidence ought to give us an open and shut case, except for one problem- he had already been retained by the other team.
The problem with Skeptic's view is that it is dangerously wrong. Science is wrong all the time. Over and over and over and over. For every scientific "truth" we rely upon, there were uncountable theories discarded as they were tested, accepted, and only found wanting after being tested in a different way- often years later.
That of course isn't a problem when you are talking about the slow advance of human understanding. But in a legal system, every discarded theory would be a person thrown in jail- with people like Skeptic insisting that the process divined true guilt because The Science! (tm) said so.
In real life, it is well known that The Science! (tm) is regularly abused by prosecutors to put innocent people in jail. Phrenology, Bite Mark identification, chemical analysis, seed analysis, handwriting analysis, even fingerprint analysis. All these "tools" have erroneously put people behind bars, and they were able to do so because someone appealed to the authority of the Scientific Method.
I think you missed my point. As I said, scientists are flawed and science does not always meet ideal expectations. But it is the only human venture I know that at least tries for objectivity, and recognizes biases and emotions--and rhetoric--as negatives.
As for what I know about it, I went through BS, BS, MS, and PhD degrees in a physical science, plus a post-doc fellowship, followed by an industry career mostly in R&D, and now have honorary professorships at two universities. And I am more angry than you at what authoritarian shills have claimed in the name of science. As for current jurisprudence, what lawyers on both sides do, also in the name of science, is pure shit. BTW, actual science has proven the uselessness of eye-witness testimony. The fact that courts still use it is not the fault of actual scientists.
And as for science being wrong--that is the point. Nothing is "settled" and everything is constantly tested with new data and knowledge. That is a feature, not a bug. And IMO that is superior to our legal system (and all religions) where things said in the past are assumed to be more correct that what a new understanding might suggest.
“But it is the only human venture I know that at least tries for objectivity, and recognizes biases and emotions–and rhetoric–as negatives.”
My lord, you are deluded. Have you ever been to a court house and seen that winged woman with a sword in one hand and scales in another, blindfolded? That symbol exists precisely because the legal tradition tries for objectivity and recognizes biases and emotions as negatives*.
Ever heard of the study of Ethics? It’s this entire axiomatic discipline designed to deal with complex human choice, eliminating bias and emotion.
And of course this is exactly what I mean. You are happy to brag about all those letters on your lamb-skin, and insist from your self-imposed position of authority, and then hyperbolically declare with absolute, scientific certainty, shit that is 100% false.
“BTW, actual science has proven the uselessness of eye-witness testimony. The fact that courts still use it is not the fault of actual scientists.”
BTW: actual science has proven 2 things: 1) that eye-witness testimony is not useless but has very severe limitations- especially as used today- and 2) that self described scientists will attempt to make sweeping generalizations just as you did, often causing enormous damage in the process.
“Nothing is “settled” and everything is constantly tested with new data and knowledge. That is a feature, not a bug.”
Yeah, it is a feature for the advancement of human understanding, not for Justice.
The Scientific Method does nothing for justice. It is designed to find the explanation for known facts, not determining facts themselves (as is the purpose of courts). And when you talk about eliminating the “adversarial” system, what you are talking about doing is eliminating a person’s ability to defend themselves in court- for them to point out just how wrong the Prosecutor, and Detective, and their Scientist Expert are.
Does it work well today? No. There is a lot that can be done to shore it up. But treating justice as some sort of “Scientific Experimental Process” is not only going to fail due to Science’s shortcomings, but fail morally as it will prevent a person from defending themselves- something that is an unalloyed Bad Thing!
* And the idea that science sees "rhetoric" to be a bad thing is a strange stance to take that I would argue is wrong- but it is off topic, so we can leave it for another day.
Of course he is. Just look at his bio:
As for what I know about it, I went through BS, BS, MS, and PhD degrees in a physical science, plus a post-doc fellowship, followed by an industry career mostly in R&D, and now have honorary professorships at two universities.
So let me ask you what you would prefer, if you had to act as judge.
1) A presentation of all the available evidence with as little bias as possible, and with at least some attempt at objective analysis.
2) A pair of opposed hyper-partisan presentations of selective evidence, coupled with deliberately biased interpretation.
I will also add that just because people are naturally prone to partisanship and biased advocacy, that is not a good thing.
And I think you are hung up on the "scientific method". As I try to work as a scientist, it all comes down to data, and the most objective analysis I can derive.
"A presentation of all the available evidence with as little bias as possible, and with at least some attempt at objective analysis."
I'm going to stop you right there. Because you are wishing for spherical horses. You are asking me whether I'd prefer an objective person. Of course. Who wouldn't. The problem is that in reality, we cannot tell who is being objective and without bias and who is not (whether intentionally, or unintentionally).
And this is what I mean about your fetishizing of science. Science has no unique claim on objectivity. Ethics and Justice are two systems that also try to attain objectivity. All three disciplines have different safeguards for trying to root out bias and mistakes.
In science, we have experimentation, observation, and repeatability to suss out mistakes. That of course doesn't work in the legal system. You cannot run experiments on someone's guilt. You cannot observe the alleged crime after the fact. You cannot repeat it. You cannot control variables. Science is woefully ill-equipped to root out bias in the court of law.
Ethics uses hypotheticals and logic to suss out bias. We ask certain questions like, "Would it be good if everybody did this?" "Who has the onus of responsibility based on these axioms?" Ethics is great for determining future impact, and how choices will affect broader society. But it is often ambiguous when you have two people who have different axiomatic principles.
The legal system lets a neutral party hear the case from the victim and the accused to determine redress. As with science and ethics, it isn't perfect, but it is completely designed to account for bias given the unique constraints of a court case.
"And I think you are hung up on the “scientific method”. As I try to work as a scientist, it all comes down to data, and the most objective analysis I can derive."
Then perhaps you had better clarify what you mean by "science". Because science does not have a monopoly on "analyzing data".
You're not going to get (1), least of all from scientists.
What scientists say and what scientists do are obviously largely unrelated.
Unlike government-paid scientists, our legal system doesn't have the luxury of replication or waiting for a century to get things right.
The legal system has to make decisions based on limited data and within limited time frames.
If the legal system operated as poorly and inefficiently as science, we'd all be in even bigger trouble than we are.
Scientists are even worse at this than lawyers and judges. The only reason science succeeds eventually is because nature is an unerring, consistent judge. If a scientific result is important, people will attempt to reproduce it, and after a few thousand such attempts, it becomes more and more difficult to hide fraud and errors.
Most scientific data is unavailable. Most scientific papers are based on cherry-picked results.
That only works well if the prosecutor is limited to only one charge, to eliminate piling on to force a plea 'bargain'.
Or outlaw plea bargains at the same time.
And eliminate guilty pleas so everyone actually gets in front of those neutral people.
And revoke immunity for crooked prosecutors.
And make the penalty for perjury the same as the crime perjured, plus 10 years.
The problem is not the adversarial system. The problem is it is stacked against people and for the government. There are numerous possible fixes.
* Pay the defense lawyers out of the prosecutor's budget.
* Loser pays, including ALL costs -- lost wages, investigations, travel accomodations -- everything that would not have been spent or lost if there had been no legal case.
* Don't let prosecutors drop charges when they go to trial. If a plea deal drops some, ok. But if it goes to trial, every charge has to be prosecuted, and you subtract acquitted charges from convicted to charges -- if it goes negative, the prosecutor is personally liable for the difference, even if that means jail time.
* The jury should be able to call any charge so frivolous that it amounts to perjury, and hold the prosecutor to the maximum penalty possible.
* Allow victims and criminals to negotiate the sentence; of course the victim has the final say at reductions. If someone stole from me, the property was recovered, and the crook showed proper remorse, I might be inclined to substitute a week in the stocks for a year in jail. I'd even supply the tomatoes and eggs to throw.
Ancient Athens had a rule that if a prosecutor couldn't convince even 20% of the jury to support a charge, he was forbidden from ever bringing such charges again. They also allowed searching someone's house for evidence, but the searcher had to do it naked.
It may be stacked but I still argue that the adversarial system is fatally flawed. Each side will always present the most skewed narrative possible--supported by evidence or not. Giving them equal support will not help.
And I also have no faith in juries, aka democracy to determine your fate. Like with elections, people are so strongly motivated by rhetoric and pre-existing biases that trial outcomes have nothing to do with what might have actually happened.
Markets thrive on competition. Why do you expect trials to not thrive on competition? What alternative is there?
If, for instance, you think the suspect and victim should get together and talk it over to uncover the truth, that assumes both parties want to uncover the truth, as if this were some impartial accident investigation by disinterested third parties.
I came up with a scheme for my libertopia, which is still adverserial but does involve cooperation of a sort. Your house is burgled. You file an official complaint to register a case. You hire investigators. They come up with a suspect. That suspect now becomes a party to the case and has as much right to participate in witness interviews as all other parties; they don't have to wait for the trial six months later to cross-examine witnesses with stale memories reinforced by police questioning. Same with lab tests -- they can, if they want, hire their own lab to test blood or DNA samples, but the victim gets to attend them just as much as the suspect gets to attend the victim's lab work.
At some point, the case has to switch to what I call the trial phase. The victim has enough evidence to satisfy him he could convince a jury, judge, or some other impartial observer. Whether the suspect agrees or not, the victim can force the trial phase. This is where all the evidence is presented, not as in a standard and almost scripted US court trial, with examination and cross-examination, but with everyone sitting around a table, laying out agreed and disputed evidence, and the chain of logic from evidence to verdict.
Whether it would work, I don't care, it's my thought experiment. But you have to have adversaries or there is no incentive to find the truth. A trial without adversaries is like socialism -- no one has any incentive, no skin in the game, and the end result is a mockery of justice.
That suspect now becomes a party to the case and has as much right to participate in witness interviews as all other parties; they don’t have to wait for the trial six months later to cross-examine witnesses with stale memories reinforced by police questioning. Same with lab tests — they can, if they want, hire their own lab to test blood or DNA samples, but the victim gets to attend them just as much as the suspect gets to attend the victim’s lab work.
Are you aware that this is basically how our legal system already works? You or your attorney can depose witnesses prior to trial, and you can interview your own witnesses as well. The state has to make full disclosure of all evidence and all experts who will testify and the defense can thoroughly question them prior to trial. This is why trials take so long, there’s so much that has to happen pre trial.
Nowhere near as flawed as peer review in the sciences.
Serious question: can we find an alternative to the adversarial legal system? What other methods to assess culpability and impose punishment or restitution would not rely on two predefined opposing advocates who by definition (and legal foundation) will present distortions of reality to support their slanted narratives?
Unfortunately this question goes down the ugly, dangerous road of "election reform" in this country. Tweakifying the voting system until we get the results that the people tweaking it want.
The adversarial justice system may not be ideal, but like Democracy, it's the best system out there.
I believe, for instance, that France does have an "adversarial" system, but they don't have the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard that the UK and America have, they have a 'preponderance of evidence' standard. Well, just take a look at "college campus justice" and you know how sideways that can go.
I'd be really reluctant to tweak our justice system to make it super-duper easy to get convictions.
Yes. Looser pays, and civil /personal liability for gov employees
I don't think that we need to replace the system, merely to not shield government agents from bad behavior.
One stop-gap regarding Prosecutorial Immunity would be that the victim of a malicious prosecutor would be to allow victims to sue to County where they're employed. This would prevent honest and diligent prosecutors from being subject to vindictive lawsuits designed to cost them time and money, and would allow victims of malicious prosecutors to be compensated. And, the local taxpayers can always vote the prosecutor out of office if they get sick of having millions of their tax dollars going to lawsuit payouts (in the case of Federal Prosecutors, it can come out of the DOJ's budget, who can always fire a rogue prosecutor who is constantly draining their budget with lawsuit payouts).
Instead of chasing child sex predators or terrorists, the FBI has agents — lots of them — analyzing and mass-flagging social media posts. Not as part of any criminal investigation, but as a permanent, end-in-itself surveillance operation. People should not be okay with this.
this seems like a weird job for a Jewish special interest group
Like the SPLC the ADL is a Democratic Super-PAC masquerading as a human rights organization. It has been since party apparatchik Abe Foxman siezed control in the 80's.
This is just tighter integration between the party and its state security service.
"Schild und Schwert der Partei"
If the govt. commits crimes, such as my computer intrusions, then protects the agents and executives who took part, and is granted immunity from suits by Congress, where does that leave us?
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And all the Cali white guilt wine moms feel squishy down there.
The redcoats of 1776 didn't seize 30%-40% of your wealth, destroy your money through central banking, or shut down your businesses under the guise of "public health."
Today's do.
At least us Yanks are allowed to own pointy knives. For now.
I hear the British government is going to seize Eric Idle’s pointed stick soon.
About half a month left until we can finally get some impeachments underway!
And of course when that happens, Goth Fonzie Woppo and all the rest of Reason's little junior grade woppalos will be endlessly wailing, gnashing their teeth, bitching, moaning, and saying that it's all about Hunter Biden's penis, just like all the rest of their media butt-buddies.
I predict the Reasonistas will also complain about government over-reach and threats to fundamental liberties.
It's cute that you still think there's two parties.
Already started. Did you catch Bonnie's article about why Republicans would prosecute Fauci? Unreal.
Yep. They sure do love them some big government bureaucrats, especially when the dems are running the show!
The grand jury system is based on the assumption that the prosecutor will be TRYING to get an indictment. Often that is not the case, and the "prosecutor" instead argues for a no-bill. One way to balance that would be to allow attorneys for alleged crime victims to present their own argument to the grand jury—make that stage of the process adversarial.
Get rid of government prosecutors. Go to victim prosecution, along with loser pays to discourage frivolous charges.
It's bad enough having government courts ruling in the government's favor. It's much worse having government prosecutors with absolute immunity.
If there are no remedies within the law, then the only remedies exist outside the law.
Why do exactly zero people go outside the law to seek justice?
Because justice isn't so valuable to them that they want to sacrifice everything to get it.
They just have to sacrifice the lives of those who wronged them?
And their own.
It would be less risky if judges didn't prevent the word "nullification" from even being heard in court.
Not the best flex...
Dear @mtaibbi: I’m on the House Judiciary Committee that has oversight over the @FBI and you are lying. The FBI has lots of agents chasing child sex predators and terrorists. Please stop undermining and lying about federal law enforcement.
Sadly, you should see all the progressive apologists for the FBI on the comments for this post. Musk is releasing actual evidence of the FBI's behavior and these folks are calling it misinformation and Fox New propaganda.
Progressive-ism is truly a mental disease.
Was it different when the FBI pursued MLK?
Very good article about the issues surrounding centralized social media.
I think I see why you think it's good. He lies about all the same things you do.
"today, it’s arbitrarily banning journalists who criticized him, yesterday it was banning an account that tracked his private jet. Tomorrow it will be something else...
It remains to be seen whether Musk’s right-leaning centralized moderation...
because Twitter’s editorial slant leaned slightly left-of-center, this made conservatives especially mad..."
Also not found, any mention of the FBI, DHS, CIA and the Whitehouse leaning on social media companies to ban and censor people.
I don’t call him Lying Jeffy for nothing.
There is always a return to dueling - - - - - - - -
It seems the Supreme Court believes Lady Justice should sell her blindfold and scales and buy a bigger sword.
The number of "ex FBI" at Twitter is amazing.
Who's left to run the FBI? And all came on right after Trump was elected.
Did Elon just buy an FBI department?
Eh, no big deal, they just all decided to change careers!
— Mike Liarson
“ Prosecutors have largely evaded it, notwithstanding the fact that they exercise greater power with less accountability.”
They still have the same life or death, seconds count, no time to think time pressures on their decision though, right?
"Congress can abolish qualified immunity, absolute prosecutorial immunity, and Monell. And it can do so anytime it wants to."
Nothing makes Congress quite so eager to abolish cruel and evil laws as being forced into runoffs by Libertarian Party candidates. Spoiler votes repeal bad laws; repealing bad laws is winning, ergo, casting a libertarian spoiler vote leverages your ability to make deadly force unavailable to The Kleptocracy. (Sloppy seconds voting only helps looters ignore LP spoiler votes). Thanks for the well-researched article.
Thanks for the Lorem ipsum, Hank.
Nothing to see here, just Bill Gates explaining how we need to lower the population of earth to save the planet
If Gates and his WEF pals end up killing millions from their population reduction rhetoric, they need to suffer the same fate as many prominent Nazis in 45-46.
Many prominent Nazis got away with murder because the US, Germany, or the USSR found them useful.
Norwegian actress Tonje Gjevjon faces up to 3 years in prison for saying men cannot be lesbians
Jeff must be thrilled.
The house always wins. The law system, for that is what it is; a system, has a favored outcome, its rules and regulations prove the cover. When you stack a deck that strongly it will allow winners now and then, but, it will always play the favorite, that would be the house. People are for a lack of a better word, easily placated, it’s why we buy lottery tickets, gamble, believe the legal system means well. The odds are very much stacked against you, and what I mean here is stacked against you when you try to fight the house. Congress will not fix this, they benefit from the house too. I have become very pessimistic as I age, there is no will to believe any of this changes. That Gerard Butler movie “Law abiding citizen” seems to almost offer too much satisfaction when the judge gets taken out, but, come on do we really shed a tear for her. No system is perfect, people are involved after all, but why do we protect the crooked ones and try so hard to say defend that exact system?
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Immunity made sense at some point in American history, that time has come and gone. We must fear government. Reform or die.
This seems more plausible than what the article says.
Without physical evidence that intercourse even took place and without witnesses, accusations of rape can't be prosecuted.
While debates about criminal justice reform tend to fracture along political lines, prosecutorial immunity need not be a partisan issue.
Everything is partisan. The entire reason why QI reform died was that Democrats wanted it, which meant Republicans opposed it as a matter of principle. Doesn't matter what it is, if one team likes it then the other team is duty bound to oppose it.
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Someone has to deal with Learned Hand's argument. There is a disease here, but don't we need to make sure that the cure is worth it.
The Rule of Law presupposes that the law, courts, and prosecutors will do the right thing. When justice is denied by the prosecutors and the courts the social contract has been broken and it becomes acceptable for the victims to take the law into their own hands. A few dead judges and prosecutors would go a long way toward fixing this problem. The only question is how many it would take.
You should pose the issue as whether society has the right to expect people treated this way just have to accept it and stand down. It may have the power, but the moral right is an open question.
Anyone believe Congress will get right on this? Yeah me either.
I have never understood why lawyers are never held accountable for their mistakes or their crimes. In other jobs, mistakes have consequences, for example pilots and truck drivers are held to account for errors, like they crash and die or they err non-fatally and are fired, fined, jailed, sued into poverty, etc. Not so for the damn lawyers and judges - when they screw up or screw someone over they call it "precedent" and everyone else has to live with the error forever. Except the lawyers of course, they grant themselves immunity and go on raping, killing, stealing or whatever else they want to do. I just don't understand how we let them continue to get away with it. It doesn't help that most legislators come from the cesspool that is the legal system.
The article manges to ignore that prosecutors are elected and judges are either elected or appointed. If the voters, or the politicians elected by those voters, choose to keep court officials in office, then those officials are above the ballot box as well as the law.
How horrible it must be to expect any shred of fairness from a prosecutor. They must be like junkyard dogs kept on their leash lest any fact hop idly by un-nipped.
Poor sportsmanship must surely be the face of this “complete immunity” schtick.
The least that could be done would be to convene something like a grand jury to let the public read whether a civil suit may have any merit.
It surely has to be a representative form of government where prosecutorial wrongdoing can result in equity nevertheless.
She is free to sue in civil court herself.
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