Pandemic Repairs Were Supposed To Put D.C. Metro Back on Track. Then It Literally Went Off the Rails.
Putting the district's train system back on track will take more than better bureaucracy.

The leadership of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) sounded an optimistic note in summer 2021. The pandemic, the agency said, had a silver lining for the 117-mile rail transit system, which crisscrosses Washington, D.C., and reaches into the neighboring states of Maryland and Virginia.
Radically reduced demand, it continued, meant WMATA could prioritize much-needed maintenance without crippling service disruptions. A steady flow of capital subsidies approved before the pandemic, coupled with emergency federal relief, meant the agency should have the resources to get the job done.
"The region's investment is paying dividends to our customers who are getting better service," said Metro's then–General Manager Paul Wiedefeld in an August 2021 press release. "Riders who are returning for the first time since the pandemic will see a more reliable train service than we've offered in years."
The headline of an equally optimistic Governing article on October 8, 2021, declared, "D.C. Metro: Once Off the Rails, Now Back On."
Four days after the Governing article was published, a Blue Line train derailed outside the Rosslyn station in Northern Virginia. A preliminary investigation pinned the accident on wheel alignment issues with Metro's brand new 7000-series trains. Regulators said that Metrorail staff knew about the issue for years but had failed to act on the problem. A few days later, safety officials ordered all the 7000-series cars, about 60 percent of Metro's fleet, removed from the tracks.
Metro was back off the rails again.
Wait times for trains, typically somewhere between five and 15 minutes depending on the line, often became 30 minutes in the immediate aftermath of the 7000-series' removal. Ridership plummeted to 1970s levels, when Metro first opened. With fewer trains in service, the cars that were still operating were often overcrowded.
As of October 2022, most of those 7000-series cars remain mothballed; long wait times continue to frustrate the small crowd of remaining riders. Officials kept promising a return to normal order, and kept delaying that return. No one could authoritatively say when the third-largest heavy rail system in the country would be back on track.
Public transportation has an inherently difficult road to travel in America. The speed and convenience of auto travel mean that most people who can afford to drive do. Low-density zoning near transit stations means fewer people live near them, leading to fewer riders. Funding arrangements that prioritize expansion over maintaining existing lines have left many systems with giant, service-disrupting maintenance backlogs. Buy American provisions, union work rules, and environmental review have helped make fixing anything, or adding new capacity, absurdly expensive.
Even so, D.C.'s main transit agency is uniquely prone to disaster.
"WMATA has these weird problems that no other transit agency, or even no other government, has," says Baruch Feigenbaum, a transportation researcher at Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes this magazine.
The problems start at the top. WMATA's large, unwieldy board of directors requires consensus to make major decisions, but it is internally divided between representatives of the three local jurisdictions the agency serves. Instead of providing effective oversight or setting strategic priorities, it often busies itself in day-to-day operations better left to professional staff.
That professional staff, meanwhile, has been criticized again and again—in congressional hearings, post-accident investigations, and press reports—for a culture that prioritizes avoiding blame over achieving safety and smooth operations. Avoidable, service-disrupting issues continue to go unaddressed.
These internal problems have been exacerbated by a pandemic-era rise in remote work, costing the agency huge amounts of fare revenue.
Even the most well-oiled transit agency would struggle to respond to a pandemic that wrecked public transit ridership across the country—and few would describe WMATA as well-oiled. The agency has a culture of dysfunction and disregard for the fundamentals of safety and passenger service, a culture that has persisted even as it has attempted reforms. Metro's problems aren't going anywhere.
Board Games
In early 2017, Fivesquares Development was in the final stages of negotiations to turn a WMATA-owned surface parking lot at the Grosvenor-Strathmore station in Montgomery County, Maryland, into a mixed-use apartment and retail development. To test out potential retailers for the project, Fivesquares wanted to host some pop-up stands that would sell food, drink, and flowers right in front of the station.
Metro staff supported the idea. But WMATA's eight member Board of Directors—composed of two directors each from Maryland, Virginia, D.C., and the federal government—had to weigh in.
In February, the board approved Fivesquares' plan for a few afternoon shops outside the Grosvenor-Strathmore station.
In April 2017, Fivesquares and Metro staff were back in front of the board with a different type of request: to let the developer install a piece of loaned public art at the station's entrance. In September, they were asking the board if they could install another piece of art at the station.
These were approved too. What's striking here isn't how the board reacted to the requests. It's that it was required to consider them in the first place.
There's a lot of variation between the boards of directors that oversee the nation's local transit agencies, ranging from how many members they have to how they're selected. A common feature is that they function as policy-setting bodies that establish long-term goals and priorities for the system. It's then left to the agency's full-time employees to implement those goals and run day-to-day operations.
That's not the case with the WMATA board, which is deeply involved in seemingly minor decisions about Metro operations—including whether to let a developer place a piece of loaned artwork at its own expense in front of a retail operation the board had already approved. In most other transit agencies, this would be a decision made by professional staff overseen by a CEO or general manager. But WMATA's professional leadership is remarkably weak.
"Everything goes to the board, and through the board. The managerial discretion reserved to the general manager is unusually limited," says Jonathan L. Gifford, a professor at George Mason University's Schar School of Policy and Government, who says this level of micromanagement creates an incredibly rigid and inflexible organization.
The general manager serves as the chief administering officer. But WMATA's founding documents are largely mute about what his or her precise role and powers should be.
The 1967 interstate compact that created WMATA—agreed to by D.C., Maryland, and Virginia and blessed by Congress—mentions the general manager only eight times. The board of directors receives 233 mentions.
And while WMATA's board is uniquely invested in day-to-day operations, its decision-making process is also uniquely cumbersome and divisive.
Its bylaws require that most of its decisions receive both support from a majority of the board and support from at least one of the two directors appointed by each participating jurisdiction. This can cause conflict, given these different entities' often-divergent interests. Representatives from Maryland and Virginia are focused on maintaining rush hour service for their suburban commuters. D.C.'s representatives want longer service hours and low fares for the city's off-peak and lower-income riders. And they all want to limit their own financial contributions to the system.
"It's very hard to make decisions that favor the region, if the district, Virginia, Maryland, or the federal government is going to be adversely affected by it," says Gifford.
Sensible decisions with majority support can be derailed by opposition from one of these parties. That in turn can cause board meltdowns whenever hard decisions involving unpleasant tradeoffs need to be made.
Consider a moment in 2015, when the board was wrestling with how best to shore up WMATA's constantly imperiled fiscal situation. One idea floated was to raise fares to help cover the gap. A majority of the board said they'd at least consider that proposal. But D.C.'s directors, including then-Chairman Jack Evans, came out flatly against it. Their threat of a veto was enough to kill off fare increases.
Then, when Evans proposed spending additional money to pay down WMATA's unfunded pension obligations—another idea that had majority support—Maryland's directors vetoed it. When Evans complained at the board meeting that vetoes shouldn't be used so lightly, a smiling Maryland director, Michael Goldman, reportedly held up a sheet of paper reminding Evans that D.C. was the last jurisdiction to exercise its veto over a land use.
These problems are compounded by the board's lack of transparency. Critics contend that the press and other outside watchdogs are given little access to information and that the public (and riders) aren't given the opportunity to provide meaningful feedback. The agency is notorious for rejecting records requests on the flimsiest of grounds. Media outlets have had to resort to lawsuits to get basic information.
That opacity, in turn, has allowed corruption to fester.
In June 2019, Evans, still board chair as well as a D.C. councilmember, was the subject of an ethics probe into potentially inappropriate dealings he'd had with vendors looking to do business with WMATA. The board hired an outside law firm to investigate Evans' behavior, and the board's ethics committee held a hearing where its findings were discussed.
Bizarrely, the hearing was closed to the public. No written minutes were produced. Other than soliciting an agreement from Evans that he wouldn't run for board chair again, the committee took no action. It also refused to release the law firm's investigation.
That produced the odd result of Evans declaring that he had been found innocent of any wrongdoing while other directors said he'd violated at least some of the board's rules.
Only under pressure from Maryland's and Virginia's governors did WMATA eventually release the findings of the outside law firm. The 20-page audit had in fact found that Evans misused his position to drum up business for clients of his consulting business while punishing its competitors.
Evans was forced to resign a day later. A day after that, the FBI raided his house.
WMATA's poor board governance and weak general management, in turn, mean that no one really has the power or ability to take on a toxic work culture within WMATA itself that degrades service and puts riders at risk.
A Cultural Problem
The wheel-alignment issue that caused the major Blue Line derailment last year and forced hundreds of other cars out of service was a surprise to everyone—except Metro staff.
At a press conference a few days after the derailment, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chair Jennifer Homendy said WMATA knew about this defect as far back as 2017 and that it had attributed a mounting number of derailments to it over the years.
But agency staff did not inform the independent safety regulators at the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission (WMSC) of the issue. Nor did it tell the WMATA Board of Directors. Instead, they let it worsen until the 2021 incident—which Homendy described as potentially "catastrophic"—prompted intervention from outside regulators.
WMSC CEO David Mayer told Maryland legislators in June that issues with the 7000-series trains weren't so much engineering problems as "a people and culture kind of thing. It's a procedures kind of thing."
This wasn't a new assessment.
WMATA's unwieldy and divided board has had a difficult time setting priorities, making hard tradeoffs, and following through on a strategic vision for the system. The board has also earned criticism for letting a culture of noncompliance and disregard for safety fester at the agency it oversees.
Despite repeated efforts at changing that culture from outside and from above, the same problems keep turning up over and over again.
The deadliest accident in WMATA's history occurred in 2009, when two Red Line trains collided outside the Fort Totten station in Northeast D.C., killing nine people and sending another 52 to the hospital.
The immediate cause of the collision was a defective track circuit that failed to report the presence of an idling train at the station to an incoming train's automatic control system, preventing it from stopping. A major contributing factor to the crash, according to an NTSB report on the incident, was "WMATA's lack of a safety culture."
The subsequent investigation revealed that the same track circuit issue had caused near-collisions years before. WMATA staff had come up with a maintenance procedure to detect the problem, but technicians were never told about it.
In the wake of the Fort Totten crash, the NTSB made a long list of proposed improvements to WMATA, including a better reporting system for safety hazards, better internal communication about those hazards, and the adoption and adherence to formal maintenance checklists and procedures.
Under a new general manager, the agency adopted many of the NTSB recommendations and initiated a $6 billion capital program to shore up the system.
It didn't help.
In 2015, an electrical problem with the third rail caused a train to fill with smoke. A series of errors at Metro's rail control center left that train stuck in the smoke-filled tunnel near L'Enfant Plaza. One woman was killed, and nearly 100 people were injured.
Though the technical issue was different, the post-accident investigation again blamed Metro's poor safety culture. A scathing NTSB report said the incident proved that WMATA's cultural problems were too intractable for the agency to fix on its own. It issued an urgent recommendation for federal authorities to take over safety regulation of the system.
The Federal Transit Administration did take over regulatory control of Metrorail in October 2015. Two years later, Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. agreed to establish the WMSC as an independent safety oversight board with the power to order WMATA to stop service and adopt changes.
Additional oversight was complemented by changes at the agency. In response to a track fire in March 2016, Wiedefeld, just a few months into the job as general manager, shut the system down for an entire day to do emergency inspections. A few weeks later, he launched the ambitious SafeTrack program. This made some progress in bringing Metro tracks back into a good state of repair but created major disruptions in service.
Nevertheless, the same problems kept popping up.
WMATA's response to a fire on its Red Line in December 2019 bore "striking similarities" to its response to the L'Enfant Plaza incident, including a chaotic control room where operators shouted over each other and failed to follow established disaster response checklists, according to a WMSC incident report.
A 2020 report from the WMSC on WMATA's rail operations control center described the culture as "toxic and antithetical to safety."
The debacle over the 7000-series trains prompted Wiedefeld to announce in January 2022 that he would retire as WMATA's general manager in June. He wouldn't even last that long.
In May, the agency announced that half of its 500 rail operators hadn't gone through required recertification trainings; 72 of the most delinquent operators would be taken off active duty until their training was complete. This produced a staffing shortage. Wait times for trains increased.
Like so many of its issues, lapses in recertifications were nothing new for WMATA. The Federal Transit Administration had identified this problem all the way back in 2015. In response to the scandal, Wiedefeld said he'd leave a month early. WMATA's chief operating officer also resigned.
It was an ignoble end for a general manager who had built up a reputation as a reformer willing to make the hard decisions necessary to get Metro back on track. And the troubles he left behind at the agency have been made worse by the biggest external shock it ever faced.
Remotely Working
The sudden onset of COVID-19 in early 2020 and the lockdowns and social distancing that came with it saw a sudden spike in remote work across the country. Commuting numbers collapsed across all modes of transportation. The metro area's famously congested Beltway quickly emptied. The drop in public transit ridership was even more dramatic. Metrorail averaged roughly 639,000 daily boardings in 2019. In 2021, ridership dropped to 177,000 daily boardings.
The sudden disappearance of those riders' fares blew a hole in every transit agency's budget, and WMATA was no exception. In 2019, the agency was able to cover nearly two-thirds of its rail operating budget with fares, parking fees, advertising, and the like. By fiscal year 2021, the cost recovery ratio for its rail service had dropped to just 14 percent.
Metro leadership warned that there would be big service cuts, station closures, and staff layoffs unless it got a lot of federal aid.
It all sounded dire. But the pandemic also presented Metro with an opportunity.
For starters, the federal largess proved forthcoming. Three rounds of bailouts, totaling $2.4 billion, plugged the COVID-sized holes in WMATA's operating budget. The drop-off in ridership and service also meant that Metro could accelerate its schedule of much-needed repairs. That, officials reasoned, would improve service quality by the time everyone was ready to come back to the office.
For a while it looked like that sunny scenario was playing out. In August 2021, Metro released a report detailing the progress it had made replacing electric cables and track insulators, rebuilding more train platforms and bus facilities, and improving stations with new faregates and lighting.
This produced some tangible results, including a falling number of track fires. But the rush of returning commuters never ended up happening.
One major reason for this is that remote work proved a far stickier arrangement than most people had predicted. Freed from a daily commute, many employees had no interest in coming back to the office on a regular basis. Many employers weren't eager, or able, to force their return.
Nationwide, according to surveys by WFH Research, workers who could be remote spent 2.2 days working from home by summer 2022. That matches with office occupancy data in the country's largest cities, which show offices only about half-full in the largest downtowns. The pandemic also kicked off a wave of migration from cities to suburbs, where people are farther from the office and from the transit that might take them there.
These trends were particularly acute in the D.C. metro region. An Ernst & Young analysis estimates the area has the second-most "remote-capable" workers in the country, behind only San Francisco. The region's office occupancy rate has hovered at around 45 percent for most of 2022.
Spidery rail transit systems like WMATA, with long branches converging from the suburbs into downtown D.C., were built with suburban-to-city commuters in mind. Metro doubled down on this setup with a pricing strategy that charged higher fares during peak hours and for longer trips.
That model has been especially vulnerable to the post-COVID slump in office work.
"Metrorail fares collected during the typical commuting hours generate the largest share of revenue for Metro," Wiedefeld testified to Congress in February 2022. "With that ridership gone, we are seeing a more severe impact on revenues than our sister agencies in other regions." As of May 2022, weekday ridership is only about 35 percent of where it was at the same time in 2019.
But WMATA isn't wholly a victim of circumstance.
Going to work isn't the only, or even the primary, reason people make trips outside the home. We go all sorts of places throughout the day, whether that's running a quick errand, having an impromptu meeting with a friend, or heading to a ballgame. In theory, Metro could fill the void left by office commuters by servicing those kinds of trips instead. But the recent self-inflicted drop-off in service frequency has made Metro the least convenient option for off-peak trips.

Death Spiral?
The struggles of American public transportation have sparked some commenters' musings about a "transit death spiral" where declining service leads to falling ridership and less revenue. Agencies respond by raising fares and cutting service to fill the fiscal hole, which sends more riders fleeing. Repeat that cycle a few times, and there's not much of a transit system left.
This is essentially where WMATA finds itself after the pandemic. Ridership and service are already near rock-bottom levels. The agency reports that it faces a $356 million fiscal gap in the upcoming fiscal year, which it says will prompt service cuts, staff layoffs, and fare hikes.
This has sparked predictable calls for more federal aid and more local subsidies. Critics counter that dumping more money into an inherently dysfunctional institution won't fix WMATA's problems.
"The problem with money is it allows them to delay needed reform," says Feigenbaum. "It's not a solution for anything. It needs to come with a stick."
He suggests a first step would be to create a smaller, more independent board more focused on metrics and less beholden to the politicians that appoint its members. Privatizing the operations of WMATA would be another potential option, albeit a politically impractical one. And even a privately managed Metro system would still require massive government subsidies.
A similar idea to create a temporary five-person "reform board" was floated in 2017 by former U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, but it was eventually sunk by representatives from Virginia and Maryland who openly worried about their loss of influence over WMATA. (A 2018 reform did limit the ability of the board's eight nonvoting alternate members to participate in committee hearings.)
A smaller, more focused board could, alongside the relatively new WMSC, provide more effective oversight and identify potential issues before they become service-disrupting disasters. A less political governing body might be more willing to entertain more sweeping changes to WMATA's operations. Expanding bus service, for example, would help the agency perform more trips to more locations, better matching post-pandemic travel demands, and it could be done without massive capital investments needed for new tracks and stations. It would also make the system less dependent on the persistently dysfunctional rail operations control center.
In the short term, at least, service is only set to get worse. In September, WMATA shut down its Yellow Line for at least eight weeks for repairs. Portions of the line will stay shut down until May 2023, as Metro rehabilitates the rail bridge that connects the Yellow Line's Virginia stops to D.C.'s L'Enfant Plaza. Even if the work is completed on time, it will be Metro's longest shutdown.
Elected representatives aren't yet willing to give up on WMATA. But they are increasingly open about their impression that the agency isn't even trying to fulfill its mission anymore.
"We have found what plagues WMATA is a culture of mediocrity," said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D–Va.) at a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing on WMATA earlier this year. "As the system has jumped from crisis to crisis, this culture of mediocrity has been a common theme."
At the same hearing, Connolly insisted that the "failure of WMATA is not an option." The disaster-packed recent history of the system strongly suggests that it is.
Rent Free is a weekly newsletter from Christian Britschgi on urbanism and the fight for less regulation, more housing, more property rights, and more freedom in America's cities.
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My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci
I propose trial by face mask. Keep adding layers until Fauci does not exhale.
love this guy.
No wonder Twitter banned the word groomer. Presumably the former head of “trust and safety” @yoyoel made that decision. It’s all making sense now.
No wonder Twitter banned the word groomer.
They're sensitive about being called groomers, they consider it hurtful. I believe the correct term now is "minor-attracted person."
They aren't people
They aren’t people
Anyone who seeks to hurt children is a subhuman in my book.
If you're against distribution of child porn you're pro censorship - Jeff.
"Fucking children is a form of speech" - Also Jeff.
That's a lie.
No, that's exactly what you said. We have the receipts from only a few days ago. You claimed that since sexually assaulting children is speech, censorship can be justified.
You claimed that since sexually assaulting children is speech
Then post where I supposedly claimed that sexually assaulting children is speech.
You did it a dozen times in several different comments sections, and as soon as I get home I'll post them. @ around 10:30 EST.
Are you going to ghost the thread? You better not.
A dozen times, huh? So you are going to come up with a dozen separate citations where I allegedly claimed sexual assault of children is equivalent to speech? LOL
Lol indeed.
I'll also post them and your comments denying it in tomorrow's Roundup as well because I know you'll ghost this one.
So if you are unable to find 12 unique examples of me allegedly claiming that sexual assault of children is equivalent to speech, will you apologize for lying about me?
Exhibit 1 (Part 1):
chemjeff radical individualist 1 week ago
Flag Comment Mute User
Here is ML advocating for censorship, in the name of preventing “sexualizing minors”:
See part2
(Part 2)
What I said:
“Mother’s Lament 5 months ago
I think that it does matter for exactly the differences you laid out. Kids are encouraged to roll-play sexual antics, most of the performances are lewd, and people are using children as props for political performance theatre.
Even “just” having drag queens read to kids in libraries can constitute sexual assault when the guy isn’t wearing underwear under his nylons and is flashing the kids.
Chemjeff is clearly claiming that opposing sexual assault on children, as evidenced in my link where the drag queen exposes his junk to the kids in the library, is censorship.
Exhibit 2.
“chemjeff radical individualist 1 week ago
I am opposed to this type of censorship. Are you?
Again Jeff links to the post I made in Exhibit 1 implying that a man sexually assaulting children is speech.
Exhibit 3
chemjeff radical individualist 1 week ago
I can imagine it. You can too.
Do you think that child porn should be illegal? Then you favor censorship.
Exhibit 4
"Mother's Lament 1 week ago
Sexual assault is never free speech, you evil fuck. Children cannot consent, all production of child porn is assault. Not speech.
You twist and lie about everything to try and push your censorious agenda, even if it means calling assault “speech”.
"chemjeff radical individualist 1 week ago
Do you think the *distribution* of child porn should be illegal? Yes or no?
And how about the rest of my examples?
Do you think that an employer has the right to regulate speech by his/her employees while on the clock? Then you favor censorship.
Do you think that private property owners have the right to regulate permitted speech on their own property? Then you favor censorship.
Admit it: you favor censorship, but you get more political and rhetorical mileage by not admitting it, and instead just going full demagogue on the issue.
Here Jeff tries to redirect the topic from production of child porn to distribution, but he's still insistent that it's all speech.
Exhibit 5
"Mother's Lament 1 week ago (edited)
“Are you pro-censorship, ML?”
And sexually assaulting kids isn’t speech either, you evil freak.
"chemjeff radical individualist 1 week ago
Huh, really?
Jeff dismisses my assertion that sexually assaulting kids isn’t speech. He then switches gears and trolls about some guy getting kicked off Trump's platform and expects me to hypocritically approve.
More to come, but I have to make supper.
lol. If what that transgender individual did was “sexual assault”, then Sharon Stone “sexually assaulted” the entire world in Basic Instinct.
It is absurd. You are trying to magnify a small faux pas into SEXUAL ASSAULT in order to justify censoring the drag queens from the library.
Your team is USING children to push an agenda. It is no different than what Team Blue does.
Team Blue USES children to push their agenda of a welfare state. You and your Team Red USES children to push an agenda of conservative morality.
It’s rather disgusting, actually. But, that’s you.
Edit: And just to be very clear.
I am not at all stating that sexual assault is equivalent to speech.
I am stating that there was no sexual assault in this case, and that right-wing moralizing conservatives like ML are trying to justify censorship of drag queens in the name of "sexual assault".
Keep going Jeffy. You’re doing great!
Exhibit 6
Mother's Lament 1 week ago
You’re such a demented pervert Jeff, you think sexually approaching kids is okay.
These pedophiles are wearing sexualized drag. They’re not dressed as Mrs. Doubtfire or Dame Edna. They’re dressed as strippers and hookers.
I linked a story to you several months ago of a Drag storytime reader flashing his penis at the kids he was reading to, and you promptly ghosted the comments.
Are you still going to tell me flashing your erection to children is speech and not assault?
chemjeff radical individualist 1 week ago
Flag Comment Mute User
Yup, this is your dishonesty.
You favor censoring Ms. Noire, you just aren’t honest enough to call it “censorship”. Oh no no, that’s not “real censorship”.
Banning drag queens from reading books to kids – i.e., CENSORING them – is okay in your mind as long as you rationalize it as “sexualizing kids”. Which it isn’t, but that is the fiction that allows you to overcome the cognitive dissonance in your head that you can claim to be both opposed to censorship and also in favor of banning drag queens from reading books to kids.
Again, here's the story I Jeff said was censorship to oppose.
An adult man in drag exposes his penis to children:
Jeff portrays this sexual assault as "Banning drag queens from reading books" and again conflating assault with speech by calling opposition "censorship".
I really hope Jeffy’s neighbors keep their children away from him.
Hey Jeffy, what did you hand out on Halloween, hmmm?
lol. If what that transgender individual did was “sexual assault”, then Sharon Stone “sexually assaulted” the entire world in Basic Instinct.
Adults paid up to watch Sharon Stone flash her beaver, the kids didn't and couldn't consent to having a pervert get his kicks from flashing his cock at kids.
This was sexual assault and you know it is. Children can't consent. In no world was this okay. The fact it doesn't enrage you tells me you actually approve of this. Even if you're not a pedophile you obviously have no problem with it.
Because you have no problem with pedophilia and sexual assault discussion with you is useless. Fortunately I realized you're evil and can't be reasoned with years ago, so I don't bother trying to convince you. I address you solely to refute you.
"I am anti-censorship and I am also in favor of censoring child porn and these are not contradictory statements." -- Jesse
Sexual assault isn't speech, Jeff.
You're right, sexual assault isn't speech.
Where is the sexual assault in distributing child porn?
If I distribute a photo of a murder scene, is that action equivalent to murder?
Think harder.
It is if you're the murderer uploading video of the murder.
And we are back to jeff thinking being against crimes is censorship.
Child pornography creates a market where children are harmed jeff. Distribution creates the market.
If I took your CC number and used it on a website and you yell no, are you censoring me?
What fucking grotesque idiocy.
The freak is completely desperate for someone to say "Okay, censorship is okay in some circumstances".
He must get some sort of bonus if he makes a convert.
Child pornography creates a market where children are harmed jeff. Distribution creates the market.
Yes, that is your rationale for why censorship of child porn is justified. I get it. It is still censorship.
The government prohibiting you from publishing stolen credit card numbers online is another example of justifiable censorship.
So, keep going with the censorship that you like.
“Okay, censorship is okay in some circumstances”.
I want you to be honest enough to ADMIT that censorship is okay in some circumstances. Example: If you come on my property, and start ranting and raving about "stolen election" and other right-wing nuttery, then I am perfectly within my rights to exercise my private property rights and free association rights and CENSOR you, i.e., prevent you from speaking, on my property, by kicking you off. That is a perfectly acceptable and good example of censorship, one that every libertarian here supports. It's just that only some of us are honest enough to admit that it is an actual example of censorship that we support. The rest are being disingenuous by striking a pose of being "against censorship" while supporting certain types of censorship that they are unwilling to label as such.
Jeff, are you listening to your fucking self? Do you understand what censorship is? Especially in relation to 1a. Are you so desperate to justify your pandering of censorship of thought for the last 5 years youre now equating being against censorship of thought to child porn and theft?
What a desperate leftist retard you've become.
Censorship is not limited to First Amendment violations. Censorship is the limiting of any speech or expression, often by force. That force does not have to come from the government. AS YOU WELL KNOW, since you complained incessantly about censorship on Old Twitter and social media generally.
I want to have an adult conversation on the topic of censorship. One that does not involve mindless grandstanding and demagoguery. One that recognizes that censorship exists, and is not always bad, and is in fact necessary in order to have true freedom of association and true private property rights. One that recognizes that it is GOVERNMENT censorship that we should be the most concerned about, but PRIVATE censorship is something that is more complicated particularly as it relates to social media.
Can you do that? Or are you just going to grandstand and demagogue some more?
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Who are you trying to convince Jeff? Your stance is pure idiocy.
You're a grandstanding phony.
You want an IMAGE of being anti-censorship while defending certain types of censorship of your own.
Like what, Jeff. Give us a quote and a link you lying fuck.
Lol. Youre desperately relying on sophistry to protect your defense of censorship against conservatives youre equating derision of censorship to child porn.
What fucking mendacity.
Who do you think youre fooling here jeff? Find one person agreeing to your assertion.
We already knew you were a pedophile in defense of grooming children as well.
You truly have issues.
Fire up the woodchipper
chemtard radical deathfat standing up for his fellow pederasts.
Twitter files part 4:
"The immediate cause of the collision was a defective track circuit that failed to report the presence of an idling train at the station to an incoming train's automatic control system, preventing it from stopping."
I work in this industry and have been around a few collisions in my time. It's pretty rare to see an incident like this attributed solely to faulty equipment. Normally somebody hangs for something like this.
But no people in D.C. ever do anything wrong, or can be held accountable.
Parody is obsolete: Exhibit #2,759
It's time for Senate hearings into what scheme @elonmusk is up to, what terrorist or foreign influence is involved, and what can be done to remove this public medium from his malign control.
That's from Keith Olbermann, who's been so ridiculous for so long that OBL was probably obsolete from day 1.
Now now, his real name is Keith Olberdouche. He was never a mann, just a giant douche.
I still can't get over his RUSSIAN SCUM!!!!!! meltdown.
Like, was that video uploaded after the first take? Or did they do a dozen takes and go with the one that looked most unhinged?
BTW that's from December 2016. Trump hadn't been sworn in yet. And OBL didn't debut until almost a year later.
Olberdouche had to reply to LibsofTikTok (Nardz's comment above):
You are the scum of the earth. May God forgive you.
What an asshole.
An obnoxious sportscaster? I thought we took care of that after Howard Cosell!
One more: Olbermann proclaimed Trump is finished on November 27, 2017. He bought into (or pretended to, for his audience’s sake) the bombshell-tipping-point-walls-closing-in-beginning-of-the-end #ItsMuellerTime hype that I had so much fun with for the first couple years.
So in a nutshell, Keith Olbermann wants to nationalize social media.
Do you have to be retarded to be a progressive?
They're not even progressive anymore, they're a weird hybrid of an aristocracy mated to corporatism and authoritarianism, but at the same time being sexual libertines.
That's progressive.
Progressivism is fundamentally: a totalitarian ideology that seeks to turn subjects into NewMan (ex: ubermensch, Soviet man, good little Germans, etc) through the forcible imposition of centrally planned social engineering.
The eleventh chapter of The Road to Serfdom is entitled “The End of Truth,” about the historical imperative in all totalitarian states throughout history to destroy freedom of speech so that the only true belief is “the social plan” imposed by the state, whatever that may be.
"The significance of propaganda in totalitarian countries, Hayek wrote, is that “If all the sources of current information are effectively under one single control, it is no longer a question of merely persuading people of this or that. The skillful propagandist then has power to mold . . . minds in any direction he chooses . . .” Jeff Deist, among others, has commented that America today has become a “post-persuasion society” and he is right, almost eighty years after Hayek issued this warning. The Left is no longer willing to seriously debate anything – at least for the time being while they control the universities, all three branches of government, the media, (laughingly-named) “entertainment” industries, and more. Even dopey Prince Harry publicly denounced the First Amendment in a pathetic attempt to ingratiate himself with Hollywood Leftists like his wife shortly after divorcing himself from his family and moving to Hollywood. If you disagree with their latest version of socialist totalitarianism (“woke-ism” coupled with green hysteria and calls for worldwide central planning), then you can be canceled, smeared as a racist, a white supremacist, or even fired from your job and prevented from getting a new one.
The moral consequences of totalitarian propaganda are even more profound. It is “destructive of all morals” because it “undermines one of the foundations of all morals: the sense and respect for the truth.” An avalanche of Official Lies has always been the tool of “various theoreticians of the totalitarian system,” wrote Hayek, citing Plato’s “noble lies” and “social myths” championed by the French philosopher Georges Sorel. The ends justify the lying means to totalitarians everywhere. When was the last time a “White House spokesperson” did not lie in public? (See my 1992 book, Official Lies: How Washington Misleads Us, with James T. Bennett).
Of course minority opinions “must also be silenced” and “every act of the government must become sacrosanct and exempt from criticism.” This was never more on display than in government responses to the “pandemic” of 2020, followed by the Biden campaign and its collusion with “Big Tech” to censor even the president of the United States along with massive evidence of the colossal criminality and corruption of the Biden family crime syndicate. This was arguably the biggest governmental assault on the First Amendment, apparently organized by the FBI and CIA, since it was essentially done away with by the John Adams administration’s “Sedition Act.”"
Across six countries—Germany, India, Indonesia, Morocco, South Africa, and the United Kingdom—selected to represent both affluent Western and developing non-Western nations, the unvaccinated were found to be disliked among vaccinated people (14 percentage points) as much as people with drug addiction (15 percentage points), and significantly more so than people who had been in prison (10 percentage points), atheists (7 percentage points), or people with mental illness (6 percentage points).
Remember what they did to your kids
Child porn — ok. No need to rid the platform of that.
But @DrJBhattacharya challenging school closures? Blacklisted and censored by @Twitter
Make it make sense.
As bad as social media treatment of conservatives has been the Covid scam is arguably much worse. Especially what they did and continue to do to our children. An election cycle or two won't destroy the species but the damage done by lockdowns and forced "vaccines" will haunt us for generations. And they are not done yet.
That’s what infuriates me when the chattering class and our erstwhile posters try to pretend that all of the censorship anger is because of some kind of conservative bias in the commenters.
Censoring one side of the political aisle, while not ideal, pales in comparison to their Covid response.
They’re inseparable issues. Ultimately what the left/establishment is doing is silencing all opposition, both in general and to specific policies. They benefit from the distraction that most opposition comes from their traditional political opponents, which allows them to pretend the topic is partisanship rather than totalitarianism/tyranny.
Notice how much we are becoming like these strongly class-based systems.
South Africa, UK, India- all countries where the force of government was and is used to solidify classes.
If you are unvaccinated in India, it is because you are poor and cannot get the vaccination. It is a thinly veiled justification for keeping people locked in their castes.
And here we have Reason drooling over public transportation and banning of private transportation, parking, ICE vehicles - what went wrong?. Denying a class of untouchables the liberty to upward mobility and ownership of private transportation. I’m sure Newsom would pop a gasket if “the poors” could drive out to his neighborhood, or the Napa estates.
Affordable automobiles is one of the greatest instruments of individual liberty and independence that's ever existed.
Thus the need to destroy that market.
Affordable automobiles is one of the greatest instruments of individual liberty and independence that’s ever existed.
This is true.
Especially when combined with the right to keep bears and arms. In your trunk.
Or do you disagree that people have the right to keep bears and arms, hmmm?
Back in the early '60s it was demonstrated that, for the cost of building and operating the Bay Area Rapid Transit system - BART - the projected ridership could be given free rides on busses with money left over.
Of course, bus routes and schedules can be changed, unlike transit that runs on rails. But SIM city planners do live their rail systems.
I remember the contrast of Tokyo's ancient Ginza line with BART when I got out of the Navy in 1976. The Ginza line was so crufty that every circuit crossing would blank the lights in each car in turn; you could watch the dark section cycle towards you and after you. They apparently still used manual block signals and driver controls. For all I knew, it was still original 1920s technology. Yet trains ran every 2 minutes on the dot, safely.
BART's fancy computer controls could only manage every 5 minutes through San Francisco, were never on schedule, and occasionally had trains leave the station on their own when the driver left his cab to help a passenger. Their electronics were notorious for breaking down in the heat and dust underneath the cars, the non-standard width ("for greater passenger comfort", as if SF passengers were more delicate than every other light rail system ever) made the cars more expensive, and they saved money by single tracking a lot of the system between stations, so breakdowns blocked traffic until they could get a tow engine out to drag it away.
I also remember being in a brand new station with my uncle before joining the navy when the Secret Service swept through before Nixon attended the opening ceremony, and that they did not look under the platform overhang next to the rails. Stood on the edge, looked into the tunnels, and left. Memory says the overhang is several feet deep, plenty of room to hide.
We'll see if CNN, MSDNC, NBC, ABC, CBS follow suit and report. I'm not holding my breath.
On Saturday, CEO Elon Musk and journalist Michael Shellenberger released the fourth batch of Twitter documents that show internal communications by the company’s executives between Jan. 6-8, 2021, including and shortly after the riot at the Capitol Building.
"We’ll see if CNN, MSDNC, NBC, ABC, CBS follow suit and report. I’m not holding my breath"
You'd have to go to a libertarian site to see that kind of reporting. Can't think of any offhand but there's gotta be one out there.
The entire D.C. metro region is overwhelmingly populated by, run by, and controlled by the exact same type of lazy, dumb, incompetent, far left wing assholes that now make up almost entire Reason staff. So of course it sucks add and no longer functions properly.
Hey Mikey, what is Durham working on these days? Keep us informed as to the latest fake scandal if you would.
The Buttplug.
Ok, pedophile. You’re no different than that jackass Yoel Roth.
I know the truth hurts, asshole. You guys are lazy, stupid, and incompetent in every way. Own it, bitch
"fake scandal"
When Buttplug calls something fake, you can bet the bank that not only is it true, but probably well documented and even caught on camera.
The United Nations intends to set up a global digital ID system that can track & map individual carbon activity. Climate activist Bill Gates has given the UN $1.27 billion to implement Agenda 30, the UN's climate blueprint, which includes digital ID.
Fuck Bill Gates.
"Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is
666$1.27 billion."
One Dutch farmer spoke with 'Fox & Friends Weekend' to discuss the pressure from the government and their move to close down thousands of farms.
"I don't know what we can expect. For my own family, I hope that one of my sons can continue farming if he wants," Dutch Farmer Geertjan Kloosterboer said.
The Netherlands is trying to reduce emissions and follow through with a green agenda, but it could jeopardize the nation's food supply and put the world's supply at risk. Recent data shows the country, which is the size of Maryland, is the world's second-largest exporter of agricultural products by value behind the US.
Their centrality in the global food supply is indisputable, and so-called green politicians want to destroy the industry in the name of climate change.
“For agricultural entrepreneurs, there will be a stopping scheme that will be as attractive as possible,” Christianne van der Wal, nitrogen minister, recently said in the Dutch parliament.
Any comment from the Exalted Grand Cyclops of CO2 Emissions?
I used to attend Sunday services with a nitrogen minister but the pressure was just too intense.
Sounds pretty bland. Like, the entire belief system is just.....inert?
But it’s not noble.
“For agricultural entrepreneurs, there will be a stopping scheme that will be as attractive as possible,”
"Here's ten percent of your farms former value, it's a fair price because next year it'll be illegal to farm and we'll just seize it"
"Christianne van der Wal, nitrogen minister"
Nitrogen forms about 78% of Earth's atmosphere, making it the most abundant uncombined element. Legumes fix nitrogen into the soil as well.
A war on the atmosphere and peas makes about as much sense as attacking cattle pee and fertilizer.
The obvious solution would have been to prevent agricultural runoff entering waterways, but these people have publicly stated that they have something far more nefarious planned that negates common sense solutions.
This might actually be a good thing as an American citizen. Farming is relatively easy for us as a developed society with a lot of land. We could make a tidy profit off other countries being stupid, and put them in a diplomatic position where they can't fuck with us.
Just wait. It’s probably coming here too, at least as long as Biden & Co. are in charge.
Never underestimate California’s ability to make things worse.
In typical tomato haul, for instance, a truck might travel over 800 miles in a 24-hour period. If the zero-emission vehicle’s range isn’t far enough, the charging infrastructure is not in place, or the electrical grid can’t handle the amount of big rig truck batteries that need to be charged, that could leave vehicles stranded in hot temperatures with thousands of pounds of fresh tomatoes.
Problem being we're just as stupid. Just slightly behind the curve.
The restrictions currently being done in Canada, Sri Lanka, New Zealand and the Netherlands are just 2030 dry runs for the US.
It's not stupidity, it's evil and malice.
Elon Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’ Are Turning Hunter Biden’s Penis Into a Constitutional Crisis. No Joke.
Everyone talking about Hunter Biden's Penis.
Including you. In fact, especially you.
As soon as your #Resistance media handlers decided this was fundamentally a dick pic issue, you obediently switched to exactly that framing.
One question though. It is common for dozens of former intel officials to comment on dick pics? Seems like they'd have more important work.
^ This.
If anyone still doubts that Buttplug is a fifty-center, his continual unwavering portrayal of the Hunter Laptop scandal being about sex, rather than emails demonstrating bribery and fraud by a vice president, should be proof.
Nobody buys his bullshit, luckily.
Hi R Mac, when are you going to apologize for lying about me?
He didn't.
And it's massively hypocritical for you of all people to be demanding an apology for lying.
If I ever do, I will. Everyone can read your posts and judge for themselves.
Your lie from yesterday:
Jeffy has literally tripled down on fucking children being speech.
That is a lie, I have never claimed that sex with children is speech. Apologize for your slanderous lie.
That's exactly what you did you fucking liar, and as soon as I get home I'll post your comments.
Will you ghost the thread or will you apologize to R Mac? I bet I can guess which.
and as soon as I get home I’ll post your comments.
I think you'll be the one ghosting the thread.
Will you apologize, Jeff?
The fact jeff is so concerned with legalizing child porn is frightening.
I don't want to legalize child porn. I am completely in favor of censorship of child porn, AS ARE YOU.
I don’t want to legalize child porn. I am completely in favor of censorship of child porn, AS ARE YOU.
LOL, yeah, fat boy, that's why you're offering up this false equivalence.
You’re just jealous it isn’t your penis, pedophile.
Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis. Penis.
Am I doing it right?
No. Needs more penis.
But make a clean cut at the end: SO LONG, FOLKS!
and not the 50 FBI agents who lied about it?
"WMATA has these weird problems that no other transit agency, or even no other government, has,"
Actually, graft and corruption are universal in mass transit.
This kind of surprising; usually the fascists run trains on time.
Obviously the author has never seen the CTA’s books.
That's wrong. Read Romance of the Rails for a wonderful history of urban transport from horse cars to today. At every single step, from horse street cars to horse rail cars to electric rail cars to electric trains, governments would first ban them, then tax them to death, then subsidize them as the newer tech threatened their existence. The graft is breath-taking and continual.
He also shows how light rail is the most inefficient, least effective, least flexible and adaptable, and most expensive form of urban transport possible. You begin to get the impression that's precisely why corrupt governments back it: more money to be made, more union workers, more graft from planning the rail routes, more graft from development near the rail routes.
Now that the bird is free, will we will get the New York City Housing Authority and NYC mass transit scoop.
There’s some stuff missing from this. Something like mass transit crime is a right wing myth
A public sevice for the woke management team of a retail company closing its stores due to high levels of theft and violence.
Honestly it’s amazing that anyone is able to be satirical or sarcastic nowadays. That could be a totally believable letter in todays culture.
And it was (probably) created by a computer.
Leftists are flesh bots.
Let me just say what we're all thinking: The simple solution to the DC rail problem is to hire more white guys. Ones who actually know what they're doing instead of featherbedding for unions, fulfilling political quotas for minority hires, and honoring pay-for-play agreements. We all know how corrupt politics are in DC (or any other large city) so don't be surprised that it extends to every agency of government including the transit system.
The simpler (and more correct) solution is to completely privatize the Metro, set it up to run at a profit, and change riders appropriate fares. And when that does not work, sell the tunnels for "affordable" housing.
It always looks good on paper until they start stealing luggage and shit.
In California, a college is using vetted electronic identification to ensure college students can separate freely by race.
The Students of Color Alliance posted on its Instagram page Nov. 28 that “Previously, there was no standardized process for granting swipe access to the lounge, which limited the use of the space as it was intended. Moving forward, there will be a google form that students of color can fill out to request swipe access to the space.”
The recently published online Google form to request swipe access hosted by the Students of Color Alliance asks applicants to provide their name, email, student ID, and the name of the affinity group they are affiliated with, if any.
Jim Crow 3.0?
That's 'Mister James Crow' to you - - - - - - - -
I ride Metro several days a week. I never have a long wait. Trains are crowded during rush hour, just as they were five years ago. I'm sure most, or even all, of what you have to say is accurate, but the notion that Metro is some sort of riders' Hell these days is nonsense.
Well, saving the planet via trains is important, but cut them some slack — we’re in the middle of a “triple-demic” now, as COVID-19 surges, and the flu season is bad, and RSV (whatever that is) is the new bogeyman (and the last 2 are bad mostly due to masking and social isolation and vegging from home diminishing peoples’ immune systems).
So now LA and NY and the SF Bay area are eyeing new mask mandates, and urging everyone to get boosted weekly. Because that worked so well before.
Trains for the dirty masses, private planes for the elite.
"Attention all residents of Los Angeles District 3: Chancellor Fauci has ordered all residents to report to their nearest Health & Hygiene Center for their daily booster. You have 24 hours to comply. Remember, residents: we're all in this together."
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Or, hear me out, you let it die, sit dead for a year to force everyone to move on to other jobs, then sell it off to a private company to rebuild - without government money or oversight - or, better just do without altogether.
Most places in the country seem to do fine with buses.
If DC had more walkable, sustainable neighborhoods and better urban planning, they would need neither trains nor buses.
Everywhere manages.
More non-censorship from free-speech absolutist Elon Musk.
Elon Musk didn't ban him, nor does he blame Elon.
Some Twitter employee did, and as we've seen with Yoel Roth and James Baker there's still a lot of Democrats trying to destroy evidence and sabotage the company.
Aside from trying to concern troll because you have always been delighted about censoring conservatives, you are lying about who yanked his account.
Right, I get it. When Elon Musk does something you don't like, then it's not his fault.
Did Elon Musk ban that man Jeff, did he give the order? If so, provide a link that actually says that. Your one above, doesn't.
Stupid, dishonest fuck.
Last I checked, Elon is the guy in charge.
So. Did he ban him or not, you deceitful shit. Actually, do you have any evidence that he even knows the guy is banned?
Elementary school sophistry like this is why your boss at the 50-cent factory should fire you. You're not even worth 10 cents.
It is amazing watching you scream private company for years in defense of censoring the right over ideology. You cheered it. You defended it. Now you're spiraling it is gone.
Please tell us how you aren't a leftist.
More Jesse sleight-of-hand:
Me: Elon Musk is a hypocrite for claiming to be a "free speech absolutist" while banning people from his platform for perfectly legitimate speech.
Jesse: You are in favor of censoring people on Twitter for perfectly legitimate speech.
Two different claims
Then Biden is responsible for high gas prices?
Since we're on the topic of free speech lately...
"Students at University of Missouri are demanding the expulsion of Meg Miller, who posted on Snapchat: “If they would have killed 4 more niggers we would have had the whole week off.”"
Some think she should be prosecuted for something-or-other. That is of course stupid and wrong.
Some think that she should be expelled. U. of Missouri is a state school so she can't be expelled for protected speech.
But, as an interesting thought experiment, suppose she had said the exact same thing at a private school. Expulsion, yes or no? Some other penalty? No penalty at all?
Also - and get this - she is also the president of the university's TPUSA chapter.
I'm against censorship by governments, churches, corporations and institutions as a moral stance, so no. Libertarianism doesn't end with the American constitution, so no expulsion for a tasteless joke.
If her fellow students want to shun her for a stupid joke that's their business.
I’m against censorship by governments, churches, corporations and institutions as a moral stance, so no.
Is that so.
So if I walk into a Catholic Church and shout "There is no God!", you think the church should not have the moral authority (at least) to throw me out of the church?
Yeah, like that doesn't happen on a daily basis. Churches are attacked and vandalized in America tens of thousands of times a year. If they ejected every cunty edgelord atheist who decided to be a prick they'd be on the phone 24/7.
But yeah, as long as he's not being disruptive or violent the church should hear him out.
Now what kind of extreme scenario are you going to try and trip me up with next? You're so desperate to get someone to agree with you that censorship can be good.
But yeah, as long as he’s not being disruptive or violent the church should hear him out.
I see. But, if instead the Church decided to exercise its freedom of association and its private property rights and choose not to associate with people with whom they disagree, the Church would be in the wrong in your view?
Why do free speech rights trump free association rights?
Yes. They have the legal right but not the moral right.
If you understood Christianity you'd probably understand that they have a religious duty to turn the other cheek and treat him with respect too.
Anyway, if you were actually a libertarian I wouldn’t actually need to explain any of this to you.
Just how desperate are you to legitimize censorship?
Yes. They have the legal right but not the moral right.
So in your view, it would be immoral for the Church to exercise its freedom of association rights?
Why do free speech rights trump freedom of association rights?
Your first question, Yes.
Also, Free Speech rights don't trample Freedom of Association rights in that scenario, you're lying when you say that they do and creating a false dilemma.
Don't fall into Jeff's sophistry. He is ignoring that government and associated parties were involved in massive censorship, so now he tries to find one off cases to justify the government censoring others.
He is a statist fuck.
No, they are. You are claiming that it would be immoral for the Church to exercise its freedom of association rights by refusing to associate with the atheist, and instead the moral thing to do is for the Church to grant the atheist his freedom of speech rights on the Church's property. So, speech rights trump association rights. Why?
Some commentary on The Twitter Files worth reading.
Probably not. New York Magazine is merely a mouthpiece for that fascist progressive rag called Vox. Worth discounting what’s said just from that alone. Now tell us you’re not a leftist there, JeffTard.
Not even really worth using as toilet paper actually. It's a pile of narrative twisting and lies similar to what you try and do here.
"But they were also saturated in hyperbole, marred by omissions of context, and discredited by instances of outright mendacity. Musk’s commentary on the Twitter Files, meanwhile, proved even more demagogic and deceptive than the exposés themselves.
For these reasons, the Twitter Files are best understood as an egregious example of the very phenomenon it purports to condemn — that of social-media managers leveraging their platforms for partisan ends."
The whole article reads like this. Name calling and accusations that the very, very liberal Taibbi, Weiss and Musk are arch-MAGA supervillains, and handwaving of all the evidence of government agency criminality.
Pure political shilling and demagoguery.
"Everything you probably don’t need to know about Hunter Biden’s laptop."
Lol, did Karine Jean-Pierre write this for Levitz?
Posting pure propaganda articles like this amply demonstrates what chemjeff really is.
Yes we know. Everything that goes against the right-wing narrative is "toilet paper".
I found this excerpt to be particularly revealing:
And let's just review how that was portrayed by Taibbi.
"8. By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: “More to review from the Biden team.” The reply would come back: “Handled.”"
Why didn't Taibbi mention that the tweets in question were of Hunter's dick? And not some sinister plot to censor non-obscene material? This is where he lies by omission. By omitting necessary context, he wants to create the misleading impression that Team Biden was telling Twitter to censor right-wing content and Twitter happily obliged because they were on the same page politically. When in reality, Team Biden was telling Twitter to censor Hunter Biden dick pics and Twitter happily obliged because they were a violation of their TOS anyway, regardless of ideological orientation.
It's pretty self evident, you dishonest fuck.
Anyone who reads the emails and documents will come to their own conclusion that parts of the federal government were demanding the censorship.
The fact that you extremist Democrat demagogues need to craft huge narratives (lies) around what are pretty clear documents and emails shows how frightened and desperate you are.
parts of the federal government were demanding the censorship.
For the Hunter Biden laptop? Not even Taibbi claims this.
You are the one pushing a narrative here.
Yes he has, you lying fuck. On his Substack.
So have the Times of London and several other major papers not affiliated with the Democratic Party. There have been dozens and dozens of links posted here in the last few days, and you know it. You've even read a few judging by your responses. Why are you lying about it now?
Jeff defends democrats at all cost.
Provide evidence that the government demanded censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Lol. Nymag.
Greenwald does a deep dive in twitter's (now former) Censor-in-chief. Apparently, his PhD thesis was on a gay dating app, and his previous professional position before coming to Twitter was working for an organization called The Dangerous Speech Project.
I'm crapping you negative.
This may be the the beginning of the ‘finding out’ results of years from the US ‘fucking around’.
Biden has found a way not just to step in it, step in it, smear it around, and get it on damn near everyone else. What an incredible incompetent indolent individual.
The intellectual leader of the Republican Party, Marjorie Taylor Greene:
So, she would have "won"? What would she have "won", exactly? Because I thought it was just a mob that got out of hand, not an organized insurrection.
"The intellectual leader of the Republican Party"
Are Joe Biden, John Fetterman, AOC, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Cori Bush the intellectual leaders of your Democratic Party?
I'd take a thousand Marjorie Taylor Greenes over those idiots. Also, I don't see a problem with what she actually said, and not the edited version you linked.
And just look at this shit, folks:
"Though Greene was apparently received with love and adoration at the gala event, online users were less appreciative of the controversial lawmaker's remarks.
'I can't wait to see you in prison,' wrote one non-fan on Twitter.
One account that purports to be linked to a 'mental, physical, spiritual' and 'financial' health podcast, criticized Greene's appearance. 'I've seen men look better in an evening gown,' wrote the user.
In response to her comments about Bannon and January 6, one user wrote, 'Ummm that's sedition...'
'At least you fascists are just saying it out loud now and letting the rest of us know exactly what you are,' wrote another."
Jeff tells you exactly what he is when he links to unhinged stuff like this.
She claims she "would have won" if she had been leading the Jan. 6 "event". What would she have won, ML? Hmm?
Hopefully she would have put her feet up on Pelosi's desk too.
What would she have "won" if she & Bannon had been in charge, *and armed*? Because the unarmed rioters managed to put their feet on Pelosi's desk without their help, as far as I can see.
Another intellectual missive from the pro-Trump wing of the pro-Trump party (i.e., Nardz and his crowd):
Elections—and therefore consent and popular sovereignty—are no longer meaningful.
First, even if conducted legitimately, elections no longer reflect the will of the people.
So they're not even hiding it anymore. They don't even want elections that are legitimate. Why? Because Democrats keep winning.
Related to this:
Since the federal behemoth hasn’t been responsive to popular will in several generations and has steadily undermined the moral basis of healthy families and personal responsibility, it’s hardly surprising that the American people have gradually lost the habits and virtues necessary for self-government.
See that? Because the American people keep voting for the "wrong people" i.e. Democrats, it just proves that the people themselves are unworthy of self-governance.
By carrying on with retail politics and accepting the current situation as normal, people on the Right are now legitimizing and strengthening their enemies.
So even trying to compete in elections is actually strengthening the Democrats.
Sure, they're not SAYING they want a right-wing dictatorship imposing conservative morality on an unwilling populace for their own good. Oh no no no. That is in the next issue.
Explain how you aren't a simp for the left again.
No I get it. Defend the right at all costs, isn't that right? Even when they openly question the wisdom of having perfectly legitimate elections. Time to deflect on behalf of Team Red!
Pot, kettle, same color. You really need to look on a mirror, Jeffy. All you’ve done here is to project what you yourself are actually doing.
Crtl F = “government shouldn’t”
Turns up exactly zero times in this article. I’m old enough to remember Reason having articles about Governor Moonbeam’s choo choo trains and why the government shouldn’t be involved in the first place. And not just because of the fiscal insanity of it all.
It's all a massive cover up, all the problems are caused by ghouls living in the tunnels.
1/12 Here are the Seth Rich records filed by the FBI on Friday night. The FBI has acknowledged it had Seth's personal and work laptops. The FBI wrote a report about Seth's work laptop but now refuses to disclose the report because...
2/12...Russian collusion!! Yes, releasing a report about SETH RICH's work laptop would somehow jeopardize the non-existent prosecutions of the Russian intelligence agents indicted by Robert Mueller...
3/12 I've attached the declaration of Michael Seidel, the FBI official in charge of hiding public information from the public. He tries to explain why none of the records previously showed up in the five years that I have been requesting them. #EpicFail
4/12 Remember when @CrowdStrike CEO Shawn Henry testified that his company found no "concrete" evidence that the @DNC had been hacked (by Russians or anyone else)? He also testified that they found evidence that data had been prepared for "exfiltration"...
12/12 If the FBI designates something as digital evidence ("DE"), it automatically excludes that information from FOIA. The ramifications go far beyond the Seth Rich case. The feds can designate something "DE," and the records effectively disappear from FOIA. Ponder that.
[Threads, links]
I don’t see anything wrong with this. And I’m not a authoritarian lefty.
— Lefty Jeffy
The WMTA buses and subway operate under capacity, except several times a year,
When it snows.
When those conditions exist, it is less espensive to commute.
Peggy, you should check out Google…
Sorry, a good guitar and a wailin’ song are the only thing that I understand.
You should be locked up in a Tijuana Jail.
It would have to be under one great article!!
ITT, Pedo Jeffy calls a tranny exposing its genitals to children during a book reading a faux pas. He also claims that it’s the same as behavior by an actress in an R-rated movie. Am I being hyperbolic? Nope.
I get paid over 190$ per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I’ve been doing..