Communism Destroyed Russian Cooking
Soviet rule promised abundance. Instead it brought misery and starvation.

Reason's December special issue marks the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. This story is part of our exploration of the global legacy of that evil empire, and our effort to be certain that the dire consequences of communism are not forgotten.
In August 1936, Josef Stalin sent his commissar of food, Anastas Mikoyan, to the United States on the SS Normandie for a working holiday. The long-serving party member and diplomat was a natural fit for the expedition: He'd formerly served as trade commissar, and he took great pains to publicly profess his loyalty to Stalin, who rewarded him and Mrs. Mikoyan with the opportunity to travel from coast to coast sampling all sorts of luxurious American fare—popcorn, ice cream, hamburgers, bologna, cornflakes, and corn on the cob. The Soviet crew visited Midwestern dairies and slaughterhouses, fascinated by everything from meat processing plant capabilities to the griddles used to cook burger patties. Mikoyan soon became enamored with tantalizing new kitchen appliances and advances in refrigeration that had recently begun to proliferate in the U.S.—all inconvenient evidence of the splendor and efficiency brought by capitalism.
Over the course of the '30s, Stalin's government went to great lengths attempting to create, often through Socialist Realist–style propaganda, a cohesive national identity that could bind good Soviets together in service of the party. Part of the aim was to reimagine Russian home cooking via standardized, party-approved recipes.
Three years later, The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food was born. It was the fruit of Mikoyan's grand adventure and an attempt to show comrades just how good they had it. The thick book, filled with glossy, full-page illustrations, was an exhaustive-seeming compendium of recipes organized by category. Its implicit message was that those who were loyal to the party would have access to the abundant delights depicted therein.
The food the recipes produced, however, was often neither tasty nor healthy. And for most residents of the USSR, it was not even attainable—a great irony which did not go unnoticed. "The foodways described in this text bore scant resemblance to reality, promising culinary abundance in a land stalked by famine," writes historian Edward Geist in Cooking Bolshevik. Most people didn't have access to the many ingredients needed for a recipe, let alone all of them at the same time.
For example, the cookbook's beef stroganoff, a savory winter dish served on a bed of fried potatoes, calls for 500 grams, or roughly 1 pound, of beef, plus potatoes, sour cream, "yuzhni" sauce, onions, flour, butter, and some parsley or dill for garnish. Yuzhni sauce, which would most likely be store-bought, has been described as sweet, sour, and a bit spicy; sometimes it included tomato, other times soy sauce for added umami flavor.
As lovely as this dish might seem on paper, most Soviets in the '30s, '40s, and '50s—plagued by food rationing and unpredictable shortages—would not have been able to make it consistently, if at all. Recipes calling for such large amounts of beef and dairy would not have been realistic.
The book was replete with recipes, nutrition facts, and tips for menu planning and hosting successful dinner parties. But although it was meant as the quintessential Soviet guide to delicious food, the regular citizen wasn't hosting dinner parties inside the home—unless you count forced group living as one giant, interminable dinner party.
Still, the state promoted it for decades to come, updating editions regularly and disseminating it widely. Regular people, not just party members, kept copies in their homes, some even bringing it with them when they later fled.
In 2013's Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking: A Memoir of Food and Longing, Anya von Bremzen describes her mother's childhood in Russia in the '30s and '40s, her own birth in the '60s, and their subsequent emigration to the United States. "Mom gasped at the trove of fantastical photos" in Mikoyan's book, she writes. "Tables crowded with silver and crystal, of platters of beef decorated with tomato rosettes, of boxes of chocolate and wedges of frilly cake posed amid elaborate tea sets." Von Bremzen contrasts this fare with tales of waiting in bread lines for bread that had been stretched through the addition of mashed peas and with memories of kolbasa or kotleta (basically small hamburger patties, eaten without bread) or eggs for protein.
No Russian was under the impression that The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food was an accurate representation of what was available under Stalin's rule. The grim reality was that communism ruined local cuisine and culinary habits; corroded the communal dining experience by transforming the country's kitchens and dining rooms into havens for snitching and spying; and decimated the nation's food supply, leaving millions to starve. In place of comfort, kinship, flavor, tradition, and abundance, Stalin's regime provided only a propagandistic fantasy of lush meals inspired, ironically, by a visit to the United States.
In one sense, bad cuisine was the least of communism's atrocities. In another, the entire arc of communism's failure is visible in its effect on food.
Abolishing the Family Table
In the '20s and '30s, Stalin seized land and forced millions of people away from their agrarian lifestyles into dense communal living situations.
His stated goal was to reshape Russian society. The state would control the means of production, class would be eradicated, and everyone would, in theory, have the same standard of living. The result was catastrophic: People lost jobs, homes, and livelihoods. In the name of total egalitarianism, the state muscled into every area of Soviet life. Nothing was exempt—not even the family dining table. What once was a place for households to come together became, under communism, a forum for politicized distrust.
Under Stalin, peasants packed their belongings and flooded into urban centers from the countryside. The abolition of private property was an essential part of the Marxist-Leninist agenda, but the government realized another convenient side effect of this mass upheaval: Peasants would be housed in communal apartments, called kommunalkas, where they would share kitchens and bathrooms, allowing comrades to spy on one another in perpetual service of the state.
Prior to the revolution, families could speak their minds comfortably while preparing and sharing a meal. But Stalin felt privacy created far too much space for dissent to take root and multiply. His solution was to abolish familial intimacy as much as possible. In his new kommunalkas, you would never be far from the watchful eye of a compatriot who might snitch.
These types of apartments, shared by as many as 50 people from a dozen different families, typically had a communal kitchen where the cooking and laundry were done. Eating and drinking happened mostly in one's private quarters, but all the members of a family might be crammed into a single bedroom with thin walls. Although there was some semblance of privacy, people lived in such close proximity to others that their comings and goings, one-on-one conversations, routines, and habits would almost certainly be noticed—either accidentally or deliberately—by their housemates.
The kommunalkas were predictably plagued with problems. Apartments were unclean and infested with cockroaches. Sometimes there was violence. With bars and pubs largely gone, many buildings became sites of drunken revelry.
"Tenants in a communal apartment are like family in some respects and like strangers in others," write a group of Cornell ethnographers in "Communal Living in Russia," their online museum.
Naturally, food suffered during the long decades of Soviet rule. "If you think of the kitchen as the hearth or the center of the home," says Darra Goldstein, food scholar and author of the recent Russian cookbook Beyond the North Wind (Ten Speed Press), kommunalkas "totally destroyed that." With dozens of people sharing a single kitchen, cooking was logistically fraught. Mealtime was reduced to a hasty, unpleasant, politically treacherous affair.
Abolishing the Restaurant Meal
For much of the Soviet period, business ownership was verboten; restaurants were possible grounds for political subversion as well. The few restaurants that did exist were controlled by the state and reserved mostly for well-connected party members or those who could pay bribes to get a table. For commoners, eating out was reserved for special occasions, if that.
Restaurant meals were hard to afford for many people as well. As researchers Bradford P. Johnson and Evan A. Raynes put it in a November 1984 report for the City University of New York, "Surveys conducted during the 1960s revealed that as many as a quarter or a third of the urban working class lived below the poverty line."
The only regular dining that happened outside the home took place in large workplace cafeterias, called stolovayas, which were also managed by the state. "State dining facilities were to be the new hearth," von Bremzen writes, "the public cauldron replacing the household pot, in the phrase of one Central Committee economist." Vladimir Lenin himself once said that they were "invaluable 'shoots' of communism, living examples of its practice."
In practice, von Bremzen writes, the 1920s-era stolovayas were "ghastly affairs" where "workers were fed soup with rotten sauerkraut, unidentifiable meat (horse?), gluey millet, and endless vobla, the petrified dried Caspian roach fish." There was a high degree of standardization—meals served in factory canteens, schools, and universities were all supposed to be alike—but that meant the practice of good Russian cooking was almost entirely lost. From Leningrad to Stalingrad, your helping of borscht was meant to look and taste the same as your neighbor's.
Stolovayas or Starvation?
The citizens who got bad borscht were the lucky ones—at least they had food. Dire shortages altered the culinary culture of the Soviet Union, sometimes as a direct result of failed attempts at central planning.
Mikoyan, the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food author, was one of the architects of the early '30s plan to grow Soviet meat manufacturing capabilities, modeled partially on the West's successes. "To provide the necessary livestock, Soviet animal husbandry required dramatic expansion," writes Geist. So the government, with Stalin and Mikoyan at the helm, decided to collectivize it. Essentially, the state stole people's livestock.
What followed was a terrible lesson in unintended consequences: "Peasants chose to slaughter their animals rather than hand them over to collectives," Geist writes. "Soviet agriculture failed to restore per-capita meat production to pre-collectivization levels for decades." This led to the starvation of untold numbers of people; estimates vary, but all are in the millions. Mikoyan blamed the program's failures on kulaks, a class of slightly better-off peasants, and other political undesirables, who were accused of telling other poor farmers to sabotage the state's plans.
Rationing hit the Soviet Union too, in many different ways, during many different periods. Leningrad rationed bread starting in 1928, with Moscow, Kiev, and Kharkov following soon thereafter. By the '30s, sugar, tea, eggs, meat, and many other foodstuffs were rationed as well. But not everyone received ration cards: Those who were seen as unsupportive of the state, called lishentsy, were denied their rations altogether. This second-class status remained in place until 1936.
Many Soviet citizens, meanwhile, had worse problems than subpar food. State-run farming did not end up fulfilling the party's promises of abundance. In 1932–1933, between 3 million and 9 million people died in southern Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan as a result of forced collectivization, land seizure, and impossible-to-meet grain requisition quotas.
During the Nazis' siege of Leningrad in the early '40s, Hitler tried to starve millions of city dwellers with the aim of getting Russia to surrender; the state implemented strict rationing, and people ate all kinds of things to get by—clover, pine needles, tree bark, bread baked with sawdust in it, and cakes of linseed normally fed to livestock. Later in the '40s, between 1 million and 2 million people in Ukraine and Moldova starved as a result of drought that hurt grain production, damaged infrastructure that had not been repaired after World War II, and a spike in births that created many more mouths to feed.
Bananas, Oranges, and Kiwis
In later decades, the Soviet Union abandoned the harshest and most deadly of Stalin's policies. Yet poverty and food shortages persisted. Data from the '70s indicate that Soviet dietary composition was miserable: "Soviet consumers obtained 46% of their daily caloric intake from bread and potatoes, and only 8% from meat and fish. The comparable figures for the United States are 22 and 20%, respectively," write Johnson and Raynes.
Life in the Soviet Union improved somewhat as the country haltingly opened its borders and extended some economic freedom to its citizens. In the late '80s, glasnost and perestroika, General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev's twin liberalizing initiatives, made the state less repressive and more open to free markets. In 1988, Gorbachev allowed the creation of worker-owned cooperatives, the first time in decades that businesses in certain sectors could be privately owned.
Still, even as late as the 1980s, the drop-in restaurant culture common in the West didn't exist in the USSR. Angela Brintlinger, who lived in Leningrad and Moscow during the late '80s and is now the director of the Center for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies at Ohio State, recalls that there were casual pelmeni and vareniki spots; restaurants more for special occasion banqueting than for regular dining; cafeterias with lines you could cruise through with a tray; and cafés where you could sit a while over dessert or tea, sometimes with a full meal available. "When you did go out, you wouldn't ask to see a menu, necessarily," she says. "The menu might not be reflective of what they had available that day."
Food rationing for meat and sugar came back at the end of the 1980s, throwing housewives into a panic and reminding people of the hardships of the World War II era. But it all changed in 1991, when Gorbachev resigned and the USSR disintegrated. "In the immediate aftermath of the Soviet Union, it was just chaos," says Goldstein, the food scholar. "People were initially very excited to have the world open up to them."
She says Russians were excited to have access to bananas, oranges, and kiwis—foods they'd heard of but never before tasted, fruits that had been unavailable for decades prior. And in the decades that followed, Russians began making a concerted effort to recover recipes that had disappeared during the Soviet era.
The Table of Plenty
In September 1989, future Russian President Boris Yeltsin was in the U.S. to tour space facilities. On the way, he made an unplanned stop at a Randall's grocery store in a southeastern suburb of Houston. He was amazed by the gleaming aisles and bright lights, by the cheese samples and the abundant produce and the selection of fresh fish. And he lingered, grinning, his arms raised in delight, before the Jell-O Pudding Pops in a freezer display.
Through an interpreter, he wondered aloud whether it was all a Potemkin grocery store, a staged experience put on just for him. When his interpreter let him know it was all real and, in fact, quite typical, Yeltsin was moved. He wrote later in his autobiography that he felt "sick with despair for the Soviet people" upon seeing the contrast between what they had access to and what everyday Americans could enjoy. He reportedly told other Russians on the trip that if Soviet citizens knew about U.S. grocery stores, "there would be a revolution."
The Randall's outside of Houston was entirely unexceptional. Similar grocery stores with similar arrays of goods could be found in most any American suburb. But for the people who lived behind the Iron Curtain, under the callous and calamitous central planning of the Soviet state, it would have seemed like a magical place. This was what food represented: wealth, choice, abundance, and good flavors for their own sake. Freedom is an entire aisle of Jell-O Pudding Pops.
Today, many elderly Russians have a certain wistfulness for Soviet life, Goldstein says—a sense that, though their quality of living was pretty grim, there was a security and stability within the egalitarian experiment. Though there were shortages, average people had "this amazing system of barter" so that "you could always find a way" to get what you wanted, she says. Now in Russia there are a bunch of retro Soviet cafés—kept much cleaner than you'd have found them in their heyday—catering to the elderly nostalgic and a new generation of customers looking for cheap eats.
Perhaps this type of nostalgia is only possible now that 30 years have passed since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Over the course of seven decades, communist rulers, suffering from the delusion that central planning could create a truly egalitarian society in which all man's needs would be met, managed to kill anywhere from 15 million to 61 million people. Beyond this unfathomably large death toll, there are many other intangible losses. People suffered through the indignities of communal living, the erasure of parts of their ancestral cultures, the unsettling nature of life under constant surveillance. It's hard to fathom that some people are wistful for these bygone days.
Fortunately, big-city Russian dining culture now flourishes beyond a '30s-era Muscovite's wildest dreams. Modern Russia is no democratic utopia, and there is much to criticize in President Vladimir Putin's rule. But the fall of communism brought with it a vast increase in wealth and subsequently in culinary and consumer choice. Today, there's farm-to-table, highbrow fine dining, and even surprisingly good fast-casual cafeteria offerings, Brintlinger says.
A good example of Russia's culinary comeback story may be Shtolle, a popular Western-style restaurant with many locations that serves well-prepared Russian food. But better still may be the fact that cities like Moscow are now replete with Shtolle competitors, offering a variety of choices for people who, in some cases, lived for years with little awareness of the glorious world of food beyond the stolovaya. What Shtolle and its competitors actually offer is what The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food could only pretend existed—good Russian food and the table of plenty that communism always promises yet always fails to provide.
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Let's Go Brandon!
Looks like POTUS Biden is doing his level best to emulate Soviet policy.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
Democrats - Championing National Socialism (Nazism)
Why yes; Democrats, the USSR, and Nazi's were/are ALL Socialists.
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Psocialist Psaki psays psuffer pshortages.
Phuck Be Unto Psaki and Biden Both!
Chumby, I just saw something in the store the other day that reminded me of your punny, funny goodness.
Animal familiars do not exist, of course, M'Lady, but if they did, I saw yours on a Birthday card.
It was a cat with a Birthday cake and the cat was saying words to the effect:
"Yeah, I'm into FitBit all right!...Imma fit every bit of this cake all right into my mouth!" 🙂
Never feel you are alone or unloved in the world, Chumby. Wherever there is a futile struggle to suppress a grin or a giggle, you are home!
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Pstalin spends psalututations!
Pstalin psucked and no longer exists, thank Entropy.
Throw the Beef Stroganoff to the running dogs of revisionism— Let's go Chateaubriandon !
Thanks to Chumbly for Chateaubriandon!
My buddy's sister makes $95/hr on the pc. She has been out of work for eight months but vcv last month her pay check was $25450 merely working on the pc, pop over here.....
Can you imagine if William Buckley was still alive to see what has happened to the conservative movement, with this dumb slogan becoming the pinnacle of right-wing expression? I think he would respond with a long essay extolling the virtues of suicide and then he would fucking kill himself.
Fuck off and die, TDS-addled asshole.
WFBjr was too Catholic to off himself.
Every once in a while, I get this hit of hideous sympathy for the vast numbers of people who live under truly evil governments. Governments that are so wicked as to try to cancel the fundamental human right to keep what one has earned, and to spend it as one sees fit, to share it with one's family and friends, to save it to build something better.
Damn communism!
Damn socialism!
Damn "environmentalism" (which is nothing more than an attempt at species-level suicide)!
Humor works better than outrage imo
Except when it come to the unvaxxed, right?
I remember that, except I remembered the announcer as saying "is nyext".
Communism still sucks.
And, oh yeah, Let's go Brandon!
Fuck off and die, asshole.
Bernie Sanders' experience in the USSR during his honeymoon was delightful and filled with sumptuous morsels. He wants that for all of us. What a kind and thoughtful man he is.
Let's go Brandon.
Iirc, RA Heinlein visited the Soviet Union in the 1960s and had a miserable experience. And wrote about it in one of his books.
Bernie (and Biden) may remember pre-Soviet times.
I seem to recall Jerry Pournelle taking the Intourist trip shortly before the collapse of the Soviets, and he had some very interesting comments about it. Apparently, he learned how to complain like a high-level party thug.
Late in WWII Wallace was sent there to make sure the 'lend-lease' goods were used properly and to report on the horrible stories regarding the "camps".
As a lefty useful idiot, he was given a tour of a Potemkin camp and announced that the all camp 'residents' were well treated.
Barbara Tuchman wasn't so fooled when she visited Mao's China.
"Apparently, he learned how to complain like a high-level party thug." Pournelle probably learned this from Robert Heinlein, who toured Russia in the 1950's.
Young Clinton liked the black bread (on this, I agree with him). I spent the summers of 1991 & 1992 there. We were on a private exchange program (something relatively new). I think I was the one who coined the term “Soviet Americans@ to describe us. We were better off than citizens there because we had dollars. But we lived with Russian families, endured the hardships (no hot water for a whole month—happened every year) and when we traveled we stayed in crummy-and crumbling-hotels designed for Soviet citizens, NOT for Inturist guided westerners. One time in Moscow our group got a pretty good lunch (again, dollars at work). A group of fellow Americans, on an Inturist tour, were at the table next to us. For desert, THEY got ice cream. WE on the other hand, we’re flatly refused that treat.
But you know what? I was, and still am, glad and grateful that I did it that way. I accomplished my two goals: Perfect my Russian (a language I remain deeply in love with to this day) and see first hand how ordinary Russians (whom I also fell in love with) really lived under a regime I already despised (my animosity toward Sovetskaya Vladt-Soviet Power) was only deepened).
Was that Heinlein's essay "Inside InTourist" in Expanding Universe? That was a great collection of essays. "Who Are The Heirs of Patrick Hejry?" was another super essay, his Molon Läbê reply to calls for Nuclear Disarmament.
The take-away that I recall from "Grumbles from the Grave" was that RAH had noted that the rail lines entering and exiting Moscow could not possibly have been supporting the number of residents in their supposed lifestyle, and concluding that the west was being duped if they accepted the Soviet economic claims of how great things were.
RAH noted 3 pieces of evidence that the population of Moscow (at the time he was there) was around half of the official figures:
1) RAH thought the city just didn't feel like it was anywhere near as big as claimed.
2) His wife Ginny chatted with every Russian they met about family and children - and analyzed this data to conclude that the Muscovite fertility rate had fallen way off, and even with much immigration from the countryside, the population was about half the government figures.
3) When he got back, he talked to an American general and expert in logistics, who told him the transportation network could only feed about half of the claimed population.
Of course, there are ways each estimate could be wrong. E.g., maybe they _weren't_ feeding the population properly (#3) and near-starving people were staying home so much it made the city seem small (#1).
Expanded Universe
Freedom is an entire aisle of Jell-O Pudding Pops.
Nobody needs 24 kinds of pudding pops.
Central planning is much better than free market capitalism because it eliminates the unnecessary and inefficient duplication of services spawned by competition. Imagine how much more efficiently the economy would operate if there were only beet-flavored pudding pops and only one store to buy them from!
They would be so good, people would wait in line to get some!
They would be so good, people would wait in line to not get some!
Bernie fixed it for ya.
And the shared experience of waiting in line would build camraderie. Hence everyone is called comrade.
I do think I remember that pose they photographed Yeltsin in, but I had no idea it was Jell-O he lusted after. I could've turned him on to D'Gari, which has better flavors, but I don't know if they would've sold it in the Houston area then.
Some time I've got to try making some beet-flavored pudding. The mead I have aging now is partly beet flavored.
You march to the beet of your own drum.
Would you top it with sour cream instead of Reddi-Whip? That is how Borscht is typically served.
Maybe compromise with creme fraiche.
A friend in Russia says one needs vodka or sour cream to enjoy borscht.
Having made borscht, I'd say that both (lots of) vodka and (lots of) sour cream are needed.
Beet flavored mead????
I used sweet cider to dilute the honey, and from the response it's getting, I'd say that it's a winner. (2# farmstand honey, brought to 1 gallon with sweet cider, White Sweet Mead Yeast 720, 6 months at about 15 - 17 C, racked @ about 10 % ABV).
Remember when Tricky Dick Nixon, the Keynesian jackass, decided that medical care was too expensive because there was too much competition?
N9, but that sounds about like Nixon. Was that before or after his embracing of Red China?
No idea about that, but even before Nixon imposed the USA's first peacetime widely applied price controls, I thought that Nixon believed the Big Lie that conservatives were fascists - and wanted to be one.
Watched a video last night of a woman taking us shopping in a Petrograd supermarket. In 2021. My have times changed from the communist era to the current Tsar Vladimir period.
Her food bill was $135 (she converted from rubles) for a family of I believe four. Lots of items available including live sturgeon. Live sturgeon!
Putin on the Ritz
Thank Putin, indeed!
It should be noted that over the past year in Russia, the highest rise in prices for sugar (by 41%) and sunflower oil (by 27%).
In addition, chicken eggs (18%), meat and poultry (11%), pasta (8%) and fruit and vegetable products (6%) significantly increased in price.
“Now we are witnessing a recovery growth in the economy after the cancellation of lockdowns both in Russia and around the world. Global demand is warming up, but the supply is still insufficient, so the cost of products is growing everywhere," Nikita Maslennikov, head of the Finance and Economics department at the Institute of Contemporary Development, explained in an interview with RT.
See? Even the Russians agree with Joe Biden that inflation is a positive sign that the economy is recovering nicely!
They blamed the supply chain issues for the inflation. Instead of denying it like fossil fool Biden and the resident pedophile here.
What about the price of spittin’ tobaccy? That’s the important metric for gauging inflation.
Given that inflation is simply too many dollars chasing too few goods, it seems like the logical thing to do is to adopt policies that encourage as many people as possible to go to work producing stuff and to restrict the money supply by cutting government spending. Joe Biden is doing the exact opposite with his vaccine mandate and his bold new spending measures.
Oh, sure, he has the best of intentions by "encouraging" people to get these safe and effective vaccines that are of unproven safety and proven ineffectiveness (the same way a mugger holding a gun to your head is "encouraging" you to hand over your wallet). Being an ignoramus, he is also operating under the common misconception that money and wealth are the same thing (when money is simply a representation of the wealth that is tangible goods and that "free" money that doesn't represent the production of anything at all is simply slips of paper) so he is convinced that handing out slips of paper makes everybody wealthier. This despite the fact that anybody with a lick of sense is telling him that what he is doing is exactly the opposite of what he should be doing. But he's convinced that his plans for "investment" will be better for the economy in the long run, ignoring the fact that government does not and cannot produce wealth but can only adopt policies that will encourage the private sector to produce wealth, that government spending destroys wealth by following the conceit that government knows better than you how your money should be spent.
Don't forget the generous new (mandated and subsidized) family leave policies. That'll help the supply chain too.
I've been calling it a reopening spike since it started.
Oil prices post third straight weekly plunge after volatile week
Oil fell 4% last week. It could end in November. But the economy is robust with 6% GDP growth and five million new jobs created since January.
Transitory it is = reopening bump.
6% GDP growth with 6% inflation.
Serious question: besides meat product what household/consumer product is at all time highs?
It is certainly not gas/oil with a national average of $3.40ish for gasoline (including high taxes).
I don't know what alphabetroll said because I've got it on mute at its request, but I haven't seen people arguing that lots of goods are at "all time highs." That seems like accusing a strawman of moving the goalposts. I have seen people argue that lots of goods are on their way to being at "all time highs," and I tend to agree with them.
So not only are you responding to a leftist troll... but you're responding to an imaginary argument in your head to attack someone you claim to have on mute?
Ideas people. These are sarcs ideas.
Sure sarcasmic's "ideas" look a lot like ad hominem, but he swears he never does that.
This is pretty funny. I remember that discussion. I double dog dared him to carry through on his promise to mute me, then he changed his mind and said he wouldn't because I hadn't threatened or insulted him personally or some such rot, and now he claims he has, but he has to make sure the world knows.
I wonder if this comment will elicit a similar response. he doesn't even have to unmute and remute me: just log out and back in.
He's always peeking anyway, so he doesn't even have to do that.
I don't know what alphabetroll said because I've got it on mute at its request
Can you post today's rankings for your enemies/mute list sarcasmic? I tried guessing yesterday, but many felt that they should have ranked higher.
We are are all trying to get higher in the rankings.
Today’s Winner Sarcle rankings are sponsored by Coors Light. When you don’t want a beer, you might want a Coors Light.
I always thought that any drinking sarcle would be sponsored by Thunderbird, MD 20/20 or Listerine. Coors won't get you to sarcland.
Changed to Beast Ice.
Pffft. Amateurs. Final Net hairspray is where the action is.
Amusing you think something has to be at an all time high instead of many products being at near highs.
I mean there are always single surges in prices for various things.
Is that OSFs new talking point in order to cover for Biden?
Not even jeff/Mike are as desperate as you are to gaslight about the economy to protect Biden.
In Commiefornia regular gas, in some locations is over $8.00/gallon.
Here in Michigan I paid $3.26/ gallon and it's not done going up yet.
Last year I paid less than half for gas than what it is now.
The grocery shelves are emptying and the prices are rising. I've been in some stores where there was practically no meat in the coolers.
Shelves are being kept deceptively full by moving items to the front even though there's not much if anything behind them.
Cities in Oregon are considering adding a tax on food purchases.
When you pay $6.00/ for hamburger you can thank your president Biden for it. That is if you can even find some to purchase.
Plus GDP includes government spending, which is up like 50%.
I'm pretty sure that according to Laffer the government doesn't capture more than 20% of the economy.
Last time I checked, local, state, and federal taxes spending was around $9T/year, which is far more than 20% of GDP.
Sarc doesn't understand that the 20% number is federal taxes on income. It excludes state, fees, etc.
Sarcasmic isn't the most well informed.
He's also stupid and dishonest such as to conflate government tax revenues with government spending.
Not too bright, that drunk.
That’s what happens when you pickle your brain.
Oh wait, that's just taxes. Add on deficit spending and... yeah.
Oh, look! Someone told sarc to sober up!
Fuck off and die, asshole.
turd lies; it’s all he ever does. Turd is a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental. If he included numbers (as his pile of lefty shit above) they are either out-right lies or cherry picked such that if used by an honest person, they would prove the opposite of what turd is claiming
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
I don't think you can have sustainable economic growth without social stratification based on income.
In order for societies to advance, they probably need some kind of cultural prohibition against socialism--like "Thou shalt not covet".
"To be rich is glorious""Let some people get rich first."----Deng Xiaoping
Americans used to celebrate rich people, because to get rich in a free capitalist market you've got to provide something that lots of people want for a price they're willing to pay. You have to enrich many, many peoples' lives to become rich.
Think about Steve Jobs and how many lives are better thanks to iPhones, or how many people saved money and lived better thanks to the Waltons.
Unfortunately that attitude is long gone, and envy rules the day.
I've often said that Sam Walton has done far more good for me by being greedy than all the politicians that have ever lived have done for me by trying to help me.
It's not just wealth though, it needs to be coupled to innovative genius.
Even though he took many other peoples inventions to do it, Steve Jobs essentially created/recreated accessible computing and the smart phone, a profitable model for downloads and a new concept in retail. His successor Tim Cook? Not so much.
Elon Musk has taken rocketry to places his fellow billionaires haven't, or can't.
Sam Walton was a genius at retail, but his kids and managers aren't. Walmart keeps its current dominance not through low prices and service, but by crushing competition.
…. through low prices and service,..
That is how you crush the competition.
Traditionally. Not anymore.
Now you use lobbyists to clamor for regulations making what you did impossible.
On a related note, I enjoy pointing out to lefturds that John D. Rockefeller saved the whales. Kerosene was drastically cheaper than whale oil for lantern fuel.
Wingnuts hate successful capitalists these post-Trump days - calling the Buffetts, Soros, and Gates billionaire job creators "NWO bloodsuckers".
Wingnuts are exactly like the progressives they hate in that matter. Rich people with correct politics are awesome, and the ones with incorrect politics must die.
I must have missed the "eat Warren Buffet" riots by the right.
It occurred in sarcasmic's head. There's a lot of space there as the venue is often empty.
A big blinking “ Vacant” sign.
But you have seen the anti Soros, anti Gates diatribes, haven’t you?
Hold up. People fight against billionaires spending tens of millions in elections?? You got him this time white Mike.
"Sure Zuckerberg spent $500 million on elections for politicians he favored, but if you complain that means that you want to eat the rich"
Yeah, condemning people for merely being wealthy, versus complaining about bad things that they're doing with they're money, isn't the same thing.
Of course you know that, but you're fundamentally dishonest.
I’m also curious what Soros did to improve the world that made him so wealthy. Steve Jobs =\= George Soros.
Soros made his money the old fashioned way, by joining the hitler youth and stealing it
"...Of course you know that, but you're fundamentally dishonest."
I doubt it; his dishonesty is a *RESULT* of his stupidity.
For their policy prescriptions? There's a big difference between:
1) hating the spokesperson for Issue X because they put themselves out to advocate for it, design it, and bring it into being.
2) hating a rich person who privately supports issue Y because [!?] they are rich
On one hand, you have partisan politics. On the other hand, you have nothing besides partisan politics. AKA the Left. Silence is violence. Eat the [insert class or race of people].
Good point.
Thank God nobody commented on the accidental pun.
turd lies; it’s all he ever does. Turd is a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
A lot of Americans still look up to the rich, despite concerted efforts to convince them they should resent the rich. It’s one of the American personality traits that gives me hope.
It's a more fundamental difference than that.
In a free market society, wealth accrues to those who are good at generating wealth -- providing goods and services people want at prices they are willing to pay. They can use that wealth to create even more wealth, and invest in other people with ideas for generating wealth.
In a socialist society, wealth accrues to those who decide how to allocate that wealth for the "common good", as judged by the party's experts. Wealth goes to those who are good at promising stuff to the masses. Productive people have less incentive to create and to build.
Over time the differences compound and create two vastly different societies, one prosperous and free and filled with opportunity, the other characterized by shortages, suffering, hunger, and with scheming people trying to take control.
Wealth goes to those who are good at promising stuff to the masses.
No, the people who are good at promising free shit are minions of the rulers. Rulers move up by carefully choosing when to back-stab their peers, and who to suck up to early in their careers.
“In a free market society, wealth accrues to those who are good at generating wealth -- providing goods and services people want at prices they are willing to pay.”
That’s very true. However, we actually live in a mixed economy, which means some rich people are rich from providing value in a free market, some are rich from cronyism and corporate welfare, and some are a combination.
Opponents of free markets often find it useful to characterize our economy as free market, blaming the very problems caused by the non-free aspects on the free aspects.
^We see that a lot and more-so everyday...
"Opponents of free markets often find it useful to characterize our economy as free market, blaming the very problems caused by the non-free aspects on the free aspects."
Especially when it comes to the green-energy successes. It fact it wasn't just a day ago Commie-Joe was using education in that manner ignoring that even private education isn't a free-market at all but commanded by the exact same Nazi's as public is.
The persons to kiss would be the sturgeon fisher, the producers of the other trimmings, and the cook, not Putin.
The person to kiss is Svetlana. She made the video. And is attractive.
I want to make her mom a babushka.
One wants to be nesting with that doll.
She is a hottie in a cold society. May Putin and his minions never take that from her.
G.U.M. department store is now a series of high end retailers. It can be viewed on Google street view,
It's funny that Russia and many of the former Iron curtain countries can be viewed but Germany and large parts of Austria cannot. Maybe they're afraid someone may come across old uncle Klaus or other embarrassments.
-from the past.
I remember when we were on Red Square and one of our “local” guides from Leningrad asked one of our Moscow guides (NONE of whom worked for the regime’s Inturist whether they should take us into GUM (it was right behind us). She smirked and replied “ZACHEM? Tam nichevo Nuer!” (“WHY? There’s nothing there!”(
Recording from a hospital telling patient they can't get covid treatment if they aren't Hispanic or African American.
I saw a screenshot of a printed list of the qualifications for getting the treatment and it literally said "Latin X or Black". So most Hispanic people who see that aren't even going to think they qualify because they aren't as familiar with that term as the woke white people who invented it.
This is after biden ordered the buying of these drugs after Florida and other states started buying them. Solely to attach racial quotas to them.
But death panels could never happen.
This kind of thing couldn't happen here in America--because progressives care about people. They aren't sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, or racist. The reason socialism didn't work in Angola, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Ethiopia, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Venezuela, the USSR, Yugoslavia, or anywhere else in the world at any time in history is because they didn't have progressives--and progressives care about people. That long list of real failures has nothing to do with communism failing to come to terms with reality. The truth is that economics is just a weaponized form of misinformation spread by white people to maintain their privilege. If we let progressive try it here in the USA, this time, it's gonna be different. Did I mention that there's a climate crisis?
History has shown over and over that demonizing those you disagree with is not an effective strategy, but you be you. You’re having fun with it.
We need to speak in kinder terms about those who would destroy us.
In all seriousness, subjecting progressives to intense ridicule for the profoundly stupid things they believe about the economy may be the only path forward.
They spread their religious doctrines without reference to facts or logic--because their beliefs about how the economy works are ridiculously irrational. Why reason with people who don't care whether they're wrong or right--much less whether they're rational or irrational?
This link below is about as smart as progressives get when they're making the case for progressive economic policies. I don't see a rational response to that, do you?
There are only two things that are important, feelings and the current price of spittin’ tobaccy. Oh, and skin color.
Everything else is just HO2 under the bridge.
Ridicule is cool. Hatred of your fellow Americans is not.
Don't ever let it be said you're not a biased moron.
Now let's discuss J6
Remember that time Dee said how evil all Trump supporters are?
Depends on what you call effective.
It's a very effective means of dehumanizing your enemy so you don't feel bad when they are killed.
It's a very effective means of shutting down any conversation or debate since your opponent isn't even a human being.
It's a very effective means of getting those you disagree with to hold you in equal contempt.
So it all depends on your goals.
October.28.2021 at 3:21 pm
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Show me a racist Good 'ol Boy and I'll show you a red hat.
September.24.2021 at 11:18 am
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Did I ever mention that I despise LEOs so much that if my only child became one I'd never speak to her again?
Cops make scum look like roasted garlic. And I love roasted garlic.
September.22.2021 at 2:16 pm
Flag Comment Mute User
Fuck you Trump and fuck you all the supporters whining and crying about the election being stolen.
If not for January 6 they'd be looking for an excuse to do this instead of doing it.
You guys caused this. You know who you are.
May.18.2021 at 4:30 pm
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Though many police officers wake up every morning and think to themselves "Maybe this my lucky day and I'll get to kill someone."
September.19.2021 at 12:05 pm
Flag Comment Mute User
Clearly anti-Asian hate crime laws are written to target Trump supporters and talk radio listeners stirring up hatred about the “Chinese flu” and the Chinese people who created it.
And so what? They’re so full of hate it’s dripping out their ears. Fuck ‘em.
You would never demonize people.
You trying for first place?
I'm already in first place =)
But he will respond with how I posted lies despite them being his posts. It is amusing.
But ML had you second. This is like the old college football rankings with AP and UPI.
You and Ken will meet on New Year’s Day for the national title.
The Coors Light Sarc Bowl
Wait; are you saying Coors Light is sarcasm of beer?
Its put him at Milwaukee Best Ice.
Beast Ice Sarc Bowl
Gonna have to really up my game.
Cripes, you might've just dethroned Ken and Tulpa on sarc's list.
My favorite sarc quote, "Do you want fries with that?"
“Thank you *hic* drive though.”
“No. We don’t offer a McCuban. What is that?”
But Ken's not on the side planning the camps and the purges.
Do you really think Ken would object to rounding up progressives? The way he describes them they are the root of all evil in society.
Yes you fucking idiot. Ken has never called for camps unlike the democrats you run protection for.
Seriously. According to Ken they lack intelligence. They can't be reasoned with. Their motives are pure evil. What else do you do with people like that? They must be removed from society.
They must be removed from
society.power.sarc knows, he's being retarded on purpose. He's trying to demonize Ken by falsely accusing him of demonizing others.
The idea of strawman.
When we're talking about demonizing socialists, communists, and their progressive fans, we're talking about demonizing demons.
Progressives are openly, enthusiastically, and currently pushing authoritarian and socialist policies--from the budget reconciliation bill to be voted on in the House this week, to the White House writing a letter to itself to justify siccing the FBI on parents for opposing their local school boards.
Demonizing demons is just telling the truth.
Demons must die.
Poor drunk sarc. Thought that was profound.
To have the libertarian capitalist nation that you claim you want, you either need to change the beliefs of those demons about matters such as economics, or compromise with them, or kill them.
They are evil mindset is only conducive to the latter solution.
By the way, nobody is planning camps and purges. That's just stupid.
The military is already being purged.
Tell that to the military nine months ago, or the protesters who illegally languished in jail for many months without any charges.
Of course you know all this, but you're a creepy, evil, pathetic fuck, so you lie about it.
I was talking about the military purge with someone recently, and they hadn’t heard about it. You have a good cite for it?
They called it a "pause" and a "stand-down". They said it was to ensure that there were no "extremists".
This is not a "good" cite, but it demonstrates that it wasn't just a right wing myth.
I am.
It's the only way.
Kids are getting fat.
You sure about that?
Yes, you smear-mongering fuck.
Look up.
Ken says demonizing demons is the truth.
Demons are evil.
What do you do with demons? You exorcise them.
How do you exorcise progressive demons from society?
Yes, I'm quite positive that Ken would support rounding up those with incorrect politics and executing them.
They aren't people. They're demons.
Ken doesn't like logic.
He muted me because I pointed out the logical implications of his words.
Republicans are "mere" authoritarians while Democrats are totalitarians. Because totalitarians are terrible (I agree) libertarians must vote for Republicans. Well I substituted "authoritarian" for "Republican" and oh boy did he get mad.
Now he's got me on mute, so he can't see me pointing out that the logical implication of his words saying that progressives are demons inflicting evil on society requires something drastic. And it ain't gonna happen at the polls.
I truly believe that Ken wouldn't bat an eyelash if these demons were rounded up and removed from society.
Ken muted you because you were an idiot and a troll. You joined in harassing him for attaboys from White Mike, so he blocked you. And it was totally deserved.
Also, you're misrepresenting (lying) about what Ken's views are. You should probably stop that because you're making yourself look like an even bigger idiot.
Oh, and his cry before he muted me was not "I didn't say that" as I say when ML quotes " sarcasmic" saying stuff. It was "that's not what I meant!"
Maybe not. But muting me for pointing out the implications of his words means he's just like the people he hates. Focused on intentions while ignoring obvious implications and possible results.
That's what saddens me the most. Conservatives used to be the rational ones while liberals were emotional twits.
Used to be.
Hoes mad.
Steaming pile of lefty shit is steaming pile of lefty shit.
"cry before he muted me was not "I didn't say that" as I say when ML quotes " sarcasmic" saying stuff."
Quit lying you troll. Everyone can use the "mute button" to prove it was you saying that shit. I've always provided links to the quotes you claim are misattributed because you regret them.
Tell us again how babbitt deserved to be shot for trespassing or Rittenhouse is an evil racist who should be in jail.
"History has shown over and over that demonizing those you disagree with is not an effective strategy, but you be you. You’re having fun with it."
History has shown over and over that fucking lefty ignoramuses like you should fuck off and die. idea so good it has to be enforced from the barrel of a gun.
Socialism, Communism, Progressivism…it all boils down to the delusion that central planning can effectively control something as big and chaotic as a National economy. The idea is ridiculous. There is too much data, and it is moving too fast. The inevitable result is that planning lags behind events. This leads to blame casting, which in turn causes reporting to be corrupted, as people star sending in what they think the central control wants to hear. The resulting failures are excused by scapegoating some minority. Which in turn tends to result in persecution and mass graves.
It’s all an excuse for a Ruling Class. It is just as bogus and just as silly and just as deadly as Divine Right 0f Kings.
How is The Will Of The People any different than Divine Right Of Kings? Because in that context, "The People" means everyone except you, which really means whatever the ruler thinks they can get away with.
The founders knew the downside of “will of the people” and designed our system so that A) it isn’t a true Democracy and B) it moves ponderously. B is often very frustrating to demagogues and other would-be stampeders of The Mob. It also means that when one faction has been the Establishment for a while, it takes some time for the pendulum to swing against them.
(Yes, Progressives, I’m looking at YOU)
Our system isn’t perfect, which is probably a good thing since putting people into a perfect system sounds like an excellent way to grind them in the gears.
325 million individuals pursuing their own qualitative preferences from 325 million unique, individual perspectives--in real time and simultaneously--why can't central planners outperform that?
What if the central planners studied economics at Harvard or MIT?
What if they weren't racists?
. . . then could they make better choices for us and outperform 325 million unique perspectives making choices for themselves simultaneously--despite conflicting preferences and changing conditions in real time?
Believing that the universe is so big and complex that it must have been initiated by an omnipotent and omniscient God is nowhere near as stupid as the belief that the Congressional Progressive Caucus and their favorite experts have the godlike powers necessary to see from 325 million unique perspectives at once.
I can see progressivism from the perspective of a politician who wants more power over us--with good intentions--and from the perspective of the people who believe in them. And from both of those perspectives, progressives look extremely dumb. You can't be knowledgeable, rational, and honest and believe what progressives believe about the economy.
For a lot of them, I think this speaks to their obsessions with gender, orientation, and race, etc. They need to focus on forcing some groups of people to sacrifice for others groups of people because there's no way what they want could be good for society generally. They need a religious belief in things like the original sin of racism to make people willing to sacrifice their own standard of living--but they also need to believe in the cause themselves.
And they can't reconcile the stupid center of progressive economic policy in non-religious terms.
P.S. Adam Smith may be the only founder of a major discipline who hasn't had his central work debunked.
Freud has been almost completely discredited.
They still use Newtonian physics in engineering as a convenient fiction, but Einstein effectively debunked F = ma a hundred years ago.
Darwin may have been right about survival of the fittest, but survival of the fittest isn't as big of an influence on evolution as genetic drift--and Darwin couldn't have known about genetic drift since the structure of DNA wasn't discovered until the 1950s. Yes, without survival of the fittest, species would still evolve.
James Hutton as the founder of Geology might be another whose central observations have successfully withstood scrutiny. Those Scottish Enlightenment figures stand above!
The things that are mostly likely to be true are the things that have withstood the most and best scrutiny, and Adam Smith's central observations may have withstood the most and best scrutiny of all.
"P.S. Adam Smith may be the only founder of a major discipline who hasn't had his central work debunked..."
But it certainly has been "interpreted" in some strange manners:
"The betrayal of Adam Smith: When Corporations rule the world"
The history of economics as a discipline is a history of scholars making brutal observations and politicians and advantage-seekers finding an excuse to ignore them.
Technological limitations. I wish I was kidding.
It's difficult to mourn the loss of a culinary tradition that featured salo as the height of cuisine.
Those far right wing media outlets, ABC News and the Washington Post, have released their latest Biden approval poll, and it's an unmitigated disaster for the old creep:
41%-53% among all adults, and a dismal 38%-57% among registered voters. His aggregate poll number averages at sites such as RealClearPolitics continue to get worse and worse, he's now at a personal record negative spread there.
However, Trump's approval-disapproval profile is equally bad. Biden's problem is the trend. Although Trump's disapproval exceeds his approval, that's held steady for a long time, and he was able to get elected president with it.
Biden, smarmy bastard, has always had a certain inoffensiveness, even likability. I even found him charming with that big smile during the hearings on Bork. Biden's always been as acid-tongued as Trump, yet didn't arouse as much anger with it. Trump's disapproval is more about disapproving of those who approve of him, rather than of the man himself.
The important aspect of this has to do with whether moderate Democrats will stick their necks out for Biden as his approval number crater.
2024 is a million years from now in political terms.
They're bringing up the $2 trillion budget reconciliation bill with all its Green New Deal spending and expansion of entitlement programs--this week. Five moderate Democrats promised to support voting for it if they brought it up no later than November 15th. That's tomorrow, and that's why this poll is important now.
The first midterms in a new presidents term are almost invariably a referendum on the new president, and every moderate Democrat who wants any hope of surviving the 2022 election better start distancing themselves from Biden and his god awful reconciliation bill.
If the reconciliation bill doesn't pass, we should expect the Democrats to suffer an historical median 26 seat loss in 2022. If they pass the reconciliation bill, we should expect to see the Democrats losses in the mid-50 seat range. Biden's popularity collapsing isn't about Trump. It isn't about 2024. It's about 2022, and it's about what happens to the budget reconciliation bill later this week.
There's no assurance that Biden will even be around for the next election. His brain is deteriorating and will continue to deteriorate at an ever increasing rate until he become a vegetable.
Even now, Biden is at a point where he should be impeached and removed as per 25th Amendment. Biden is mentally unfit for the Office. The trouble is that leaves an equally unfit person who is presently V.P. next in succession.
It's a lose-lose situation. But that's the way the progressives planned it.
"ABC News and the Washington Post"
We already knew WaPo could no longer be trusted; they're by definition because they recently ran a piece pretending inflation was a legitimate issue. Apparently ABC News can be filed under as well.
For anyone keeping track, these are the formerly respectable news organizations that have bizarrely decided to destroy their credibility with anti-Biden misinformation:
Let's hope MSNBC continues setting the standard for journalistic integrity.
Try to keep up, OBL.
Inflation is happening now, but it's a good thing.
And mostly only for tobaccy.
Fascist Trump-inspired plot uncovered:
Becoming a domestic terrorist: How 3 self-styled 'patriots' were led to lethal plot
A farmer and two mobile-home salesmen in Kansas plotted a horrifying attack.
This is part 3 of a three-part ABC News series looking at one chilling case of right-wing extremism in America’s heartland.
In the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign, four militia men in Kansas were finalizing their own campaign : a plot to bomb the mosque and homes of Muslim refugees in the small town of Garden City, Kansas.
“I’m a domestic terrorist on a f---ing federal government list right now,” the plot's ringleader, Patrick Stein, was recorded saying before the FBI made arrests in October 2016.
Wright, now 56, eventually came to “hate the government,” the Obama administration in particular, for “allowing Muslims” and “possible terrorist threats” into the U.S. homeland, according to notes of a post-arrest interview with him.
“They couldn’t get here if it wasn’t for our government,” Wright said on one of the recordings Day produced.
Where they chewing low priced spittin’ tobaccy?
I'm not sure what their tobacco preference is but you can be sure prison prices are high.
turd lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
Quit thread-shitting, Sevo.
It's Sunday and we don't need your dumbass bullshit added to 500 comments.
Die lefty scum!
Go kill yourself you leftist piece of shit!
There, I think I managed to capture all of Sevo's wisdom.
And yours.
turd lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
Meh, average Hannity listeners. Nothing unusual.
For years, Stein “immersed” himself in “right-wing news and ideology,” reading alarming online stories about Muslims, watching YouTube videos purporting to reveal the truth about Islam, and listening to far-right radio hosts like conspiracists Alex Jones, Pratt said in court documents.
Allen and Wright also closely followed Jones.
“Everybody that listens to him is a patriot,” Wright said on one of Day’s recordings. “He’s done so much investigating.”
Wing. Nut.
Nardz. Sevo. Post-election Ken.
Ideas! Not people.
This is the asshole who muted someone yesterday.
How do I know? He bragged about it, as if pathetic piece of shit's muting someone is of interest to ANYONE!
Egomaniacal, stupid, dishonest and proud of it!
Fuck off and die.
Sorry; this is aimed at sarc, obviously.
turd lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
So he was planning this for years, and was caught in 2016. How does that make him Trump inspired?
I thought you were against demonizing people.
Now do the blm riots. Do cancel culture. Do online mobs.
When I see that, all I can do is wonder if anything at all would have happened without the FBI informant there.
Informants are like high-pressure salesmen. They're the guy suggesting and cajoling the rest into doing stupid shit.
Hmm, looking at it from the point of view of the informant, you want something to happen or else you are just wasting tons of your time hanging out with a bunch of all-talk wingnuts.
And most wingnuts are all talk.
Trust White Mike to sympathize with FBI agent provocateurs'.
But he swears he's libertarian folks.
That sounds almost as horrific as the 9 / 18 SECOND INSURRECTION BY RIGHTWING EXTREMISTS you warned us about 5 days in advance.
Please continue this important work Mr. Buttplug.
I'm still traumatized by the mental image of the undercover Feds standing around in their identical sunglasses and denim shorts. I may never recover
I'm struggling with what I believe is called "survivor's guilt."
Where you also nearly a murder victim even though you were in another location?
In the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign, four militia men in Kansas were finalizing their own campaign
You misspelled "one retard and three undercover FBI agents".
"A farmer and two mobile-home salesmen in Kansas plotted a horrifying attack."
"four militia men in Kansas were finalizing their own campaign"
So, is the missing guy in there the FBI who did most of the recruitment and planning? Just asking because of trends.
I am curious as to what your goal is in posting stuff like this.
Are you trying to mess with some of the commenters here?
Or do you have a specific discussion that you would like to have on this?
He’s a lefty troll.
Sarah Palin's Buttplug 2
September.16.2021 at 11:49 am
Flag Comment Mute User
Yes, I donated to the Open Society Institute. Never claimed I didn't.
Soros was a student of Popper and Hayek.
A farmer and two mobile-home salesmen in Kansas plotted a horrifying attack.
Two out of the three being FBI agents.
Misdemeanor disturbing the peace.
FWIW I just took the Pew political typology quiz (16 questions) and here are my results:
Political Typology Quiz
Your best fit is…
Ambivalent Right
… along with 12% of the public
Read more in the full report: Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology
Read more about Ambivalent Right
View interactive charts to see how the Political Typology groups compare.
On issues ranging from the size of the federal government to views about business, gender and race, Ambivalent Right hold many views that are largely consistent with core conservative values. Yet they also hold more moderate stances on several social issues and differ from some other segments of the GOP coalition in taking a more internationalist view of foreign policy and a less restrictive position on immigration.
Ambivalent Right are a GOP-leaning group as a whole – 68% identify as or lean Republican – and they make up a substantial share of all Republicans and GOP leaners (18%). But this group also includes a significant number of Democrats: A quarter of Ambivalent Right either identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, and a similar share (25%) voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.
With 63% of Ambivalent Right adults under the age of 50, they are substantially younger than other Republican-oriented groups. About two-thirds (65%) are White, 17% are Hispanic, 8% are Black and 5% are Asian, making this group more racially and ethnically diverse than other GOP coalition groups.
turd lies; it’s all he ever does. Turd is a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental. If he included numbers (as his pile of lefty shit above) they are either out-right lies or cherry picked such that if used by an honest person, they would prove the opposite of what turd is claiming
turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
"On issues ranging from the size of the federal government to views about business, gender and race, Ambivalent Right hold many views that are largely consistent with core conservative values"
I was just describing Impostor Buttplug's M.O. yesterday, and here he is confirming what I said.
It's such a transparently phony routine. Nobody would be stupid enough to call conservatives racist — and then admit to having conservative views on race-related issues. That's such a humiliating self-own that even a complete moron wouldn't walk into it.
They do stuff like in teen beat and people magazine, or so I hear.
This is one of the better quizes as it leaves out the tedious issue of abortion.
turd lies; it’s all he ever does. turd is a pathological liar, entirely too stupid to remember which lies he posted even minutes ago, and also too stupid to understand we all know he’s a liar.
If anything he posts isn’t a lie, it’s totally accidental.
Turd lies; it’s what he does. turd is a lying pile of lefty shit.
Buttplug’s Tenn Beat pages are all stuck together so he wouldn’t know. No. He doesn’t get it for the articles.
Yeah, I was "ambivalent right" too.
I notice "libertarian" wasn't one of the possible outcomes.
That's because these typologies (which they've been doing for 40 years, constantly refining) aren't about any predetermined ideologies. They decide on a set of questions, then analyze the answers for multi-dimensional correlations, drawing a line on a certain number of "clusters" in this cluster analysis. If "libertarian" were the best word they could use to describe a large enough cluster, they wouldn't be afraid to use it. In the past, their analysts have sometimes pointed out that libertarians made up a part of this or that cluster. Often libertarians are found in 2 or more clusters.
The main point is, there aren't enough consistent libertarians to make up a cluster of their own.
It’s a cluster fuck.
Or their multiple-choice questions don't include libertarian answers.
Edgelord should be an outcome
I would expect that in the current iteration, going by the 16-question version of the survey, the great majority of self-described libertarians would fall into this 'ambivalent right" category. However, the cluster would also include a great many who wouldn't describe themselves as libertarian, and probably wouldn't be so described by most self-described libertarians either.
8s there an Ambidextrious Right?" Or would that be "Ambidextrious Right and Left?"
They say if you use both hands, you'll never miss a stroke...And by "They," I mean the friends for whom I ask unusual questions. 😉
I came out Ambivalent Right too. I haven't taken this in a few years, thanks for the reminder. The clusters keep changing, partly out of the surveyors' judgment, partly as underlying shifts as different issues come to the fore.
Sometimes they'll rename a cluster if it still seems to be present but has shifted a little to a more appropriate decriptor.
Ambivalent Right
The description sounds pretty close. The only issue I have with these quizzes is that some of the questions can be interpreted different ways that would skew the final result. I always feel like I have to explain several of my answers as I go through these quizzes.
Yeah, but try answering when you’re a racist communist.
Play that role and see how you come out. Could be fun.
I got Establishment Liberal when I tried it.
I was somewhat unsure what some of the responses would be so I had to guess.
That was just done by a real racist communist above. He said he was “ambivalent right”.
False consciousness.
So you lied there too.
Outsider Left!
Sevo is right: I’m a lefty shit!
(Actually, I’m a libertarian.)
Sevo is right and there's no way in hell you're a libertarian.
You missed the “steaming pile” part.
On a serious note: do you find the description of outsider left to be accurate to your beliefs?
Also, I am not setting this up to be a dick. It is a serious question.
No. I don’t think it’s accurate. It seems like they are misinterpreting my answers.
I can see that. On about half of my answers on these political quizzes, I feel like I need to add a qualifying statement.
Very first sentence: “Outsider Left are the youngest typology group, making up 10% of the public.”
I wish. I’m an old fart.
“Holding liberal views on most issues and overwhelmingly voting Democratic, they aren’t particularly enamored with the Democratic Party – though they have deeply negative views of the GOP.”
I don’t hold liberal views on most issues, unless they mean the original definition of liberal. I’m pretty conservative in my personal life.
I don’t think I’ve ever voted for a Democrat. Always Libertarian or abstain. I do have deeply negative views of the (current) GOP.
I can remember voting for one democrat (gasp!!). Paul Penzone over the worst sheriff in America Joe Arpaio. I was so happy to see him get voted out. Every time Sheriff Joe tries a comeback, I hold my breath and hope it fails.
“Outsider Left hold liberal views on most social issues, and particularly on issues of racial and ethnic equality and on immigration.”
I am for racial and ethnic equality, but in a government hands’ off/see everyone as the same way, not the current progressive force equal outcomes/Harrison Bergeron way.
I am very pro immigration.
You’re also pro talking to yourself apparently.
The post-scarcity socialist workers' paradise always features a lot of scarcity. Sacrifice for the common good is half the point.
Pro-tip: no one wanting to go halfsies has more than you.
"GOP silence deafening as post-Jan. 6 threats of violence escalate"
Evidence includes the GIF of AOC being murdered, links to a guy getting 3-1/4 years for punching a cop, some other ldft-opinion pieces and:
"...House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) and other Republican leaders have another goal that reveals their own priority of attaining party power even if it means sacrificing domestic security: They have moved to punish the 13 Republicans who voted for the bipartisan infrastructure plan by stripping them of their committee assignments. Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), who voted for the bill along with 18 other Republican colleagues, called it a “godsend for Kentucky.”..."
How DARE the GOP punish members for supporting a pork-filled, budget-busting spending bill?
infrastructure bill is only enriching the well connected public sector types. By not raising taxes to pay for it, the printed trillions by the Fed will only increase inflation for real Americans. Either have the balls to raise taxes or stop deficit spending. And honeslty if govt "borrowing" raised productivity we would not be running deficits...the whole idea is "we borrow now to grow and pay back with the growth"..more keynsian nonsense. It might work in the private sector but in govt they never stop a failed program...which is why keynsian deficit spending always leads to expanding the money supply and more debt.
Not to be Ken, but maybe we should stop calling it "bipartisan" if everyone who broke ranks and voted for it gets punished for doing so.
Yeah, really hard to call it "bipartisan" after that.
And notice this is cited as "violence" by the GOP!
I read an interesting thing about this j6th commission the other day. Current house rules require that all depositions have both a ranking minority party member and council of their choice at all depositions. Pelosi has been allowing Cheney and a democratic lawyer, from a DNC firm, as the requirements to fulfill both.
Cheney was not appointed by the minority party. She takes up a slot for the democrats. Same woth Kizinger. So they are in violation of current house rules and can likely all be held in violation of House rules. Likewise those under deposition don't have to appear due to the violations.
I await swift action against these violations.
As we all will. And will....
I wonder how many copies of this article are going to be sent to Bernie "bread lines are a good thing" Sanders?
This just in about the Jones Act:
But American grocery stores are racist. And according to our new bolshevik leaders in the media (Bloomberg) and DC we should suffer a bit..empty shelves are good things. Americans not being able to afford meat is good. We can all eat soy/tofu I guess.
JC...the insidious take over of the media and govt by these parasites who did this to Russia and now dominate American elites is a grave threat to our liberty. Sorry but time to root these communists out..from the media, non profits, academia, big tech and the federal govt.
Yes, but, Orange Man was bad.
Also linked in the 'GOP silence!!!!!' article:
A 'Scary' Survey Finding: 4 In 10 Republicans Say Political Violence May Be Necessary"
"The survey found that nearly three in 10 Americans, including 39% of Republicans, agreed that "if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions."
That result was "a really dramatic finding," says Daniel Cox, director of the AEI Survey Center on American Life. "I think any time you have a significant number of the public saying use of force can be justified in our political system, that's pretty scary."..."
First, note it is included in "religion"!
Then note that only 3 in 10 people think that if the government doesn't protect us, we should!
WIH do the other 7 think should provide protection if the government won't?
So what NPR is doing here is exactly what they're insinuating the right does. Fomenting hate against the other by lying about their beliefs and actions.
Probably the 70% think there should be no protection in that case.
70% deserve no protection in that case.
Most of that 70% have never thought this through and don't know what they'd do - but when a mob heads into _their_ neighborhood to burn their homes and the government holds back the police, the vast majority of them will welcome anyone who hands out shotguns and leads them in defending their 'hood.
"WIH do the other 7 think should provide protection if the government won't?"
I guess it's our patriotic duty to just roll over and die...because racism or something.
"I think any time you have a significant number of the public saying use of force can be justified in our political system, that's pretty scary."..."
and btw, the left is full of wannabe jackbooted thugs who want the unvaccinated to be starved and deprived of any medical treatment for exercising their freedom to make their own medical decisions. But that's not use of political force? If they didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards.
Yeah, they sort of ignore that "use of force" is the default method of the government, including the method of getting what lefties prefer: Your property.
If the government had protected business owners in Kenosha, Rosenbaum wouldn't have been pushing burning dumpsters into police cars and Kyle Rittenhouse wouldn't have been walking around with a rifle trying to put the fires out. If the local government had accepted Trump's offer of national guard support, the neighborhood would not have been destroyed. It's not complicated.
The left’s whole philosophy is based on violence for political purposes.
Russian food always was a lot of meat and potatoes. Communism just destroyed the supply for the vast majority of its victims - first meat and then even carbs.
The framing of the article is just weird. Russian cuisine (as in the practices) might have been damaged by communism, but it was always low brow, like the way we think of English "cuisine."
English cuisine really took a beating thanks to rationing and wartime shortages in the First and Second World Wars.
Before that its reputation wasn't that bad. Two generations raised on powdered eggs and milk, tinned spam and dry biscuits don't exactly excel in culinary arts.
I dunno, they have always had foods called things like 'spotted dick' and etc.
Which is pretty tasty.
Funny names don't make something taste bad.
Yeah it's basically bread pudding but still . . .
Question for which no one has yet provided a good answer?
WIH do Hawaiians love spam?
Because it goes with pineapple. At least, it does on pizza.
Ham and pineapple on tomato sauce cheese bread is not pizza.
^+ MANY!
I read somewhere the taste of Spam was similar to long pig.
The straight Dope on Spam.
OK, that's FUNNY!
I read that long pig gained favor after the introduction of Spam! (joking)
My understanding is that Hawai'ians love SPAM because it was available - you can pack it and ship it to the islands and it doesn't go 'bad' any more than it started that way. Like IPA's.
I'm doing a Hawai'i-style BBQ to celebrate my grandmother's 90th in Florida next week, and besides the more normal things, like pulled pork and grilled pineapple, SPAM sliders on hawaiian rolls are one of the requested items.
I just today I tried to order Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Baked Beans Spam Spam and Spam. And would you believe it? Baked Beans were OFF!
Prior to the discovery of the Americas, European cuisine in general must have been pretty bad. Meat and game for the titled. Gruel and cabbage for everyone else.
Potatoes, maize, vanilla, chocolate, tomatoes, peanuts, chilis, turkeys, pecans helped light up the world's cuisines.
Gruel and cabbage? Ha, they wished! Most days they'd strain the sewage that ran in the gutter. On a good day they'd sacrifice a baby and dig into the placenta. For dessert, their own fallen hair, with any attached lice as a bonus.
They could always go down to the swamp and turn over rocks for escargot and frog legs like the French did. But apparently the English were too busy inventing a hundred ways to cook eels to discover those other dishes,
More than $800,000 in Seattle homeless funds intended for Mary’s Place shelter may have been stolen, emails show
Taking money from parties A, B and C so that party D can fund housing for party E absolutely is a scam. Regardless of whether party F intercepts the funds between parties D and E.
At least in the case above, the money may have gone to people who will spend it more wisely.
Thieves hardly ever spend their ill-gotten gains wisely - whether in government or out of it.
The Washington Post is finally throwing in the towel on the Russia story. How embarrassing!
The Washington Post on Friday took the unusual step of correcting and removing large portions of two articles, published in March 2017 and February 2019, that had identified a Belarusian American businessman as a key source of the “Steele dossier,” a collection of largely unverified reports that claimed the Russian government had compromising information about then-candidate Donald Trump . . . .
Steele’s dossier consisted of raw information and unconfirmed tips from unidentified sources, which he compiled as part of a political opposition-research project for an investigative firm working on behalf of the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign . . . .
Steele’s dossier consisted of raw information and unconfirmed tips from unidentified sources, which he compiled as part of a political opposition-research project for an investigative firm working on behalf of the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign.
"The Washington Post corrects, removes parts of two stories regarding the Steele dossier"
I'd say the Post deserves credit for retracting and revising stories from years, but that's like giving credit to a drunk driver, after he's been convicted of manslaughter, for saying he's sorry. You misled your readers for years--over nothing. To whatever extent Trump supporters are paranoid about the the establishment rigging everything against them, much of that started in seeing the left try to overturn the 2016 election over a Russia conspiracy grounded in a Clinton smear campaign. Hang your head in shame.
Meanwhile, where is Rachel Maddow? Has she retracted anything? Are her viewers holding her accountable for spreading misinformation--and making them all look like idiot? There are commenters on this website who made complete asses of themselves because of the reporting of the Post and people like Maddow. Have they learned anything? Or are they just as incapable of critical thinking now as they were the?
Maddow is worse then the Post if Maddow hasn't retracted . . . everything she said on her TV show every day for three years--and regular commenters who haven't retracted are in the same boat as Maddow. There's no shame in being lied to, and if you were a victim of the media's hateful bias, you should say so. Hey, I believed what the media and the FBI were telling me--instead of my own lying eyes! Okay. Do you still believe the media when they characterize parents who oppose their local school boards without so much as a critical thought?
Being lied to is no cause for shame. Being gullible is embarrassing. Willfully refusing to learn from our mistakes is stupid.
Meanwhile, where is Rachel Maddow?
According to the latest from Glenn Greenwald, the media is sidelining her on this issue-- specifically so they can separate their own coverage from hers.
"Well, yes, Maddow was extreme on this issue... and she's not real news".
I supposed Maddow making a ridiculous show that isn't supposed to be funny but is is a bit like Noah making a show that's supposed to be funny but isn't.
IOWs, the common output of both.
Stewart, with his "I'm a comedian!", when called on his lies was worse; Maddow at least never hides behind that fig leaf.
Or she hasn't the mental ability to so connive.
Rachel Maddow (with her many peers) is the same as the supermarket tabloids like the enquirer. Amusing while the ol lady in front digs in her purse for the last 3 cents but not worth the quarter to buy it.
No apology or withdrawal for stories like 'baby born with false teeth' is expected because that is what they were selling. As for the people who had an excess quarter they were willing to spend on it... well, god bless their hearts.
I remember a joke from the late 80s (or perhaps early 90s) that captured this reality well.
A professor in a university was teaching a class on surveys, and instructed his students to design and execute one in different countries. So they did. They came up with a survey that tested opinion on meat shortgages.
First, they conducted the survey in America. "Excuse me, what is your opinion on the meat shortage?" To which everyone answered, "Shortage? What's a shortage?"
They then conducted their survey in the Soviet Union. "Excuse me, what is your opinion on the meat shortage?" To which everyone answered, "Opinion? What's an opinion?"
They then conducted their survey in Israel. "Excuse me, what is your opinion on the meat shortage?" To which everyone answered, "Excuse me? What's excuse me?"
I read that joke in Russian a few years back.
The Stolovayas in the Soviet Union were notoriously horrid. Every single Russian I broached the topic with warned me away from them. My close Russian buddies took me into one summer of 91 just so I could see for myself. What there was to see—(and there wasn’t much at all)—YUCKO!!!! Oh and my friends hadn’t had a banana for years. With my dollars I got some. Little 8 year old Dimka had never had one before—that was a good memory. I wish I had handled the pineapple better. They hadn’t had any pineapple in over a decade. I found one and surprised them with it. It turned out anticlimactic for them because I should have waited for a special occasion for something they hadn’t had in that long of a time.
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“Amazing write-up!”
A lot of talk recently concerning right wing domestic terrorists.
Yet, the terrorism committed by BLM and ANTIFA rioters is ignored by both the media and even local and federal authorities. They get a free pass. The billions in damage to businesses, particularly small businesses including minority owned businesses amount to nearly $2 billion. The number of people hurt and even murdered have been over looked. Downtown districts ruined, closed, boarded up, vacant. Some of them burned out. In Washington D.C they rioted, looting and destroying businesses then setting fire to a church. The liberal media either ignored all this or labeled it as mostly peaceful protests.
CHAZ ....three shot one killed. The shooter still not caught. Portland downtown is a ghost town. kenosha is being threatened by domestic terrorists if the verdict goes the wrong way. Yet the FBI sits on its hands. Wray is an idiot and a moron. BLM is threatening more rioting, more destruction and more bloodshed, yet the DOJ and FBI do nothing.
Is your town or city next?
"Yet, the terrorism committed by BLM and ANTIFA rioters is ignored by both the media and even local and federal authorities."
For them it's their feature. Not a bug.
Speaking of central planning, how are those Trump/Biden tariffs working out?
Taxing is hardly "central planning".