House Democrats Ready Taxes on E-Cigarettes and Cryptocurrency
Plus: Vaccine mandates are popular, Texas versus free speech, and more...
Congressional plan would raise taxes, but by less than Biden proposed. After a monthlong summer break, the Senate is back in session starting today—and ready to quickly remind us why we wish they would stay on hiatus. On the agenda: raising the debt limit, passing a $550 billion infrastructure bill, and fleshing out President Joe Biden's $3.5 trillion budget package. Meanwhile, House Democrats are circulating a new plan to raise taxes in a variety of ways.
This includes a massive tax boost on nicotine-containing products, including vape products, and changing the tax rules regarding cryptocurrency to "treat cryptocurrency the same as other financial instruments." Dems allege that they will raise $16 billion from the cryptocurrency rule change and nearly $100 billion from the nicotine taxes.
"In fact, evidence shows that the only impact cigarette tax increases have is to lead to a boom for criminal syndicates selling illicit black market tobacco products," notes Americans for Tax Reform (ATR). "As a result, tobacco tax increases almost never reach the projected revenue goals: Only three out of 32 state tobacco increases studied met tax revenue estimates." Meanwhile, raising taxes on vape products may hinder people's efforts to quit smoking regular cigarettes.
The proposal—passed around Sunday by House Ways and Means Committee Chair Rep. Richard E. Neal (D–Mass.) and obtained by The Washington Post—would also:
• Raise taxes on big businesses—boosting the corporate tax rate from 21 percent up to 26.5 percent for companies with more than $5 million in annual income—while lowering taxes on small businesses. For companies making under $400,000 in annual income, the tax rate would go down from 21 percent to 18 percent. The proposal wouldn't change the tax rate for companies making between $400,000 and $5 million.
• Raise taxes on high-income households, increasing the personal income tax rate from 37 percent to 39.6 percent. (The Post says this would apply to those making more than $435,000, while The New York Times reports that it would be raised for households that bring in more than $450,000 in income and individuals making more than $400,000.)
• Raise the capital gains tax (which applies to the selling of assets) to 25 percent, up from 20 percent.
• Impose an extra 3 percent "surtax on high-income individuals" with incomes over $5 million.
• Give the IRS an additional $80 billion over the next decade for enforcement. (This "would hire enough new IRS agents to fill Nationals Park twice" and "allow the IRS to audit and harass small businesses and American families for an additional $787 billion," suggests the ATR.)
• Cut in half the estate and gift tax exemptions for married filers as of the end of this year, instead of in four years as now set.
"Many items in the new draft scale back the more ambitious tax increases sought by Biden earlier this year," notes the Post. "But the ideas taken together amount to a significant unwinding of the tax cuts enacted by Republicans under former president Donald Trump four years ago, drawing praise from the White House on Sunday."
"Notably absent from the document is any discussion of lifting the $10,000 cap on the state and local tax deduction, raising questions about the fate of that costly proposal," points out Bloomberg. "New Jersey Representative Josh Gottheimer, a moderate Democrat who wants to scrap the so-called SALT cap, said Monday that leadership was aware that, in his view, 'no SALT, no dice.'"
Majority of Americans support vaccine mandates. Vaccine mandates may be wildly unpopular in many quarters, not to mention wildly unconstitutional when imposed by the federal government on all workplaces. But they've also got the support of a lot of Americans. In a new poll from CNN, 51 percent of respondents said they support vaccine mandates broadly, and slightly higher percentages support them specifically for schools, sporting events, and workplaces. "More than half of Americans now say they support requiring vaccinations for office workers returning to the workplace (54%), students attending in-person classes (55%) and patrons attending sporting events or concerts (55%), although fewer (41%) support requiring vaccinations for a shopper to enter a grocery store," CNN reports.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has signed into law yet another terrible piece of legislation. This one—House Bill 20—essentially turns digital platforms into common carriers, with no right to refuse content as they see fit. Specifically, it would ban big social media companies (defined as those with 50 million or more monthly users) from prohibiting or removing any type of political opinion. It would also let the Texas attorney general sue to get individual user accounts reinstated. Meanwhile, it would punish companies for not removing illegal content quickly enough, giving them just 48 hours to do so without facing consequences from Texas enforcers. The new law is "blatantly unconstitutional," writes Mike Masnick at Techdirt.
• On August 29, the U.S. military "launched a drone strike that killed 10 people in Kabul on Aug. 29 without knowing whom it was hitting."
• "Pelosi has also pledged to hold a vote on the Women's Health Protection Act shortly after the House returns on Sept. 20, which would codify abortion rights into federal law, after the Supreme Court's Texas abortion ruling," reports Axios. "The bill is expected to pass in the House in the coming weeks but has no chance in the 50-50 split Senate."
• "Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' ban on school mask mandates will remain in place as the measure faces legal challenges in court, an appeals court ruled Friday. The order reverses a judge's decision to put the governor's ban on hold," notes CBS News.
• "For my journalism students, much of 9/11 is a case study of what not to do," writes Brandeis University journalism professor Eileen McNamara.
• The New York Times offers a plethora of reasons why it's time to end qualified immunity for federal law enforcement officers.
• "About 4,500 people on home confinement [are] facing the possibility of being returned to prison once the pandemic recedes," points out NBC News. "Dozens of advocacy groups have called upon President Joe Biden to exercise his broad presidential powers and commute the inmates' sentences. But the administration said its legal team interprets [a Trump administration] memo to mean people will be required to return to prison a month after the official state of emergency for the pandemic ends."
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On August 29, the U.S. military "launched a drone strike that killed 10 people in Kabul on Aug. 29 without knowing whom it was hitting."
We fill out the threat matrix spreadsheets after the fact now.
Per Jeff's reasoning yesterday....
The military was uncertain if it was water or explosives so they were justified and acting in self defense. Right jeff?
*i do not endorse the logic of the idiot jeff.
You should note the caveat that the logic doesn't apply if a cop can't tell if it's a cell phone or a gun.
White cop on black suspect negates all self defense claims.
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That matrix better contain the target's vaccination and mask-wearing status.
This is the high quality decision making you get when 'something must be done.' On par with mask and 'vaccine' mandates.
That’s pretty much how drone strikes have always been handled.
Mostly Dee just makes up shit.
Pelosi has also pledged to hold a vote on the Women's Health Protection Act shortly after the House returns on Sept. 20, which would codify abortion rights into federal law, after the Supreme Court's Texas abortion ruling...
Has she even tried labeling the Texas government domestic terrorists?
Don't give her ideas.
Will she label the Catholic Church as a terrorist organization?
The Catholics have been just as pozzed as the people in Pelosi's district since Vatican II.
+1 (allegedly) Marxist Pope.
Drone strike!
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has signed into law yet another terrible piece of legislation. This one—House Bill 20—essentially turns digital platforms into common carriers, with no right to refuse content as they see fit. Specifically, it would ban big social media companies (defined as those with 50 million or more monthly users) from prohibiting or removing any type of political opinion. It would also let the Texas attorney general sue to get individual user accounts reinstated.
Would this mean the Texas Government will prohibit social media sites from refusing pro-choice content, including addresses of clinics and providers? Or would Texas sue the social media site for providing such pro-choice content?
Law of Non-Contradiction, call your office!
Meanwhile, it would punish companies for not removing illegal content quickly enough, giving them just 48 hours to do so without facing consequences from Texas enforcers. The new law is "blatantly unconstitutional," writes Mike Masnick at Techdirt.
Both Unconstitutional and violating the Law of Identity and it's Correlaries.
Texas may be big, but it's not bigger than Objective Reality.
The order reverses a judge's decision to put the governor's ban on hold...
The ban on the mandate has been unbanned!
"...And finally, the bake sale to raise money for the car wash has been cancelled due to confusion."
For my journalism students, much of 9/11 is a case study of what not to do...
Did they even try to tie Islamic terrorism to white supremacist TER'Fs back then?
"Majority of Americans support vaccine mandates."
Isn't CNN a bubble of the oldest and stupidest Americans?
And most frightened.
It's pretty bad when even half of the home team is against you.
The MSNBC poll says that 60%-70% support mandates.
And we know polls are completely accurate and are never manipulated or simply wrong.
Seriously, who do they think they will convince with this? Both Trump and Clinton supporters have been distrustful of polls since 2016, and the pollsters all have explicit bias in the desire of vaccine mandates. "How to Lie with Statistics" is a household name, even if it's not truly widely read. I don't think anyone really trusts media polling on this or any other controversial, partisan matter.
I remember reading the CNN polling was adjusted to +7 DNC and had an oversample of independents. They didn't even try to match the 2020 electorate numbers.
If CNN called would you answer the poll, or just laugh hysterically before hanging up?
I see the different polls as a view onto how the different media companies and their viewers see issues. I don't trust them as a big picture.
We have always been in support of mandates.
If the results of a poll are offered tk you for free, then the poll was designed to get a specific answer
"In a new poll from CNN, 51 percent of respondents said they support vaccine mandates broadly"
As a 2020 Dem candidate complained recently, Tom Perez makes a call to Jeff Zucker, and the next day Anderson Cooper is repeating it. CNN is a Democratic Party organ, as is MSNBC.
What these polls are is an announcement of party policy on the issue going forward. They're giving themselves the 'legitimacy' that they need for the next stage.
The imaginary drivel they put out does seem to preceed the government policy by a few weeks.
Half right. There is a mirror image bubble of old and stupid Americans watching Fox and OAN.
"Don't worry CNN, Democratic Party! I'm here to save you with a BOTH SIDES!
And remember everyone, I swear that I'm libertarian!"
The New York Times offers a plethora of reasons why it's time to end qualified immunity for federal law enforcement officers.
If the Times is for it then I guess I have to be against it.
The Times is wrong because all govt. employees need to lose qualified immunity.
Even the elected ones.
It needs to be reformed not ended or you open the country up to unmitigated legal attacks. Of a county clerk refused to give LGBT marriage certificates in accordance with state laws and the USSC randomly changed rights to include LGBT marriage, lawyers would be able to sue clerks who were following prior precedence. This would be a terrible metric.
The Clerk of Court who refuses to approve a legal marriage citing religious privilege or any other whimsy shouldn't be occupying the position to sue in the first place.
And the Supremes approving the right of same-sex couples to marry wasn't "randomly" changing rights, either Natural or Constitutional. Individual have a right to choose their own associations and nothing in the language of the Constitution dictates that marriages cannot be same-sex and both Federal and State Governments may not impede the obligations of private contracts (within the bounds of all other individual rights.)
Except for Capitol officers shooting unarmed women.
"She was an immanent threat to a large door. The officer was just protecting his colleague." - t. chemjeff
Dozens of advocacy groups have called upon President Joe Biden to exercise his broad presidential powers and commute the inmates' sentences.
"If you break the rules, be prepared to pay."
-President Joe Biden
PS: Fuck Joe Biden.
Fuck Joe Biden!
Fuck Joe Biden.
Singh and Trudeau ain't exactly superstars. Parti Rhinoceros looking less and less ridiculous.
I decided to vote for Maxime Bernier. I couldn't bring myself to vote for Erin O'Toole.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Look at how deeply he cares about the health and safety of the American people! Except of course for those Americans stuck in Afghanistan, they chose to be there so they can go fuck themselves.
And the unvaccinated. They can also go fuck themselves.
That's some serious unity right there.
Fuck both Joe Biden and the Judgez who wants to force hospitals to administer Ivermectin! They both think we are nothing but livestock!
So the left spends years getting all the gays married then turns around and adds a bunch of marriage penalties to the tax code. Sounds about right.
"This includes a massive tax boost on nicotine-containing products, including vape products"
I predict this will hurt working-class and poor people far more than any other Democratic economic policy will hurt billionaires.
Thanks to all loop-holes, American 0.1 percenters still won't pay a dime in taxes, no matter how high they raise them.
So don't worry OBL, it's just theatre for the little folks, the Party will never actually bite the hand that feeds it.
In fact the Party just announced a five hundred billion dollar bonus to the tech companies for "R&D" *wink*.
How's that for taking care of all their buds, huh.
You forgot the rest of the classicly disadvantaged folks: the ethnic minorities, the 'poor,' single parents, the disabled, recent immigrants who buy the grievance bs. The DNC/progressive first rule is to claim to support a group, and fuck them six ways from Sunday. Then blame a mysterious cabal of rich cishetero old men, and do it all over again.
In a new poll from CNN, 51 percent of respondents said they support vaccine mandates broadly, and slightly higher percentages support them specifically for schools, sporting events, and workplaces.
Let's get some LEO knees on those unvaccinated necks!
Reason.... Carefully crafted poll gets 51% = popular.
Uh... With about 70% of voting age folks vaccinated, 51% in this poll does not equal popular. It equals "astonishingly unpopular".
How many other areas do people oppose a mandate that does not impact them negatively and offers some benefit? That is pretty much unheard of.
Most people can see what is coming.
Still makes me sad that they are even that popular. But good point.
Meanwhile, House Democrats are circulating a new plan to raise taxes in a variety of ways.
They really don't want to survive the midterms.
The faithful own nothing and are happy.
A very small fraction of people earning over $500k do so with wages.
Doctors suck at finances and they already vote Republican.
Rich Democrats won't be paying 39.6%.
Many middle class Democrats do pay close to 40%. Don't see the popularity myself.
This won't change the overall tax burden of those people.
Just the enforcement, which the middle class doesn't have an army of accountants and lawyers
Hey, going to white privilege guilt seminars is payment enough!
They will be rewarded after death. And then be taxed.
Declare those pennies on your eyes
If only...
Biden is doing so well that #BlueWave2022 is already guaranteed.
No Widespread corruption.
More Widespread Panic!
It was an inclusive voter fraud machine.
They're not worried about elections.
Do not speculate as to why. Only terrorists speculate as to why.
Seems midterm elections would be a little more difficult to fudge, at least for the House. Urban centers are going to do what they always do: elect Democrats. If they wanted to add votes, what would it matter? Other county elections don't really appear to be able to be controlled so decisively by partisans.
"Seems midterm elections would be a little more difficult to fudge, at least for the House."
We're about to find out. In related news, it looks like Newsome isn't going to be recalled after all. I'm sure that vote is legitimate too.
Yes. CNN was reporting 7.9M votes are already in and It will take all of the CA Rs and some Dems to secure the recall. Also Sleepy Joe is on the way to help with the last minute campaigning. I wonder what his advice will be? Hide in a bunker till the count is over?
"We'll have to wait until the vote is counted tomorrow" both newspeople said with a smile.
It's go-for-broke time for the far left. They know they're going to get blown out in the midterm.
Lol, the midterms aren't going to happen.
I doubt elections get canceled, as things are right now. But I do think two things are going to happen: First, it's 14 months until next November, and I couldn't possibly predict what America will be like then, and second, unless the election audit movements yield viable results for election security, I do think you're going to see cheating and fraud. Large enough to maintain Democratic majorities? We'll see.
Go vote. Go encourage your friends and neighbors to vote. But also have a contingency plan, if things don't go the way they should.
"About 4,500 people on home confinement [are] facing the possibility of being returned to prison once the pandemic recedes,"
Why wouldn't they?
Cuz prison makes them sad?
"Pelosi has also pledged to hold a vote on the Women's Health Protection Act shortly after the House returns on Sept. 20, which would codify abortion rights into federal law, after the Supreme Court's Texas abortion ruling," reports Axios.
Ugh. I'm disappointed in the cisnormative language that erases transmen and nonbinary people who need to access abortion care. These names would be more inclusive:
Birthing People Health Protection Act
Uterus Haver Health Protection Act
Abortion Care Accessor Health Protection Act
Needs more acronym.
OK, Pelosi could claim to be a Courageous Unity National Theorist.
I'd sign off on that
Birthing People Health Protection Act
Uterus Haver Health Protection Act
Abortion Care Accessor Health Protection Act
What are we, chopped liver? - The Chestfeeders
I've done my share of small business tax returns. They are a playground of tax avoidance. Is it better to decrease flexibility or increase enforcement?
I promise this Mercedes lease is 95% business and only 5% personal!
If it’s so easy, why aren’t you doing it?
Who says I didn't?
Your envy says so.
You can do something fiscally expedient and still be disgusted with the necessity.
Bribes and taxes.
I have an office in my home. My consulting service needs an entire 10 x 10 room to store my laptop in at night.
I literally make shit up on my schedule C.
"Our polling on next year's midterms looks pretty bleak."
"I know! Let's raise a bunch of taxes! That always rallies the troops!"
Plus, raising taxes on smokes won’t increase the size of the black market.
It looks like probably Gavin will not be recalled? The blue has spoken, they like the knee on the neck.
Recall proponents allowed the race to be nationalized, and for a single candidate to emerge. The earlier chaos was their friend.
People aren't going to vote for Gavin, they're going to vote against Elder.
Interesting strategy.
It's working for him. They've done all the normal stuff, got an ex wife to say Elder's a misogynist, branded him a racisist, etc.
Originally, the media was all focused on Jenner, like he was the Republican front runner, so nobody would look at other candidates. But even Jenner didn't taker her shit seriously. I think pretending Elder is the ordained successor and calling him evil is more in Newsome's wheelhouse.
Progressives don't vote for naggers!
"Ding the Dinger!"
Recall Proponents didn't "allow" anything. They were outfunded from the get go, and yes the Blue Machine has been able to cast this race as "Those Anti-Vax Trump people who raided the capital on 1/6 are coming to interfere in our electoral process here"
On Saturday, poll workers informed 88-year-old Republican voter Estelle Bender. that she had already cast her ballot. The problem was, she knew she hadn’t.
“I went to El Camino High School to vote,” Bender told KTLA5 reporter Chris Wolfe. When Bender gave a recall election poll worker her ballot information to scan, she told Bender the computer said she’d already voted. “I said, ‘no, I haven’t,’ and she said, ‘This has been happening all morning.'”
It's really just an isolated anecdote of no significance. /sarc
And the other 20 million as well.
This certainly won't happen again during the midterms.
"Cut in half the estate and gift tax exemptions for married filers as of the end of this year, instead of in four years as now set."
Those tax cheats! Using a pandemic to cash out early and beat the tax!
Majority of Americans support vaccine mandates
The majority of americans have supported all the civil rights and constutional violations of the govt since the beginning. This is hardly news.
It's almost as if those white supremacist slave owners who wrote the constitution knew that the public is fickle, emotional, and often wrong, and put in place a system that prevents the majority from usurping the rights of the minority.
You have very mixed messages here that are entirely accurate.
This is the same half of people who believe there is a 50% chance you'll be hospitalized if you get covid. Liberals are dumb.
Yep, the same people who thought 10% of Americans had died from COVID by summer 2020.
"More than half of Americans now say they support requiring vaccinations for office workers returning to the workplace (54%), students attending in-person classes (55%) and patrons attending sporting events or concerts (55%), although fewer (41%) support requiring vaccinations for a shopper to enter a grocery store," CNN reports.
Shaking my damn head. If the vaccine should be required, what makes the grocery store less dangerous for a dirty unvaccinated to go to ?
Because they're fine with mandates and restrictions as long as they don't have to immediately deal with the repercussions of it.
Because 10-15% see online work/school as a viable choice for the unvaccinated, but not online grocery shopping.
Shaking my damn head. If the vaccine should be required, what makes the grocery store less dangerous for a dirty unvaccinated to go to ?
Why do you think that deranged little goblin Fauci came out this weekend saying that people shouldn't be able to fly on a plane if they don't have the worthless COVID vaccine, er, prophylaxis and every kid needs to get the shot too?
If "the majority" support it, then they can implement the vaccine passport they've been wanting to do for several months now. This shit is nothing more than the elites setting the table for being able to monitor you 24/7, for an illness with a 99% survival rate that mostly kills the elderly and obese. And that's assuming the numbers are legit, rather than being fluffed by medical workers who have killed people by intubating them, despite the data showing that doing so for COVID is practically a death sentence on its own, along with declaring that anyone who died *with* COVID died *of* COVID rather than, say, cancer.
It seems pointless to me for most people under 30. It is doing more harm than good for that population. Next up is approval and mandates for 5 and older.
Yeah, Pfizer announced recently that 2-and-up will be able to get their garbage soon. Keep in mind, the mRNA vaccines were top-loaded way past the normal infection level in order to get the EUA, because immunity levels drop off so fast. They've only been doing these trials since March, so this is right in line for them to claim that kids still have "immunity" after six months (which, not coincidentally, is when the immunity levels start to crater).
That's not fair, they started differentiating dying with and dying from, and including comorbidities, but only for the full vaxed. The unvaxxed all died from the wu flu
It is known.
This is not exaggeration.
Asymptomatic or not COVID-related* (21%)
*Patient had no symptoms of COVID-19 or their hospitalization or death was not COVID-related
1) The vast majority of Americans are effectively illiterate on the subjects of statistics and biology (there is a much longer list, but this is not the moment).
2) The entire structure of our Federal government is designed to prevent the tyranny of the majority.
It's like pollution control measures that are targeted at the source of 1% of the pollution, because targeting any larger percentage would affect the majority of people — who are causing the majority of the pollution.
If a majority agree with vaccine mandates then I'm sure their elected representatives will enact a statute authorizing them. Oh wait...
Just to clarify, fuck Joe Biden.
Taxation is theft.
is like everyone forgets this.
CNN as usual is full of shit.
The only purpose for CNN is to make sitting at an airport gate seem so shitty that the time on the plane feels like a relief.
Have never agreed that this should be a libertarian tenant. Anarchist tenant, yes; classical liberal, no.
Taxation is a close cousin of theft. It is more like theft when there is taxation without representation (which is what our forefathers fought against, not taxation in general); it is not like theft when it is excessive; it is not like theft when it is spent on wasteful shit.
But, a hypothetical minimalist government, that collects a reasonable amount of taxes, with representation, spent on common good, would not be theft.
Ugh. Spell correction replaced the word, more, with not.
Either way, Fuck Joe Biden.
The feds spend an estimated $50 billion a year on the drug war.
End the drug war.
welcome to libertarianism 101
A primer
Kamala Harris
United States government official
By vaccinating the unvaccinated, increasing our testing and masking, and protecting the vaccinated, we can end this pandemic. That’s exactly what we are committed to doing.
So.. vaccines don't work is what she's saying?
LOL, pretty much. Why the fuck should the vaccinated need "protection"?
Just a quick reminder for the board that the vaccine provides no immunity after 8 months to 90% of those who have taken it.
Remember, you have to judge vaccines like a religious sacrament. If you don't get it, you will go to hell. And even if you do get it, chances are you will go to hell.
Nothing to do with religion. The vaccines are highly effective and it’s dumb not to get vaccinated.
Do you know how a vaccine works?
It doesn't prevent you from catching a virus over and over again.
Nor does it prevent you from shedding virions everywhere.
What it does do is minimize the symptoms and help you shorten the duration of the viral infection. With some viral infections that can save your life.
Now with viruses like polio and smallpox that don't have many other animal reservoirs, a shortened duration of infection can supress the spread and eliminate the virus.
Unfortunately, Covid-19 now has a huge number of animal hosts, almost everything can spread it. For example, dogs, cats, ferrets, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, deer, horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, minks, weasels, rats, mice, bear, cougars, lions, leopards, bats, monkeys, apes, etc.
Unless you're going to start vaccinating every animal in your house, the farm and the countryside, worldwide, it's not going to stop Covid.
It's also a flu virus that rapidly mutates. How effective are the other flu vaccines again?
Hell does not exist, M'Lady. But COVID-19 does and so do income taxes.
And if Phil Valentine had taken the COVID-19 vaccine, maybe he could have taken his campaign against the Tennessee income tax and extended it to income taxes in all States and nationwide. He could have also wrested away the Liberty Amendment campaign to repeal the 16th Amendment from the racist, Anti-Jewish so-called Liberty Lobby.
Libertarian causes have been smeared and self-destructive for too long! If you can medically take the vaccine, by all means do it and live to fight for freedom another day!
Haven't they revised that down to 5 months?
The data out of Israel showed that 20% had no immunity after six months, and 90% had none after 8 months. Once the antibodies start dropping, they do so at an accelerated rate.
Good article about that in the Wall Street Journal this Saturday. Boosters are going to be needed very soon.
But after that, I'd suggest that everyone loose the masks, pass it around, and get some natural immunity.
It's clear that the best outcome from a macro perspective (i.e. actually ending the declared pandemic) is, "get vaccinated, be reckless." Protecting the vaccinated is counterproductive.
Seems to me like the language is mostly directed at the vaccinated to incite fear and hatred towards the unvaccinated.
And votes.
You can see that hatred exhibited by our resident “get the shot” trolls.
It's the same fear and hatred inherent in all of their cultural positions. Gun control, 6 Jan, immigration, immigration, defund the police, anti-racism. As a group, they appear to be driven by irrational fear and hatred of others not doing what they want.
Her anti-vax opinions remain unchanged from last year, it seems.
Her statement suggesting that she wouldn't take a vaccine delivered by Trump is among the very best examples of TDS.
Your girlfriend's birthday is coming up, but you are one of those who are wondering. Where can I get beautiful birthday messages for my girlfriend in 2021? It has happened to all of us at some point, and I have to tell you that you are in the right place.
Thinking about it, we have made a compilation of some nice birthday phrases for your girlfriend that you can find on the net.
Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend
My girlfriend can't read yet.
Meh, hine can't even talk yet....
But you ought to see her chase a rabbit!
"If anyone needs me, I'll be in my Lab..."
The biggest story over the weekend may be Joe Manchin's tour of the news talk shows emphasizing and reemphasizing that although he will vote for the infrastructure bill, Manchin will not vote for the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill.
The Washington Post has a two minute+ montage of his comments up on YouTube--interspersed with Senate Budget Committee chair Bernie Sanders' insistence that the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill be passed.
Watch for yourself here:
At the end of the video, when Meet the Press' Chuck Todd asks Manchin point blank if he's, "a hard no", Manchin says "yes".
There is no good reason to believe that a politician will do what he said until he does it, but between all the appearances on TV over the weekend and the Op-Ed Manchin wrote in The Washington Post last week, it's probably time to start penciling in Manchin as a no on the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill--which contains little else but the creation and expansion of socialist entitlement programs and Green New Deal spending.
I don't see any sign that the progressives in the Democrat leadership have come to terms with the reality of Manchin's hard no yet, and we haven't even started talking about the nine Democrats in the House, who forced Nancy Pelosi to promise to hold a vote on the infrastructure deal on September 27th--regardless of whether the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill has already passed or is ready for a vote. The only reason they did that is because they want to vote for the infrastructure bill but not the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.
Meanwhile, the reconciliation bill has some unresolved issues that need to be address by the Parliamentarian of the U.S. Senate. Specifically, the Democrats are trying to cram a fix for DACA into the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, but the whole point of the reconciliation bill is that they can pass it without a filibuster threat (and without any Republican support) if the bill is only limited to taxes and spending items. If the Parliamentarian rules that the DACA fix isn't a tax or budget item, then it will be kicked out of the legislation--and may make the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill harder to pass in both the House and the Senate with enough support from the Democrats. If the reconciliation bill were framed as a save for the Dreamers, it would probably enjoy more support among moderate Democrats in the House, at least.
At this point, I'm willing to say that the odds are that the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill won't pass. This isn't to say that parts of it won't pass in altered form, or that there won't be a $1.5 trillion reconciliation bill emerge that Manchin and the moderate House Democrats will support. I'm just saying that the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill appears to be unlikely to pass before the September 27 deadline of the infrastructure bill, and if the infrastructure bill passes before the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, then the reconciliation bill is highly unlikely to pass both the House and the Senate.
I don’t see any sign that the progressives in the Democrat leadership have come to terms with the reality of Manchin’s hard no yet, and we haven’t even started talking about the nine Democrats in the House, who forced Nancy Pelosi to promise to hold a vote on the infrastructure deal on September 27th–regardless of whether the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill has already passed or is ready for a vote. The only reason they did that is because they want to vote for the infrastructure bill but not the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.
I'm pretty sure this is why the DNC sicced Ocasio-Cortez on him this weekend--they seem to understand that he's all but got his mind made up, and are hoping the party's mentally ill claque of media whores and party apparatchiks can bully him in to submission as a last-minute Hail Marcuse. If they can't, watch them to start freezing him out, and if THAT happens, it won't be long before he switches parties if he wants to have a chance of keeping his seat next year.
Yeah, they close ranks with the media in favor of their favorite delusion and then condemn anyone for even daring to speak of reality.
That's more or less SOP for progressives these days--and it seems to be the first line of defense from Afghanistan to the border crisis and from January 6 to mask mandates. They're absolutely obsessed with controlling the Overton window--even though they ultimately have little or no control over the Overton window.
The incompetent Afghanistan withdrawal, the likely origin of the pandemic, the border crisis, and the fact that the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is in serious trouble are reality despite the progressives' obsessively grabbing at the Overton window, and reality has a funny way of asserting itself despite their futile attempts to stop it.
The incompetent Afghanistan withdrawal, the likely origin of the pandemic, the border crisis, and the fact that the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is in serious trouble are reality despite the progressives’ obsessively grabbing at the Overton window, and reality has a funny way of asserting itself despite their futile attempts to stop it.
These people have been deluding themselves for 50 years that they can speak their desires in to reality, which is why they get stun-locked or collapse in on themselves when reality stubbornly #Resists.
Manchin's term is up Jan. 2025. If he's going to switch parties, he will be able to make a better deal (seniority, committees) if he switches before the GOP) possibly takes the Senate in 2022 and needs him less.
His support is coming from the United Mine Workers, which is a regional way of spelling "AFL-CIO". If he turns his back on the Democrats, he turns his back on the people who've supported him in West Virginia since forever. If he jumps parties, and he loses the support of the AFL-CIO, he's in a tough spot. If this were near the end of his term and there were a Republican in the White House, they might offer him a nice gig in the Interior or Transportation department. Other than that, I think jumping parties is hard for him.
And he's doing alright in the polls in West Virgina.
Manchin enjoys more support among Democrats than Republicans in the state, with 51 percent of Democrats and 47 percent of liberals approving. Just 37 percent of Republicans and 30 percent of independents approved of Manchin."
Now, imagine he drops that Democrat support and needs to rely on Republicans--when just 37% of Republicans approve of him now. I think he stays where he is, and we'll see what happens after the election in 2024. My understanding is that the over/under on how many Senate seats the Democrats lose in 2022 is three seats.
When the Democrats lose control of the Senate in 2022, the progressives like Bernie Sanders will hold a lot less sway in the minority. Being a Democrat in a state that has swung hard into the red column is never a good situation for a politician, but if I were him, I'd probably stay where I am now--and just be a thorn in the side of the progressives.
He can push for that Independent vote in West Virginia and do alright.
"Now, imagine he drops that Democrat support and needs to rely on Republicans–when just 37% of Republicans approve of him now."
That means he probably loses in the primaries to a real Republican.
Now, imagine he drops that Democrat support and needs to rely on Republicans–when just 37% of Republicans approve of him now. I think he stays where he is, and we’ll see what happens after the election in 2024.
I don't think gaining Republican voter support would be an issue. History shows that when someone jumps parties, or goes "independent" and caucuses with Democrats, they tend to vote along the party line quite frequently. I doubt he'd lose much support from the UMW, because he's the one trying to keep the last of their jobs intact before the Dems legislate or executive order their livelihoods out of existence.
If the United Mine Workers were to leave the AFL-CIO, that would be one thing, but I think the AFL-CIO is effectively a Democrat owned organization. See for yourself.
How the union spends the money is not how the rank and file are obliged to vote. Break off at least a third of the union vote for the other team, has been my experience.
As one who lives near WV (i.e. Pittsburgh), and was first to point out on this website (the day after Dems won both GA Senate races) that Joe Manchin was (and still is) the most powerful Senator in America, I disagree with Ken's assertion that Manchin could have more difficulty winning reelection if he switched parties to the GOP.
If Manchin switched parties, not only would he become Chair of virtually any Senate Committee he desires, his support among Republicans in WV would immediately skyrocket (as occurred when Gov. Jim Justice switched to the GOP several years ago), the AFL CIO would continue giving him lots of support and money, his ratings among Dems in WV would only decline slightly, and he'd win his next Republican primary and the general election in several years (if he chooses to run again).
It's nice to see Manchin standing firm now. But I suspect Manchin is likely to negotiate/support a lower cost bill than Sanders/AOC/ Schumer/Pelosi/Biden are now pushing in exchange for further increasing federal subsidization to WV.
You may be right, and if he swaps parties, I won't complain. Still, I think he'd be likely to lose in the primaries to a real Republican if he switched. I think his best bet is to say put for the time being.
You're both forgetting the very good chance that the Libertarian party will siphon off votes and be declared the glorious victors by acclamation. Libertarian moment!
"I’m pretty sure this is why the DNC sicced Ocasio-Cortez on him this weekend–they seem to understand that he’s all but got his mind made up, and are hoping the party’s mentally ill claque of media whores and party apparatchiks can bully him into submission as a last-minute Hail Marcuse."
"...are hoping the party’s mentally ill claque of media whores and party apparatchiks can bully him in to submission as a last-minute Hail Marcuse..."
I'm pleased that your wit continues to Adorno these pages...
Yeah, but it's getting a bit Derridative.
Chumby is a bad influence.
Manchin has folded one too many times in my view. He may get them to drop it down to 3T and claim victory. That is what he did in the past.
The whisper number he supposedly would have dropped to, before last week, was $1.5 trillion--which is a fat cut in Green New Deal spending and entitlement spending. I'm against spending any of it, but getting anything less than $3.5 trillion is still better than $3.5 trillion.
Meanwhile, the issue now is that he's on the record. Writing an Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal was one thing, but now he's made the rounds on TV talking about his opposition openly. It's not that I trust Manchin to keep his word. I don't trust any politician to do what they say. I think Manchin fears going back on his word so forcefully after providing his opponents in the next election with some excellent video.
There's also the matter of the nine Democrats in the House, who are introducing their own proposals to seriously water the reconciliation bill down to the point that the progressives won't support it anymore.
And there's also the timing issue. If it isn't done by September 27, it's probably going the way of the ObamaCare repeal. They're doing one of the biggest spending and tax increases in American history, and they're trying to do it in 17 days. A little historical context:
FDR’s New Deal programs were passed incrementally over two presidential terms with overwhelming Democratic majorities. Democrats created the Great Society over two years with supermajorities. ObamaCare was hashed out over nine months before Democrats enacted it into law with 56 votes in the Senate. The 2017 GOP tax reform was debated for months, and its principles for years, before Congress voted.
But they're going to accomplish all of this in 17 days?!
They may get something at the end, but I highly doubt it will be the Green New Deal/Socialist cornucopia Bernie Sanders and AOC were planning on getting.
I also think that Biden's squandering of his political capital over the incompetent Afghanistan withdrawal and his vaccine mandates are hurting the chances for the bill to pass. When Biden had an approval rating closer to 60%, being associated with his plan was a safer bet. Weeks later, now that he's cruising towards a 45% approval rating, he's not helping moderate Democrats any. If he were more popular with Independents and swing voters, the reconciliation bill would have a better chance of happening.
"I’m against spending any of it, but getting anything less than $3.5 trillion is still better than $3.5 trillion"
At this point it doesn't even really matter anymore. $3.5 trillion or $35 trillion.
The way all the worlds governments, internationals and billionaires have all started borrowing like mad and plowing it into land and infrastructure in the last 3 years, tells me that we have some Weimar-like inflation planned.
Actually, the size of the spending has a direct impact on inflation and interest rates among other things.
Consumer behavior will change differently and at a different pace depending on the size of the spending.
$35 trillion might be Weimer Republic level devastating to the economy.
Weren’t you the guy a couple of months ago telling us how the Progressives pull the strings of the Democratic Party?
Backwards as usual.
The party and it's billionaires pull the strings of progressives.
'I don’t see any sign that the progressives in the Democrat leadership have come to terms with the reality of Manchin’s hard no yet.' As RRWP says, Ocasio-Cortez has been running her piehole on social media, denigrating him. Sanders is pretending that Manchin's vote means nothing and the reconciliation will simply happen, which is what Sanders does, because he's an idiot and an ideologue.
Majority of Americans support vaccine mandates. Vaccine mandates may be wildly unpopular in many quarters, not to mention wildly unconstitutional when imposed by the federal government on all workplaces. But they've also got the support of a lot of Americans.
If by free minds we mean allowing some people the freedom to tell others what to do, then OK.
"Majority of Americans support vaccine mandates."
Our rights aren't a popularity contest, and the government forcing people to choose between an injection and their jobs is violation of our association rights--at the very least.
Biden is planning to fine employers $14,000 for every violation?
Popular support for violating the rights of 80 million Americans is a moral disgrace.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Fuck Joe Biden.
I'd like to know a more micro breakdown of the poll (I didn't look at the link) to see if it's heavily skewed by large population centers i.e. sanfran, nyc and really the rest of america is a different viewpoint position?
Are you trying to lay something Joe Biden did at Reason’s feet? Reason didn’t come up with this OSHA order, Biden did.
“Don’t worry Reason magazine! I’m here to save you!"
Fuck Joe Biden you worthless intern.
High school cancels 9/11 tribute calling it racially insensitive.
Students at a Washington state high school had planned to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks by wearing red, white, and blue at a patriotic-themed game, but school officials rejected the plan because the event could “unintentionally cause offense to some who see it differently,” according to a new report.
The students should flip it around and come dressed as the Taliban so they can mock Biden for being such a bitch.
Or just wear T-shirts with "Fuck the school" on the front.
A small victory for the Some People Did Some Things crowd.
High school cancels 9/11 tribute calling it racially insensitive.
Not enough BIPOCs and GLBTs were crushed by falling debris.
Only because they didn't live long enough to pick thier pronouns.
Chief of Medical Staff for a regional medical center argued at a virtual meeting that the hospital’s messaging needs to be “a little bit more scary for the public,” suggesting that the hospital include “post-Covid” patients in the hospital’s case count.
Rudyk stated, “I guess my feeling at this point in time is maybe we need to be completely a little bit more scary for the public. Then there’s another comment that I completely agree there are many people still hospitalized that we’re considering post-Covid but we’re not counting in those numbers. So how do we include those post-Covid people in the numbers of the patients we have in the hospital?”
Rudyk continued, “So I was going to say, Caroline, I think we have to be more blunt; we have to be more forceful…we have to say something coming out, you know you don’t get vaccinated; you know you’re going to die. Let’s just be really blunt to these people.”
Yeah, I saw that this weekend, along with the video of the nurse who the medical staff and security were trying to push out without providing her with a letter of termination, so they could lie and say that she quit.
Hospitals and medical staff are going to have to start being viewed as malicious actors at this point, and going to a hospital when you have COVID and haven't gotten the experimental prophylaxis is actually a greater risk to your life than COVID itself. How many people with COVID have they killed in the last year and a half by putting them on a vent when it wasn't necessary? How many unvaccinated people have "died from COVID" when they were actually overdosed with sedatives by the staff out of spite, with a smug, vindictive post-mortem video saying they "were begging for the vaccine"? How many times have they lied about people dying from COVID when it was actually some other cause?
If you're unvaccinated, these places will try to kill you to justify their worldview that you're vermin who deserve to die.
Case in point:
California couple dies of covid, leaving five kids behind. Their newborn is three weeks old.
Putting people with COVID on a vent is a fucking death sentence. This has been known practically since the pandemic kicked off. Why in the blue FUCK are hospitals still putting people on vents after all this time, when the data is clear that it doesn't actually help, and is likely to be far more harmful than just putting them on a CPAP with an anti-inflammatory?
This hospital flat-out murdered these parents to make a point about vaccines. If you have COVID and are unvaccinated, do NOT go to the hospital. They'll put you on a vent and kill you out of spite, with not even your loved ones in the room to say goodbye, and then they'll politicize your death afterwards. These butchers can't be trusted anymore.
TBH, have had a couple local people here go on ventilators, and live. They were intubated <48 hrs, FWIW. Weeks later, still pretty weak.
As I've pointed out before, you put people on a vent when they can't actually breathe on their own. With COVID, the lack of breathing function isn't the problem, it's that oxygen can't get through the inflamed tissues, so it looks like people are gasping for breath when in reality, they just aren't getting enough oxygen where it's needed.
How many people died because they had an anxiety attack from the fear mongering and thought they couldn't breathe, went to the hospital and actually caught covid and died?
Fear kills.
Nevermind catching Covid at the hospital and dying---though you're likely right about that---are hospitals no longer a giant source of other nosocomial infections? Or did that go away too last year, just like our flu season?
Might have happened. It’s a scenario you just made up and is completely un-falsifiable.
And, we don’t know if he isn’t armed, better shoot !
Given the numbers, I'm almost 100% certain it happened once. That person was murdered with fear. Once life and all that.
Fuck "House Democrats"
and Fuck Joe Biden.
In Fact,
"For my journalism students, much of 9/11 is a case study of what not to do," writes Brandeis University journalism professor Eileen McNamara.
It won't be long before anyone with half a brain will be saying this about the wuhan virus response in america
It won’t be long before anyone with half a brain will be saying this about the wuhan virus response in america
No, that's one thing the cabal will NEVER admit short of society actually crumbling around their ears, and probably not even then. These people are as stupid as they are arrogant.
Note that NONE of the media figures who have been active the past 20 years have said, "Hey, I was wrong about this. We can't justify this level of government intrusion in our lives, no matter how safe it makes us feel."
Keep in mind, when Snowden exposed just how deeply the government was spying on us, and that they were lying about it the whole time, the response wasn't "shit, we need to can this ASAP." The media lapdogs demonized him as a Russian stooge and justified the necessity of the programs, and now Big Tech is partnering with the defense and spook agencies to grow it even further.
The real reason why Google and the other big tech players switched to https a few years ago wasn't for your privacy. It was so the NSA/etc couldn't get the data for free. They saw a big money opportunity to sell the data.
The NSA doesn't need to worry about that. These networks have so many backdoors built in to them that data-mining is a breeze. That goes double now that Big Tech is providing cloud services for these agencies.
Google was literally started with the Cia and NSA funding its research in personal data harvesting from online searches
To be fair, they were doing that with a lot of start-ups in the late 90s, it was just part of an overall effort to take advantage of the data mining capability from search engines--similar to the FBI's library book check-out program they had before it was exposed in the early 80s.
But yeah, it's not a coincidence at all that Facebook went overnight from a crappy MySpace clone into a site with a cutting-edge user interface and data-mining program after getting VC funding from spook and DoD front men Peter Thiel and Jim Breyer, or that Google acquired Keyhole (along with another spook frontman, Rob Painter) and its CIA- funded EarthViewer program that became Google Earth, for a song.
I'm all but certain now that the whole point of DARPA releasing the internet in to the wild was for the specific purpose of establishing a SkyNet-type network that would be capable of spying on literally anyone in the world. The whole "information superhighway" thing was just marketing.
Baloney. I worked at one of the big tech companies. It was fine for privacy and thwarting hackers in general.
You're so utterly full of shit.
Jesus Christ, if you're going to proffer up whoppers like this one, at least do it with people who have been in a coma the last 20 years.
Hah! Mike worked, that's a good one.
Amid rising fears of the threat posed by the GOP’s mobilization of out-and-out fascists and its intensifying assault on democracy, lawmakers and intelligence officials are voicing concerns about a September 18 U.S. Capitol rally that far-right extremists organized to demand “justice” for those facing charges over their role in the violent insurrection on January 6 of this year.
Any of you Peanuts attending?
you'd have to be dumb as a peanut to swallow this bullshit from the media .
He is a died in the wool Biden Cultist at this point.
Any of you Peanuts attending?
Only if you show up to counter-protest, hicklib.
Too close to a school, so he's not allowed.
Actually, that will probably make him more likely to try and show up.
Ah just like all those other protests that never materialized, except the one with grandmas taking selfies, and protestor getting shot by the praetorian guard.
Is the muted kiddie-diddler yammering on about this 18 September alleged protest? The one that's glowing so much, the Keck Observatory nearly issued an alert about a new supernova?
Yes, child-porn purveyor: please go to that "protest". God willing, you'll be killed by a Fed in a Blue Line American Flag t-shirt.
My favorite was the wu flu protest billed to be a super spreader even and the only people to show up were blue checkmark reporters who pretended like it was the apocolypse
The Milwaukee Independent is an award-winning and advertising-free daily news magazine that advocates for inclusive social understanding in Milwaukee by publishing positive news content that covers a wide range of topics as a catalyst for community development. With a heavy emphasis on photojournalism and analytical reporting to fulfill this mission, our editorial staff is focused to being translators and storytellers more than traditional news correspondents.
Sounds like a really objective source.
the GOP’s mobilization of out-and-out fascists and its intensifying assault on democracy
This portion kind of gave the game away for anyone who might care about objectivity.
Like a lot of "independent" newspapers, they're basically a tankie shill for Democrats.
Citing unnamed people familiar with federal intelligence, it was reported that “extremist groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are planning to attend” the rally
Citing an unidentified report that cited unnamed people associated with an unnamed agency to speculatively associate an event that hasn't occurred yet with groups that may or may not have members in attendance.
You can always count on the smaller independent sources of journalism to maintain their integrity. This is sure to win a Pulitzer.
Yeah, the whole thing stinks of a glow-op by the feds.
Actually, I would expect writing of this caliber to win a Pulitzer.
Just remember being part of a group in the military where you say you will honer your oath to not obey an illegal order (ie attacking US citizens, and civilians in general) now makes you an extremist in the eyes of the dems
"Posted by Common Dreams"
Lol, "Common Dreams" wrote the article.
What is this, Plug. I can't even...
The justification for calling 1/6 an insurrection was the nominal interference in a vote that is not required to have Congress certify the election. What are the people supposedly going to insurrect against this time?
I wanted to, but I have work.
Just in - arrest made -- too young to be Sevo - California plates and truck picured
(CNN)US Capitol Police say they arrested a California man who had multiple knives in his truck, which had a swastika and other White supremacist symbols painted on it, near the Democratic National Committee headquarters early Monday morning.
Officers on patrol noticed the Dodge Dakota pickup truck around midnight on Sunday. Police say the truck didn't have a license plate but instead a picture of an American flag.
The officers pulled over the truck and noticed a bayonet and machete, which are illegal in the District of Columbia. The driver, identified as 44-year-old Donald Craighead of Oceanside, California, was arrested.
What, no fire extinguisher?
He would be praised if he'd just been wearing black, carrying blm posters, and looting and burning stuff.
We need common sense knife control!
Who are all these retards driving around without license plates in DC with conspicuously marked up cars, while allegedly plotting against the government?
False flagging in preparation for the next election.
Friends of the Federal Bureau of Instigation.
Who are all these retards driving around without license plates in DC
The officers pulled over the truck and noticed a bayonet and machete, which are illegal in the District of Columbia.
A special kind of dipshit who, in addition to removing his plates, leaves weapons specifically illegal in DC lying out in plain view.
Unless... this guy wanted to be arrested and it is part of a sinister plot to break his colorfully dressed boss out of the holding cells after he kills the DA and his assistant/girlfriend. Some people just like to watch the world burn.
I'm just really curious about this, because didn't the last guy arrested for a bomb threat also have no plates on his vehicle?
And then the whole story vaporized after our Heros in Blue arrested him.
Does anyone seriously think CNN/DNC would report anything but a majority of the sheeple think the government should force behavior on Americans? Toe the line or pay the price, and don't forget this is an emergency that only Uncle Joe can fix.
The current vaccines are quickly losing their efficacy, so who will Uncle Joe blame after he has forced the vaccine on everyone and COVID is still raging? Supposedly he has authorized a booster, but even fewer people are going to get that, until he forces it upon them too.
Exactly. What difference, at this point, does it make? This was the hazard of releasing these things in to the wild too fast. They were designed to game the testing process, instead of studying them over a period of 2-3 years, to check for medium and long-term effects, and to see how long immunity actually lasted.
Even back when Trump was thumping his chest about Warp Speed, I was skeptical for these logical reasons, while Democrats were saying they'd never get a vaccine developed under his administration due to nothing more than sheer signaling and contrarianism. They were wanting masks and lockdowns forever, then had to backtrack when their guy took over, and suddenly they were no longer at war with
Eastasiathe Trump Vaccine.when their guy took over, and suddenly they were no longer at war with
Eastasiathe Trump VaccineAs long as the people get exposed to their Two Minutes Hate daily, the rest of the narrative requires no consistency. The unvaccinated insurrectionist will be the featured enemy until further notice.
Ashli Babbitt was a traitor.
6 months is quick, dummy.
Laursen apparently doesn't understand how vaccines work
The list of things it doesn't understand is near all-encompassing.
Live and let live isn't an option. It's been explicitly rejected by the left/progressives.
Thus the situation we live in is: kill or be killed.
How is the Texas mandate unconstitutional? Perhaps it's a separation of powers issue, but I'm failing to see how it's a freedom of speech issue.
Treating social media as a common carrier is reasonable when it's patently clear to any observation that they are common carriers. In fact, that is for all practical purposes what the precedent states against both Trump and Occasio Cortez on their Twitter accounts.
There is no consistent logic that I have heard that reconciles the fact that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES cannot block you on Twitter because it's an official communication method, but Twitter can block the President or any other politician that they desire. Either it's trivial or it's important. You cannot have it be both.
Does the law stop the spread of disinformation? No?
Don't you even do progressive logic?
"Blocking sex workers from big tech - bad.
Blocking non progs from big tech - good." - Feminists for liberty.
You cannot have it be both.
No, you cannot have it be both because you are still thinking for yourself, which is sure sign that you do not have the public interest at heart. We should always defer to the dedicated public servants who have spent years studying the issues and have consulted with top experts in the scientific community.
For people like us, ignorance is indeed bliss and selective ignorance is the greatest of virtues. It signals, not just compliance, but allegiance.
First Amendment
And the State of Texas decides who is a common carrier?
That's why I said it might be a separation of powers issue. However, they might actually be able to do so within their own borders. However, what I was objecting to was people saying how it violated free speech. How does it do that? My question remains unanswered.
Twitter is a social media site where people post little 280-character messages for other people to read. There is absolutely nobody on this earth who _needs_ to tweet.
Furthermore, most people are not on Twitter.
Furthermore, there’s no technological wall around what Twitter does. Anyone can set up a similar site.
How, then, could it possibly be considered a common carrier?
“Pandemic of the unvaccinated”
“Protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated”
Can you not see what is happening and how truly frightening this is?
Put the morons in charge, this is what you get.
Reporting a CNN poll here? I would have hoped by this time koch reason would be aware that CNN is pushing agitprop and this is state controlled media. So a poll that magically shows a 51% pro vaccine mandate sounds awfully suspicious.
Those chanting Fuck Joe Biden all weekend might have the right idea though.
51% is not hugely popular. Am I reading Reason or CNN/USA Today?
If the best CNN can do is manufacture a 51% poll we can be certain that vaccine mandates are actually hugely unpopular.
It's the standard prog "everybody thinks so" line. Just an another attempt to shame people into getting vaccinated.
"Look! Everyone else thinks mandates are great! What's wrong with you? Why are you so selfish?"
Koch/Reason is pushing the same agitprop as CNN.
They work toward the same cause.
are there weight-loss vapes?
"You mean other than the onces that contain nicoting?" - NIH
more specifically for the young ladies in the photo.
Young ladies? That's giving them a wide berth.
An aside, feminists will shriek sexism at your comment. And a note: when feminists talk about body positivity or all body types, they mean out of shape, fat, and generally unattractive to most healthy humans. Which groups often include the person speaking.
On August 29, the U.S. military "launched a drone strike that killed 10 people in Kabul on Aug. 29 without knowing whom it was hitting."
Omelets again?
Hyperpartisan shits like you are stuck in your simplistic eggs/omelets duality. Once you've transcended this simplistic mindset, you'll realize that you can't make a meringue without vaporizing a few eggs. -sarc
Whoops! '/sarc' not '-sarc'. Stupid phone.
You can't make a proper fish-and-chips batter without whisking a few eggs.
Either that, or they knew, and just didn't care because they needed some kind of press release to distract from Biden's clusterfuck of a withdrawal.
Oh, and the best part was his whining yesterday about being criticized for it. "Well, at least we're out! We couldn't stay forever!" Motherfucker trying to parrot his puppeteers' talking points off-script about the withdrawal, and not the fucked-up way he and his staff went about it, so he sounded like the senile douchebag that he is.
hHis is what I suspect it came down to, stoopid Joe giving the go ahead because he needed to look like a leader not a fuck-up. And, now, he looks like a fuck up who haphazardly uses drones to murder civilians.
They rushed it. Joe needed a show of strength after the attack on the airport, and he needed it quick. I think they just straight fucked up and killed the wrong guy- and his whole goddam family- because they were forced to act before they could confirm this was the guy. Then they tried to cover up the fuck up with all the bullshit news stories.
All so Joe could look like slightly less of a complete and utter disaster. The only thing more evil than that randomly targeting just some guy to blow up.
Fahrenheit 451 when Montag escapes and a citizen with a known proclivity to be out walking ha the electric wolves kill him on live TV. Someone must pay.
>>In a new poll from CNN, 51 percent of respondents said
"we're 51 of the 100 peeps who respond to CNN polls."
All of whom work for CNN.
The Democrats sure love to shit on smokers/vapers to pay for everything. Would love to see them try that with alcohol, or porn.
This one—House Bill 20—essentially turns digital platforms into common carriers
How does one state, besides California, convert an industry to a federally-protected one?
Meanwhile, it would punish companies for not removing illegal content quickly enough, giving them just 48 hours to do so without facing consequences from Texas enforcers. The new law is "blatantly unconstitutional," writes Mike Masnick at Techdirt.
Libertarians in support of specific threats and calls to violence!
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has signed into law yet another terrible piece of legislation.
It's not terrible if opinion polls show the majority of Texans support it. That's how democracy works and we're all in favor of democracy, right?
In two weeks or two years when the mandates become lifetime mandates of getting vaccinated to a wide array of diseases every 6 mos., poll support drops below 50%, and we reverse all the mandates, democracy will have worked. Freedom too long delayed is just how democracy works.
In fact, evidence shows that the only impact cigarette tax increases have is to lead to a boom for criminal syndicates selling illicit black market tobacco products
Which are less safe and cause lung problems, which the government can spend money to study, get money form lobbyists to adjust regulations, and use as an excuse to declare them ever more dangerous, justifying the next increase in the vice tax to make up for the costs to 'public health'.
It's really just a self-sustaining siphon of funds to looters now.
Ah different poll this time from Trafalgar says less than 50% support vax mandates. CNN lies as usual.
Rose McGowan is claiming that Gavin Newsom's wife offered to pay her off (in some form or other) for not going public with her accusations against Harvey Weinstein.
Gavin Newsom denied the claims, so Rose McGowan just posted the email on her website.
"McGowan said Siebel Newsom reached out to her in 2017, just months before The New York Times published the explosive report detailing decades of sexual harassment accusations against the disgraced Hollywood producer.
She says Siebel Newsom contacted her on behalf of David Boies, a lawyer for Weinstein.
"So this woman, I don't know, some blonde lady name with the last name of the Newsom, cold-calls me, and was like, 'David Boies wants to know what it would take to make you happy,'" McGowan told Dave Rubin on The Rubin Report.
As part of the lengthy Twitter thread, McGowan shared what she claims is the email from Siebel Newsom.
The alleged email has been retyped onto an orange background with some names removed. McGowan has not provided any further proof of the email's authenticity.
I don't expect we'll know anything about the authenticity of the email until after the election. We will know more about the authenticity of the email before Newsom' campaign for reelection kicks off in 2022 (should he survive the recall). Still, I wouldn't encourage anyone to vote against Gavin Newsom on the basis of this email. I encourage them to vote against Newsom because he's an awful governor.
It will be interesting to see how progressives split on this. Rose McGowan was obviously a major player in the #MeToo movement, and when's the last time you saw a progressive say in public that women in the #MeToo movement shouldn't be believed? If progressives and social justice warriors don't come out in favor of believing Rose McGowan now, how do they keep their street cred?
This may be the biggest public test of feminist principle since the feminists of the 1990s refused to denounce Bill Clinton. They probably didn't regain their street cred with average people until Gamergate, at least. They may not have really regained their credibility with average people until #MeToo. What will they do? Which way will they go? Are they willing to sell their "principles" short?
Stay tuned!
P.S. She didn't post the email on her website. She posted it on her Twitter.
Here's the post:
P.S. Joe Biden is presently on his way to California to campaign for Newsom. I wonder if he knows about the #MeToo accusation? Is Joe Biden knowingly campaigning for someone who was trying to shut Rose McGowan up about #MeToo?! It wouldn't surprise me. It would be consistent with his other act of incompetence from Afghanistan to vaccine mandates, etc., etc.
Maybe they'll sniff each other's fingers.
Weinstein and Newsom, or Biden and Newsom's wife?
Newsom is presumably campaigning with his wife, so if Biden is campaigning with Newsom, she'll probably be there.
Stand closer together! Now say, "cheese".
>>with average people until Gamergate
do average people know Gamergate?
Yeah, that spilled over into pop culture.
Anyway, I left myself some room there--maybe not "until #MeToo".
Rose's death scene in Scream was one for the ages she should have called it a career then and lived a normal life.
The alleged email has been retyped onto an orange background with some names removed. McGowan has not provided any further proof of the email’s authenticity.
Longer: We're more careful about memos sent in by strangers because Dan Rather. Oh, and #MeToo gets more scrutiny when it's positioned against our allies.
Well, but Newsweek is on the McGowan case. Things aren't so clear cut on whether or not we'll believe her #MeToo allegations.
By the way, this is an interesting journalistic parlor trick.
Prominent person of unknown political background lashes out against Republicans. Statements stand on their own.
Prominent person of unknown political background lashes out against a Democratic president and Democrats in general.
"Is [Prominent person a Republican]? Let's investigate."
She's trying to defeat a Democrat. Went so far as to publicly appear with Larry Elder.
Like Monica Lewinski and Paula Jones, she's the enemy. That's how they roll.
Was this the story you were giving Reason until Monday to start covering or was it another story?
That Congress exempted itself from the vaccine mandate. Let that soak in for a moment. Turn off your cynicism for a moment and don't shrug and say "of course". Think about not only the optics of that, but the sheer mendacity of it.
Holy shit.
Pelosi's statement on the exemption:
I don't know.
Because they know it doesn't matter. Biden doesn't need this to pass any sort of muster. Since there is no precedent, it will take years for cases to wind their way through the courts. In the meantime, they instill the fear of consequences for non-compliance, which is the intended outcome. It has long been the case with OSHA that the process is part of the punishment.
Fuck Joe Biden
Cue one of our erstwhile douchecanoe's.....
Too local.
Fucking LOL. They've already exempted themselves from things like the ADA, and until the uproar got too much, insider trading, so why not this too?
This is probably the worst thing they could exempt themselves on. This is not some technical regulation about width of doorways or how a financial transaction is executed. This is the vaccine-- the thing that's stopping millions of people from dying. If the federal government believed its own propaganda about the vaccine, 100% of the federal government would be first in line to have it mandated. After all, we can't have our nations leaders dying of COVID, right?
This is proof they don't believe the vaccine is effective, let alone important to get. This is absolute proof.
If the federal government believed its own propaganda about the vaccine, 100% of the federal government would be first in line to have it mandated. After all, we can’t have our nations leaders dying of COVID, right?
This is proof they don’t believe the vaccine is effective, let alone important to get. This is absolute proof.
I'm unsure if this is implicitly part of your point or not, but there's no reason not to be explicit about the fact that the average age of the 117th Congress is 60 yrs. old. Well above the US average of 38. It's not just a refutation of their propaganda, it's a refutation of reality along the lines that Cuomo did the right thing.
Like mandatory vaccinations for everyone in schools, except the schoolboard and Sr. teachers and administrators.
I’m unsure if this is implicitly part of your point or not, but there’s no reason not to be explicit about the fact that the average age of the 117th Congress is 60 yrs. old.
It's very definitely part of my point. Congress is stacked to the rafters with what are supposedly the most vulnerable population to this disease. If they can't mandate a vaccine for themselves...
A body exempt from the laws it passes is a tyranny.
But that's the catch. This wasn't a law that Congress passed. But it's a ruling that the leaders of Congress presumably support.
The optics of this can't be understated.
And there is no argument that congress doesn't have the votes to override the President's actions. They absolutely do have the votes. We can presume that ~100% of the Republicans would vote against a mandate. We have public statements made, by the Democratic leadership that they too oppose a mandate on not only technical and legal grounds, but moral grounds. So they have the votes. Debate over.
The optics of this can’t be understated.
And that's why it's not Reason's top story. For all of the both sidez tut-tutting, it's tough to miss their editorial framing.
They'll get around to it eventually; probably after their long-form report on the Australia goings-on.
This wasn’t a law that Congress passed.
It is not a law that Congress passed, but they could without question clarify the DOL's authority to use OSHA in this manner. It is a delegated power of Congress to define the authority of the agencies that the Executive oversees.
At least nobody is pretending that Congress would subject themselves to OSHA standards.
The real reason we're having a recall of Newsom is because he violated his own lockdown order at the French Laundry.
This is the same kind of thing for the same kinds of reasons. One law for them. Another one for us.
The real reason we’re having a recall of Newsom is because he violated his own lockdown order at the French Laundry.
That is a pretty good reason. They are supposed to at least pretend they don't consider themselves better than the rest of us.
It's beyond this. It's a fuck you, do what I say, serf, there's one law for you, another for us, and it's loud and clear. The apologia, sophistry and equivocating are going to be epic.
When did they become accountable for insider trading?
They probably didn’t regain their street cred with average people until Gamergate
Until (at least) GamerGate and maybe not until #MeToo!
I was really talking about a length of time, but GamerGate was absolutely pop culture like Boaty McBoatface.
P.S. GamerGate was certainly a happening in feminist circles.
Ken, feminists and their progressive 'allies' misrepresented, as is their wont, much of what was occurring during GG. It was not unlike much of what occurs with every instance today when the left, or far right freak out about something. Dishonest rhetoric, or, more honestly, complete fabrications, picked up and cascaded by national news outlets. Accusations of sexism, racism and homophobia were de rigeur. There is an argument to be made that as stupid as gamergate was, it surely exposed the lack of objectivity, lack of critical thinking, and complete bias in not only the video-game specific media, but the rot present in all journalism. The journey was completed for feminism and journalism during the orangmanbad presidency, when the entire 4 years was deidcated to being biased. Feminists may have, as you say, regained street cred with the average American, if by average you mean absolutely uninformed.
Maybe think of it this way:
I'd put the chances of Elizabeth Nolan Brown never having heard of GamerGate at somewhere around 1 in 16.
I put it 1 in 16 that ENB isn't personal friends with grifter Zoe Quinn.
10 in 10 that one of the semi-frequent commenters w/ a simian-theme name had the same name and was white-knighting and telling minorities they were doing it wrong during gg. Not your shield came about because of just such people.
I want to know what "bomb" she was talking about when she directed a tweet to Hillary Clinton, calling her evil, mentioning that McGowan had shared a hotel room with her husband, and was going to mention something else.
Rose McGowan is claiming that Gavin Newsom’s wife offered to pay her off (in some form or other) for not going public with her accusations against Harvey Weinstein.
It wouldn't surprise me if it's true, but you have to take things McGowan is saying with a LARGE grain of salt. She's clearly been whored out and broken by the Hollywood machine, and is just as likely to be seeking attention as whistleblowing.
I'll give her credit for at least not letting politics get in the way of her crusade, though. She's definitely not afraid to burn bridges or call out people on her side.
Well, she apparently has an email. If she's quoting it, she must still have the original.
And it's important to remember that this information isn't really for the benefit of Ken Shultz and Red Rocks White Privilege.
Rose McGowan's accusation is meant to be heard by suburban women all over California--who agree that women should be believed.
Those suburban women aren't about to go to the polls and vote for Larry Elder. But if they think Newsom is somehow associated with a coverup for Harvey Weinstein, instead of dropping by the polls on their way to wherever, they'll just stay home instead.
Newsom is already denying the accusations, but suburban women all over California right now are thinking to themselves, "Shouldn't women be believed?" Whatever else you want to say about the Kavanaugh hearing, this information should be important to women in California who thought that his accuser was credible. If they learned nothing else from that, didn't they learn that women should be believed?
I think that's Ken's point. It would be a mistake to believe all women based strictly on Rose McGowan's testimony. Having done so, they're free to reap that whirlwhind.
"For my journalism students, much of 9/11 is a case study of what not to do," writes Brandeis University journalism professor Eileen McNamara.
What a load of crap. Apparently her advice on what to do and what not to do is to be right and not be wrong. 20 years on from 9/11 it's a little bit easier to see what went right and what went wrong, but I would suggest that writing about 20-year old events is the role of an historian and not a journalist. The lesson a journalist writing about current events should take away from 9/11 is not to be too goddamn certain about what you're reporting on, that 20 years down the road the story of what really happened may look very different than what it does now. Have a little humility about the extent of your knowledge, in other words. But that's not the lesson this woman seems to draw from the reporting on 9/11, her lesson seems to be more of the "in hindsight" variety. Which is utterly useless unless you're suggesting journalists should wait 20 years before reporting on anything.
Why is a journalist professor teaching her students what the right and wrong policy is, shouldn't she be teaching them about how to do journalism?
Or, was she talking about how journalism covered the event? If that's the case, then sure.
For my journalism students, much of 9/11 is a case study of what not to do,
It is easy to forget two decades on how much a compliant press corps contributed to the patriotic fervor and uncritical thinking that helped launch the disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in response to the attacks by al-Qaeda that brought down the World Trade Center in New York City, shattered the Pentagon and left the passengers and crew aboard United Airlines Flight 93 incinerated in a field outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
"I'm going to teach you to refute the popular, but mistaken, reporting inextricably linking 9/11 and the Afghan and Iraq wars by conflating 9/11 and the Afghan and Iraq wars."
Sounds like the lesson plan needs more work.
Which is utterly useless unless you’re suggesting journalists should wait 20 years before reporting on anything.
Hey, let's not dismiss this out of hand...
The House Democrat's proposal to double the federal cigarette tax (from $1 to $2 per pack) would reduce US cigarette consumption about 12%-15% (a huge public health benefit), while generating an additional $9 billion in federal tax revenue. Congress would be wise to enact it into law.
But the House Democrat's proposal to tax very low risk vapor and dissolvable tobacco products (which are 99% less harmful than cigarettes) at the same rate as deadly cigarettes would offset the public health gains of the cigarette tax hike (as fewer smokers would switch to vaping and some vapers would switch back to cigarettes).
Congressional Republicans should reject the Dems tax on vapes and other low risk smokefree tobacco/nicotine products, while endorsing their $1 per pack tax on cigarettes.
Jesus Christ. You really think that anything government does will have the effect they say it will when it never has before?
Except that since 1990, I've correctly predicted cigarette consumption declines (before they occurred) when state, local and federal tax hikes and the 1998 State AG Settlement were proposed and implemented.
The price elasticity for cigarettes has traditionally been about -0.4, which means a 10% price hike results in a 4% consumption decline.
With growing competition from far lower risk vapor products, dissolvables and smokeless tobacco, the price elasticity for cigarettes is now closer to -0.3.
The claim by ATR (which has opposed cigarette tax hikes for decades) and cited by ENB above is intentionally misleading, as it was referring to cross border cigarette sales and inter state smuggling that was/is created by the huge differences in state cigarette tax rates (not federal cigarette tax, which is paid by manufacturers nationwide).
Dems allege that they will raise $16 billion from the cryptocurrency rule change and nearly $100 billion from the nicotine taxes.
the one thing you can be certain of is that this will not happen.
But... but.... the libertarian/left alliance! What of that? Do we just shred that to pieces and toss it to the four winds?
"They're just not that into you anymore..." Fret not though. If the Right ever finds its nuts again, and starts becoming a threat, the Left will again return Libertarians calls and texts. Maybe they'll even like your Facebook posts?
Right. This will be the strategy for keeping vapes legal: making the US Treasury and the states' partners in the sales. It works for keeping liquor legal, doesn't it? And it certainly worked for cannabis. You want to get and keep permission to do something, cut them in on it; it's a lot better than if they outlaw it and neither of you make money.
There's still a debt limit? Why?
I suppose on one hand it's useful to remind people that it's there and that maybe the government racking up such huge amounts of debt isn't a good thing, but does it really matter when most people just shrug and bury their heads back in the sand?
As some bitch once said, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
It's like the posted speed limit. It's more of a suggestion than a limit.
You can say that again. If I have to drive behind one more Subaru or Prius doing 17 in a 35, I'll squeak.
• "For my journalism students, much of 9/11 is a case study of what not to do," writes Brandeis University journalism professor Eileen McNamara.
More proof that school teaches students what to think, instead of how to think.
Vaccine mandates may be wildly unpopular in many quarters
Like Congress.
*drum solo as rimshot*
And the USPS.
I could almost forgive the USPS. Almost. I can't forgive congress.
General Melchett: We're behind you all the way, Captain Blackadder!
Capt. Blackadder: Yes... about 30 miles behind us...
Apparently Trump is the one running things behind the scenes - or else why does Biden keep pretending he's bound by his predecessor's orders?
47-d chess.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that's all.”
Reason misses the gift to auto unions in the $3.5T cash burning.
I hear you can get a use Chevy Bolt pretty cheap right now.
In the current reality that is necessary to use all the opportunities to earn, because taxes are high and life is expensive. Guys, the eighth wonder of the world is a program that I found. God, I've never seen such functional services in my life, I swear. Just download it and see for yourself, traders, you will be squeaking with delight, just like me, and I'm a guy, by the way. I figured out this program so quickly, it's really cool!