Ayn Rand in Ukrainian Crimea
What the Russian-born author would have thought of Russia's war in Ukraine
What the Russian-born author would have thought of Russia's war in Ukraine
Entrepreneurial greed is why we have iPhones, refrigerators, cars that usually work, supermarkets that stay open all night, and many of the things that make our lives better.
Francis Ford Coppola's new film has traces of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
The biographer of the Nobel laureate says he made us "free to choose" in areas far beyond economics.
The libertarian creator of alternative comix Hate and Neat Stuff explains why he's fond of the invisible hand and individualism.
The show's final season boldly declared that success requires putting yourself first and accepting the trade-offs.
Law professor Andrew Koppelman and Soho Forum Director Gene Epstein debate whether libertarianism has been corrupted.
Law professor Andrew Koppelman and Soho Forum director Gene Epstein debate whether libertarianism has been corrupted.
"If there is freedom, private property, rule of law, then Latin Americans thrive," says the social media star.
The authors of The Individualists talk Rand, Friedman, Hayek, Rothbard, and the "struggle for the soul" of the libertarian movement.
Turning every streaming service into TikTok is bad for the internet. It'll be disastrous for music.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
The Burning Down the House author says the shift from Hayek's classical liberalism to Rothbard's anarcho-capitalism is a moral and practical disaster.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
Burning Down the House argues that the shift from Hayek's classical liberalism to Rothbard's anarcho-capitalism has led the movement astray.
The Polish-born artist is creating "heroic portraits" of machines and defending individualism and creative expression in Silicon Valley.
Coal, oil, and gas have contributed to global warming, but we can deal with their impact while letting them bring billions more up to middle-class living standards.
The energy policy analyst says cheap and abundant gas, oil, and coal will continue to play a central role in human flourishing.
Born in communist Poland and disgusted by Silicon Valley communists, Pilat is making "heroic portraits of machines" and defending Ayn Rand.
Private space companies' efforts are a boost to the government's own space programs, in addition to being objectively cool.
A Soho Forum debate about stakeholder value vs. shareholder value.
Ayn Rand Institute's Yaron Brook says yes, Whole Foods' John Mackey says no.
The late drummer left behind a legacy of unparalleled musicianship and freedom-celebrating lyrics.
Friday A/V Club: When Timothy Leary, Ayn Rand, and Big Mama Thornton shared a microphone
People acting in their own self-interest created modern prosperity, says Ayn Rand Institute's Yaron Brook.
Jonathan Hoenig, a devotee of Ayn Rand, founder of Capitalist Pig investments, and editor of The New Textbook of Americanism, isn't pulling any punches.
One of Reason's founding editors, attorney Manny Klausner, tells tales from the early days of the magazine of "Free Minds and Free Markets."
House Committee on Un-American Activities
Sometimes censorship is a public-private partnership.
The Objectivist comic book artist, co-creator of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, left an indelibly brilliant mark on popular culture.
The things that made DC Comics fans hate Snyder's vision of heroism might make him just right for Rand's Roark.
"The Christian morality of sacrifice and altruism is wrong," says Brook, executive chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute.
The Ayn Rand Institute's Yaron Brook vs. economist Gene Epstein.
Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute and Gene Epstein of The Soho Forum debate and Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News moderates!
Ayn Rand Institute's Yaron Brook and Soho Forum's Gene Epstein will slug it out in livestreamed Oxford-style debate.
Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute takes on Gene Epstein of the Soho Forum, with Judge Andrew Napolitano as guest moderator!
Young people get passionate about the ideas of Ayn Rand
Vandals in California are chopping up trees in imitation of the most-blatantly misogynistic book in all kids' lit in imitation of Shel Silverstein's classic.
A scattered handful of fans of a novelist does not turn Trump Tower into Galt's Gulch.
Allison wants to repeal all Dodd-Frank regulations, which didn't fix the problem of banks being "too big to fail."
Dyspeptic presidential candidate reveals love for Ayn Rand novel The Fountainhead, but no understanding of its political implications.
Machan was one of the libertarian community's most prolific writers and thinkers.
Refugee from communism, academic philosopher, Objectivist, popular columnist brought precision and clarity to Reason's early years.
When we are all lawbreakers, vindictive asses in the executive power seat are all the more dangerous.
And people have opinions about that.
Deserter is reportedly "a truthful but delusional soldier, who identified with John Galt." He faces life in prison.
Celebrate the libertarian-leaning congressman's new gig with this amazing painting of Ryan with Rand and pancakes.
Sometimes famous people admit they admire Ayn Rand. And then sometimes they recant. Why?
Because guilds don't like competition.
The Fountainhead? More like The Open Conspiracy crossed with "The Gernsback Continuum."
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