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Does Immigration Undermine Social Trust? Does it Matter?
Cato Institute immigration policy expert Alex Nowrasteh dissects an important argument raised by restrictionists.
Perhaps the most important defense of immigration restrictions is that idea that too much immigration will degrade the culture and institutions of the receiving country. The danger may be especially great if the immigrants have bad political or cultural values. In the extreme case, such deterioriation might even "kill the goose that laid the golden egg" that makes the destination country attractive to migrants in the first place.
One of the major arguments of this type advanced in recent years is the claim that immigrants from low-trust societies could diminish social trust in receiving countries, thereby damaging political, social, and economic institutions. This argument is most recently advanced in detail by economist Garett Jones, in his book The Culture Transplant: How Migrants Make the Economies They Move to A Lot Like the Ones They Left. Jones argues that trust is vital to economic growth and that immigrants from low-trust societies undermine it in their destination countries, thereby also reducing growth there.
In a recent substack essay, Cato Institute immigration policy expert Alex Nowrasteh effectively critiques Jones' book, and the "social trust" rationale for immigration restrictions more generally. To briefly summarize, Nowrasteh shows that 1) the link between trust and growth is questionable, 2) the evidence that immigration reduces trust is also weak, and 3) even if trust is useful and immigration reduces it, institutional incentives are often an effective substitute for it.
Many of the issues involved are complex and subtle. If you want to grasp the nuances, there is no substitute for reading the whole thing! Nowrasteh delves into the trust issue in greater detail in two social science papers (see here and here). Ironically, as he points out in one of them, immigrants and their descendants actually - on average - have greater trust in American institutions than native-born citizens do (whether that's a good thing or not may depend in part on how much trust you think these institutions deserve). Nowrasteh's excellent book Wretched Refuse: The Political Economy of Immigration and Institutions (coauthored with Ben Powell), also has lots of relevant material.
As Nowrasteh notes, a previous review of Jones' book by economist Bryan Caplan points out that it actually justifies vastly increasing immigration to the United States from a wide swathe of the world, including countries with some 50% of the world's population. If you agree with Jones' claims that immigrants make receiving countries' cultures more like their own, and with his assessment of what qualifies as desirable cultural values, it turns out many countries have "better" cultures than we do, and ours can be improved by taking in more immigrants from these places:
Using Jones' hand-picked measure of cultural quality, immigration from all of the following countries to the United States would be, by his argument, a clear-cut cultural improvement: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Moldova, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Vietnam. Using a slightly different cultural measure adds the 1.7 billion inhabitants of India and Pakistan to the list. According to the research upon which Jones rests his book, we should expect migration from this long and populous list of countries to (a) substantially increase per-capita U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), (b) drastically increase gross world product, and (c) drastically increase global economic growth.
I am skeptical about both these measures of cultural quality and the idea that immigrants change destination-country culture anywhere near as much Jones claims. So I prefer to rest the case for free migration on other grounds, such as freedom, justice, and enhancing human welfare.
Here, I would add two points to Nowrasteh's critique. First, even if social trust is desirable (and it's hard to deny that societies need at least some minimal level of trust), it doesn't follow that more is always better. It could be that once you achieve a relatively modest level of trust (e.g. - we generally trust strangers not to assault or swindle us, and the like), further increases have few benefits. At some point, increased trust could even be harmful. For example, excessive trust in commercial transactions make us vulnerable to exploitation by conmen. Excessive trust in government officials might enable them to get away with corruption and harmful and unjust policies, and so on. If so, declining trust - whether driven by immigration or other factors - may not be a problem unless and until it gets a society below that bare minimum.
Second, the idea that people's behavior is driven largely by long-established and difficult-to-change cultures is undermined by the overwhelming evidence of how people of similar cultural backgrounds behave very differently in different institutional settings. The well-known examples of China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, and East Germany and West Germany are dramatic cases in point. And there are many other such examples.
I have been a visiting professor in China, and also spent time in Taiwan. The contrast between the two was like night and day - despite the fact that the vast majority of the population of both countries consists of Han Chinese.
The theory of longterm cultural persistence is also at odds with casual everyday observation of immigrant behavior. Far from holding on tightly to the values of their previous countries, many immigrants have great difficulty getting their children to even speak their parents' native language. Even those parents who seek to impede children's assimilation usually have great difficulty in doing so. Anyone who is an immigrant or knows many immigrants (I fall into both categories, myself) is likely aware of many examples of these phenomena. These effects are, of course, heightened if immigrants or their children intermarry with natives.
The idea that immigration can cause great harm by reducing social trust deserves serious consideration. The same goes for some other claims to the effect that immigration might degrade social and political institutions. But, so far at least, there isn't much there. Indeed, there is much more evidence that liberal democratic institutions can be degraded by native-born nationalists (many of them hostile to immigration), than by immigration.
UPDATE: It's worth noting that some argue that immigration might degrade political and institutions not because the immigrants themselves have bad values, but because they generate harmful reactions by natives. I addressed such claims here, and in Chapter 6 of the revised edition of my book Free to Move.
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Anyone who doesn't support open borders is a "restrictionist." It's just a matter of degrees and numbers.
And almost nobody openly supports open borders, just a handful of libertarian loons, far leftists, and extreme globalists. For example all of the leftwing commenters here claim not to support open borders.
Of course, maybe they are just saying that to conceal what they know is an unpopular view . . . I have no idea, but the fact is we purposely fling the doors open, lay down arms and allow tens of thousands to stream across illegally daily. When people support that, when the media avoids it as much as possible, when people don't support enforcing the border or preventing crossing which can easily be done, don't support enforcing the law, do support giving citizenship amnesty and voting rights, and then their only answer to the question of just how much immigration should be allowed is "more, more, more" without even awareness of what current levels are and without specifying whether that means more than 1.2M legal or 2.4M+ legal and illegal . . . well, it's clear that "open borders" support or acquiescence is much bigger than admitted, and is actually the official de facto policy of the United States for many years, which is directly contrary to the vast majority of voters' desires and is a selling out of the American people to big business and special interests.
But I digress. So if the "restrictionists" apparently include almost everyone then the reasoning for it must be pretty highly varied and diverse, maybe we can hear from leftists why they do not support open borders. As Bernie Sanders said, it is a Koch Brothers plan. But that is why the neoliberal establishment would not let Bernie Sanders be president.
Anyway, as usual there is not much to say about Somin's typical navelgazing academic myopia. But generally, if you are accepting the premise that people tend to have or given individuals do have certain types of cultural beliefs and practices (regardless of whether desirable or not), the burden of proof is on those who assert that those cultural beliefs and practices somehow magically change at the moment they take a plane or boat somewhere, as if behavior is determined by "magic dirt" or something. The burden of proof is not on the contrary position, and Somin's entire reasoning rests on that faulty logic.
Get back to me when immigration laws are fully enforced as written, all illegal aliens have been expelled along with visa overstayers.
"If you agree with Jones' claims that immigrants make receiving countries' cultures more like their own, and with his assessment of what qualifies as desirable cultural values, it turns out many countries have "better" cultures than we do, and ours can be improved by taking in more immigrants from these places:"
Well, yeah. Obviously. This is my "you are what you eat" theory of immigration. Immigrants from some places will degrade the US, from other places would actually improve it.
This is not to say that diminishing returns doesn't apply to immigrations. One of the nice things about the US, (More so a few decades ago, sadly.) is that we're not horribly crowded.
"It’s funny that conservatives don’t feel the same zeal about other (example tax) laws…"
As always deflecting and obfuscating. Laws (any laws) should not be enforced (or not enforced) selectively.
I don't think any discussion of cultural influences from immigration is useful if it simply assumes that the immigrants are just like those who stayed home.
ISTM that there is probably a considerable selection effect, and failure to take that into account (or show that it's not there) is going to lead to serious mistakes in any analysis.
Trump said, "They are not sending us their best." Well, he knew there was a selection effect, but he got the sign wrong.
"One of the nice things about the US, (More so a few decades ago, sadly.) is that we’re not horribly crowded."
Which raises the question of what urban planners call 'carrying capacity'. In the not too distant past Southern California was not too crowded but by most accounts now the population there has exceeded it's carrying capacity for fresh water for starters; not to mention how it is dealing with it's trash disposal problems. Wildfires and the power grid are other issues that are included in a long list of things that are likely to get worse not better.
In fact the whole Southwestern desert in the US is facing real carrying capacity issues with water, power, waste disposal, and other needed resources to support the current (forget about the expected increases) population. On a somewhat lesser scale these issues are not just in the Southwest but the US as well; and in many countries around the world the population can only sustain itself with foot and energy from outside sources.
"Laws (any laws) should not be enforced (or not enforced) selectively."
Right now, a lot of Europeans are looking at migrants from Africa and the Middle East to make up for their declining populations. Some in Japan are asking for the same thing, because they need younger workers to support senior citizens in their old age. When you have social trust, a younger population is more likely to do that. When you don't have social trust, the younger population is far less enthusiastic about doing that.
Prof Somin, honest question. Do you think that a future generation of young Africans working in France are going to be happy to work to support French senior citizens?
Reply to John Rohan:
Somin never replies.
If it turns out the answer is yes, expect Somin to follow with the idea that social trust isn’t really valuable anyway.
Does causally hand-waving away others' concerns with entirely rhetorical "keyhole solutions" undermine trust in academic honesty?
Does pretending there’s no supply and demand for low skill labor undermine trust?
Does pretending that vicious crimes are offset by good average behavior undermine trust?
Does conflating illegal immigration by criminals with legal immigration by engineers and research scientists undermine trust?
Does it undermine trust when the President ignores his oath of office to faithfully execute the laws?
Turns out that trust isn’t super high on the list of values for people like Somin.
ML: Anyway, as usual there is not much to say
You didn't let that stop you!
Bumble: Get back to me when immigration laws are fully enforced as written
They are. Discretion is a thing. Many courts have ruled on this, many times. You're just wrong.
ragebot you're confusing solvable infrastructure issues with fundamental limits.
Brett Bellmore : "Immigrants from some places will degrade the US, from other places would actually improve it"
I'd don't have much faith in your judgement here, Brett. American history provides a long continuous stream of predictions that this or that immigrant group will "degrade" the U.S. This was said about the Jews, Irish, Italians and Asians - often in ugly virulent form.
Maybe your feared "Other" is finally the one inherently that proves unworthy and uncivilized, but that what all the other predictors thought as well. My money is on the lesson from history.
(the commenting system is a little wacky today; I can't seem to directly reply to the quoted comment above)
"Bumble: Get back to me when immigration laws are fully enforced as written.
They are. Discretion is a thing. Many courts have ruled on this, many times. You’re just wrong."
Sure they are....whatever lies you need to tell yourself. But if you want the truth, "selective discretion" isn't full enforcement.
The post is about immigration. Stay on topic. I answered your attempt to deflect earller.
Unfortunately, the facts are not on Ilya's side.
The Swedish example is telling. As immigration expanded, especially beyond a critical % of the population (usually ~10-15% of the population), social trust declined and crime expanded.
Ilya needs to address the Swedish case example in his future arguments. Ignoring case examples that may be contrary to one's proposed position doesn't strengthen the weakens it.
Re Armchair:
The same problems are occurring in Norway, France, England, Germany, Italy.......
Sure they are….whatever lies you need to tell yourself. But if you want the truth, “selective discretion” isn’t full enforcement.
Immigration law is known for giving an especially large amount of discretion to the executive.
Not that you give a rats ass about the actual law. Not that you give a rats ass that Biden has changed much from how Trump enforced the law.
You believe, and thus it be true.
While I agree that there is a threshold where social transition costs do become problematic, and even insurmountable, I don't really buy people who are already against immigration saying we're there.
'If you let too many people not like me in, people like me will become prejudiced!' Buddy...
Does anyone think that any amount of anything lost by the people of Sweden would change Somin's opinion on whether Sweden should admit any quantity of migrants?
When people with last names like mine came here, mostly before the 1924 immigration act, they were leaving a conspicuously low-trust country.
"I don’t really buy people who are already against immigration saying we’re there."
And I don't really buy people who want basically unlimited immigration saying we're not.
"And I don’t really buy people who want basically unlimited immigration saying we’re not."
...and how and when would we know that we are?
Software doesn't work.
Brett, I don’t want unlimited immigration. Or an open border. You know this.
Mr. Bumble, I know your position on immigration from reading your comments and then remembering what I read. Plus you are as basic a conservative as they come.
Ben - we are not Sweden.
You can "decline to enforce" any number of laws, as the executive branch. You can say "We're not going to enforce laws against certain types of tax evasion, or certain types of marijuana possession, or anything else"
But, what you can't do, with any honesty, is simultaneously say "we're fully enforcing the laws against tax evasion or marijuana possession"....while not actually fully enforcing them.
That of course is what's going on with the Biden administration's current stance on immigration enforcement.
Immigrants, even of the undocumented kind, are better Americans than the people who want to keep them out. At least that’s been my experience.
“The people that want to keep them out” (defining keeping them out as favoring some limit on immigration) is a majority of the country with many varying reasons for thinking what they do. But you prefer to put them in one box and insult them. That’s because you hate everyone who disagrees with you in the slightest. Guess what - it ain’t them that’s the problem.
What box did I put him in? I observed his individual behavior in this and other threads and didn’t lump him in with any other person. I described an individual without putting him in a group with some unidentified group of “people who want to” do whatever. There’s nobody described here but him. Can you actually comprehend the difference?
Sweden naively welcomed refuges from radically different cultures who refuse to assimilate. Lack of trust in the so ieties they come from is part of the reason. Swedish voters responded to this situation by electing a right wing government. Even so they admit that the culture is forever changed and they will have to live with the results.
Those crazy Republicans with their crazy conspiracy theories about "The Great Replacement"...
I suppose that depends whether those people are deemed and treated as "young Africans working in France," or as French people.
"Selective discretion" is redundant. And in that case, no law in the history of Homo sapiens has ever been fully enforced.
I observe south-of-the-border fencing becoming far more common north of the border.
Discussing suburban type living, we've come from "mostly no fences, the kids play together between the houses" to "mostly fences, but for privacy more than security" to "lots of upgrades to a security fence".
Seems likely this trend has something to do with recent immigrants understanding how security is done in the old country and why it is done in the old country.
Seems unlikely it has anything at all to do with immigration, if the phenomenon actually exists rather than just being in your head.