ministhe-wheel-oftime | Amazon

The Wheel of Time

Looked at one way, it's a lesser Game of Thrones. Looked at another, it's a show about governance and social power in the absence of contemporary governmental institutions.


minis1 | NBC

This Is Us

Randall's actions hint at the dark side of people who are just trying to make things better for everyone—regardless of whether their victims want the help.


minis_Arkane_Netflix | <em>Arcane</em>/Netflix


The show details friction between the privileged innovators of a steampunk city and the impoverished slums underneath it.


minisfoundation_appleTV | Apple TV+


The TV adaptation of Isaac Asimov's classic trilogy is still fundamentally about the ways in which politics and objective truth inevitably clash.


minisloki | <em>Loki</em>/Marvel


Even the most powerful cosmic demigod can be foiled by the even-more-powerful machinations of bureaucracy.



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