Republicans and Taxes
False congressional fiscal conservatives begin to reveal their true selves.
Costco Plans $3B Special Dividend To Escape Anticipated Tax Hike
That will save shareholders a mint
How on Earth Is a 401(k) a Government Subsidy?
A journalist proposes taxing the money people set aside for savings and then forcing them to save money via the government instead
The GOP's Secret Leverage in the Fiscal Cliff Negotiations
Who actually has the leverage in negotiations over the fiscal cliff-and the extension of Bush-era income tax cuts in particular?
George W. Bush, Middle Class Champion
Less than one-fourth of the Bush tax cuts benefit "the rich"
Two-Thirds of Millionaires Left the UK to Avoid 50 Percent Income Tax
Unsurprisingly, tax revenue went down
Obama Tries To Soothe Spooked Small-Business Owners
Not the most commerce-friendly of White House residents
AZ Sees Gains in CA Tax Hikes
Why not offer refuge to those fleeing from your insane neighbor?
Santa Monica Wants a Piece of Outdoor Fitness Classes
And just how is this different than a protection racket?
Eliminating Tax Loopholes Won't Make Up for Defense Spending
Getting rid of things like mortgage and charitable deductions wouldn't make a dent
Treat the Tax-Me-More Crowd to a Voluntary Additional Tax
Leave rates and rules where they are, but add a line to tax returns for a VAT-a voluntary additional tax.
The Future of Financing the Arts: An Interview with Adam Huttler of Fractured Atlas
"We must abandon the notion that a strong arts policy begins and ends with public funding."
Florida Weighs Corporate Welfare for New Sports Stadium
Tampa Bay taxpayers already funded one baseball stadium. Will they be forced to subsidize another?
Top Republicans Abandoning Norquist
Fiscal worries are making some GOP lawmakers ready to accept tax hikes
Americans Remain Divided on Budget Cuts vs. Tax Hikes
Lots of them want their goodies so long as somebody else foots the bill
New Taxes Await Online Holiday Shoppers
Ravenous state tax collectors are extending their reach into what was previously an online refuge
California Voters Give Sacramento One More Chance to Balance the Budget
The clock is ticking on economic reforms in the Golden State.
Tax Hike Won't Save US from Fiscal Cliff
Obama's proposed taxes on the rich won't even pay for his own planned spending increases
It's Time to Cut a Deal on the Federal Budget
We will soon find out if Chili Palmer was right when he said, "Sometimes you do your best work with a gun to your head."
Federal Fiscal Woes Could Mean Billions in Higher Taxes
We'll all share the politicians' pain
Patching "Tax Loopholes" Poses Its Own Problems
Change too much and you could deter investment and hurt those who planned according to the rules
Pending Tax Hikes Drive Financial Sell-Off
Who'd have guessed that people change their behavior in response to taxes?
Kucinich Wants to End Tax Deductions for Marketing Junk Food to Kids
Fiddling with the tax code while Hostess burns
Congressional Leaders Bargain on Taxes
Whatever the two parties come up with, you can be sure you won't like it
If California Is America's Greece, What Is Illinois?
American anti-austerity movement gets big boost in blue states
How Steven Spielberg's Lincoln Benefited from Crony Capitalism
Virginia taxpayers helped foot the bill for the Hollywood blockbuster.
Republicans Have Already Lost Fight on Fiscal Cliff
Obama will never fall on his sword, because he doesn't even have to bring a weapon to this fight.
Lincoln Movie a Product of Millions in Virginia Tax Subsidies
The governor got to rub elbows with stars
Tax Cuts, Entitlement Reform Favored by Chamber of Commerce
But not by politicians, if recent bloviating is any guide
IRS Rules Push Overseas Americans To Renounce Citizenship
Intrusive red tape is a huge barrier to banking and business
Hawaii Budget Strained by Solar Tax Credits
Officials just guesstimated up-front costs, and came up short
Starbucks, Google, and Amazon Face Investigation For 'Immoral' Tax Evasion in the UK
A public accounts select committee of the UK parliament, made up of a group of senior members of Parliament, is set to vigorously question the tax practices of Google, Amazon, and Starbucks next Monday.
Support Wavering for Norquist's Anti-Tax Pledge
About a dozen newly elected Republicans refuse to sign on
Christie Unsure if Sandy Will Kill NJ Tax Cut
Had proposal to reduce residents' taxes by 10 percent
EU Freezes Carbon Taxes on Aviation
Had been leading to a possible trade war with non-EU nations
United Returns $5.6 Million in Tax Incentives to Chicago
Were given money to move, but consolidated and gave the money back, though they weren't required to
CA Finances Remain Shaky Despite Prop. 30 Tax Hike
Groups are lining up to spend the new revenues, which are already spent