Jimmy Carter, 'The Great Deregulator,' 1924–2024
Nobel-winning economist Vernon Smith says the 39th president radically improved air travel, freight rail, and trucking in ways that still benefit us immensely.
Nobel-winning economist Vernon Smith says the 39th president radically improved air travel, freight rail, and trucking in ways that still benefit us immensely.
Three American economists win Nobel Economics Prize for showing how free markets and democratic governance engender prosperity.
Joseph Stiglitz thinks redistribution and regulation are the road to freedom—he’s wrong.
Libertarian History/Philosophy
The biographer of the Nobel laureate says he made us "free to choose" in areas far beyond economics.
"The greatest thing that ever happened to me was to be born in a free country of modest means and to have opportunities," says the Nobel Prize–winning economist.
Politicians' go-to fixes like child tax credits and federal paid leave are known for creating disincentives to work without much impact on fertility.
Either everybody gets to enjoy journalistic freedom, or it will turn into glorified public relations work for the powers-that-be.
One of this year’s Nobel Prize winners in economics inadvertently created a pro-liberty methodology.
Plus: A dangerous misunderstanding about what caused America's opioid overdose epidemic, a look at this year's Nobel Prize winners, and more...
Ostrom was best known for her studies of how local groups manage natural resources.
Paul Romer overturns limits-to-growth nonsense, and William Nordhaus projects climate change damages.
Journalist and Soho Forum co-founder Gene Epstein on economists' romance with strongmen and his upcoming debate with Jacobin's Bhaskar Sunkara.
The Nobel laureate had a brilliant, sadly ignored insight that would have short-circuited the worst cultural and political reactions of the past 17 years.
In 2009, Barack Obama acknowledged that the Nobel Peace Prize honor was aspirational. In 2017, it still is.
Friday A/V Club: The Devil and Bob Dylan
Dylan has constantly changed, not out of some sense of desperate need to stay current or hip but out of a deep urge to explore himself and the world around him.
Newly minted economics Nobel laureate Angus Deaton worries crony capitalism will kill off economic growth.
The Economics Nobel Laureate worries that crony capitalism will kill off economic growth
"We've seen a remarkable decrease over the past 20 years, and I do forecast that will continue."
Here's hoping that the award will help safeguard Tunisia's nascent democracy.
According to Nobel economics laureate Joseph Stiglitz
Why Israel Kirzner should win the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
Malala Yousafzai tells Barack Obama what his drones are doing.
The subjective theory of value in action.
Some committee members accused of being fawning, starstruck.
Nominated by two Norwegian politicians
Studied supply and demand in the job market
30 detainees face up to 15 years in prison if convicted
Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert Shiller
The 2013 Nobel Peace Prize laureate helped prevent a war agitated for by the 2009 laureate
Overseeing the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons
If a certain previous winner had such self-awareness
For their work on the Higgs boson
Well, if they gave Obama one...
Renowned economic historian known for using quantitative analysis to study history
Award given to discoverer of DNA goes to head of biomedical firm
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