Facebook Said My Article Was 'False Information.' Now the Fact-Checkers Admit They Were Wrong.
While this is a problem, it's not one that scrapping Section 230 would solve.
While this is a problem, it's not one that scrapping Section 230 would solve.
Shame on the U.S. government for making unemployment pay better than work.
Why are politicians suddenly cancelling their plastic bag bans? Because of COVID-19, of course.
Politicians rush to limit our choices in the name of "keeping us safe."
China's dictators are quick to take extreme measures against whatever they see as a problem.
The free market adjusts. We don't need "production acts" to tell us what to do.
At least some unnecessary regulations are finally being waived.
What politicians call "gouging" is just supply and demand. Prices rise and fall all the time.
Why are we freaking out about the safety of our kids?
"People commit crimes all the time without knowing it. It's impossible to know what sort of behavior is criminal."
Politicians win, taxpayers lose.
People who want to work should be allowed to work.
Hearings aren’t about educating lawmakers or getting answers. They're all about getting good soundbites.
Politicians use congressional hearings to score cheap points and bully productive people.
Rand Paul takes on socialist arguments about Venezuela, Scandinavia, and fairness.
Police often accuse people of "sex trafficking." Usually, it’s simply prostitution.
A new wave of journalists, like Tim Pool, use "new media" to tell it like it is.
Contrary to what most of the media says, the poor are getting richer and income mobility is high.
How established businesses use government to limit competition.
People claim breakfast is the "most important meal of the day." But it's not.
Media personalities claim socialism didn't cause Venezuela's collapse, but it did. Here's how.
The editor of a journal that fell for a hoax defends his field.
Rep Ocasio-Cortez and her progressive followers think taxing the rich at 70% will bring in lots of tax money. It won't.
Sugar subsidies are welfare for the rich. They cost consumers billions a year.
San Francisco encourages homelessness by limiting housing, offering generous welfare, and failing to enforce basic laws.
Sports stadiums get billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies.
Stossel in the Classroom offers teachers free videos.
Shutdown teaches us that much of government is NOT essential.
Asians sue Harvard for discrimination in a case that may end college racial preferences.
New film The Creepy Line argues that tech giants sometimes silence conservatives and try to steer America left.
Tech companies are compiling incredibly detailed dossiers about you.
Socialist regimes use government brutality to enforce bad laws.
Amazon lobbies for government favors and bad regulations.
Many people think Sweden is socialist, but its success comes from free markets.
New ideas, like leasing naming rights for public bridges and buildings, would save taxpayers money.
People who fled Cuba and Venezuela warn Americans not to embrace socialism.
Cities limit electric scooters with needless regulations.