FDA Announces Plan to Get New Medical Devices to Market Faster
Public-private partnership with members of industry and academia
Public-private partnership with members of industry and academia
A unified theory of fantasy football; Eat, Pray, Love; and Burning Man.
Stupid rules make us poorer and unhealthier
Keep the regulators out of the way and human spirit triumphs
Explores what it would take to create a community from scratch
After getting previous printer taken away, now getting assistance from unidentified defense firm
As opposed to causing them, like science fiction warns us about
They should probably lose them when "working late at the office"
It will still be tough to catch a cab thanks to city's oppressive medallion system
Would make steering systems more responsive
Academics would need a government permit to communicate
They haven't jumped through the state's hoops, so everybody could die in a fiery blaze of death
Sounds pretty simple, too
Proliferation of the technology would make gun laws a joke
With enough extortion, we can make every company perfect!
Now the argument as to whether this is a bug or a feature
Basically, people become part of a graphics processor, which means we'll be good for something after the robots take over
The powerful devices connect them to families, entertainment and work
Probably won't see much actual use, but will help innovate next generation
They took Peter Thiel up on his challenge to try something other than college
Even higher-income people find attractive financial alternatives elsewhere
Can technological innovation be funded the same way as an indie film?
Even thugs recognize value in asymmetrical fights, cooperation, and even stock markets
An old scientific paper and an argument wth his wife drove him to succeed
Creatures have more to offer tech field than just video game bosses.
The multi billionaire is investing in new toilets, including one that converts excrement into charcoal.
Structures could be printed on-site in a matter of days or even hours
From snack foods to office supplies, the free market delivers a dazzling bounty.
Solving unemployment requires stripping away unnecessary regulations, encouraging entrepreneurs, and restructuring the American economy.
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