A Rancher Cloned a Giant Sheep. The Feds Jailed Him for Allegedly Risking Ecological Disaster.
Federal prosecutors said creating hybrid animals is "unnatural," yet the practice is common in the game industry.
Federal prosecutors said creating hybrid animals is "unnatural," yet the practice is common in the game industry.
Eradication of the apex predator is "likely impossible."
Eradication of the apex predator is “likely impossible.”
Proponents say that the bills would ensure the quality of fishing and hunting guides, but occupational licensing doesn't tend to work that way.
Evidence turned over in a lawsuit shows that wildlife officers set up a trail camera at a private club to surveil hunters who may be breaking state laws.
The Parkers filed their lawsuit under Maine’s new ‘right-to-food’ constitutional amendment.
Critics accused the huntress of being a murderer and said she deserves to be abused and shamed.
Should advanced permission be required, or should land owners post signs?
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