Democrats Were Worried About Rand Paul, Leaked Email Reveals
At the same time Democrats were advised to "elevate" Donald Trump.
At the same time Democrats were advised to "elevate" Donald Trump.
LP presidential nominee says disgruntled Republicans are ready to endorse him over their own party's candidate.
Emails suggest she won't recant discredited claim gay marriage ban prevented amendment.
The nominee can protect herself with ease. What about everyday Americans?
Using Aleppo to gain leverage over a geopolitical foe.
Is there a positive case for Hillary? Are there Trump policies that could turn this mother around? Of course not.
The Democratic nominee continues to minimize her email "mistake" and misrepresents what she said about the disadvantages of truth in politics.
In the wake of "pussygate" and Wikileaks, these candidates have more than ever to answer for.
Most say they are as #NeverHillary as they are #NeverTrump. Will any back Gary Johnson and Bill Weld?
"Millions of Republicans are facing a moment of truth," says Gary Johnson. So are the rest of us and we need MORE choices on the ballot and debate stage!
The Libertarian's polling support exceeds the Democrat-Republican margin throughout the interior west, Midwest, and in key swing states
By replacing "third party" with "undecided" as an option, is the network doing the bidding of the two-party duopoly?
It's a sad thing when major-party advocates insist that a four-way race only includes two people.
One in 14 people say they have ended a friendship because of Clinton vs. Trump.
Both 2016 presidential hopefuls believe in the primacy of the state over the individual.
Paris Agreement Climate Change
U.S. not on track to meet Obama's promised greenhouse gas cuts
But taking out al Qaeda's leadership probably didn't make the world any safer.
We don't need more politicians like Kaine and Pence talking over each other. We need more voices and people on the stage debating the country's future.
If the former governor wins his home state, he just might block Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump from victory at the ballot box.
Like the fixation on Gary Johnson's "Aleppo moments," this stuff stymies serious conversation about first-order concerns like government spending.
Why does Hillary get credit for good intentions, while the rest of us get condemned for honest mistakes?
While mainstream journalists yuk it up about Libertarian's "disqualifying" mistake, they are nearly 100% silent about the massive UK parliament report exposing Libya as a trumped up and abysmally planned intervention
The DOJ seemed to hand immunity out like candy.
There's more to life than who is sitting in the Oval Office.
Anti-corporate progressives use a billionaire's money to warn about Gary Johnson's "hairstyle" and invent a peacenik Al Gore.
Complaints about Donald Trump don't make the U.S. any more a responsible player on the world's stage.
On budgets, trade, and more, the Democratic nominee rejects Bill Clinton's economic initiatives.
Deploys bromides on police training and techniques, but not accountability or transparency.
Why do we insist on using the "most stupid arrangement of any debate in the history of debating" for presidential candidates?
Clinton and Trump agree on a fantasy of presidential power to keep guns out of bad hands in a manner that would be effective, constitutional, and not harass the innocent more than stop the guilty. It can't be done.
What the 2012 Democratic nominee took credit for the 2016 nominee blames on Bush.
Ending suspicionless searches didn't cause crime to rise in New York City.
What Hillary Clinton gets right (and what she gets wrong) about occupational licensing and the need for reform
Libertarian candidate notes he's polling better than Perot was in 1992 when allowed into debates.
Q&A with the great libertarian law professor on cigarettes, global warming, foreign policy, and much, much more.
Why, this devious Libertarian monster doesn't even want to give free college to everybody!
Matt Welch discusses that plus Donald Trump's policing ideas on FBN's Kennedy tonight at 8 pm ET
Backers of the former two-term governor of New Mexico say he's a "sane centrist" while Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are dangerous extremists.
Hillary Clinton still calls Libya "smart power at its best," even though it looks more like what President Obama called it earlier this year-a "shit show."
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