Ann Coulter Thinks the GOP Should Cave on Taxes For the Rich
After all, they lost the election
After all, they lost the election
Hopes it will lead to tax code reform
Being portrayed as protecting the rich and throwing the elderly to the wolves
Obama argues that having a cap on debt, rather than unlimited debt, is a "bad strategy" for the nation.
It's opposite day every day in the minds of Congressmen
If only they'd pick a real cliff and go it by themselves
Why should the public have any interest in the government's financial mess?
If ever there were an argument for Washington gridlock
He has a point -- it's not like the Republican Party actually stands for anything anymore
Says the plan "sounds serious because it hurts vulnerable people"
Democrats' counterintuitive resistance to means-testing Medicare and Social Security
Better prepare for a primary challenge in 2014
Three Republicans, three Democrats, but what've they got to do with anything?
Not a fan of the Speaker's counter-offer to the President
Only 27 percent would blame the President if a deal cannot be made
It contained elements of financial sanity, so no-go
The phone company does a lot of business with the U.S. government.
Proposing $2.2 trillion worth of cuts and $800 billion in tax revenue
"Flabbergasted" by Tim Geithner's comments that taxes could go up for everyone
Or, Fun Facts About the Fiscal Cliff!
And we're talking about getting the government more involved in medicine because ...
Coal which the president would then tax at a rather high rate
Obama hits campaign trail after re-election
Insists on only a partial extension of the Bush era tax cuts
Latest proposal rejected by Republicans
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