Congo Not Interested in Talking to Rebels
Blame Rwanda for backing them
Darfur region affected, but authorities warn it could spread
President Mugabe's party accused of stealing them
Africa's first Miss Universe makes her last tour of the continent
Many more trapped in rubble than previously believed
Justice Minister made the move to allow debate on whether to keep the controversial legislation on the books
Motorcycle cabs are a popular form of transportation in the African country
Want a salary increase, government says strike is illegal
Claims Argentina's government owes him $1.6 billion
First female chief is the former wife of South Africa's president
Leaders who governed well, raised living standards and then voluntarily left office are thin on the ground in Africa
"Accidentally" plugged by his own troops
Raise your hand if you had no idea that crown jewels were still actually a thing
Want to retake land seized by Al Qaeda-linked groups
Victims say they were shocked, beaten with belts and sticks
Because they are so popular in Pakistan...
Leader indicted for genocide among the beneficiaries
U.S. embassy in Nigeria has issued warnings to Americans in the country
Though apparently the locals knew it was there all along
Strict Muslims not happy with consensual transactions
ose Eduardo dos Santos, who has been president since 1979, is expected to win another term
Blackly comic true story about corruption
Country where citizens are encouraged to grow their own food will require the purchasing of insurance
President Yahya Jammeh, who plans to have all death row inmates executed by mid-September, has ignored international pleas to halt the executions.
MPLA won eighty two percent of the vote at the last election in 2008
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