Veronique de Rugy is a contributing editor at Reason. She is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
The Earned Income Tax Credit: Small Benefits, Large Costs
No reason to chose between two bad options
No reason to chose between two bad options
Why overregulation of payday lenders is a bad idea
Fight over the crony-capitalist program highlights all that's wrong with Washington
A to-do list for the new Speaker of the House
Congress can't pass a real transportation bill. And it shouldn't have to.
How five 20th century economists subtly remade the political landscape
Let GE whine. The company doesn't need a subsidy.
Republicans are all hypocrites when it comes to Defense cuts.
When the economy is struggling, more people falsely apply for disability benefits.
Gov. Scott Walker's approach is merely 'Obamacare Lite.'
A stronger civil society makes life better for everyone.
Why won't Obama put an end to government snooping?
Bad economic policies hurt young Americans the most.
Good intentions and unintended effects.
I don't need mandatory food labels to tell me McDonald's isn't health food. And neither do you.
Corporations provide an easy political target for tax-hungry politicians, but the burden of corporate taxes falls on ordinary citizens.
Government should watch from the sidelines.
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation is ripe for termination.
Change happens on the battlefield of ideas, not as the result of elections.
How entitlement spending transfers wealth from the young to the old.
CON laws stifle competition and hurt consumers.
How can we produce better health for more people at a lower cost, year after year?
The railroad's problems are political, not operational.
Pointless economic regulation cripples innovation and speeds the growth of big government.
The case for individual economic choice.
How bureaucrats are keeping people in the dark about the Export-Import Bank
As states lunge for dot-com money, Congress threatens to get into the act.
Foreign airlines and oil companies top list of recipients.
We don't need a federal commission to govern things that go beep in the night.
The people expected to pay for Social Security and Medicare can't afford it.
President Obama's call for putting aside partisanship and governing as "Americans" is one of the oldest and most dishonest cliches in politics.
The president didn't get much of his wish list last year and he'll get even less this time. That's a good thing.
Medicare may be making mistakes 20% of the time, school lunch programs 15%, and the Earned Income Tax Credit 25%.
It's time for lawmakers to stop abusing the emergency-spending loophole.
Nearly $1 trillion was spent on the war in Afghanistan, mostly under President Obama.
Yes, that's right: Congressional leaders are forcing the Pentagon to take more money than it asked for.
Throwing good money at bad governments makes poor countries worse off.
We must kill Social Security in order to save retirement.
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