Shikha Dalmia was a senior analyst at Reason Foundation.
Latest from Shikha Dalmia
3 Fallacies in Obama's Public-Sector Stimulus Strategy
Paying people to do busy work won't revive the U.S. economy.
Michael Bloomberg, Soda Jerk
Mayor Bloomberg's proposed soda ban is about himself, not about public health.
Michigan Is Big Labor's Next Big Target
The fight over public sector unions moves to the Great Lakes State
Islamist Extremism Is Not Driving Egypt's Presidential Election
How Egyptians are trying to divide power between the country's problematic players
Jack Welch vs. Feminists: The Dumb Debate Over Female CEOs
Women have more flexibility than men to write their own destiny.
Scott Walker Is No More Anti-Union than FDR
The recall battle against Walker speaks volumes about the misguided priorities of modern-day progressives
5 Reasons Why Conservatives Should Root For a Romney Defeat
He won't stop socialized medicine and will prolong the party's intellectual confusion.
Obama's Taxing Psychology
Obama needs the Gandhi Rule, not the Buffett Rule, if he wants the rich to pay more taxes.
Detroit's Slow Fiscal Death March
State authorities should have let the city go into bankruptcy this summer.
Americans Want More Control Over Their Own Health Care
ObamaCare's popular provisions lose their appeal once Americans are confronted with the consequences.
Forget About Income Inequality
Opening more economic opportunities will help the poor, not eradicating inequalities.
Scrapping Obamacare Should be a Constitutional No Brainer for Conservative Justices
The procedural trickery used by the Democratic Congress makes the law illicit.
Detroit's Leaders to Michigan: Give Us the Money and Get Lost
Detroit's mayor and council play power games as the city careens towards bankruptcy.
The Perils of Staying in Afghanistan
The best-laid plans of military occupiers rarely work out.
The Supreme Court Can't Fix University Admissions Policies
Universities have a history of ignoring the law to engineer the right ethnic mix on campus.
Sorry, Liberals, RomneyCare Is Still Not Working
The Massachusetts health care overhaul continues to come up short.