John Stossel is the host and creator of Stossel TV. The former host of Stossel on Reason, Fox Business' Stossel, and ABC's 20/20, he has won 19 Emmys and authored several best-sellers, most recently No, They Can't: Why Government Fails—But Individuals Succeed. He is also the author of a popular weekly column that is syndicated via Creators.
Latest from John Stossel
The Double Standard About Bias in Journalism
Every reporter has a point of view. But some refuse to admit it.
Self-Governance Works
Elinor Ostrom's research shows that free people can overcome the "tragedy of the commons"
What's Michael Moore Talking About?
Government power is the problem, not capitalism.
What Obama Should Have Said to Congress
Free enterprise is the solution to our fiscal emergency
ObamaCare's Inevitable Logic
The president may be talented, but he can't repeal the laws of supply and demand.
Big Business Goes Big for Health Care Reform
Why drug companies and insurance providers are backing ObamaCare
Impossible Promises
Obama says his health care plan will cut costs and increase patient choice. It won't.
The Arrogance of Health Care Reform
Why do politicians with no business experience think they can run 15 percent of the economy?
Health Care Competition
If the policy elite really wanted to cut costs, they would deregulate medicine.
How to Fire an Incompetent Teacher
An illustrated guide to New York's public school bureaucracy
Confessions of a Welfare Queen
How rich bastards like me rip off taxpayers for millions of dollars