Interview: Hernando de Soto

He turned from international business to the black market-to study it. Hernando de Soto talks about the surprises he found among Peru's poor.


Interview with Charlton Heston

An activist for civil rights but a conservative by his own lights; dismissive of politics in film but supportive of film stars in politics…Hollywood's most outspoken star talks to REASON.


Interview with Ron Paul

He's not in Congress any longer, but former Texas representative and hard-money champion Ron Paul is still trying to get his limited-government message through


Interview with Charles Murray

How best to help the poor? That question has long occupied the author of the pathbreaking book Losing Ground. And he's come up with some controversial, eye-opening answers.


Interview with George Stigler

He won the 1982 Nobel Prize in economics for his work on the economics of information. George Stigler's got some things to say about the information of economics, as well.


Interview with Henri Lepage

He's a French journalist who was puzzled by the riots in France in '68 and went on to author an international bestseller on free-market economic thought. He tells REASON why and how he sought an alternative to socialism.


Interview with Karl Hess

He helped found National Review; now he calls himself an anarchist. He wrote speeches for Goldwater's presidential bid; now he publishes a survival newsletter. Karl Hess talks about the Old Right, the New Right, and what's right.


Interview with Marva Collins

She's been featured on TV and in magazines and newspapers around the world, but Marva Collins attributes her success to good common sense. REASON's interviewers talked to Collins about her private school in a Chicago ghetto.


Interview with Murray Weidenbaum

President Reagan put a critic of government regulation at the head of his Council of Economic Advisors. REASON sent one of its editors to quiz him about the prospects for individual liberty.


REASON Interview: Col. E.C. Harwood

In an exclusive interview before his death, the father of the hard-money movement talks about how he came to gold, his battle with the SEC, and his hopes for the future.



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