Biden, Ryan Trade Shots at VP Debate
Only VP debate of the campaign season
Forty-eight percent say Ryan won, 44 percent give it to Biden
It would have been nice to see Jim Gray there, to give grown-up answers
Now shut up and eat your broccoli
If you want a real debate, you will be disappointed, unless Gary Johnson is let in.
"It's hard to sometimes just keep on saying and what you're saying isn't true," the president said
If the Republican candidate won't even eliminate intrusive bureaucracy, there's little hope.
The GOP presidential candidate's tax plan is vague, backward, and possibly impossible.
You sure you want to go there, Mr. President?
And now a lesson on the dangers of becoming emotionally attached to political figures
The most quotable line from Mitt Romney's foreign policy speech is a reheated zinger from Rudy Giuliani.
Making candidates pretty, one $250 touchup session at a time.
The most infuriating moment of the presidential debate hasn't gotten the attention it deserves.
Why wasn't the president more condescending?
While calling Romney's offer of change a "relapse"
George Mason University actually counted. Shall we debate the value of college?
Says each candidate's supporters think their guy won, apparently has not been paying attention
Says his mission was to let the candidates engage each other
Romney's performance won't secure a permanent increase in support, if history is anything to go by
In the first presidential debate, the candidate reveals his core convictions.
58 million people watched two candidates argue over the relatively small differences between them
Well, at least he didn't blame global warming
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