The GOP Needs More Libertarianism, Not Less
New York Times columnist David Brooks is wrong to worry about the influence of "economic conservatives."
Conservative Dominance Teeters in Arizona
Redrawn districts and ballot initiatives could put moderates and Democrats in a stronger position
Heritage Foundation Speaks Up For Romney's Tax Plan
Says the much cited analysis from the Tax Policy Center is "biased"
American Conservatives Have Their Own Version of Shariah Law
A lot of wrongheaded people with an irrational fetish for holy symbols think their hurt feelings justify censorship.
Paul Ryan Is a Big Government Conservative
Mitt Romney's vice presidential pick is a friend to the welfare/warfare state.
Misreading the Tea Party
A new book misunderstands the libertarian-leaning portion of the Tea Party movement and exaggerates the importance of the movement's social conservatives.
Even If You Think Obamney Is a Centrist Sellout, You Should Vote for Him to Keep That Dangerous Extremist Obamney Out of Office
If you can't please the base, you can still scare them.
Goodbye to Gore Vidal, America's Biographer and Champion
Remembering one of my favorite writers
How Judicial Restraint Shaped John Roberts' ObamaCare Decision
The chief justice's deferential stance saves the president's health care overhaul.
Fusionism Revisited
Matt Welch vs. Jonah Goldberg and Nick Gillespie vs. Ann Coulter on the future of the libertarian-conservative alliance
Is There Really a War on Women?
Gender-based political correctness is all too common on both the left and the right.
Two Americas, Growing Apart
Charles Murray offers a better way to think and talk about class.
"The New Debate in the Republican Party Needs to be Between Conservatives and Libertarians"
Sen. Jim DeMint talks about the looming fiscal crisis and the future of the GOP.
America's Bipartisan Reefer Madness
Both Democrats and Republicans support the pointless federal crackdown on medical marijuana