Health insurance
Antonin Scalia's ObamaCare Problem
The Obama administration repeatedly cites the conservative Supreme Court justice in defense of its health care overhaul.
Freedom of Religion vs. Freedom from Religion
If churches want to be left alone, they should stop begging alms of the government.
Obama's Contraceptive Failure
The president pretends to accommodate religious objections to his birth control mandate.
The GOP's ObamaCare Problem
Romney and Gingrich have both supported an individual health insurance mandate.
Buyers Beware
Upholding the health insurance mandate would encourage endless meddling in our spending decisions.
Looking for Limits
The power to mandate health insurance is the power to mandate almost anything.
More Central Planning: The Failed Panacea for Health Care Reform
A rebuttal to The New Republic's latest prescription for health care reform
ObamaCare's Disastrous New Long-Term Care Entitlement
The Obama administration makes a CLASS of itself.
Will Comparative Effectiveness Research Kill More People Than It Helps?
Consumers, not bureaucrats, should make healthcare decisions.
Passive Resistance
Excluding inactivity from the Commerce Clause still leaves Congress with far too much power.
The Amazing Elastic Commerce Clause
The individual health insurance mandate tugs on an overstretched federal power.