Will EPA Trump California's Clean Air Act Waiver?
The Trump Administration is seeking to roll back federal automotive fuel economy standards and prevent California from maintaining more stringent standards of its own.
The Trump Administration is seeking to roll back federal automotive fuel economy standards and prevent California from maintaining more stringent standards of its own.
The "National Climate Commission" would institutionalize special interests that favor taxes to combat climate change.
Is it really fair for we who benefited from fossil fuels to blame for global warming on those who supplied what we demanded?
Meanwhile U.S. carbon dioxide emissions continue to fall
Germany won't be able to meet the goal of cutting emissions by 20 percent before 2020. But the attempt caused residential energy prices to double.
Sea level rise rate has increased marginally, but are we doomed in the future?
Carbon-neutral transportation fuels might be possible.
Skip renewables for zero-carbon electricity and go directly to nuclear
Regulatory precaution, not rising temperatures, is the main driver for the increase in vector-borne disease.
Paris Agreement Climate Change
Despite the E.U.'s carbon markets and vast renewable energy subsidies
A new study in the Journal of Climate compares global temperature data trends since 1850 with model outputs.
SB 827 is a progressive-backed mix of climate change goals and tenant protections. It is also a major free market reform.
Let's hope new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo helps the president stick to his guns.
"How bad will climate change be? Not very."
It's been over a year since a petition for rehearing en banc was filed and the D.C. Court of Appeals has yet to act.
Combining econometric and climate models: How lucky do you feel?
If renewables are as cheap as he thinks, then Steps 2 and 3 are superfluous.
That would mean more time to address whatever problems man-made climate change may cause
It was the 41st consecutive year with global temperatures above the 20th-century average.
Funny: These cities didn't disclose any concerns about climate change in their bond issues.
NOAA finds that hurricanes, fires, floods, and droughts caused $306 billion in losses last year.
But doesn't mean ruling out disruptive new energy technologies.
"We calculated that value as 1.1 C (almost 2° Fahrenheit), while climate models estimate that value as 2.3 C (about 4.1° F)"
Centrally planning the climate will work about as well as centrally planning economies did.
A big defeat for anti-pipeline activists.
The Trump administration sends low-level bureaucrats as delegates to the climate negotiations.
It says "human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause of the observed warming."
Environmental Protection Agency
Is the plan actually necessary for bringing emissions down?
A Nature Geoscience study finds that humanity has more time to avert dangerous man-made warming.
Global per capita income now is $10,000. How much should we spend to prevent climate change losses in 2100?
Activist happy talk that transitioning to renewables will be cheap is entirely specious.
Reason editors discuss the debt ceiling, Hurricane Irma, and the 9/11 anniversary.
As Hurricane Irma pummels Florida, and armchair scientists blame global warming, a reminder from Reason Science Correspondent Ronald Bailey that data does not yet support the hypothesis of stronger hurricanes.
As greens rush to blame Harvey's devastation on global warming, the real culprit - subsidizing coastal development - goes unmentioned.
Extreme weather events attribution science yields murky results
Don't build in flood plains, and especially don't rebuild in flood plains
Denial and panic aren't the only responses, folks. (Works for climate change, too.)
It would be ridiculous for the Trump Administration to try to suppress it now.
Millions lost when political influence overrules financial acumen.
Greens are more interested on assigning blame than looking for fixes.
All its solutions suffer from the collective action problem
The anti-climate change policy included plenty of sweeteners for favored industries.
Climate scientists denounce a scaremongering story in New York magazine.
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