Lack of School Choice, Teacher Accountability Earn "F" Grades for 11 States
Past due for reform
Past due for reform
Charter schools, vouchers and loosened regulation are all on the agenda
In districts with underperforming schools, unhappy parents have few means by which to catalyze change.
Tax credits would help students escape government schools
Freedom of choice, meet the legal system
Maybe if the money followed the student instead ...
Somebody finally realized that kids aren't one-size-fits-all
But the decision gives the program wiggle room, so expect it to survive
Apparently deciding where you want your kid to go to school is not a right
The Laura and John Arnold Foundation gives a needed boost to school choice
Government schools are ... just a mess
About 10 percent of the 61 finalists representing more than 200 school districts are charters
Shockingly, one-size-fits-all isn't the way to go
In the current issue of Sports Illustrated, the compelling story of the two-month-old Urban Dove Team Charter School, which enrolls kids who are way, way behind (as in, unlikely to graduate) and motivates them to come to school and do school work with a curriculum massively infused with sports and the team mentality.
Envious districts wanted to sue anybody who went to the competition
Considers whether religious schools are directly benefiting or if it's just a side effect
Well-positioned to pick up the slack and offer options
Reason 24/7 News flagged this story a few days ago and I think it deserves a second post at the site. It's about a teacher who instructed some students to draw on the faces of others - in permanent marker! - as punishment for poor reading-test results.
Online education options are a good choice for many
Options increase for families that want to escape the holding pens
The state already has pretty good options, and more is better
Seventy-nine percent prefer an alternative to the public schools
Thirteen states expanded options for students last year
Educrats dredge up discredited research for ammunition
Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis team up in Hollywood's latest implausible school reform flick
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