DOJ Attacks Louisiana School Voucher Program
Wants to stop it in schools with still operational desegregation orders
Wants to stop it in schools with still operational desegregation orders
Because not everybody has a better school nearby
LAUSD and charter program split grades in an unusual experiment
Can you spell "hypocrisy"?
He gets to choose; why can't everybody?
Eyes of education reformers on Adelanto, Calif.
Not being prisoners may help
Bishop Reginald Jackson notes he endorsed Corzine when Christie first ran in 2009
With teachers unions fighting against them, tooth and nail
They can move troubled schools from recovery school districts back to local control
Secular schools are fine, though
Law allows parents to force out principal
Many voucher students outperform the average
Tuition tax credits and vouchers are big winners
Many students can still escape the government schools
Decisions state wording does not allow student funding to be directed to nonpublic schools
Who can't stand that people operate outside their control
Something for almost everybody
Students at about ten percent of schools would qualify
Illinois has moratorium legislation in the works
Working around the public education system can sometimes have terrible consequences.
Get thousands less per pupil, yet still often outperform public schools
Across the board improvements
Funding comes from across the political spectrum
But charters would be subject to educrats, with limited independence
Confines charters to poorly rated school districts
Poll shows support for more charter schools, parent-trigger laws
Students could pick the path they prefer
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