PA Turnpike Awash in Red Ink, Bad Investments
Investing isn't for dummies
Expect the Supreme Court to be the ultimate arbiter
Concerns her official plane would be impounded
State casts about for new stones to get blood from
Apparently there's an "emperor" clause in the 14th Amendment
Or just cave as usual; six of one, half a dozen of the other
Says doing so would "restore fiscal sanity"
Spends like a drunken sailor and skates on the bill
Why you'd think the government cutting spending wasn't the worst thing to ever happen.
It is a constitutional tool to save America from itself
Don't bank on that Prop. 30 money, kids
Bemoans the lack of substance on MTV without a hint of irony
The deadbeat government probably doesn't have the money, anyway
The country's government doesn't like being told to meet its obligations
Takes on debt to purchase its Seattle headquarters
State legislators working out plan to pay funds back
Agency has run deficits for 10 years now
American anti-austerity movement gets big boost in blue states
Just admit that the federal government is a deadbeat, already
A deal to avoid a do-over of the knock-down, drag-out fight over the debt-limit increase.
Well, that's one way to do it
Oh, that's right. The government remains completely irresponsible.
The state government has a balance-sheet problem
But it's stimulating the economy, don't you know
Like a lot of governments, the Argentine one sucks at paying its bills
It's time to bring meaningful reforms to America's unaffordable and outdated entitlement programs.
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