NSA Confidential: We Love Big Brother If He's Got the Right Party Affiliation
Our willingness to choose partisanship over principles helps explain the surveillance state.
British Government Says Edward Snowden is Not Welcome in the UK
Warns airlines not to allow the NSA whistleblower to get on U.K.-bound flights
NSA Director Says He Wants to Declassify Some Info
Would that have happened without the leaks?
Sen. Feinstein: Congress to Push to Block Contractor Access to Classified Data
She really has no idea why people are so angry
Bank Robbery Suspect Demands NSA Records for His Defense
If the government is using it, why can't they?
FBI's Mueller Pledges To Get Snowden for Exposing Snooping Secrets
The feds are embarrassed
Treason an Unlikely Charge Against Snowden, Say Legal Experts
Even if politicians throw the word around a lot
U.S. Surveillance Makes Business With Americans Risky for People Elsewhere
Because U.S. companies are under the NSA's thumb
Rep. Amash Wants Clapper's Resignation
For bold-faced lying about surveillance to Congress
So Whatever Happened to Qwest? An Object Lesson in Resisting Government Surveillance
CEO is imprisoned over insider trading. He says it's because they wouldn't play ball with the NSA.
Growing Use of Encryption Software Likely To Hamper Surveillance
The software is available and increasingly easy to use
Oregon Lawmakers Approve Use of Traffic Cameras for Surveillance
Wide range of crimes will be prosecuted with images
NSA Chief Hints Snooping of E-Mail and Web Traffic
Tracking all of our online activity, just like our phone calls
Lawrence Lessig: Internet Code Needs To Be Privacy-Centered
Or else the government wins
NSA Anti-Surveillance Suggestion: "Operation Everyone Talk Like a Terrorist All the Time"
Comedian Trevor Moore has an idea on how to thwart massive surveillance by the NSA
3 Reasons the 'Nothing to Hide' Crowd Should Be Worried About Government Surveillance
Most people think the federal government would have no interest in them, but many discover to their horror how wrong they are
Obama Stands Behind Intel Chief
Administration insists Congress was fully informed about phone data gathering, despite claims otherwise
Twitter, Microsoft Join Calls to Reveal More Data Request Information
Want to provide the public with more detail
Rep. Amash Calls for National Intelligence Director's Resignation
Believes James Clapper lied to Congress about extent of data collection
Snowden to Remain in Hong Kong, if He's Allowed
In an interview, says "I am not here to hide from justice; I am here to reveal criminality."
EU Justice Commissioner Writes Eric Holder Letter, Wants to Know What Data US Has on Europeans
Scandal spreading across oceans
Father of Snowden's Girlfriend "Shocked" By News of NSA Leaks
Says the NSA whistleblower had strong moral convictions
On Capitol Hill Both the Left and Right Slam Edward Snowden
NSA whistleblower called dangerous by Democrats and Republicans
After Meeting With NSA Chief Senators Say Contractors and Misinformation of Major Concern
May also be worth being concerned about laws that allow the sort of behavior that has some people upset
Ron Paul Concerned US Government Will Kill Edward Snowden With a Drone
Says it's a shame those who tell the truth get in so much trouble