Study: Silicon Valley Could Lose Up to $35 Billion a Year From NSA Surveillance of Internet Data
Moving off-shore
Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wisc.) says Congress' intelligence committees have become NSA "cheerleaders"
Clients may take business somewhere else because of the revelations
Worried terrorists use the games to communicate
Original PATRIOT Act author goes after director of national intelligence
Including Americans abroad
And the rest of us?
They bugging you Bill?
Huawei to no longer look for business in the states
What if at every Thanksgiving liberty is weakened and the government is strengthened?
In the face of government surveillance
Justice commissioner wants the U.S. to allow Europeans to sue if their data is misused
It is believed Snowden has a lot more information to release
Sticking to the talking point
Praises its use in helping people organize
FBI unit handles a lot of the dirty work
Approved by British intelligence officials
Military cooperation frozen
Sobriety checkpoints and mandatory drug tests, et cetera
That's not as reassuring as they think
But it's fine because officials were informed
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