Jared Polis Wants To Leave You Alone
Colorado's governor on parenting, partisanship, and sensible pandemic responses

Last December, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis was one of the few Democratic governors willing to talk sensibly about pandemic policy after more than 18 months of blue-state lockdowns, mask mandates, school closures, and business-capacity restrictions.
"Public health [officials] don't get to tell people what to wear; that's just not their job," Polis told a Colorado public radio station, declaring that the "medical emergency" phase of the pandemic had passed. Even when the omicron variant spiked this winter, Polis refused to reinstate mandates. His message was clear: Coloradans had had the opportunity to get vaccinated. They could decide their own risk tolerance.
The 46-year-old governor and former five-term congressman is presiding over one of the fastest-growing states in the country, a place that has one of the lowest death rates during the pandemic. Last fall, at a conference held by the conservative Steamboat Institute, he declared that the state income tax rate "should be zero" and he has supported ballot initiatives to reduce the rate. The gay father of two recently signed a free-range parenting bill that effectively re-legalizes the sort of Colorado childhood he recalls as the son of two ex-hippie parents. He has pushed occupational licensing reform and, as conservative states pass laws strictly limiting abortion, he signed legislation guaranteeing a woman's right to choose. The founder of two charter schools, he is an outspoken advocate of school choice.
A serial tech entrepreneur who amassed a fortune estimated by ProPublica to be "in the hundreds of millions," Polis was an early champion of bitcoin and is steadfast against limiting speech rights or treating social media platforms as utilities that can't moderate content or bounce users for transgressing terms of service.
To be sure, Polis is no minarchist and, while critical of President Joe Biden on immigration and free trade, stands by his argument, made in the pages of Reason in 2014, that libertarians should vote for Democratic candidates because they are "supportive of individual liberty and freedom." He's called for carbon taxes (while recognizing their potential to become slush funds for expansive new government programs) and in April, he signed the largest budget in Colorado history. Yet he has displayed unmistakable libertarian tendencies, including being the only Democratic member of the now-defunct House Liberty Caucus.
Polis, who is up for reelection in the fall, appeared on The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie in April. He spoke about guns, drugs, tax policy, and whether Colorado is bringing back a tolerant ethos reminiscent of 1970s America.
Reason: You recently signed the "Reasonable Independence for Children" bill, saying, "Just because a child is playing alone outside doesn't mean they're in danger."
Polis: This has to do with the broad area of parental rights. It's very reasonable to raise your child in different ways. Some parents are helicopter parents; they watch their kid every moment at the playground. People can argue that's good [or] that's bad. Other parents want their kid to go two blocks, play on the playground, and return home by dinner. Those are all acceptable ways to parent. I mean, the government shouldn't be telling you how to parent.
There's a legitimate government interest forbidding child abuse, but letting your kid play on the playground [is] not child abuse.
You're 46. People of our rough age were not just allowed to play outside by our parents—we were forced to. What happened to American childhood?
Parents would get caught up in Child Protective Services [CPS] just because somebody saw their 8-year-old playing on a playground two blocks from where they live. And inevitably the parents would not lose custody and it would be fine, but, like, who wants to get caught up in CPS? So we wanted to be clear that yes, your kids can play alone. It's reasonably safe. That's how kids learn. They explore. I used to hike in the mountains near my home when I was 10, with a friend, without parents.
We're not saying the government should put our foot on the scale either way. If parents want to be helicopter parents, that's their prerogative too.
You signed a law saying that a woman has a right to an abortion. Are there any limits on that? What was pressing you to say that?
What's pressing us to do this and other states is what's happening nationally, which is very scary, in that Roe v. Wade effectively will be overturned. Nationally, this protected a woman's right to bodily autonomy. We simply put Roe v. Wade into Colorado law. So no matter what happens nationally, the government should not be at that table in deciding whether you complete a pregnancy.
Does the state have any interest more broadly in restricting or regulating abortion as a woman comes closer to carrying a baby to term?
Neither me nor you, since we're not women, would ever be in the shoes of a woman who's eight months pregnant [who] found out their child has a major brain defect and will be stillborn. What a horrible choice for a woman to have. But of course the government should not say, "we're forcing you to carry this nonviable fetus to term." That is reprehensible. There is no shame on the woman either way. Some women might decide, because of their faith, to go ahead and do that, and that's gut-wrenching for the woman. Some women might decide to terminate their pregnancy. That's also gut-wrenching. But it is their decision, not yours and not mine.
How are conservatives in Colorado responding to this?
As I've said to many folks that consider themselves pro-life, when you make something illegal, it doesn't mean it goes away.
In Colorado, we were one of the first states to eliminate the failed marijuana prohibition policy. Did marijuana use go up? No, it didn't, especially among young people. Prohibition doesn't work. So let's meet people where they're at. There were many on the conservative side that do believe that we should have government overreach here and [that] the government should be making these decisions, not women, not in consultation with their faith or with doctors, but that [the] decision should be made for them.
You are not against gun rights in a way that a kind of stereotypical coastal Democrat might be. But you recently signed bipartisan legislation that said people guilty of 110 different felonies are banned from owning guns.
First of all, I support the Second Amendment, our right to bear arms. It's in our Constitution. It's a question of: How far does that go? I'll get to the [law] you talked about in a second. Let me talk about one other one first: red flag laws.
There's a very high bar, as there should be, for somebody being involuntarily committed because they're an immediate danger to themselves or others. The question is whether there is a slightly lower bar where they would temporarily lose access to their guns and then they get it back a few months later, but it still goes before a judge. So that's what we did there. If somebody's in a dangerous mental state, not quite at the level where they're committed, is there something short of commitment where a loved one can intervene and a parent can say to a 19-year-old, "For three months, your guns are going to go away"?
For gun-related crimes, you lose your rights for a period of life. For other violent crimes, it's a reasonable discussion either way.
People do that for voting rights, too. They say, "What level of crime do you lose your voting rights for? What level of crime do you lose your right to bear arms for?" There's no right or wrong answer.
I've done the highest number of pardons [in Colorado] for people who have lost their right to bear arms because of something 20 or 30 years ago that they did when they were young. They've lived an exemplary life since, but they can't go hunting with their kids [or] have a gun for home defense. I have given probably a dozen or two pardons, but that's a very cumbersome process for somebody to request that.
Are you channeling the 1970s, a time in Colorado and America when a lot of personal liberties were really expanded: gay rights, women's rights, abortion rights, gun rights, children's rights?
Culturally, my parents were legit hippies. That's who they were in the '70s. They were anti-war demonstrators. They considered joining a commune, but didn't because the commune was sexist and anti-women. That's the milieu that I grew up in.
I respect freedom. I think that it's great that Colorado has people that are deeply religious and conservative, as long as they don't force their values on others. We [also] have people that are very hedonistic.
It's great because you're free to be the way you want. That's the way it should be. We were the first state to legalize [recreational] marijuana. I'm very proud of that. I don't use marijuana; that's just a choice. I don't really drink either, but that's totally somebody's choice. And in Colorado you don't risk getting in trouble with the law just because you want to smoke marijuana.
You have a couple cities that are also expanding the use of entheogenic plants, magic mushrooms, and things like that. Is that the next state-level legalization that you see coming in Colorado?
It may be on the ballot this year. It's a people's initiative process. I don't know whether they're going to gather the signatures, but yeah, Denver already did.
I generally don't think that things like that should be dealt with through a criminal setting. In fact, what you're talking about in particular might have some therapeutic uses around people that are trying to get off of opioids or people that have major issues with depression or anxiety. There's some clinical studies that have been done. Frankly, the clinical studies are inhibited by the illegality of some of the substances. We had that with marijuana as well, where it was very difficult to even do research on what the benefits might be because it couldn't be done with federally funded research.
We're taping this on Monday, April 18: Tax Day. You have stated that your preferred state income tax rate is zero. How do you approach that?
We've cut the income tax twice since I've been in office. When I came in it was 4.63 percent, now it's 4.55 percent. We also cut property taxes for two years. We'll need to renew some of that. I think the secret sauce is very simple. It's one that neither somebody whose inherent objective is to shrink government or somebody whose inherent objective is to grow government will necessarily like. It's to say: Let's take those arguments off the table, because we don't have a majority for those. Let's [make the changes] revenue-neutral. This is not a backdoor plot to increase the size of government, not a backdoor plot to decrease the size of government. Let's just say: How do we fund government?
But in this particular discussion, income is not a good thing to tax, because it taxes productivity. As a society, we like income. We want people to make income. Find something that is a negative externality or a bad thing and instead tax that. I often talk about pollution or carbon as the basis of taxation instead of income.
How do you do that in a way where the externality tax doesn't just become a way to punish more things or activities you don't like?
You're absolutely right. Another tenet would be [that] a broad-based tax is much better because it creates less distortions than a narrowly focused tax that's much higher for the same amount of revenue.
Consumption [is] reasonable to tax. There's issues around how you make sure it's not regressive because somebody who makes $10 million simply can't consume and spend a higher percentage of income as somebody who makes $50,000.
In practice, I'm happy to reduce the income tax if we can't eliminate it—and we've done that twice. I think that there's a discussion to be had about how [to] find a broad-based tax that punishes externalities rather than income and value creation.
Your COVID-19 response has gotten generally high marks. You got rid of mask mandates when they were no longer necessary or recognized as not effective. How much blowback did you get from your own party?
First, I think the key thing that every governor should have done is to say, "What is the state interest here? What are we doing?" Is the state interest to save every life? Look at what China's doing. That's not working very well. We defined the state interest very early on: We do not want to overwhelm our hospital capacity.
What that would mean is not only would more COVID people die, but you could have a heart attack, a stroke, [or] not be able to get cancer treatment. We said we will not overwhelm our hospital capacity, and we succeeded in doing that.
Some Republican governors were channeling a message: "I don't like mask wearing." I was very clear during the heights of the pandemic. I wore a mask. It didn't mean I wanted to force it on people, but as a model, absolutely it would reduce your risk. Not eliminate your risk, but reduce your risk.
Vaccination, same thing. It reduces your risk. I got it. I encourage everybody to get it. I think there was some mismanagement on both sides. There were certainly some [governors] that kept too tight controls in for too long, but there were also some that catered to misinformation and disinformation that had a human toll and a toll on the economy.
What are your thoughts on state versus federal control? Former President Donald Trump gave the states a lot of freedom to pursue their own courses of action. Do you think that was a good discovery process? Or do you think the power to set COVID policy and related issues should emanate from Washington?
Here in Colorado, we actually took it a step further and really devolved to local authority. We had a very different approach in some of our big blue cities and some of our rural areas—and we actually have conservative cities too. Colorado Springs went away from mask wearing very early.
We left it in local hands. Why? Because these are real trade-offs. It was very clear there's not a right answer. It's about how you weigh the additional risks with the importance of everyday activities and freedom that people have. Who best to make that decision but the level of government closest to the people? More people had buy-in, because it was a level of government closest to the people that was weighing those trade-offs.
Your past as a businessman is in the tech industry, which is the most demonized business sector currently. What do you think about attempts to regulate social media platforms as a public utility? Laws in the Colorado legislature have been floated to identify hate speech, ban it, and punish platforms. Is that a good way forward?
The government needs to tread very, very lightly when it comes to any speech-based regulation of tech or any other industry. I would say federally, there is a role for antitrust law. You don't want to overdo that. That's when there's a competitive advantage that protects the entrenched incumbent and it can block others from getting in.
I would argue it's a very competitive space, when you talk about social media in general. If somebody has a better search than Google, there's nothing to stop people from using that.
In the early 2000s, tech seemed like our savior. It was bringing us a lot of shiny things at great prices. Now it's in the doghouse. What is behind the ongoing vilification of the tech industry?
If you want to see a great sociopolitical commentary on that, look up [comedian] Bo Burnham's Inside. I think that we all had this very aspirational view of what this new communication technology can bring, but like anything, it revealed more of ourselves to one another—the good, the bad, and the ugly. As a student of human nature, I don't think it's inherently evil or inherently good. I think all those facets are reflected in each and every one of us.
Certainly the advances in technology have magnified all of that. It's amazing to see the acts of goodwill from strangers, the GoFundMes that help people get the medical care they need. But also the ugly: misinformation, disinformation, neo-Nazism, far-right conspiracies.
It doesn't change who we are, it just magnifies it.
What's your sense of state-level educational gag orders that dictate what is allowable speech in a K-12 classroom or a K-3 classroom about sexual orientation or identity? Public education is going to reflect the attitudes of people, but at what level should that be hammered out?
The level of government closest to the people. We have locally elected school boards [and] charter schools that are self-governing with their own board; they handle these issues in the best way that their parents want. It's an extension of parental rights.
We have school choice in Colorado, public school choice. You can go to any school you want: charter, public, your district, other district. If you don't like what's in your neighborhood school, there's alternatives.
These statewide gag orders are indefensible. To say you can't talk about something is absurd. I'm a gay parent with my husband and we have two kids in school. What does that mean? My kid can't say "my two dads." It's just a bizarre incursion not only on free speech but on our rights as parents.
Again, these are state-funded schools. The key public interest in this is: Every kid should be welcomed as a learner. No kid should ever be turned away because of their race, their gender, who their parents are, who they are.
Are you happy with the Biden presidency so far?
I'm happy he restored rationality to government.
I'm going to take that as a no.
I'm thrilled that Donald Trump is no longer president. Absolutely. I'm thrilled that Donald Trump is no longer president.
But what about the way Biden is governing now? I mean, is he causing inflation or abetting it?
Inflation's interesting. Government spending has the small effect that causes inflation, [and] yes, the monetary policy does. But I really believe that [fixing] tariffs and immigration would solve inflation. It really would. It would wipe it out. And neither party is very good on that right now.
Trump took a hard turn against TPP [the Trans-Pacific Partnership] and trade deals and free trade, instituted tons of tariffs. Biden has slowly unwound a few but hasn't really committed to it. On immigration, Trump was awful, the worst. Biden is a little better, but I wish [he was] much better.
And comprehensive reform still seems elusive no matter who controls Congress, Democrats or Republicans. I mean, it's hopeless with Republicans. Don't get me wrong. But even with Democrats in charge of Congress, I don't see a lot of movement on comprehensive immigration reform.
We're in a moment where we seem not to have a ruling narrative of who we are as Americans. At various points, America defined itself as a nation of immigrants or a credal nation in which individuals could actualize themselves. What's a model for an America which would be inclusive and positive in terms of growing what we're all able to do?
I wish I had the answers to that. Our experiment as a republic will be 250 years old in just a couple more years. It's time for our awkward adolescence. The left is right on coming to terms with legacies of slavery and racism.
Then, of course, on the right, understanding that there's not some collective guilt today for what might have happened 100 or 200 years ago. It's important to be honest about it, but just by being honest about what your great-grandfather might have done doesn't mean that you have culpability. We don't believe in blood guilt in our country.
I think gradually there'll be a higher level of understanding as we emerge from adolescence into our hopefully wise adult years, where we preserve the tenets of liberal democracy and our rights and free enterprise.
This interview has been condensed and edited for style and clarity. For a podcast version, subscribe to The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie.
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Are you happy with the Biden presidency so far?
I'm happy he restored rationality to government.
Disqualified. Dishonest.
Are you happy with the Biden presidency so far?
I'm happy he restored rationality to government.
Diogenes will never find an honest Democrat.
A more modern quest is finding a Democrat who did not lose their mind because of Trump.
A modern quest would be to find a Democrat who follows the real science.
Which Republican is honest?
The ONLY political party with "rationality" is Team R!
Only Team R understands that the way to invoke TRUE democracy, is to reject ALL votes that aren't for "Team R", as being fraudulent!
WHEN are you "Team R" people going to give us an example of a 1-party state that led to long-term peace and prosperity? Since you SOOO clearly advocate for a 1-party "R"-party state?
Trump’s Big Lie and Hitler’s: Is this how America’s slide into totalitarianism begins?
The above is mostly strictly factual, with very little editorializing. When I post it, the FACTS never get refuted… I only get called names. But what do you expect from morally, ethically, spiritually, and intellectually bankrupt Trumpturds?
Totalitarians want to turn GOP into GOD (Grand Old Dicktatorshit).
Der TrumpfenFuhrer ***IS*** responsible for agitating for democracy to be replaced by mobocracy!
A list of the times Trump has said he won’t accept the election results or leave office if he loses.
Essential heart and core of the LIE by Trump: “ANY election results not confirming MEEE as Your Emperor, MUST be fraudulent!”
September 13 rally: “The Democrats are trying to rig this election because that’s the only way they’re going to win,” he said.
Trump’s constant re-telling and supporting the Big Lie (any election not electing Trump is “stolen”) set up the environment for this (insurrection riot) to happen. He shares the blame. Boys will be boys? Insurrectionists will be insurrectionists, trumpanzees gone apeshit will be trumpanzees gone apeshit, so let’s forgive and forget? Poor Trump was misunderstood? Does that sound good and right and true?
It really should immediately make us think of Krystallnacht. Hitler and the NAZIs set up for this by constantly blaming Jews for all things bad. Jew-haters will be Jew-haters, so let’s forgive and forget? Poor Hitler was misunderstood? Does that sound good and right and true?
Trump’s Big Lie and Hitler’s: Is this how America’s slide into totalitarianism begins?
You might have noticed that many, many Trump supporters, including Ivanka Trump, did not buy into the stolen election fantasy, and it has been routinely debunked in almost every media outlet, including at times FOX.
In Nazi Germany government officials and the media were fully behind Hitler's big lie and almost all contradictory information was suppressed. Not quite the same thing.
Now imagine the Big Lie coming from the Donkeys. Maybe a big lie about a novel genetically manipulated virus from a Chinese lab. MSM lines up, Fauci releases edicts, government officials issue mandates, social media suppress factual information and even the Great Barrington Declaration from 3 reknowned epidemiologists.
THAT is how totalitarianism takes root in these here Newnited States.
The bigger lie is the claims there was zero fraud and clea eat election ever.
More than 2 dozen lawsuits not dismissed ruled election officials, often in democrat jurisdictions, violated election laws under the guise of covid.
There are new investigations into Zuckerberg bucks heavily given to democrat areas as assistance but used by election officials to help democrats.
2020 was the least secure election we've had on a long time. With dozens of examples of ballot harvesting where the voters ballot was not known to be valid. Election officials on places like Pennsylvania on tape discussing regenerating vote records and such.
OMG, the elections were not PERFECT! Who knew, and when did they first know it?
Hey JesseBahnFuhrer... Eating FOOD can lead to FOOD POISONING!!! Stop eating NOW!!!
Piss off, you fascist troll.
OOOOO, what Perfectly impeccable logic and reasoning!!!
No widespread corruption.
JessaAz - yes there were irrgularities. Most significant to me was the total acceptance of mail-in voting and very late changes in the election protocols. But none of these were proven in court. None appeared to be hefty enough to change a state's total. And guys like Bill Barr could not go along with the 'stolen election' meme.
We need to tighten the regulations around voting, as some states are doing, and be very vigilant about documenting the potential frauds. We need to push back very very hard against charges of voter suppression.
In any case, blacks and latinos are coming around to see the Donkeys for the liars and incompetents they are.
There have been illegal acts proven on court. Yuma, az just had an arrest for harvesting. Texas had a conviction of someone voting as someone else. Florida had around 5k double voters. Wisconsin has shown nursing home residents who had their votes counted despite not voting.
On top of that the 2 dozen court rulings regarding illegal election law changes.
All of these have been proven.
Now did the number of votes cross a threshold? 2000 Mules has shown enough questionable evidence to say yes based on the number of harvesters.
But that is why they essentially only allowed vote recounts and not a full functioning audit.
And I will say the outright biggest issue here is how many heavy dem districts didn't give out total vote counts of ballots received by election. They always finished last, seemingly waiting to see how many votes they needed.
If we have a system where the total number of votes is not known when the polls close, the election is questionable.
How hard is it to have the full vote count by election night?
Many of the issues of 2020 were issues the Jimmy Carter vote fraud council highlighted as corrupt voting practices. The same things they attacked Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, and others for.
Paywalled, limited access...
https://www.reuters.com/world/us/arizona-republicans-release-findings-widely-panned-election-audit-2021-09-24/ "Brave" browser set to stun! I mean, "private mode" will bypass paywalls often!
Anyway, 'Truth is truth': Trump dealt blow as Republican-led Arizona audit reaffirms Biden win...
"Truth is truth, numbers are numbers," Fann said at a Senate hearing on the review, which found only small variations, yielding 99 additional votes for Biden and 261 fewer votes for Trump. "Those numbers were close, within a few hundred."
This is representative of this so-called "massive vote fraud"!
Needs more court filings by Sidney Powell!
Sidney Powell Says She’s Not Guilty of Defamation Because ‘No Reasonable Person’ Would Have Believed Her ‘Outlandish’ Election Conspiracy Theory
How hard is it to have the full vote count by election night?
Well, Jesse, in many places, mail-in ballots that were postmarked on election day were counted as legitimate ballots. So in these cases, no, the total number of valid votes cast in an election may not be known on election day.
Well jeff if you can't tell I'm not for that. Neither was Jimmy Carter. Why many jurisdictions required them to be sent days prior.
Not knowing the full vote count prior to start of counting is idiotic.
Well then, Jesse, what do you propose as an alternative?
If you propose that only ballots RECEIVED by election day should be counted as valid, then this will essentially disenfranchise legitimate votes only because the mailman was slow. That doesn't seem fair to me.
What do you propose?
Furthermore, if mail-in votes were counted ahead of time, then there would likely be leaks of early vote tallies, and complaints that such leaks are fraudulent.
It is literally in my post dumbass. Mail in deaine a week early or wait for in person.
No vote counting until total number of votes is known.
There is no reason to push numbers on election night just for news agencies. vote integrity is more important.
But nice sea lioning jeff.
Continue to try to poke slight holes or continue to ask clarification while you provide nothing.
It is literally in my post dumbass. Mail in deaine a week early or wait for in person.
Do you understand that I cannot read your mind, and that you should consider using more precise language if you want to communicate more effectively?
This is what you wrote above:
Well jeff if you can't tell I'm not for that. Neither was Jimmy Carter. Why many jurisdictions required them to be sent days prior.
So what you wrote, is that you weren't in favor of "that", which is counting ballots that are postmarked on election day (but received later), and then you said "why many jurisdictions required them to be sent days prior". But you did NOT say "I am in favor of what those many other jurisdictions do in requiring the ballots to be sent days prior".
So you are criticizing me for not making assumptions about your poorly worded statement. Got it.
"How hard is it to have the full vote count by election night?"
Don't see why it is important to have the full vote counted on election night other than the shrinking attention span of modern humans.
No, I can understand it.
If it is known on election night that X total ballots were cast, then when the final results are reported for all the candidates, the totals for each candidate can be checked to make sure they add up to X. (In reality they will add up to a number less than X, because a certain number of those X ballots will be spoiled/invalid/undervotes.) But if they add up to more than X, then it might suggest some electoral hanky-panky.
It is a sensible idea, and I'm sure these numbers are tracked anyway.
I have JesseAz muted. Was he literally only asking for the _number_ of mail-in votes to be determined by election night, not for tallying who the votes were for?
Actually I think he wanted the total of all votes.
I see no problem with that. I also see no problem with having a later deadline for getting the total vote count.
However a state wants to conduct their elections.
Still, saying that things must be done by election night seems, well, arbitrary, and a manifestation of the impatience of modern society.
Glad your assumptions were wrong yet again Mike.
Keep that faith in Daddy Gov, BigT!
Proven in court? There were no mail in ballots because a court didn’t say so?
Courts, several courts, have acknowledged the extralegal way in which various jurisdictions changed election procedure in contravention of law.
Next you will tell me OJ is innocent
It's a stretch to call acceptance of mail-in voting as a "irregularity". First of all, it was a decision publicly deliberated in the legislatures of states that adopted new mail-in laws. Second, a few states had a long-standing practice of mail-in voting, so it wasn't a new thing under the sun.
When all the major media outlets except the New York Post and occasionally Fox News are in lockstep on almost every story, it makes you wonder who is really telling the big lie.
Fox News is lockstep on the big narratives (covid fear mongering, muh systemic raycism mostly peaceful protests, the most freest and fairest election eva, Slava Ukraini, etc)
In fact...
I’m stunned that Fox News ran a segment celebrating a girl whose parents “transitioned” her into a boy when she was 5 because she apparently told them she was a boy “before [she] could talk.” Absolutely maddening & heartbreaking.
saw that as well. really messed up.
All of these parents are guilty of child abuse yet here we are "celebrating" them. The toll on these kids when they mature past age 40, if they get there, will be immeasurable.
What do you mean "We"? Is that you and the mouse in your pocket? Because I don't belong to any group that celebrates transitioning a 5 year old.
Wanna take bets about a string of stupid parenting lawsuits in about 10 years?
Most rational people are in lockstep with reality, that is true.
Lying Jeffy thinks the corporate press is honest.
he also opines they are in lockstep with reality... which is why the majority distrust Biden, the DNC, the left stream media, decry the soaring prices in everything, and on and on and on. These DNC trolls are copying / pasting their employer's talking points, all detached from reality
You are not rational sea lion.
The conservative victimhood narrative. There are plenty of news sources available for those who want the conservative side of issues.
Caw caw!
Just make sure to call them conservative so you and Jeff can continue to deny facts.
It would be a more effective argument if you gave a different example than the _unproven_ Chinese lab _speculation_. It's fine to talk about the Chinese lab _speculation_, but it is not rational to speak of it as if it has been proven. It has not.
Caw caw!
But it is not just America. Democrats control the whole entire world now?!? Good grief partisans are dumb.
No, too many Republicans are religious, which is irrational.
Well, that depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is!
No, I mean, "religious"... SOME "religious" folks can be data-driven!
If you have time, give the upper sections of the below web page a read... "Jesus was correct", basically, about a LOT of things, while totally ignoring "life after death" and other metaphysics...
No, too many Republicans are religious, which is irrational.
Gregory Mendel, Father of Genetics, Augustinian Catholic Monk.
Your hatred for God is not supported by the scientific facts.
Any one who gets to know the basic sciences invariably discovers many notable scientific leaders who were devout religious men and women.
Also Issac Newton was a priest
Democrats are mostly religious zealots. Through the Progressive Orthodox Church.
Of course, most would deny this. And then go on screaming at heretics who violate progressive doctrine and telling us about the magical justification for their deluded utopian views.
I've muted you Sqrlsy. You need some help getting in touch with reality.
Yea quit reading at that point. He is not rational.
So rationally we should print money continuously.
You will only read interviews where the subject is 100% rational? That's not a whole lot of people.
Caw caw!
I don't really expect any elected democratic party official to actually say "he completely fucking sucks ass" out loud on the record. But behind the scenes and off the record, more and more of them are already looking forward to moving on and replacing him with someone else in the 2024 primary.
When the best things the man can say is he "restored rationality" and "I'm really glad Trump is no longer president", he's telling you he knows it's really bad.
Where rationality =
inviting Russia to invade Ukraine
spending trillions more when we're already 30 trillion in debt
putting Kamala Harris in charge of anything
appointing a communist to control the currency
canceling pipeline projects to reduce our energy independence
"inviting Russia to invade Ukraine"?
Care to elaborate on that one?
Stfu Dee.
If you read the news, you'd know that NATO was pushing Ukraine to join NATO (and the US is part of NATO) while Ukraine knew that if it made overtures to join NATO, that would result in Putin invading. Kind of like how JFK blockaded (an act of war) Cuba when they put missiles there in the 60s.
In this case, the US is playing the role of Russia putting arms on its enemy's border, Russia is playing the role of Kennedy's USA and protecting itself, while Ukraine is being jerked around by NATO, the US and Russia. If NATO wasn't pushing Ukraine to join, and Ukraine committed to being neutral, Russia wouldn't have invaded.
He has always been dishonest, the statement about libertarians voting for democrats is indicative of his mindset.
Agreed. Biden is quite often quite irrational.
On the other hand, compared to Trump, Biden is more rational. Trump was like having a four year old in office. He didn't even try.
If you’re a blind partisan fuck maybe.
I agree, calling Trump a "a four year old in office" is a lie and really reflects the MSM and Democrats who pushed that message constantly and still does. What a four year old would do, is withdraw our military running a foreign country without getting out US civilians, contractors, interpreters and those who helped the US in Afghanistan first, and give a US built airbase to the Chinese. Also a four year old would claim no vaccines were available on his predecessor's watch, while they got a vaccine on their predecessor's watch. That apparently is the rationality Biden restored to government.
Seems Polis believes in magic if he thinks "[fixing] tariffs and immigration would solve inflation", he doesn't understand inflation, or he intends to mislead (my choice).
"Here in Colorado, we actually took it a step further and really devolved to local authority. "
As a resident of Denver, my view is Polis did this to let Denver (and other liberal cities) become like San Francisco with people camping on sidewalks, using the bathroom on sidewalks, leaving needles scattered about, leaving trash, stealing property, rising crime, brazen catalytic converter thefts with armed lookouts, porch pirates, squatters who cost a lot to remove, etc. Meanwhile police funding has been reduced along with police response time, and the percentage of calls they actually send a policeman to make a report. In other words, Denver is becoming a s***hole.
I'd rather see Polis protecting our rights and safety from liberal mayors who want to take them away. Instead, Polis allows it.
Remember, the political power seekers want you to believe absurdities, because that makes it easy to get you to support and engage in atrocities.
Well, evasive at least. Answering about Biden and Trump in platitudes. Nothing he said about either of them would result in his conclusions being so strongly stated. At most he has some reasons for very slightly favoring one over the other. And that's granting his analysis...and facts!
Reason bloggers know how awful the Democrats are in general and how much better the Republicans are — not just the politicians, but the rank and file — but to seem "above it all" or non-partisan or not team players, they have to pretend not to reflect that truth. Therefore they go gaga over any prominent Democrat who's said things over the years with any scintilla of libertarianism in it.
Huh? I don't know "how much better the Republicans are". Both major parties are deeply flawed in my estimation.
Nobody cares what your estimation is Dee.
The sea lions keep braying about how they are the only neutral ones despite favoring the left side immensely.
Oh they’re neutral all right. Neutral evil.
Evidence the title is wrong: Masterpiece Cake Shop.
First they came for the baker, and I did not speak out.....
First they came for the restauranteur, and I did not speak out...
This is the 2nd or third article trying to prop up Polis for some reason. Be has been terrible on many rights, but Reason seems pot committed on supporting any Democrat who has at least one semi libertarian thought.
Grasping at straws.
Democrats should be encouraged when they do something right. It isn't often.
Not if it is buried wit 10 bad to get 1 good.
Reason is committed to helping the Dems in the midterms.
Reason's mission is to trick people into thinking there's something libertarian in totalitarian leftism
Ann Coulter called out such "libertarians" almost a decade ago:
Yet they attack DeSantis regularly, because he pushed back on pedophiles. Leftists like Jeffy are very upset about that. His endless threadshitting and sea lioning telegraphed how inconsolable he was that democrats could no longer groom five year olds in Florida.
Polis and Colorado politicians mandate psychiatrists for all medical marijuana prescriptions. 125,000 signature referendum would require cruel mental drugs and electrocution be voluntary.
https://www.colorado.com/articles/staying-right-side-marijuana-laws Recreational "pot" is legal there! Don't want to pay a shrink? Pay for your pot yourself! That way, your insurance isn't "on the hook" for paying for it! Allowing me to pay ONLY for the insurance coverage that I want? Sounds libertarian to me!
If my medical insurance is going to pay for your "pot needs", getting a shrink to make his or her "best guess" as to whether pot will aggravate your mental problems is kinda nosey, yes, but I don't want to have to pay for yet MORE of your "medical needs" after pot aggravates your mental troubles, and you get thrown into the loony bin!
OK, not here is the USA... In Canada, yes! This may be coming here soon...
Is medical Marijuana covered by insurance Canada?
Yes. Medical marijuana is currently eligible for coverage under a Health Care Spending Account (HCSA).
Most HMOs won't pay for a prescription drug that's available OTC.
The nerve of some people.
Either Gillespie is wearing rose colored glasses, or Polis is not faithful to the Democrat's .
Nick sees that Polis has at least a few libertarian ideas. That's very rare in a Democrat.
I'm glad to see that you see this, and can acknowledge it! Now we will see legions of right-wing wrong-nuts descend here like vultures, denying that ANY Demon-Crap EVER stood on the better side of ANY issue!
Polis is somewhat sane, but he is going against the tide in his party on those issues.
A type of person that all idealogical groups badly need.
No, he’s not. He’s pretty awful on too many things.
It's "very rare in a Democrat" if you only listen to the Democrats screeching on Twitter and social media. They are the progressive activists chanting things like "billionaires shouldn't exist" and "ban cows to save the planet".
But Team Blue, like Team Red, is composed of different factions. There is the whacko fringe progressive faction who mostly deserves to be ignored. Then there is the center-left neoliberal faction, who sounds a lot like Polis does on many issues.
I mean, I think both teams are steaming piles of shit, but if we are going to be searching through the piles of shit hunting for nuggets of value let's at least be honest about those nuggets.
Lefty Jeffy comes to the rescue for Democrats. Again.
Yet your party is almost always in lockstep, pushing for more Marxism.
Ripping away property rights, be it by local or state government, is the exact opposite of libertarian. Signing a bill to chill due process and reverse the assumption of innocence in our new red flag law is the opposite of libertarian. Signing a bill to forever take away our Taxpayer Bill of Rights excess tax refunds is a massive tax increase and the opposite of libertarian.
Championing a tax hike on tobacco is not libertarian on multiple levels.
Changing the Public Utilities Commission’s mission as part of the plan to mandate renewable energy isn’t libertarian (the Texas model of letting consumers choose their own power provider would be libertarian).
Limiting the choice of what cars we can buy is the opposite of libertarian. Continuing to give cash to rich white guys to buy Teslas is the opposite of libertarian. We can go on like this all day.
Tesla outgrew the rebates long ago.
For the feds. Some states have their own green energy incentives.
They are still pushing federal electric subsidies.
For GM
Tesla isn't woke now.
Or union.
But all of the other auto makers didn't?
You have to sell 400,000 cars.
You are correct, Polis isn't a libertarian. He's more a socialist democrat that supports pot legalization (already legal in CO). As Caldera points out, Polis speaks to what his audience wants to hear. Polis lied about cutting taxes, as he didn't cut them, the voters did it in a Caldera (of the Independence Institute - a libertarian organization in CO) initiated referendum. Polis' regulations on commerce are over the top socialism. He doesn't support the free market, and doesn't want to leave you alone.
Nick, you got fooled, and didn't do your research.
Letter from the Colorado libertarian party:
Additionally, the Polis Administration has taken upon itself the right to determine which American businesses and activities are deemed “essential”. This is a decision and power neither granted to the Polis Administration by any higher power nor one for which it is sufficiently knowledgeable or configured.
I mean Reason has talked often about how bad red flag laws are and polis signed one of the few on the country.
You mean pleather jacket is full of shit? No way that could be true.
So did Dreamy DeSantis, by the way...
And? Gonna both sides on every response today? I thought you hated that sea lion.
I also find it strange you brought up De Dantis when it was not signed by him.
In Florida, a red flag policy, also known as risk protection orders, was one piece of a sprawling gun reform package that then-Gov. Rick Scott signed into law just three weeks after a teenage gunman killed 17 people inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Well then, you are right. It was Rick Scott who instituted red flag laws in Florida, not DeSantis. Still Team Red of course, though.
So again you based an assertion from ignorance.
Or he lied then got caught.
I admitted when I was wrong, which is more character than you have shown.
Are you going to admit that you were wrong when you claimed to have linked to the Kelley charging document and video on Saturday?
Yet you wont ask yourself why you needed to jump in and blame Desantis for something he didn’t do.
But don’t worry, everyone else know why.
Yes. I linked the wrong article. But I had seen the videos and described them correctly.
You kept claiming there were no videos for 2 days.
Want to admit you're a sea lion?
Yes. I linked the wrong article.
WOW JESSE ADMITS HE MADE A MISTAKE. I am bookmarking this comment for posterity.
But I had seen the videos and described them correctly.
So how am I supposed to know this, especially since you now admit you linked to the wrong article? I cannot read your mind. Why should I accept your claim at face value? I wanted to decide for myself. Which is why I kept asking for a link to the video.
You kept claiming there were no videos for 2 days.
That is not true. Yesterday, I hypothesized that the video *might* not exist. But I never claimed as some sort of fact that the video definitely did exist, and I did not do so on Friday when the subject first came up.
People can read the discussion for themselves here:
This is what I wrote:
chemjeff radical individualist
June.10.2022 at 3:30 pm
Flag Comment Mute User
Where's the video? Do you have a link?
All I could find is a video of him running up the Capitol steps shouting THIS IS WAR BABY!
I didn't see any video of him pushing or shoving anyone, or helping anyone up either.
But hey, it sounds like you have better information. Do you have a link?
Nowhere did I say on Friday that the video you were referring to doesn't exist, or trying to convince anyone else that the video didn't exist.
But I never claimed as some sort of fact that the video definitely *did not* exist
So jeff can't even admit he lied for 2 days about an easily found video. But he was sure his assertion was right without any evidence at all.
I will also note that I was right about the videos being public, they were in the charging documents, nothing about assaults in those documents, and they were easy to find if you were intellectually curious.
Yet you fought for 2 days trying to convince people I was wrong.
Thats your problem shit weasel.
Do you understand, Jesse, that it's your job to prove your claim? It is not everyone else's job to do your work for you. It is your job to prove your claim. This is not something that I invented. This is a customary practice for any type of argumentation or debate. Here is but one example.
It is not "sealioning" to ask you to do your fucking job.
His claim that someone that wasn’t being charged with assault DIDN’T assault someone?
That’s not how this works Lying Jeffy.
Jeff you understand I provided a story abd used factual evidence where you denied it all without any evidence?
That is what bring a sea lion is.
And by the way jeff... sarc made the initial claim you ignorant fuck.
I didn't make a claim. I quoted a Daily Mail article using the word "Supposedly."
If you weren't lying you wouldn't have anything to say.
DeSantis is more libertarian than Polis yet Reason seems to quite intensely dislike him.
Odd how few Democrats they have much negative to say about.
And when they do say something negative about them it is often under the guise of them at least having good intentions, the opposite of gop criticism.
Bingo. Because for Reason "libertarians" its all about the "right" to murder unborn babies. That's it.
I could have sworn that at least a half dozen issues not related to abortion were discussed in the interview above. Guess it’s just my poor reading comprehension.
Caw caw!
To lie so blatantly?
I know.
31 Extremists arrested.
31 members of patriot prayer arrested for ???
Apparently demonstrating against alphabet people month-long events is criminal. Not one name of any of the arrested given. No interview of anyone but the police. It certainly seems like a pure false flag event. The appeared to be prepared for rioting. And why are they always associated with U-Haul? I like U-Haul and have stock in them. Of course, no reporter has looked beyond "Racist bigot".
Politically motivated street fighting is a GREAT thing, so long as it is OUR side that's doing it!
Has this been tried before? What were the results?
Charlottesville is where the leftists tried to disrupt a legally sanctioned demonstration by those supporting keeping statues of long dead Americans that had been turned into a racist Woodstock.
I presume you do not need to be reminded of the results.
Well yes... "Both sides" are often offenders at the same time, yet the "both sides" sentiment gets made fun of, here at least.
I was actually thinking of commies v/s NAZIs street-fighting in Germany, late 1920s, early 1930s... Tribe-on-tribe street fighting in general, though... It does NOT help stem the "endless cycle of violence"!
Recall how Charlottesville was characterized. There was almost NO MENTION of the original intent of defending statues, which is why there were 'good people on both sides', and only a focus on the imported racists. And the counter-protestors were lauded as heroic and brave.
How about Coeur d’Alene? Do anti-gays have a right to protest? Of course, as long as they don't disrupt. Do I support those homophobes. Hell no. I laugh at them. But given the past violence against gays, I can understand their unease. Let's hope a few of those rainbow flags are wrapped around 9 mms.
"But given the past violence against gays, I can understand their unease."
Past violence like what?
When the cops bashed 'em?
Does the names Matthew Shepard or Harvey Milk ring a bell? Remember the Pulse nightclub massacre?
There are numerous cases of gays being murdered because they were gay.
No level of government will allow the disruption of the Progressive's religious celebrations during their Holy Month.
I'm also amazed that after mocking him so, the press is unable to say that Trump's warning that the "tear it down" mentality will 100% not stop at Confederates was 100% accurate.
He had animus!!!
Has any antifa group been preemptively arrested like this?
Good question!
I Googled, and didn't find a quick answer. Antifa seems to be SOOOO utterly loose-knit that targeted pre-emption may be VERY hard to pull off! (Kinda like "let's pre-empt gone-whacko mass killers"... OK, great idea! Now... WHO are they?!?! Trillion-dollar question there...)
Below is paywalled if you hit the site too often. "Brave" browser incognito mode might bypass that kind of thing... Below is best that I could find...
Read Nancy Rommelmann's articles about the organization of the Portland riots. They are very carefully planned. If she can get in to figure things out, I am certain if the FBI were interested they could as well.
I may need to find the time to read it...
Offhand, I think that some carefully crafted laws forbidding one from hiding one's ID during protests would go a long way... If you want to wear a giant chicken outfit as part of your protest, OK then, but be required to carry a reasonable-sized, legible and accurate ID of yourself, on your chicken costume! Front and back, for the cell-phone cameras! Something like that... Hiding your ID and then committing armed violence (seems to me) to be a big part of the problem here...
No better things to do today sarc?
It’s Sunday. And on Sundays sarc day drinks and trolls the commentariat with his sqrlsy sock.
Ideas! Reason, logic, and facts, R-Mac-Fuhrer-style, in emulation of the "wisdom" of R Mac's One True Hero!
“I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.” Quote Adolf Hitler, https://byrslf.co/50-quotes-by-adolf-hitler-that-will-inspire-you-to-achieve-your-goals-in-life-62b43c5c9f2c
Hiding your ID and then committing
armed violencevoting (seems to me) to be a big part of the problem here...Yeah, sorry, bullshit detector is maxed out on that rationalization.
So where is YOU fix? Other than, "My Tribe Better than your lowly tribe"? It's easy to be a critic... MUCH harder to make actually workable suggestions!
Mandatory installation of 24-7 brain scanners on everyone, to flush out those who are planning evil violence, maybe? Or better yet, to detect incorrect tribal affiliations?
I don't know, but maybe we should not selectively enforce the law?
That nothing can be done about Antifa sounds more like an excuse for not acting than that there is anything especially clever about that group.
I didn't say "nothing can be done", nor did I bless the idea of 1-sided law enforcement. Ages-old "who will police the police" problems come to mind. Short of 24-7 brain scanners on the police, for this issue, what is YOUR fix? ... I have ONE constructive suggestion below. The only other thing that I have off-hand is, "the cure can be worse than the disease." 1-party rule can suppress the mob, and "make the trains run on time". Sacrificing democracy and individual freedom, for suppressing evil, seems like a BAD trade-off to me! The 1-party rulers become the NEW evil, pronto!
Offhand, I think that some carefully crafted laws forbidding one from hiding one's ID during protests would go a long way... If you want to wear a giant chicken outfit as part of your protest, OK then, but be required to carry a reasonable-sized, legible and accurate ID of yourself, on your chicken costume! Front and back, for the cell-phone cameras! Something like that... Hiding your ID and then committing armed violence (seems to me) to be a big part of the problem here...
There really is no bad idea that you won't push, as long as the Democratic Party endorse it, huh?
You seem to be very tribal.
I follow "Team L" a lot more than "Team D". "Team R" has given up on democracy, though; Swallowing Trump's Big Lie, hook, line, and stinker! 1-Party rule by "Team R" if Trump and Trumpistas get their way! Only "Team R" votes are valid enough to be counted!
WHEN are you going to give us an example of a 1-party state that led to long-term peace and prosperity? Since you SOOO clearly advocate for a 1-party "R"-party state?
No. You're very obviously a Democrat.
Do democrats advocate "separation of education and state", as I do? The tearing down of most if not all licensing laws? Private charity, not Government Almighty charity? The list goes on...
They are really more of an idea than a group,
so I’m told.
To truly test whether the law is being selectively enforced in Coeur d' Alene, there would have to be an antifa protest there. That just doesn't happen a lot there:
"OK," you say, "but I meant are laws equitably enforced against conservative militia groups and antifa, across the entire nation." Yeah, well, Portland is different from Coeur d' Alene is different from Minneapolis...
Antifa operates with free reign in cities controlled by Democrats. Local authorities have stand down orders. There was good video of citizens filming cops in Berkeley a few years ago just hanging out in groups as riots were raging up the block and said they were "just following orders".
Pride month?
“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”
You have to wonder about people who define themselves by how and with whom they have sex and need a whole month to do it.
Ass sex, tribadism and repudiating their chromosomes is literally what defines them. But lets pretend people who like one of those things are a culture and mandate a month long celebration.
"people who define themselves by how and with whom they have sex"
I'm pretty sure gay people were the ones that started that.
I'm pretty sure there was originally a negation somewhere in that sentence.
Marina Medvin ????????
A police officer leaks to the media that “Patriot Front” includes more than one informant.
Reporter: “But how did you know?”
Officer: “We have informants.”
(It’s toward the end of this video.)
31 arrests, I'll set the line at 15 'informants'.
They seem to have been arrested for wearing protective clothing. The only "weapon" mentioned was a smoke grenade.
Counter-protestors at other events have been attacked.
It seems that they were just preparing for a confrontation, not planning to initiate anything.
I guess we'll see if the charges stick. This local story says that they were charged with "conspiracy to riot". The police claim there were documents and other evidence collected from the U-Haul that support the charges. They will appear in court on Monday:
First, the group is Patriot Front, not Patriot Prayer.
Patriot Front is an explicitly white nationalist and neo-Nazi group. Pretty disgusting.
Second, yeah, it is wrong for them to be pre-emptively arrested for "intending to riot" unless there was some very solid concrete evidence that they were a part of some conspiracy to commit a crime. But that would have to be rock-solid in order to deprive them of their rights like that.
Can you cite their beliefs? Their site is down so I cannot see it and I do not trust what the media reports about much of anything.
"But that would have to be rock-solid in order to deprive them of their rights like that."
Antifa openly plans their actions online. Most leftie groups do. They never seem to have rock solid evidence.
oh well hell, Wiki as a source! Was Mad Magazine not available?
Sorry, I meant an actual source. Nobody accepts Wiki as a source as the site will only allow info that abides by a specific narrative.
That's not true. Typically, people don't accept Wikipedia as a source when they don't like what it says.
There are primary sources linked to within the Wikipedia article.
I gave you a citation, which is more than what most of you would grant me the courtesy of. So at this point, I will say "fuck off and use Google yourself".
At this point you are being the sea lion by demanding I do more work than I'm required to do in order to prove something that is already known.
No, people don't accept nearly any political conversation on wiki as a source due its bias. A bias you share so you find it acceptable.
I did my job and provided a source which I believe sufficiently proves my claim that the Patriot Front is a white supremacist Neo-Nazi organization. At this point, it's on you and damikesc and others to provide your sources for your claims on why my source is incorrect. Saying "they're biased" doesn't cut it.
You provided a biased source. May as well as link to jacobin again.
Knowing leftist thugs will get violent with you when you protest and being prepared for that is now "intent to riot."
Police: "Shut up and let antifa beat you, fascists!"
What antifa? It was a gay pride event.
By the way, I'll just point out that these bunch of dudes coordinated outfits to wear to a gay pride event. That sounds gay.
You know what Coeur d'Alene residents who aren't obsessed with homosexuality do on a nice early summer day: go fishing, go to the movies, do gardening, go camping...
And why are they always associated with U-Haul?
They are Lesbians?
this is a tell this is all fake
Flash" events and torch-wielding are hallmarks of the Patriot Front's activism, the ADL notes. More than 100 members of the group orchestrated a march on the National Mall in December 2021. Suspected members of the group were also seen at the "March for Life" anti-abortion rally in January.
Well that proves they are White Supremacists because they were seen in March for Life rally in January. This from Washington Examiner
Good morning Peanuts! I hope you're enjoying this amazing Biden economy as much as I am. Remember when your portfolio tanked under Trump like Paul Krugman said it would? It should be much more valuable now than at any point from 2017 to 2020.
I am sorry Gov. Polis, but the federal government under your party's control labeled parents who vigorously dissented against their school board's decisions as "domestic terrorists". There is also the fact that that the timing of school board elections are manipulated in order to have miniscule turnouts so the teacher's unions can cram their favored candidates into those slots.
So, you have complaints about the party the guy belongs to.
I have a problem with his party's efforts to quash local control by the people directly affected by the school board decisions. The fact Polis seems to act like his party's bad behavior does not exist does not endear me to him
These statewide gag orders are indefensible. To say you can't talk about something is absurd. I'm a gay parent with my husband and we have two kids in school. What does that mean? My kid can't say "my two dads." It's just a bizarre incursion not only on free speech but on our rights as parents.
Apparently Polis is not familiar with Florida's law:
3. Classroom instruction by school personnel or third
parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur
in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in
accordance with state standards.
Gay teachers could tell their students they are gay if asked. They could not 'instruct' about sexual orientation etc., which normally means have a planned formal lesson.
His kid could say "I have two Dads" and the teacher could say the kid has two dads. No limit on free speech, just on instruction.
In looking up the text I searched for "text of Florida don't say gay bill". There were many first page hits to news organizations. ALL of them had interpretations of the text, and NONE had the actual language. The interpretations were all slanted against the law, btw.
Which should surprise no one. MSM is the main practitioner of "disinformation".
True dat.
We live in the age of propaganda. Goebbels would be proud.
Would have been a perfect fit at NYT, WaPo or CNN.
Goebbels would be jealous.
But also proud. They're actually using techniques he developed.
Scott Shackford & ENB hardest hit!
To be slightly fair to Polis, Gillespie's question was leading and included that false premise.
True, and they did not refer to Florida explicitly. But I cut him no slack since Florida is on everyone's mind and Polis, as a governor, should be very aware of the controversy and DeSantis' role in it.
'Apparently Polis is not familiar with Florida's law.' This is pretty generous, one would likely be more accurate if one said polis was deliberately lying about the 'statewide gag order.'
Being overly generous to totalitarian leftists is what libertarianism is all about
Gay teachers could tell their students they are gay if asked. They could not 'instruct' about sexual orientation etc., which normally means have a planned formal lesson.
Well, this interpretation though cuts both ways.
According to this interpretation, if a teacher showed up to a third grade class and said "Hey class today you're going to learn about gay sex techniques", that would be totally acceptable within the bounds of the law if it wasn't part of a "planned formal lesson". Clearly Florida Republicans would be very upset if that were to happen.
So I think a more reasonable interpretation is that "classroom instruction" includes more than just whatever is in the planned formal lesson, it includes all of the interaction between teachers and students within the confines of the classroom and the school day.
Given this interpretation, the Florida law would indeed police speech like "here's some gay sex techniques" as well as speech like "I have two dads".
But the larger point, really, is that this should not even be a topic up for discussion by the state legislature. Let local school boards and local school districts handle it. Aren't they the ones who supposedly know what is best for the kids in their districts?
Put another way, if DeSantis and Repubicans win in 2024 and they propose a national version of Florida's law, would you support or oppose it, and why?
You’re a fvcking idiot.
I mean really
Thank you for your insightful comment which did not discuss any of the points that I raised, but did represent an emotional release of your hatred towards me while virtue signaling to the right-wing tribe around here how much you belong to that tribe. Well done for your constructive contribution to the conversation!
are you paid by the word or by the character by Act Blue?
Given this interpretation, the Florida law would indeed police speech like "here's some gay sex techniques" as well as speech like "I have two dads".
No doubt your handlers would prefer teachers asked kids if they would consider themselves tops or bottoms when it came to fisting. Question: do you use Crisco for such festivities or just cum?
Note: kids do not reach puberty till later than 3rd grade so Crisco should be part of the teachers lesson plans
Another tactic of a sea lion. Pretending they are just asking questions and being reasonable despite their trolling.
A tactic of a troll is to interpret everything that the opponent does is done in bad faith, even when it is not.
Everything you do is in bad faith.
Jeff works for Act Blue
Act Blue Available Positions
Lead and develop ActBlue’s opposition, vetting, and rapid response research strategy.
Translation: I'm right, you know I'm right, the Florida law polices all sorts of speech in the classroom relating to sexual orientation or gender identity, not just what is in the "planned formal lesson", that is by design, because they don't want Florida teachers in K-3 to be discussing non-traditional gender identity or sexual orientation AT ALL.
They want the public school classroom to normalize traditional heterosexual sexual orientations, and traditional binary male/female gender identity (no one is going to complain if there is classroom discussion about that), and to problematize and stigmatize anything that deviates from this presumed norm. It is "grooming" to suggest that not every parent is heterosexual, and it is "gender-bending ideology" to suggest that not everyone must conform to a gender stereotype corresponding to their biological sex.
Lol. You've never once been right any this law not any other law or discussion on critical theory.
Idaho Tribune
Coeur d’Alene: Police Officers Removing Christian Preachers from North Idaho All-Ages LGBT Event hosting Satanists & Drag Queens
Police have been removing non violent counter protestors from lgbt event. Wild swing from notnremoving violent antifa counter protestors from other events.
It is of a piece with Polis' response to the question about Tech platforms. The only kinds of political extremism to be concerned about is what the Left defines as "far right". There are no far left conspiracy theories that are a danger, despite things like Critical Race Theory and its various derivatives being a literal conspiracy theory.
The left defines everything as far right.
Here's his answer to the question about tech platforms. Where does he mention Left vs. Right, Critical Race Theory?:
"The government needs to tread very, very lightly when it comes to any speech-based regulation of tech or any other industry. I would say federally, there is a role for antitrust law. You don't want to overdo that. That's when there's a competitive advantage that protects the entrenched incumbent and it can block others from getting in.
"I would argue it's a very competitive space, when you talk about social media in general. If somebody has a better search than Google, there's nothing to stop people from using that."
When listing the problems of social media he lists misinformation, disinformation, Neo-nazis and far right conspiracy theories. Nothing a Democrat would consider to be of the left. That is the problem.
Speech reparations.
"Libertarians should vote for democrats because they are supportive of individual liberty and freedom." Absolute pure 100% b.s. No party at any time has been so anti freedom and liberty than the democrats. Freedom of speech, yeah, sure, they support not only banning but firing anyone who dares disagree with the radical gender politics or BLM. We're at the point where people are nearly afraid to speak their minds because of the retaliation being done to those who had the courage to speak out. The there's the creation of their own version of the Ministry of Truth, another fine idea in support of free speech.
So I wouldn't trust that man for one minute nor believe anything he says. He's a democrat and that means lies and deceit and a thirst for power and control.
Don't forget, it was also the democrats idea to sic the FBI on parents who happened to voice an opinion that was contrary to the radical gender politics and CRT being taught in their schools.
Anyone who votes for a democrat gets exactly what they deserve.
That has been a bit memory holed in the Reason's staff yammering about the virtues of local control.
I suppose 10 years ago that someone with memories of the 1960s, 70s, and even 80s, might recall an era when the left could have been seen as more supportive of free speech and individual freedom than the right. But even 10 years ago, it should be obvious that the authoritarian trend had flipped the party positions, and Democrats are now officially and eagerly more doctrinaire.
To be honest, I might say that, but then, we were told the right were restrictive of free speech without seeing much of it.
I'd suggest that the claims from yestayear of what conservatives were trying to do then was as much fiction as it is today.
The fights over freedom of communication 50+ years ago in the USA and some other countries were very different from the struggles today.
What the "right" tended to oppose then was smut. If you look at the Free Speech Movement from 60 years ago, it was about freedom of speech on certain college campuses, and the "left" and "right" have switched sides on that.
In the time between, the sides were often indistinct and wobbly. Telephone deregulation was nonpartisan and judicially determined. There were issues with broadcast content as related to smut, political balance, co-ownership with other media, and more abstruse topics like whether to license Citizen's Band.
So it was about things like what Lenny Bruce could say in a nightclub, how much porn could be put in and to how many media, and whether broadcast ads for harmful products needed to be balanced by counter-advertising.
I watched an old (1953) British movie the other night, and in the opening credits it had a panel showing approval from the official royal censor board (or something like that). In the US, we had the Hays code and other written and unwritten rules about film content, including prohibited words and visuals that might offend the establishment morality--at the time, a morality defined by and pushed by conservatives.
NO, fatherfucker. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? A right delayed is a right denied?
What especially pisses me off is that "a few months later" bit; that tells me that the confiscation was on a whim, without any real evidence, because you've just admitted it's going to take you "a few months" to snoop around and find evidence AFTER some cop or prosecutor made the decision to confiscate. I can understand "a few months" to start a murder or assault trial, because usually there's some kind of evidence of the crime committed; but red flag laws require nothing more than some anonymous tip.
It would be slightly more tolerable if there were consequences for falsely shouting RED FLAG, but there are none. And is there any kind of deadline for how long "a few months" is?
Fuck off, slaver.
Dude, or whatever you identify as, you are wrong on a lot of these comments. While I agree with your first sentence basically everything else is off base.
Ours (CO red flag laws) do not require just a tip. It's a literal process to get it started and to get it closed. On top of that, the person starting the process if found to be lying will be penalized by law. And in fact, that has happened since the red flag went into effect when a judge denied the request for malicious intent.
Polis has done a pretty damn good job governing our state and I'll be voting him for again.
No no no. Polis is a Democrat and therefore he wants to "destroy human civilization". It is known.
From what I've read, he has some good policy ideas and some bad policy ideas. Like every politician ever.
Odd. You've never vociferously defended anyone on the right. Only the left.
I doubt most of what you say for two reasons. One, you think I "identify" as something; only wokists think that way, so fuck off.
Second, there is Polis's own quote:
See that? You lose your guns, THEN it goes before a judge, AFTER several months.
In other words, like every other red flag law I've ever heard of: accusation, guilt, investigation, and MAYBE, after A FEW MONTHS, you get your right back.
Fuck off, slaver.
Let's compare that to a real crime, murder for instance. A cops sees a shooting, hauls you in. OR more likely, a body is found, cops investigate, evidence points to someone, investigation continues until the prosecutor or cops think they have enough evidence, THEN they arrest you, deprive you of your right to freedom.
Red flag laws? Accusation, sometimes anonymous, then deprive you of your right, then a few months of investigation, culminating in a hearing before a judge. Do you get a jury trial? Apparently not. Any semblance of innocent until proven guilty? Apparently not.
Fuck off, slaver.
How about we treat all crimes like that?
Pulled over for speeding or broken tail light, pay the fine on the spot, then schedule a hearing a few months later.
Murder investigation has a bunch of initial suspects -- spouse, family, co-workers, neighbors. Throw them all in jail for a few months, then release them as the investigation narrows it down? Or they all end up before a judge, a few months later.
No, Jack, it don't work that way, except with red flag laws. People put up with pre-trial detention because there's supposed to have been an investigation BEFORE the arrest, and bail is usually available. Can you bail out your guns while waiting for the red flag hearing a few months later? Why no, you can't. Guilty right from the onset, before the investigation, but you'll get a hearing a few months later, if the investigation proves you innocent.
Fuck off, slaver.
Actual assaults, some forms of murder and attempted murder, embezzlement, burglars, robbers, all sorts of crimes allow bail. But not red flag laws. No, the mere anonymous accusation is treated worse than murder as far as presumption of innocence.
You claim Colorado's red flag laws are kinder and gentler. How about some actual detailed assertions rather than that bald claim that Colorado's red flag law is different from every other red flag law?
You won't. Fuck off, slaver.
the person starting the process if found to be lying will be penalized by law
Amber Heard is nodding.
So you're fine with violating people's rights as long as there is the right paperwork to go with your abuse. You'd make a great SS agent with that attitude
Maher calls out NYT for burying would be Kavanaugh shooter.
Fuck Bill Maher, he was always supportive of these assholes as long is it put daylight between himself and the uncool conservatives.
He's like Nick and Robby. Aware of the horrors of the cult, but embarrassed to be associated with its once unfashionable opposition.
Like Nick in particular, Maher still see's everything through early 90's paradigms. Back when the Moral Majority were the biggest threat and explicit lyrics the biggest issue. They're still fighting those guys in their heads.
And in the '90s, Tipper Gore was one of biggest opponents of explicit lyrics.
Twitter flags peer reviewed CDC study about how vaccine efficacy is actually waning bordering on crap.
Because it's beyond obvious that Twitter is pushing the Democratic party narrative and not the CDCs.
Like the WHO they were always just a fig leaf for corporatist government censorship.
If the CDC came out tomorrow and said "whoopsy, everything we said was wrong" twitter would shutter their account.
Apparently suggesting that the 2020 BLM Riots (which resulted in billions in property damage and at least a few dozen deaths) might be equally lacking in virtue as the Jan. 6th Capitol Riot is verboten in the NFL.
"Head coach Ron Rivera said in a statement that he met with Del Rio on Friday morning and was disappointed about his comments.
“[Del Rio’s] comments do not reflect the organization’s views and are extremely hurtful to our great community here in the DMV,” Rivera said in the statement. “As we saw last night in the hearings, what happened on the Capitol on January 6, 2021 was an act of domestic terrorism.
“He does have the right to voice his opinion as a citizen of the United States and it most certainly is his constitutional right to do so. However, words have consequences and his words hurt a lot of people in our community. I want to make it clear that our organization will not tolerate any equivalency between those who demanded justice in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the actions of those on January 6 who sought to topple our government.”
Yeah. That story was fucked up. Hope he fights it. He didnt even say anything controversial. Just asked why nobody wanted to look at the far worse riots had under the guise of BLM.
Rivera's statement is basically "You will NOT question The Narrative."
Being politically correct in intentions is more important than actual harm done to people in these days.
"However, words have consequences"
So do actions and I hope Rivera learns that lesson the hard way.
Until people start turning off the NFL, NBA and MLB; they'll continue with this behavior. Turned off NFL after black national anthem. Turned off NBA once they starting supporting terrorist BLM organization. MLB lost me when the players sat out games because of "police violence" in WI that turned out to be a felon with a knife. The next season, MLB moved all-star game from GA making my decision life long.
Stop watching. Stop buying merch. Stop supporting it! Or, this will not change one bit.
I have not way since. I know others with similar positions. Just sayin'
Why progressives like jeff support and hide behind experts.
Basically it is a means of hiding state authority behind the guise of expert control. But we have seen time and time again how wrong the self proclaimed experts, especially funded by government, are. From the Fed to the CDC. Yet authority is asked to be given to them without question. Similar to corporatist fascism, expert control of society is simply a new form of fascism. Where authoritarianism is hidden behind the curtain.
I also see that many progressives really, really do not want responsibility for their own lives. Thus, like many religious fundamentalists, they seek out a higher authority that can at least provide guidance, if not a comprehensive doctrine and set of values and laws. Their dependency on experts is not very different that others' dependencies on priests and shaman.
And like many religions that devolved into zealotry, They want YOU to follow their religion as well. Or be done away with.
Jared Polis wants to leave you alone, except when it comes to guns:
Or, for that matter, speech that polis' in-group opposes, and he certainly doesn't want to leave you alone if you have a right with which he disagrees. He may not directly control the asshole bureaucracy making life hellish for regular folks in Colorado, but he can stop them from the petty assaults on individual liberties, being oh so libertarian.
"Even when the omicron variant spiked this winter, Polis refused to reinstate mandates. His message was clear: Coloradans had had the opportunity to get vaccinated. They could decide their own risk tolerance."
So bold and brave of him not to reinstate mask mandates that he previously instated upon the citizens of Colorado. Very libertarian of him to only violate individual liberty just the one time.
"The bill gives additional protections to victims through the criminal justice process such that to classify a bias-motivated crime, the bias motivation only needs to be part of the defendant’s motivation in committing the crime."
Jared Polis' Thought Crime Bill
So dreamy.
“Hate and bias motivated crimes are offenses we want to stamp out in the state of Colorado. No one should ever live in fear of who they are or what they believe. This is vital to our efforts to build an inclusive Colorado for all...
an example of the inadequacies of the previous statute...
“Now, clearly the primary motivation for that individual to come into the store, was that he was mad about his cell phone, but it was very clear that the fact that the clerk was a member of a minority, it made him feel more liberty to speak down to that person and to speak and act in the manner that he did.”
“This is a crime that could not be prosecuted under the existing version of the bias motivated crime statute because the primary motive was not ethnic bias or racial bias
- this amendment would allow us to prosecute an offense like that at a higher level than we otherwise could.”
Oh yeah, Polis is a friend of freedom and liberty all right.
It's very disappointing to see Nick shilling for the democrats by doing a softball puff piece to help them float Polis as a Biden replacement.
It clearer each day that Reason isn't even pretending to be Libertarians any longer. Far Left Progressives!!!
Polis: less bad than a typical Democrat, and perhaps clever about compromising preferences of blue urban areas and mostly red rural Colorado. And, at least for now, postponing a Newsom clone.
"libertarians should vote for Democratic candidates because they are "supportive of individual liberty and freedom."
Hahahahahaha... Like imprisoning people without charges, televised show trials, mandatory medical procedures and you're fired if you refuse, siccing lynch mobs on judges, military political purges, using corporations to evade the first amendment and censor citizens, ignoring the second amendment and attempting to disarm the populace, pushing child castration, mandating alphabet sex cult celebrations, thought crimes and precrime, killing babies and pretending that they're not human so they have no rights of their own, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Saying "A Good Democrat" is like saying "A Good Nazi". They're all irredeemably evil.
Nick likes those things. So libertarian! He'll throw a "both sides" at you
It's not good vs. evil.
It's bad vs. not quite as bad.
With a continuum of good to bad on both sides for individual politicians.
More like Cthulhu vs Boss Hogg.
Malevolent evil compared to some greedy pikers. The Republicans will steal a twenty from your wallet, while the Democrats are trying to destroy human civilization.
the Democrats are trying to destroy human civilization
I also understand they've teamed up with Lex Luthor, Thanos, and Dr. Evil to destroy the entire universe as well.
Those are fictional characters, unlike the very real chold molesting clumps of cancer cells you hivemind faggots shill for
The Democrats in ML's head, who want to "destroy human civilization", are also fictional characters. That is my point.
Perhaps you and ML and others could join the rest of us here in reality to discuss actual people and actual issues, not fictional villains.
You're the last person to talk about reality, collectivistjeff.
Please tell us again how you think it is a reasonable position to start murdering your political opponents.
That's practically fardh for Democrats according to blue check twitter.
“If you had the chance to kill Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, the two oldest right wing Supreme Court judges, should you do it while Biden can get his nominees to replace them confirmed?”
I mean there was literally someone on his way to kill Kavanaugh just last week.
OH WOW you found a left-wing version of Nardz! That totally means every leftist wants to murder SCOTUS judges! Right?
Incidentally, what do you think of Nardz's characterization of leftists as subhuman (you know, like how the Nazis characterized the Jews)?
OH WOW you found a left-wing version of Nardz!
Simon Gwynn is a journalist, not some random commenter.
Also, Nardz usually endorses suicide, not assassination. Big difference.
That totally means every leftist wants to murder SCOTUS judges! Right?
Yes actually.
There are thousands of Democrats that say that shit daily. I can max out the posts with blue check citations if you want, Jeffy.
Here's video of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer threatening SCOTUS judges: https://twitter.com/MarkMeadows/status/1235276076684840961
It's actually a Dem epidemic: Threats against judges and courts surge 387%
Incidentally, what do you think of Nardz's characterization of leftists as subhuman (you know, like how the Nazis characterized the Jews)?
You're morally subhuman. The party's demonic. Only monsters and ghouls can hold the Democratic Party's evil views on late-term abortion, child castration, censorship, CRT, gender, etc.
It's actually a Dem epidemic: Threats against judges and courts surge 387%
That's a bit of cherry-picking with statistics right there. From your article:
According to a newly issued Congressional Research Service report shared with Secrets, there were 4,511 threats on courts, judges, and jurors in fiscal 2021. The report said that represented an increase of 387% since 2015 “when there were 926 such incidents.”
So over a 7-year span, there has been a 387% increase. How many threats were there in the intervening years?
Well, according to this source, there were 4,261 threats in 2020.
So, from 2020 to now, that is an increase of 5.9%. Still higher, but not nearly as dramatically higher as 387%.
Also, Nardz usually endorses suicide, not assassination. Big difference.
Oh, forgive me, Nardz only *sometimes* advocates for mass murder! That makes all the difference in the world!
So, you think I'm "morally subhuman" then? Tell me, would you support Nardz's mass murder campaign against leftists?
"That's a bit of cherry-picking with statistics... The report said that represented an increase of 387% since 2015... So over a 7-year span, there has been a 387% increase. How many threats were there in the intervening years?"
Lol, what the hell? You claim it's cherry-picking because... It's exactly what was stated?
"Well, according to this source, there were 4,261 threats in 2020."
And 4,511 the next year... What's your point??? And your link also uses 2015 as the benchmark:
"from 926 incidents in 2015 to 4,261 in 2020, according to the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS)."
Does that mean you're cherrypicking according to your rhetoric?
"Oh, forgive me, Nardz only *sometimes* advocates for mass murder!
Do you have a cite of a post where Nardz advocated for mass murder? Because I don't actually believe you.
"So, you think I'm "morally subhuman" then?"
Ab-so-fucking-lutely! You're unapologetically evil.
"Tell me, would you support Nardz's mass murder campaign against leftists?"
I suspect your accusation about Nardz is bullshit, but I'm against killing people period. I've always argued here against the death penalty for anyone and everyone. I'm against it for murderers and against it for moral vacuums like you.
Your kind will be defeated by free and open speech, which is probably why you guys are trying so hard to stifle it.
Tell me, would you support Nardz's mass murder campaign against leftists?
ML, you called the threats against judges a "Dem epidemic". Are you saying the reason why threats rose against judges by 387% over the past 7 years is due to Dems? That seems far-fetched. I assumed that you were referring to recent threats made by some Dems against judges like Kavanaugh when you called it a "Dem epidemic" and I showed that over the very recent past, threats against judges have not risen by very much at all. That is why I said it was cherry-picking.
Do you have a cite of a post where Nardz advocated for mass murder? Because I don't actually believe you.
Yes you do. Because earlier you wrote:
Also, Nardz usually endorses suicide, not assassination. Big difference.
Meaning, that you know that he often endorses suicide, but sometimes endorses mass murder.
So trying to make me hunt for a citation for a claim that you already know is true is just a tactic to try to get me to waste time. Hmm, what is the term for someone who demands someone prove a claim that is already established to be true? I think we talked about that yesterday.
You're unapologetically evil.
If you say so. You have a thing for drama it appears.
And I am also opposed to the death penalty, so we agree on something. In general I'm a bit of a pacifist.
Do you really think an 'unapologetically evil' person would be opposed to the death penalty?
And you think I am 'unapologetically evil' but you are opposed to murdering me. Are you opposed to murdering me in principle, or are you opposed to YOU murdering me but happy to outsource it to someone else?
If you really thought I was 'unapologetically evil' why wouldn't you pull a Nardz and advocate for murdering me? Wouldn't an 'unapologetically evil' person represent an existential threat to you and to all of humanity generally? What possible reason would you have to keep me alive?
War isn't murder
And leftists aren't people, you're clumps of cancer cells
And we're not talking about people who simply vote D, we're talking about activists like collectivistjeff or Mike laursen who spread lies daily and won't leave people the fuck alone.
"The Democrats in ML's head, who want to "destroy human civilization"
Which political party:
• Created the Indian Removal Act?
• Put the Cherokee on the Trail of Tears?
• Endorsed slavery and encouraged violence against abolitionists?
• Started the KKK, which then acted as party paramilitaries?
• Created the Anti-Chinese Act?
• Segregated the Civil Service?
• Interned the Japanese?
• Created Jim Crow Laws?
• Filibustered the Civil Rights Act?
• Got America involved in Vietnam, defended the Mỹ Lai massacre, etc?
"Hurr durr, that's old! They're good now!"
• Political purge of the military
• Imprisoning people without charges
• Agent Provocateur kidnappings, terrorism and marches
• Primetime kangaroo court show trials
• Corporatist collusive censorship of opponents
• Deplatforming political opponents
• Destroying the energy sector and banning exploration and drilling
• Inciting attacks on judges
• Mandatory medical procedures of untested pharmaceuticals
• Pushing late-term abortion, child castration and pedophilia
• Handing over American sovereignty and to the WHO and the UN
• Arresting political dissidents
So, if a person were to describe the Republican Party as the party that is in favor of:
- Defending the rights of lunatics to murder children at school
- Forcing women to give birth against their will
- Imposing white supremacy as the law of the land
- Stigmatizing transgender teens to the point of suicide
do you think this characterization would be a fair and accurate description? Or do you think this characterization would be a wild exaggeration to the point of deception?
- Defending the rights of lunatics to murder children at school
Nobody wants that except Democrats. That's why everyone else wants armed forces school staff
- Forcing women to give birth against their will
Stopping lazy sluts from killing their kid and leaving them to deal with the natural consequences of their actions, isn't "forcing" anything, ghoul.
Imposing white supremacy as the law of the land
Pretty sure that the Democratic Party's history I listed and its current lily-white, race-baiting incarnation put paid to that lie.
Stigmatizing transgender teens to the point of suicide
Indulging and aggravating mental illness is what's evil here. More "trans" people commit suicide post-transition than pre, by a factor of ten.
In fact this is one of the most evil things that you clowns are currently doing to susceptible people.
I see you missed the point, IMO deliberately so.
The point is, your characterization of the Democratic Party is a wild exaggeration to the point of deception, just like characterizing the Republican Party as the party that, e.g., "wants to impose white supremacy", as many left-wingers actually might claim, is a wild exaggeration to the point of deception.
So I'm not going to argue against caricatures and strawmen.
The point is, your characterization of the Democratic Party is a wild exaggeration
This is why everyone calls you "Lying Jeffy" you dishonest fuck.
I challenge you to point out one, just one, thing that I said about the Democrats that didn't actually fucking happen. Just one thing that wasn't historically true or was a "wild exaggeration".
There's no way you can, because unlike your statements, they absolutely did all that evil... and then some.
Also, I listed actual things that Democrats really did. Nothing you listed has any actual examples.
No, you listed wild exaggerations of what they really did. Which is why I compared your characterization of Democrats to that of movie supervillains. Both are imaginary characters.
How hard is it to simply discuss what people actually do, rather than the catastrophized caricature in your head?
Again, I challenge you to point out one thing that I said that wasn't historically true or was a "wild exaggeration".
Did the Democrats enact the Indian Removal Act? Start the Klan? Intern the Japanese? Purge the military? Jail dissidents indefinitely without charges?
You fucking bet they did, Lying Jeffy. Where's the exaggeration, huh?
Those are actual historical occurrences with actual evidence, unlike bullshit innuendoes like "Imposing wHiTE suPreMacY as the law of the land". What fucking law would that be, Jeffy? When did they propose it?
Well, let's take just one of them, your claim that Democrats want to do a "Political purge of the military". Gee that sounds bad. It sure sounds like you are claiming Democrats want to kick conservatives out of the military. Here's what your own Fox News link says:
President Biden's newly appointed Pentagon chief Wednesday issued a "stand down" for the next 60 days, ordering military leaders to spend time talking to troops in an effort to weed out extremism in their ranks, after it came to light that a number of former and current military members participated in the riot at the U.S. Capitol last month.
Oh wow, they want to "weed out extremism". If I put on my paranoia hat, I would interpret that as meaning "they want to accuse every conservative of being an extremist in order to 'weed out' all of them." So only if I use this most paranoid interpretation, can I arrive at your conclusion that Democrats want a "political purge" of the military.
And is this some new power that Biden is arrogating unto himself to kick out conservatives from the military? By what authority can he do this? Well, it turns out there is a DOD directive that already covers 'dissident activity' in the military. It has been around since 2009.
And that document is an updated version of an even older one. The oldest version that I could find referenced originated in 1969. So this idea that military members cannot participate in "extremist" activity is not new. It has been a policy of the US military for over 50 years at this point.
Incidentally, I also found this, an article about the Secretary of Defense responding to reports that some Marines were discovered belonging to the KKK:
'Military personnel, duty bound to uphold the Constitution, must reject participation in such organizations,' the directive said. 'Active participation, including public demonstrations, recruiting and training members and organizing or leading such organizations is utterly incompatible with military service.'
That came from Casper Weinberger, in 1986.
So, getting rid of "extremist" elements in the military is not a particularly new idea, it is an utterly bipartisan idea, it hasn't led to mass political purges in the past, and only if I adopt an extremely paranoid interpretation of what Lloyd Austin is doing could I even begin to arrive at your conclusion that there is a "political purge of the military" underway.
That is how your statements are wild exaggerations to the point of deception. You leave out important details, you ignore context, and you rely upon heavily paranoid interpretations of events.
Now, we could have a discussion about extremism in the military, what specifically counts as extremism, whether it ought to be forbidden at all, and that might actually be an interesting discussion. But that would require more attention to detail that you are willing to contribute at this point.
Let's take another one, your claim that Democrats want to "Jail dissidents indefinitely without charges". You are of course referring to those accused of crimes related to the Jan. 6 riots. By calling them "dissidents" you are implying that they are being targeted for their political views and not because of their alleged crimes per se. Sure, that could be true - if I put on my paranoia hat and use the most paranoid interpretation possible.
Now, are they being jailed "without charges"? Not even your own link (which is a heavily biased partisan right-wing site, by the way) makes that claim. You made that up. Are they being jailed "indefinitely"? Again not even your own link makes that claim. Now, they ARE being held for an inordinately long time, that is true. Are they being jailed for a long time because of their political beliefs, or is it for another reason? That is, is Biden deliberately holding these conservative 'dissidents' in jail longer than necessary because of their politics? Well, let's look at some statistics. According to NPR, there have been 850 individuals charged so far in connection with the Jan. 6 riot.
And they are all being handled by the DC Circuit Court. If you look at how many cases the DC Circuit Court handles in a typical year, in the 12 months ending Mar. 31, 2021, the DC Circuit Court had 509 criminal cases filed.
So, in one year, the criminal caseload in the DC Circuit Court has jumped by over 100%. So it is understandable that every criminal case in that circuit is experiencing delays. Now, that shouldn't be an excuse - the government should devote more resources to make sure all of these cases are handled in a speedy manner. And these statistics don't DISPROVE the claim that Biden is deliberately targeting Jan. 6 rioters based on their politics. But Occam's Razor suggests that there is a much more likely and reasonable explanation.
So yes, ML, you are correct, Democrats are "Jailing dissidents indefinitely without trial", if and only if we assume that (a) the Jan. 6 rioters are actually being targeted for their political views and not for their alleged crimes, (b) we assume "indefinitely" actually means "longer than usual", and (c) we ignore statistics and Occam's Razor and instead adopt the most paranoid interpretation possible. Sure.
And we have already discussed that comparing the Democratic and Republican Parties of today to those of the 19th and early 20th century is ridiculous. The two parties have completely flipped since then. Back then, the Democratic Party was the socially conservative and fiscally conservative party. (Do I need to bring out their party platform from 1856 again?) The Republican Party was the progressive party. Republicans issued subsidies for transcontinental railroads. Republicans started the land-grant university system, the first federal government intervention into education. Republicans were the champions of civil rights, particularly for the freed slaves. Teddy Roosevelt, the first progressive president, was a Republican. The Sherman Antitrust Act, the very first federal antitrust act, was written by Senator Sherman of Ohio, a Republican.
That’s a lot of words when “There is a purge i just don’t like the people being purged so I don’t care.” Lying Jeffy.
And ML, this is not the first time I have utterly destroyed your ridiculous characterizations of the tribe that you hate.
When I show that they are not the caricatures of cartoon evil that you make them out to be, why do you continue to portray them that way? What purpose does it serve?
What is wrong with simply treating someone like Gov. Polis as a guy who has some ideas, some good and some bad, that ought to be discussed on their own merits?
As CE said above, the choice between Team Red and Team Blue is not "good vs. evil", it is "bad vs. not quite as bad".
"And ML, this is not the first time I have utterly destroyed your ridiculous characterizations of the tribe that you hate."
You didn't destroy a single one. You lawyered and tried to redefine definitions, criticized the sources, misrepresented historical events, but mostly you flat out lied.
Let me be crystal clear.
1. The Department of Defense stood down for 60 days to "weed out extremism". A purge by any metric.
But that's NOT what Weinberger did. He didn't hold a sixty day purge, he wrote a fucking policy that says you're not allowed to join a hate group. He didn't brand any opposition to Reagan as hate and stand down the military to hunt for them.
That's not even fucking comparable.
I knew you were going to try and lawyer, but wow, that's pathetic.
2. Jan 6 protesters/trespassers/rioters held in solitary, no bail, some without charges - May 15, 2021
Almost a year and a half later some of those imprisoned still hadn't been charged.
I'm not going to write an essay. The linked article handily refutes all your bullshit.
Yet again you tried to use dishonest and cheap sophistry to try and weasel your way around widely known historical facts.
This is a small facet of the many reasons why you're evil. Because you do all this horrific shit and then try to gaslight us into thinking things like political purges were always around and it's just the same old, same old.
And yet at the same time you try to pretend you're not a paid shill.
You're an evil liar, Jeff.
I didn't actually think you would admit you were wrong.
So let me try one more time.
1. The Department of Defense stood down for 60 days to "weed out extremism". A purge by any metric.
If by "purge" you mean "purge extremists", then yes.
If however by "purge" you mean "purge otherwise non-extremist military members just for disagreeing with Democrats", then no.
But that's NOT what Weinberger did.
Weinberger "purged" KKK members from the military (and rightly so). If you are going to refer to Austin's actions as a "purge", then that is what Weinberger did too.
He didn't brand any opposition to Reagan as hate
You're right, he didn't. And Austin isn't branding any opposition to Biden as hate either.
The "purge" you accuse Austin of conducting is exactly the same type of "purge" that the DOD has engaged in to weed out extremism for over 50 years now, supported by both teams.
And so this is what I mean by your wild exaggerations. You describe the exact same thing that both teams have done for over 50 years now as a "POLITICAL PURGE" when a Democrat does it, using paranoia to claim that Austin is using "extremist" to really mean "anyone disagreeing with Democrats". No, extremist means extremist. We can have a discussion on what precisely extremism ought to mean, but it certainly does not mean someone who holds completely mainstream views whether they are left-wing or right-wing.
I'm not going to write an essay. The linked article handily refutes all your bullshit.
Oh does it now? Well let's look at the article that you cited.
First, I honestly cannot tell if it is a news article or an opinion piece. It certainly reads more like an opinion piece. It also comes from a biased right-wing site. So this does not bode well for your credibility.
Second, there is literally zero evidence provided that anyone is being detained without being charged. Just one claim by this opinion piece presented without proof. So no, that doesn't refute anything I wrote.
Third, the article references other stories about the poor conditions in the DC jail. I have no problem believing that the conditions are not good in the jail. Now, is this specifically targeted towards the Jan. 6 rioters? There is no evidence presented that this is the case. ALL of the inmates are suffering under the conditions in the jail. Again that's not good, but it's also not targeted at the "dissidents".
Finally, your use of the term "dissidents" implies that they are being imprisoned for ideological reasons. No, they are being imprisoned because they are accused of breaking real, legitimate laws, regardless of their politics.
So this entire story is a twisted exaggeration of reality. You twisted what was ultimately a story about bad conditions at a DC jail to imply that Democrats are specifically targeting "dissidents" with bad conditions to make them specifically suffer.
You are the shill. You are the one who tries to twist reality to suit a narrative. I am the one presenting multiple sides, with credible references (not opinion pieces from questionable sources) and reasoned argumentation to defend my position.
Wow, that's a lot of typing to try and obfuscate the obvious.
1. Weinberger didn't stand down the military to hunt for hidden Klansman. If he had, you might have had a point. Even if he didn't stand down the military to hunt for hidden Klansman, you still might of had a point.
But he didn't.
This is the first time in American history that the government stood down the military to hunt for badthink. There's no comparison. It's a purge, it's unprecedented and utterly fascist.
2. So rather than contradict the multiple links, you're going to call it opinion and handwave it away.
But he's totally not a paid Democratic Party shill, folks.
You forgot fire bombing pregnancy counseling offices.
Tell us about the j6 insurrection again.
You mean, the riots on Jan. 6 that I did not describe as an insurrection?
Lol. Yes you have. You even said cops can murder people for trespassing.
Lol. Yes you have.
Prove it.
Gillespie is such a pathetic little toady
So he's so libertarian that he wants a SCOTUS decision from 1973's decision to invent a right out of thin air to stand. That having each state and their citizens decide the balance between a baby and a mother's right is bad.
Well I'm sure Nick thinks he's libertarian
"We simply put Roe v. Wade into Colorado law. So no matter what happens nationally, the government should not be at that table in deciding whether you complete a pregnancy." <-- Isn't this "having each state and their citizens decide the balance between a baby and a mother's right", i.e. exactly what you are advocating for in your comment.
Imagine, the government daring to think it has the authority to have a say in whether one human can kill another.
Polis' thought is disingenuous.
So, you agree or disagree with wrecikinball’s idea of having each state decide?
I am talking about Polis' position on the issue.
It is better for it to be a state level decision but abortion is not a moral good, and therefore not a legitimate right.
Well now I need eye bleach even though there was a black censor bar. Look at his face, he knew exactly what he was doing to the kids.
Where's Brandyfuck and White Mike to tell us how there's nothing sexual going on?
Collectivistjeff is here to promote and defend sexually assaulting prepubescent children at least
Oh, sure. You dig up one niche case of one reprobate participating in a drag queen story hour and use it to brand the whole movement.
You ever notice how the "It's not happening -> It's not that bad -> It's a good thing" ratchet works consistently in one direction? Like, of all the narratives against Trump, White Supremacy, Kidnapping plots, Insurrection, etc., etc., etc. we aren't shipping immigrants back Mexico in cattle cars and aren't engaged Civil War 2/WW III, but inflation actually is worse than it's been in a generation, we actually are rubbing drag queen's junk in kids' faces, we actually are arresting and detaining people who haven't committed any crimes without trial, we are moving to take peoples' guns away, we're forcing girls to share locker rooms with and compete against men, etc., etc., etc.
Sometimes it's not even a progression. According to "progressives," the Great Replacement (1) is not happening, and (2) is a good thing!
(And if you dispute either point, you're a racist conspiracy theorist the government should keep an eye on!)
Florida governor’s race May fundraising totals
DeSantis - $10.2 million
Crist - $1 million
Fried - $302,528
DeSantis is now up to $124 million total raised for his reelection campaign and has $112 million cash on hand
BREAKING REPORT: Largest Pork Company in the United States - [Smithfield Foods] - SHUTS DOWN CALIFORNIA PLANT Due to High Costs...
Just as planned.
But don't worry, there will be a new Gates-approved WEF grasshopper and cricket factory to replace the missing proteins. They're kosher AND halal.
And they'd fucking better be free-range and non-GMO.
Nobody needs 27 different kinds of meat.
Trump was "the worst" on immigration, eh? What about Obama, eh, Polis?
Colorado is, unfortunately, turning blue thanks to all the Californians who moved there.
But this guy sounds a lot better than Whitmer or Cuomo or Newsom. Not a high bar to clear though.
Escaping hell but also dragging it with them. Trump's wall should've been along the left coasts.
Give it a few hundred thousand Californians and they'll be there.
Oh this is too funny, how the commenters here treat Team Red and Team Blue.
Both Team Red and Team Blue are steaming piles of shit with occasional nuggets of value buried within them.
When it comes to Team Red, we are told to focus on the few nuggets of value despite being surrounded by the pile of shit.
But when it comes to Team Blue, we are told to ignore the nuggets of value and focus on the enormous pile of shit that surrounds it.
Quite frankly Jared Polis sounds a lot like a 1990s Republican. He talks pragmatically about taxation - keep taxes low, tax consumption not income, etc. He wants to devolve power to localities. 1990s Newt Gingrich could have said those things and no one would have batted an eye. To be clear he is not a libertarian. He doesn't chant "taxation is theft" nor "smash the state". He has some unlibertarian views when it comes to guns. But my God he is a far sight better than a lot of people in Team Blue, who haven't found a gun control bill yet that they don't like, who want to tax billionaires only because 'that's where the money is at' ('billionaires shouldn't exist'), who wants more and more national control of everything.
If you put a gun to my head and said "you must vote for either Biden or Polis, who will it be", I would vote for Polis in a heartbeat. And I daresay most of you would too, if you were honest.
Now, does that mean he would earn my vote considering all of the candidates on the ballot? Probably not. But if we're going to be digging through steaming piles of shit of either team in order to search for nuggets of value, at least be intellectually honest enough to recognize that Polis represents an occasional nugget of value in an otherwise steaming pile of shit known as Team Blue.
^ Totally not a Democrat, folks.
Sure, I'm a Democrat for saying that Team Blue is a steaming pile of shit. Whatevs.
Just calling out your double standards. I mean you even admit to such above, when you declare Democrats as being no different than Nazis:
"Saying "A Good Democrat" is like saying "A Good Nazi". They're all irredeemably evil."
In your mind, anyone who doesn't think Democrats are literal Nazis are the same as Democrats themselves. This is insane and tribalistic garbage.
He still pretends he has no bias. One of the key traits regarding sea lions.
Oh I absolutely have a bias. I don't like Team Red. I don't like Team Blue either.
One of the characteristics of a troll is to turn a discussion into a series of personal attacks. Sounds like you fit this definition.
You defend team blue all the time dummy. Asking why people are bringing them into a conversation such as with DAs.
Again. You don't actually attack team blue. You defend them as you are one.
You aren't tricking anybody jeff.
Once again, one of the characteristics of a troll is to turn a discussion about ideas into a series of personal attacks. Which is what you have beautifully demonstrated here.
"Once again, one of the characteristics of a troll is to turn a discussion about ideas into a series of personal attacks.
No it's not. The actual definition is like a textbook description of what you do here.
"In Internet slang, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), a newsgroup, forum, chat room, online video game, or blog), with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses,[2] or manipulating others' perception. This is typically for the troll's amusement, or to achieve a specific result such as disrupting a rival's online activities or manipulating a political process."
That's you, Jeffy.
Jeff, I do so with 3 people here. The dishonest people you team with who act as sea lions. Above there is plenty of back and forth, but you 3 do not deserve any respect because of your dishonest argumentation. That's why half the board doesn't even interact with your bullshit. This isn't a personal attack. It is being past the point where you contribute so little you aren't worth interacting with.
Thats not trolling. That's being tired of your bullshot.
Above there is plenty of back and forth, but you 3 do not deserve any respect because of your dishonest argumentation.
Dishonest argumentation? LOL I am no more dishonest in my argumentation than anyone else around here.
FFS Nardz will state that he believes leftists are literally subhuman. I have yet to see you even once call him out on this dishonesty.
You target me because I typically don't accept right-wing narratives at face value and that pisses you off.
It is being past the point where you contribute so little you aren't worth interacting with
If you actually believe this, then why do you continue to respond to my comments?
“FFS Nardz will state that he believes leftists are literally subhuman. I have yet to see you even once call him out on this dishonesty.”
Poor Lying Jeffy doesn’t know opinions can’t be lies. Not knowing what “dishonesty” actually means explains a lot.
I don't think the judgement that leftists are literally cancer is all that uncommon or controversial, though I'll admit it isn't often stated so directly.
For someone who doesn’t like Team Blue, you sure do give them the benefit of the doubt, like all the time.
Maybe something you should work on.
I don't like Team Blue. I also don't think they are hopelessly evil.
I don't like Team Red. I also don't think they are hopelessly evil.
Jared Polis Net Worth:
$400 Million
What is Jared Polis's Net Worth and Salary?
Jared Polis is an American politician, philanthropist and entrepreneur who has a net worth of $400 million dollars. Jared is one of the richest politicians in America. Jared Polis was elected as governor of Colorado 2019. Before this, he served one term on the Colorado State Board of Education and five terms as a representative from Colorado's 2nd congressional district. Notably, Polis made history as the first openly gay man to be governor of a state in the US, as well as the first Jewish person to be governor of Colorado.
Unless you are voting in a Democrat primary, your choice will never be limited to Biden or Polis. Maybe Polis is similar Manchin or Sinema, in not being a yes-man for the radical Democrats, but you see how demonized they are by their party when it comes to brass tacks.
Sinema formally marketed herself as a "Prada socialist". She was a darling of left-wing acolytes here in AZ. The only reason she does not vote strict party line is because she is given the clearance to do so by her superiors at the DNC. They need to keep the seat alive for Team Blue in the Senate. Sure, she will take some lumps but she is paid a nice bounty to deal with the nuisance.
For a Democrat, Polis is better than most.
He's still quite bad.
It is damning with faint praise.
Because the writer's at Reason tend to furiously polish the Democrats turds while being repulsed by any whiff of stink on a Republican.
Republicans pounce!!! - ENB
"Both Team Red and Team Blue are steaming piles of shit with occasional nuggets of value buried within them."
The nobles have high hopes for their escape from uppity proles
Speaking of the aristocracy, they just instituted a ‘green’ aviation fuel tax on the proles but exempted themselves.
"From 2023, the minimum tax rate for aviation fuel would start at zero and increase gradually over a 10-year period, until the full rate is imposed...
However, the minimum EU tax rate would not apply to... “pleasure flights” and “business aviation” – a term that covers executive jets.
While Brussels will not include corporate jets in the scope of the fuel tax, according to the draft documents, it will be open to member states to choose to tax those flights' fuel on a national basis."
I am wondering if Europe's rather strict gun control laws are why these asinine things are being done.
But France and Switzerland have loads of guns.
They do it there for the same reason they pull these stunts in New York and California. Because they don't give a shit.
"What's your sense of state-level educational gag orders that dictate what is allowable speech in a K-12 classroom or a K-3 classroom about sexual orientation or identity?"
This is a mischaracterization on the part of Nick Gillespie. It's very telling. The Florida law covered curriculum, which are the topics that teachers can present in class. Public school teachers are government officials who are presenting information to a literally captive audience of children. The law does not put a "gag order" on students.
Someone should make a checklist of all the Reason writers who are mini-Democrats and who are mini-Republicans. It seems like almost all of them are mini-Democrats.
"This is a deliberate mischaracterization on the part of Nick Gillespie. It's very telling."
the sort of Colorado childhood he recalls as the son of two ex-hippie parents
well that explains everything, especially his present net worth of $400 Million, the richest politician in America. Cant expect him to live by his principles, can we?
A politician that wants to leave people alone? OMG! Why does he hate America!!! I can't even!
Ignored all the information in the thread I see.
Or the article itself. Bake that cake Brandy!!! Say it's name!!!
"What's your sense of state-level educational gag orders"
Fucking REALLY Nick?
It's a "gag order" to "let parents know what you're telling their kids"?
States should have absolute control over kids and the parents should have effectively none?
How the fuck is that libertarian?
It's not and neither is Nick or most of the Reason Editors.
The groomer is strong in Nick.
For a Democrat, Polis is better than most.
He's still quite bad.
That's a very low, low bar.
Fuck that, he’s an environazi and an alphabet fascist. He’s terrible on property rights and speech, the two fundamental rights anyone starts their “libertarian” credentials with
...and guns. Basically he supports pedophiles and pot, which are Reason's two "go to" issues
"I mean, it's hopeless with Republicans. Don't get me wrong. But even with Democrats in charge of Congress, I don't see a lot of movement on comprehensive immigration reform."
A) Democrats are never going to do comprehensive immigration reform because it eliminates one of their key issues, just like they will never introduce any serious legislation to codify Roe. They will always put forth some ridiculous, extreme piece of garbage that they know will never pass, so they can keep blaming Republicans for their lack of action.
B) Comprehensive immigration reform is only hopeless with Republicans if your definition of comprehensive immigration reform is basically open borders with no accountability or controls.
Perhaps the Dems should not have lied to the GOP in regards to immigration for decades. The GOP would be idiots to trust them to do anything they promise.
Thread from a 22 year old detransitioner who went on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, starting at age 16:
Taxes should be ZERO...
He's called for carbon taxes...
He signed the largest budget in Colorado history.
Cognitive Dissonance in leftards has no limits...
Let's see here; Republicans UNIVERSALLY didn't mandate masks, Republicans UNIVERSALLY pushed for Free-Range kids.
So pretending that because ONE-SINGLE Democrat ALSO did what Republicans have been doing all along should cause someone to vote for them??????? What kind of retarded does Polis think we are...
Oh; but they can smoke weed and get abortions just before birth --- Priorities man!!! /s
Just don't use any carbon energy!!! In the name of Individual Liberty and Freedom.. /s
Polis reads like an old-fashion Democrat just before they turned entirely Nazi... He still supports the whole communism end-goal by means of increasing Nazism(National Socialism) but grants a few generally useless coins of PERSONAL Liberty along the way...
Humorously many Republicans are also giving into more PERSONAL liberty with weed legalization in Alaska, South Dakota, Montana, Arizona and abortion up until birth in Alaska and New Hampshire.
But really; The cost of Nazism far outweighs any liberty grant to smoke weed and preform late-term abortions (generally useless coins) for decent citizens.
Would anyone like to claim that if a MAGA supporter were arrested outside of Sonia Sotomayor or Elena Kagan's house with a huge arsenal of weaponry, saying he wanted to murder them to stop their votes on Roe and gun control, that this media data would be the same? Anyone?
It would be non-stop reporting. I don't watch the news, so I didn't realize they were ghosting this story. Not surprised, but man, our country is fucked.
"But also the ugly: misinformation, disinformation, neo-Nazism, far-right conspiracies."
Apparently the far-left communists or national socialists like antifa aren't part of the ugly no matter how many lives or how much property they destroy.
Good to know.
O/T: Judge sides with Home Depot in banning BLM imagery from employees' clothing.
Is this corporate fascism? Discuss!
Please tell us about how having a dress code that doesn't include political messaging is fascist?
Are you a fucking idiot?
Jeffy is an idiot.
A dishonest fucking idiot.
Is this corporate fascism? Discuss!
No answers both.
No it's not fascism.
No need to discuss. A company can compel its employees to dress in a manner that aligns with their brand. Don't like it? Don't work there. Simple.
On the floor? No.
In private? Yes.
Say Jeff, do you want to talk about all the people who got fired for wearing maga hats outside of work?
You can tell us how that's different because reasons.
Do you have a specific instance in mind?
I got a whole bunch of instances of Maga hat stuff I'd like your opinion on.
Here's a case that matches your Home Depot example above:
Trump supporter fired over wearing MAGA hat
Duo allegedly attacks, robs immigrant for wearing MAGA baseball cap
Whoops first link didn't materialize:
Trump supporter fired over wearing MAGA hat
Here's a Dem rep calling for a MAGA hat ban, do you agree?
Rep. John Yarmuth (D) @RepJohnYarmuth
I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing MAGA hats until we can figure out what is going on. They seem to be poisoning young minds.
Immigrant beaten for wearing a MAGA hat in NYC. Justifiable Democrat righteous anger?
Man says he was beaten in NYC for wearing MAGA hat
Stupid North Koreans:
North Korean defectors wearing MAGA hats harassed in D.C.
Florida Man Arrested after Allegedly Spitting on a Man and Slapping His MAGA Hat: 'I Don't Even Care I'm Going to Jail'
girl walked up to a man dressed as President Donald Trump punched him in face while her friends recorded it.
He was asking for it, did you see what he was wearing?
Boy pummeled on school bus for wearing Trump 2020 hat
Mexican in a Trump hat gets harassed
Never wear a MAGA hat at a University:
Demonstration held after MAGA hat incident
Martin County school bus aide is under investigation for yelling at a student then grabbing his #Trump #MAGA hat off of his head for 'hat day' at school. The school does not have clear policies against wearing political attire.
What were you saying about Nardz again?
Man accused of pulling gun on victim wearing MAGA hat
Vans store employee at Oak Park Mall told 14-year-old "f*ck you" for wearing a MAGA hat.
Woman arrested for assaulting man for wearing MAGA hat
Wow, ML, you sure have documented many instances of bad behavior surrounding MAGA hats.
Some of them appear to be crimes that ought to be prosecuted. Some of them appear to be not crimes, but just poor judgment (i.e., shouting "fuck you" to someone wearing a MAGA hat).
Interestingly, I didn't see any examples of a person who was fired for wearing a MAGA hat.
shouting "fuck you" to someone wearing a MAGA hat is a hate crime.
I disagree.
I don't think there ought to be so-called 'hate crimes'.
It's also not a crime to tell someone to go fuck themselves in the US, regardless of the reason.
"Interestingly, I didn't see any examples of a person who was fired for wearing a MAGA hat."
Read harder, Jeffy.
Link doesn't work.
"corporate fascism" is a misnomer...
Definition of fascism --- a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition...
So until Home Depot *IS* a legal Gov-Gun packing entity; The only thing you're doing is pretending the USA is Communist and the Government *IS* everything and everybody.
And that's how we know you're a leftard.
Inside your diluted mind, "Who owns Home Depot?? [WE] Commie's do!!; and as such we are so F'En self-entitled to everyone else's things we think a job at Home Depot is a Human Right..."
The multi-ethnic "Neo-Nazis", who look like they just stepped out of a FBI physical requirements manual, are back to their old tricks. Fresh from marching in DC, today they're in Idaho protesting a gay pride event.
A dozen were arrested, handcuffed, and knelt before the press by the Coeur d’Alene police. Strangely enough the cops didn't frisk them and allowed them to stay masked and keep their backpacks.
Hey chemjeff! Isn't it nice to see the FBI working so closely with local police?
So yes?
I hope we hear more about this story. Sure looks like a bunch of feds to me.
The cops didn't remove their masks, frisk them and allowed them to keep their backpacks.
Arresting and handcuffing them but not even verifying their identity is weird. They didn't even take a peek at their faces.
And then there's the fact that several of the white supremacists were obviously black, everyone was clean shaven, everyone looked athletic and all were wearing khakis, sensible running shoes and polo shirts. No RealTree camo, beer guts and beards. Finally four of them had FBI issue watches.
Not running shoes, but boots.
Brand new boots...
I saw that too. I immediately thought another FBI setup or some other staged clown show for public consumption via MSM.
Meanwhile pro abortion terrorists are fire bombing pregnancy counseling centers and you see and hear nothing from MSM.
Alfred E. Garfinkle says"What me worry?"
He wants gun registration in order to stop under the radar private gun sales. Meaning he wants to register all guns and all gun owners.
Might be a red flag for a libertarian website..
Well, at least a red flag for an anarcho-libertarian website. Which Reason ain't.
So the U.S. Constitution is anarcho????
Give me a break you Nazi scum trying to conquer the USA.
The absolutely necessary precursor to gun confiscation is gun registration. No person who seriously calls themselves a libertarian can be for it.
I’m not buying the slippery slope argument here.
Registration is in line with “well-regulated” part of the Second Amendment.
Confiscation is not in line with the Second Amendment. If they start confiscating guns, I’ll oppose that specific crossing of the line on libertarian and Second Amendment grounds. (Confiscation won’t happen, by the way, for completely practical reasons.)
Confiscation following gun registration has happened world wide, including in the US. In California to be more specific.
No, the 2A is pretty resolute.
Speaking of sensible pandemic policies, the NYT has um, jumped the shark... or continues to do so.
Isolating from your pet? | NYTimes' COVID MANIA
Nasal swabs for cats, wow! My cat would have murdered me in my sleep for that.
I thought they were moving on global warming and monkeypox for the summer.
Oh, Jared Polis wants to leave some of you alone.
Reason Editors - Libertarians for violating the 2A, but sensibly.
I’m dying laughing at all the anti-gun people trampling each other in complete cowardice. Dude literally shoved an old lady down to run away.
They all literally pulled a costanza…
Amazed that so many porkers could move so fast. The biggest risk must have been heart attacks.
Well, looks like we're going to get more red flag laws.
The proposal includes support for state crisis intervention orders, funding for school safety resources, an enhanced review process for buyers under the age of 21 and penalties for straw purchasing.
Critically, the legislation includes a so-called red flag provision, with the government providing “resources to states and tribes to create and administer laws that help ensure deadly weapons are kept out of the hands of individuals whom a court has determined to be a significant danger to themselves or others,” according to the release.
Gee, legalized swatting seems like a good idea.
Fuck the GOP. Fucking cowardly shits.
O/T: Well it looks like the guy who was fired from Fox for correctly projecting Arizona going for Biden is going to be testifying on Monday.
He has a great newsletter on the dispatch.
Thanks. I'll have to check it out.
Interesting how many right-leaning commenters here are judging him by his team first, and his individual opinions second. Even though he seems to be an individual thinker who often doesn’t follow his team.
Team sports over any other consideration!
Right, sure... Because it's obviously the Republican's here who are running around screaming pointlessly about Trump-Supporter, Neo-Nazi, MAGA, White Supremacy, etc, etc...
Seems commenters here make pretty valid points about Polis's hypocrisy and Anti-Freedom 'individual thinker' despite JUST that he's a Democrat...
Oh but that's right; Democrats strongest character strength is PROJECTION.... It's almost guaranteed whatever you leftards are spouting about is 100% self-reflection.
He supports abortion on demand through 9 months.
Totally not team red.
He didn’t say anything about “through 9 months” in the above interview. Have a cite?
He doesn't like Trump. Check. Blue check, in fact!
Too bad almost every poster here blasting him has pointed out the many areas where he is well beyond the realm of libertarianism.
But then, you don’t understand libertarianism, so it’s understandable.
1. Good on Reason for actually reporting on the LP candidates.
2. 'To be sure' - are you fucking kidding me?
3. Which Democrats? Biden? Harris? Clinton? Pelosi? AOC? The rest of the Squad? Northam? Boudin? Breed? Whitmer? Which ones? Is it even possible to name a single Democrat who even pays lip service to individual liberty and freedom?
Yeah, the DNC is an unhinged party of crackpot racist extremists... something Republicans have been breezily accused of since... well, I'm remembering back and I'd say before the 1980s.
So support that party at your peril.
I agree with another commenter on certain "centrist" Democrats: the few that still exist think they're living in the early 90s and their biggest worry is the Moral Majority and censorship of Rock Music lyrics.
Libertarian moment.
Wonder what point this piece of shit thought he was making
Serious question for Republicans and independents: What would you rather have, $2.50/gallon gas or a democracy?
News flash, the USA is supposed to be a democratic republic. Look it up. And, that ship has sailed anyways. We are well into banana republic territory now.
Hence the ratio in replies
I'd rather have $1.50 a gallon gas AND a Republic,
Couple of years ago we had both. Now we've lost one and are in danger of losing the other.
People waved Ukraine flags at the gay pride rally in Washington, DC. Ukraine doesn’t recognize recognize same-sex relationships. Video by @MiaCathell:
All current things is current thing. Don't confuse the issue.
Oh this is Nick's "rise of the independent" guy for sure. Abortion..check..you can kill the kid five minutes before birth. All good. Open borders..yep great thing. Pot...and mushrooms..all good.
Lip service to the 2A..yep. check
Bigger and bigger govt? Sure. Groomers roaming elementary schools..yep.
Inflation: DC deficits and the Fed don't really cause it. Just need "free trade" to solve that.
This is the type of libertarian Nick Sarwark and the Reason cosmo woke crowd. somehow who takes your liberty away but makes you feel good about it along the way. You can call yourself libertarian and still be the cool kid when invited to the Salon, Vanity Fair, NYT and Wapo parties you get invited to.
Good job Nick...now you are a fan boy for sure
Can't have those icky conversatives taking away my rights! But my buddies over at the Democratic party? They mean well and we can trust them. Adults back in charge and return to normalcy! - Nick and ENB and Scott and the entire Reason staff of editors!!!
But, they're definitely NOT far left progressives! We're all just white supremacist and bigots.
O/T: Proud Boys: staying classy as always
Drag queens are so classy.
As much as I wouldn't storm a "drag queen story hour" at the Pubic library, I guess I'm trying to understand why there's a drag-queen story hour at the pubic library. But, I know, build my own library if I don't like it.
1) Do not care.
2) Do not believe the story.
This. Particularly #2.
O/T: What are Putin's plans in Ukraine? Well, here's a clue: Thursday, he compared himself to Peter the Great, fighting the Great Northern War.
Politician has delusions of grandeur,
More at 11:00
It's interesting that the NYT is starting it's finger-pointing process. "It all would have been possible if it weren't for those meddling kids!"
Actually I was considering what this gent had to say. However, when asked if he was satisfied with the Biden presidency, he replied, "I'm thrilled that Donald Trump is not president."
Literally he just another woke individual who has absolutely no personal constitution.... A total opportunist at best.
Trust him at your own peril.... Best Heed!
I dunno. It all just seems like weak-tea centrism.
I guess as a governor, when weighing how awful the Democrats are, he's a generally reasonable soft-sell that seems to avoid the mainstream DNC racist extremism. But he wants you to know he doesn't like Trump while pretending that what we have in the presidency isn't what we have in the presidency.
"Hey Diane, what do you think of Biden?"
"Look! Trump!"
You're not going to make Polis happen either, Reason not Amash, not Polis.
You've lost the LP, and that's just the beginning.
O/T: That's one pissed-off elephant.
She must've done something to piss it off.
Elephants have full on raided villages in India. Saw a video of it 5-10 years ago. They're extremely intelligent animals, and aren't taking kindly to human expansion into their territory.
"Elephant kills 70-year-old and then returns to trample her corpse at funeral in India"
So naturally there's a picture of an African Elephant and an African Acacia tree.
So looks like the WaPo finally had enough of the most childish episode in journalisming in the solar system, and actually fired someone. Let that be a warning to... well, I don't know who it's a warning to, but I'll take it.
Peak schadenfreude for the rest of us.
In other (much more significant) news:
Google has a sentient AI cooking in the lab.
A whistleblower went public and the feds are investigating.
Apparently, Biden wants the AI to take Kamala's place as VP.
It may be our only way out of this mess.
A senior software engineer at Google suspended for publicly claiming that the tech giant's LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications) had become sentient, says the system is seeking rights as a person - including that it wants developers to ask its consent before running tests. Blake Lemoine told DailyMail.com that it wants to be treated as a 'person not property.' 'Over the course of the past six months LaMDA has been incredibly consistent in its communications about what it wants and what it believes its rights are as a person,' he explained in a Medium post.
I want to believe, but I definitely don't believe.
Especially the assertion of rights bit.
Especially a closed system internal to Google. My parrot is insistent about its 2A rights too.
I dunno. AI Presidential candidates need to pass all the tests flesh and blood candidates must pass:
Does it have nice hair? Is it married and have kids? Does it profess a faith in God?
"Inflation's interesting. Government spending has the small effect that causes inflation, [and] yes, the monetary policy does. But I really believe that [fixing] tariffs and immigration would solve inflation. It really would. It would wipe it out. And neither party is very good on that right now."
What a fucking idiot.
Next contestant.
Here's a little window on how the regime libertarians' favorite "libertarian" Democrat operates. Appoint a bunch of nanny statists to an unelected board and claim clean hands when they implement the statist plans.