
On Stossel This Thursday: Freedom 2.0!


We're happy to run John Stossel's syndicated column each week and to appear occasionally as guests on his must-watch Fox Business show (it airs Thursdays at 9PM ET).

This week's show is dedicated to rebooting freedom. Here are some highlights:

Freedom 2.0

It's a new year! So what does the future hold? To Stossel, things at first seems bleak. Government grows ever bigger, and politicians pass new regulations that tell us "do this! don't do that!" 

But Stossel says: there's good news! Because technology helps us avoid clumsy government. Developments like the Internet -- which thrives without government regulation -- bring us what Stossel calls "Freedom 2.0." 

Cell phone cameras and blogs bring us Freedom 2.0 by empowering citizen journalists to expose government excesses. 

A new website sells illegal drugs to people using an anonymous online currency. Politicians can't find a way to shut it down.  

What about further in the future? Will genetics and smart robots someday make us all beautiful and wealthy? Or will robots get so powerful that they destroy humanity? (Probably not -- doomsday predictions have been wrong in the past.) 

Stossel thinks the future is mostly bright, thanks to the "Freedom 2.0" that new technology brings us.

Check it out tomorrow on Fox Business at 9PM ET (it will also be rerun several times after that; go here for more info).

Here's a great bit with Stossel and Drew Carey from 2009, talking "Bailouts and Bull" on ABC's 20/20: