Your Vote Doesn't Count
Why (almost) everyone should stay home on Election Day

Wearing an "I Voted" sticker on Election Day announces that you are a proud participant in the grand tradition of representative democracy, the worst system except all the others. It says "I care," "I'm informed," and perhaps also "this shirt is machine washable."
On that day (November 6! Mark your calendars!), when Americans are resting from their quadrennial labors of locating a polling place, standing in line, and pushing buttons, pulling levers, filling bubbles, or poking a touch screen, there is a surefire way to start a fight in any bar, church, or bus in the country. Three little words: I don't vote.
Voting is widely thought to be one of the most important things a person can do. But the reasons people give for why they vote (and why everyone else should too) are flawed, unconvincing, and sometimes even dangerous. The case for voting relies on factual errors, misunderstandings about the duties of citizenship, and overinflated perceptions of self-worth. There are some good reasons for some people to vote some of the time. But there are a lot more bad reasons to vote, and the bad ones are more popular.
'Every Vote Counts'
Let's start with the basics: Your vote will almost certainly not determine the outcome of any public election. I'm not talking about conspiracy theories regarding rigged elections or malfunctioning voting machines—although both of those things have happened and will happen again. I'm not talking about swing states or Supreme Court power grabs or the weirdness of the Electoral College. I'm talking about pure, raw math.
In all of American history, a single vote has never determined the outcome of a presidential election. And there are precious few examples of any other elections decided by a single vote. A 2001 National Bureau of Economic Research paper by economists Casey Mulligan and Charles Hunter looked at 56,613 contested congressional and state legislative races dating back to 1898. Of the 40,000 state legislative elections they examined, encompassing about 1 billion votes cast, only seven were decided by a single vote (two were tied). A 1910 Buffalo contest was the lone single-vote victory in a century's worth of congressional races. In four of the 10 ultra-close campaigns flagged in the paper, further research by the authors turned up evidence that subsequent recounts unearthed margins larger than the official record initially suggested.
The numbers just get more ridiculous from there. In a 2012 Economic Inquiry article, Columbia University political scientist Andrew Gelman, statistician Nate Silver, and University of California, Berkeley, economist Aaron Edlin use poll results from the 2008 election cycle to calculate that the chance of a randomly selected vote determining the outcome of a presidential election is about one in 60 million. In a couple of key states, the chance that a random vote will be decisive creeps closer to one in 10 million, which drags voters into the dubious company of people gunning for the Mega-Lotto jackpot. The authors optimistically suggest that even with those terrible odds, you may still choose to vote because "the payoff is the chance to change national policy and improve (one hopes) the lives of hundreds of millions, compared to the alternative if the other candidate were to win." But how big does that payoff have to be to make voting worthwhile?
'Voting Is an Investment in the Future'
If you ask a man on the street why rich people are more likely to vote for Republicans, he will probably tell you a story about how the GOP promotes policies that favor businesses and lower the tax burden of the wealthiest people in society. But your sidewalk interlocutor is wrong on two counts. First, rich people are not more likely to vote Republican. (It was a trick question.) Second, study after study, poll after poll, finds that people do not typically vote in ways that align with their personal material interests. The old, for instance, don't support Social Security in higher numbers than the young.
In their seminal 1993 book Decision and Democracy: The Pure Theory of Electoral Preference (Cambridge University Press), University of Virginia philosopher and reason Contributing Editor Loren Lomasky and his co-author, Geoffrey Brennan, offer an alternative theory of what drives voters. But first they offer a methodology for calculating the value of a vote. On their account, the expected utility of a vote is a function of the probability that the vote will be decisive, delivering gains (to the individual or society as a whole) if the preferred candidate wins. The probability of casting the decisive vote decreases slowly as the size of the voting pool gets larger, but it drops dramatically when polls show that one candidate has even a slight lead. Which means that in a presidential election, where the number of voters is about 120 million and one candidate is usually polling a point or two ahead on Election Day, you're screwed.
In his brilliant 2011 book The Ethics of Voting (Princeton University Press), on which I have relied heavily for this article, Georgetown University philosopher Jason Brennan (no relation to Geoffrey Brennan) applied the Lomasky/Brennan method to a hypothetical scenario in which the victory of one candidate would produce additional GDP growth of 0.25 percent in one year. Assuming a very close election where that candidate is leading in the polls only slightly and a random voter has a 50.5 percent chance of casting a ballot for her, the expected value of a vote for that candidate is $4.77 x 10 to the ?2,650th power. That's 2,648 orders of magnitude less than a penny.
It's not hard to beat that offer. Say you plan to sleep for an extra hour instead of voting. Unless you are astonishingly well rested, an hour of sleep is almost certainly worth more to you than an infinitesimal fragment of a penny. Or say you plan to use that time to write an election-related blog post. The expected social payoff of even the lowest-traffic blog post is higher than the payoff from voting. In fact, an alternative activity plan isn't even necessary: Simply not driving to the polls slightly reduces the chance that you or someone else will die in a car accident on Election Day, which is worth more than your vote can ever hope to be.
Those figures reflect 2006 GDP figures and 2004 voting totals, but it almost doesn't matter what batch of reasonable numbers you plug into the equation. Say you think victory is worth 10 or 100 or 1,000 times more than the roughly $33 billion that 0.25 percent of GDP amounts to. Say the polls show a gap of two percentage points between the candidates. In any plausible scenario, the expected utility of your vote still amounts to approximately bupkes. A vote for a third-party candidate pushes the figure into even more infinitesimal territory.
Voters know this on some level. If they truly believed that each person's vote could be the vote, imagine how they would treat people who disagree with them in early November. Voter suppression happens occasionally, of course. Unscrupulous actors send out flyers that give the wrong date for Election Day or mislead voters about the correct polling place. But if people were operating on the theory that your vote actually counts, far dirtier tricks would be happening everywhere, every day.
'Voting Is a Civic Duty'
No individual vote is likely to determine the outcome of an election; nor is it likely to result in a material gain for the voter. Does that mean people who vote are irrational, evil, or stupid? Not necessarily. Or at least not all of them.
In October 2000, Harvard economist Gregory Mankiw penned a column for Fortune called "Why Some People Shouldn't Vote." During his years-long stint as a columnist for the magazine, this was the only article the editors refused to run. The column, which he published on his personal blog years later, suggests that "the next time a friend of yours tells you he's not voting, don't try to change his mind."
Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"—people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots—to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related judgments than the pool of nonvoters.
"A classic argument for why democracies need widespread public education is that education makes people better voters," Mankiw writes. "If this is true, then the less educated should show up at the polls less often. They are rationally delegating the decision to their better educated neighbors."
What Mankiw doesn't go on to say, perhaps because he fears insulting his readers, is that people aren't particularly good at knowing whether or not they are well-informed. Many people who follow politics closely hold views that are dangerous and wrong (see George Mason University economist Bryan Caplan's October 2007 reason cover story "The 4 Boneheaded Biases of Stupid Voters"). Even if everyone who had the slightest suspicion that he was not knowledgeable enough to vote stayed home on Election Day, millions of people would still be casting ill-informed votes.
Demographically speaking, if you're reading this, you're probably closer to the top than the bottom of the distribution. But you still have very little knowledge of what a politician will do once you send him to Washington. The gap between the promised and real consequences of electing one guy over the other is very difficult to anticipate. Even jaded libertarian types, for instance, were hopeful that President Barack Obama would be better than his predecessor on issues such as civil liberties and the war on drugs. Look how that turned out. You don't know as much as you think.
'Rock the Vote'
Encouraging more ignorant people to vote is not just pointless, argues Jason Brennan; it's morally wrong. There is no duty to vote, but many people may have a duty not to vote. Boosting turnout among citizens who are young, uneducated, or otherwise less likely to be engaged—the primary targets of get-out-the-vote campaigns—is likely to have the unintended consequence of encouraging people to fail in that duty.
To explain why we might worry about casting an uninformed vote even when no particular vote is likely to be decisive, Brennan conjures this terrifying thought experiment: Imagine you come across a firing squad about to kill an innocent child. Assume all the bullets will strike at the same time and that there's nothing you can do to stop them. You are invited to be the 101st member of the squad. What do you say? Brennan posits a framework to deal with this kind of hypothetical, the "clean hands principle," which states that "one should not participate in collectively harmful activities when the cost of refraining from such activities is low."
None of this is to suggest that the government should test voters or use some other legal means to limit voting. Instead, this is a private moral concern for each voter. If you believe your vote is likely to be ill-informed or that a particular race is likely to yield an unfair, unjust, or otherwise bad outcome, you should refrain from participating in a collectively harmful activity, thus keeping your hands clean. Get-out-the-vote campaigns promote precisely the kind of morally condemnable ignorant voting we should be discouraging.
This is the perspective that informs those "Don't Vote, It Only Encourages the Bastards" bumper stickers. Washing one's hands of the whole system is a good way to ensure that they remain clean, even when the politicos are dirty.
'What If Everybody Stopped Voting?'
What if the arguments against voting were so persuasive that everyone stopped voting? This worry, which channels the categorical imperative of 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant, posits that if everyone behaved as the nonvoters do, the whole system would fall apart. A certain minimum level of participation is necessary for elections to appear legitimate.
This objection is natural and intuitive. The force behind it is reflected in the Golden Rule and many other moral systems. But there's no reason to think that one person's choice not to vote, or even to write a magazine article making the case against voting, will dramatically alter the behavior of the tens of millions who currently vote.
Even if individual voting behavior were universalized, an anti-voting stance could easily be reframed to deal with this narrow hypothetical. One ought not vote, say, unless one's vote has a nontrivial chance of determining the outcome of an election. If someone found herself in an electorate with zero other voters, she could happily vote (perhaps a write-in of her own name) without violating the general anti-voting principle.
'If You Don't Vote, You Can't Complain'
For someone who complains about politics, policy, and politicians for a living, the prohibition on complaining by nonvoters strikes close to home. Again, this Election Day cliché is intuitively appealing. If someone invests in an enterprise, we generally recognize that he has more right than an outsider to determine the course of that enterprise. And voting feels like an investment: It takes time and perhaps costs money.
In his 1851 book Social Statics, the English radical Herbert Spencer neatly describes the rhetorical jujitsu surrounding voting, consent, and complaint, then demolishes the argument. Say a man votes and his candidate wins. The voter is then "understood to have assented" to the acts of his representative. But what if he voted for the other guy? Well, then, the argument goes, "by taking part in such an election, he tacitly agreed to abide by the decision of the majority." And what if he abstained? "Why then he cannot justly complain…seeing that he made no protest." Spencer tidily sums up: "Curiously enough, it seems that he gave his consent in whatever way he acted—whether he said yes, whether he said no, or whether he remained neuter! A rather awkward doctrine this." Indeed.
Whether there is a duty to be civically engaged, to act as a good citizen, is a separate question from the issue of voting. But if such a duty exists, there are many ways to perform it, including (perhaps especially) complaining. According to Mankiw's argument, the ignorant voter is a far less admirable citizen than the serial-letter-writing Tea Partier who can't be bothered to show up on Election Day.
The right to complain is, mercifully, unrelated to any hypothetical duty to vote. It was ensured, instead, by the Founders, all of whom were extraordinary bellyachers themselves.
'Voting Is Fun'
Ah, now we're getting somewhere. Maybe people vote not because of what voting can accomplish, but because they like to vote. They like the message that voting sends about who they are (e.g., the kind of person who cares about poverty, or fiscal responsibility, or what his neighbors think).
Many people like to be perceived as altruists, for example. Voting is one of the cheapest forms of altruism. If you (rightly) believe that the expected material payoff of your vote is near zero, then it's easy enough to vote in a way that maximizes your halo rather than your bottom line. "Voting sociotropically," Jason Brennan writes, "is cheaper and easier than volunteering at a soup kitchen or giving money to Oxfam."
A 2009 survey of 569 professors conducted by philosophers Eric Schwitzgebel of the University of California at Riverside and Josh Rust of Stetson University reinforces this view: 88 percent said they considered voting in public elections to be morally good. In fact, when asked to rank different acts, the professors reported that they considered voting to be on par with regularly donating blood and giving 10 percent of one's income to charity.
Loren Lomasky and Geoffrey Brennan theorize that voting is best understood as an expressive act. Communicating preferences at the ballot box is something people do for its own sake, not a duty they perform or a selfish bid for material gain.
So maybe voting is like going to a football game decked out in team colors and cheering as loudly as you can. The chance that your individual voice will sway the outcome of the game is vanishingly small. (Acts can be both instrumental and expressive, of course.) But you are communicating to the other people at the game: I am one of you. I value the system in which we each participate. I am loyal.
Bryan Caplan takes the idea a step further. Perhaps, he suggests, voting is more like cheering while watching the same game from your recliner in a darkened living room. If you really try, you can still tell an (ultimately unsatisfying) story about why your actions matter in the rest of the world. After all, your viewership of the game might show up in the television ratings, which boosts the team's advertising revenue. Of course, you're probably not a Nielsen household, so you may not show up at all in the metrics that the team's owners can see. Which leaves solitary game watchers right there with the voters: The main payoff is that you can show up at work the next day and say you did it.
So what's wrong with that? Individual cases of expressive voting in large elections are just as unlikely to affect the outcome of the election as other kinds of voting. But the fact of widespread expressive voting explains why elections are silly season. Politicians offer themselves up as opportunities for expressive voting, as aggregations of easily comprehensible slogans rather than as avatars of sensible policy. Ignorant expressive voters, even rationally ignorant ones, may be committing immoral acts, as Jason Brennan argues.
All of which is a pretty steep price for an "I Voted" sticker. Maybe better to stay home and watch the game instead.
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If those who favor liberty don't vote for anyone, those anyone who's voted for won't favor liberty.
Tulpa, do you really think that the votes of 40 HnR commenters are going to matter at all?
They could snowball.
Hey what you choose to do is your own business, but I think I'll pass on the whole "snowballing" thing.
If those who favor liberty vote for candidates who are really anti-liberty, those elected will never have any reason to favor liberty
If those who favor liberty vote for Obama/Romney, those who voted don't favor liberty?
If those who favor liberty don't vote for anyone, anyone who's voted for won't favor liberty.
Hey Tulpa, you'll probably find this deep.
Did you know that "dog" spelled backwards is "god"?
Hear about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac?
Stayed up all night wondering if there really was a dog.
NOt me. I heard it barking.
I thought he was the one who sold his soul to Santa?
Zeno's Paradox, again. The analogue of Diogenes the Cynic walking away from Zeno when he claimed nothing ever moves would be pointing at the fact we've had thousands of elections where votes did in fact count.
KMW could just as easily argue that my decision to purchase a peanut butter that tastes good instead of one that tastes like coffee grounds has no effect on the direction of resources in the economy, and conclude that this means the market does not in fact respond to the desire of consumers for good-tasting peanut butter.
I would say it's more akin to Sorites paradox than Zeno's. It's obvious that a vote doesn't matter when one billion people vote and it matters when only three people vote, but at what point does a heap of people whose votes don't matter become a non-heap.
That's not the point I'm trying to make. We don't get to choose the size of the electorate.
Yeah, we leave that to the party apparats in their hidden war of voter manufacture/suppression.
KMW could just as easily argue that my decision to purchase a peanut butter that tastes good instead of one that tastes like coffee grounds has no effect on the direction of resources in the economy
Could she just as easily argue that? There are observable, non-negligible consequences to me and the seller if I choose to buy the good peanut butter or not. The good peanut butter is consumed, and I have less money to spend on other things. The seller earns a quantifiable profit.
In contrast, it makes no difference to me or the candidate if I choose to vote or not.
Do you think Apple notices the $200 profit it makes from selling an iPad to you? Compared to the over $100B they have in the bank, it's a rounding error of a rounding error.
Yes. They notice the 200 dollar profit on every iPad they sell.
So you're saying that we should all steal iPads?
1. Greater marginal value of units sold versus votes cast.
2. PB shopping game is played far more often on a far more flexible timetable.
3. PB has far more substitutes, and substitutes can be partial rather than total.
The marginal value to the seller of selling one more unit of Extreme Crunchy Peanut Butter is much greater than the marginal value to a politician of one more vote. There is a measurable dollar value to every unit sold, whereas extra votes past the winning vote have a de minimis (though nonzero) value to the winning politician.
Consumption happens all year, not just every two to four years. The PB seller can be constantly rewarded or punished, unlike the politician. The best peanut butter can be repurchased by adoring fans every week or even every day if it's truly that awesome. Or it can be overlooked and bought far more rarely.
And whereas most elections have two plausible victors, PB consumption can have multiple winners and multiple substitutes. You can buy a certain brand every time you get PB, or only on special occasions. You can get alternatives to PB itself, like eating ham sandwiches or fruit or candy bars instead of PB. A certain brand can be a larger or smaller part of the mix of items in your annual shopping basket. Whereas a politician is zero-sum, with few substitutes; you pick only one for each office, and often there's only one plausible alternative victor (and far too often there's really only one possible winner).
This a purely hypothetical question, if absolutely nobody votes (not even the politicians themselves), who gets into power ?
Who cares? The crisis that would result and the inevitable questions about the legitimacy of whomever won the scrum would be very healthy for society.
Our turnout rates are already low enough to make that happen if it were going to happen.
Wrong. If it hasn't happened yet it's because voter turnout rates aren't low enough.
Sounds unfalsifiable to me. What rate would be low enough?
Let's lower voter turnout every year until the system breaks, then we'll know.
And if you say 0, then the Martin Prince Paradox comes into play.
If nobody eats any food, what food will producers produce?
A candidate is motivates to get votes because that gets them a seat at the pig-trough.
When a particular candidate gets a vote, he concludes correctly that the views/policy positions/pronouncements that he demonstrated got him that vote. If he wins the election, he thinks that his bundle of lies/actions are just fine and dandy.
A vote for Obama doesn't keep a monster like Romney out of office, it tells Obama that he can murder American citizens at will and still win office.
The best thing people can do in current situations is to loudly and proudly refuse to vote for unacceptable candidates and allow the cards to fall where they may.
You're on a roll here, tarran.
And when a certain ideological group refuses to vote for anyone who doesn't agree with them on 95% of the issues, that tells candidates that their votes are irrelevant because they're not voting for you or your opponent so there's no point trying to cater to them.
If the only successful path for liberty is getting politicians to cater to it, then I'm afraid the goose is cooked.
Are you suggesting there's no shot in voting our way out of this?
On the other hand, if they're willing to vote for someone who agrees with them on 20% of the issues (being generous), then that tells them they don't have to try because they can take those votes for granted
And I can easily enough agree that people should happily vote for a candidate who agrees with them on 95% issues.
How about 90%?
Something about voting seems to remove reality from the process. We vote. The prez does his thang. Shit happens or doesn't. People get killed, incarcerated, awarded, lauded, lost, found, yada yada... We eat supper. Read shit. fuck... sit on the back porch do boring cr ap g et l o s t in l i f e
YET, why isn't the voter held to a higher level of accountability when their man or woman starts fucking shit up? Personally, I think voter accountability should be a major part of the political process. Where IS voter accountability? SHOULD the voting system NOT be a simple dumb-as-fuck maneuver by life-addled tax whores who take ZERO responsibility for the evil their votes result in?
Just throwing some stuff out.
Sounds like something from a Lysander Spooner tract.
Here's an idea for a Constitutional Ammendment.
Only people whose candidate won will pay taxes. The losers aren't taxed.
Every politician comes with a multiplier, a governeor or president is 50%, a attorney general is 25%, a congressman is 25% etc.
So let's say you vote for the winning congressman and nobody else, you are only responsible for 25% of the Federal Taxes you individually would be assessed.
You vote for the winning governor and nobody else, 50% of state taxes, etc.
Consumption taxes could be handled by taxing the property with the % the property owner voted.
For corporations, prorate the taxes according to the owners' individual rates at the end of the quarter.
There's your voter accountability right there!
I think there's a little free rider problem there.
Larger or smaller than the free rider problems we already have?
Poll tax!
I have a better idea that would sort the gov't spending and entitlement problem out in 2 years max.
No changes to voting rules for the President or your Senator. However, the process for electing House Representatives would change in two ways:
1. Taxpayer status would replace citizenship as the eligibility criteria (i.e. non-citizen taxpayers would get a vote for a Representative.)
2. Each vote for a Rep. gets multiplied by the cumulative amount of federal taxes paid by the voter as shown on his/her tax filings since the last election.
Result: Taxation = Representation.
So the new gripe is "No Representation without Taxation?" kinda bites the libertarian argument that Taxation is bad in the butt.
The voters have to live in the world they have made...that's accountability enough. Unfortunately, most are too lazy or stupid to foresee the results of their actions.
most are too lazy or stupid to foresee the results of their actions.
Most are to stupid to understand the results of their actions after the fact too. The fact is people are idiots. And voters are the biggest idiots of all.
doesn't help when we're constantly faced with the lesser of two evils option and the good option is "unelectable."
The voters have to live in the world they have made...that's accountability enough.
I don't buy that. Not entirely. There are all too many cases where one can put the costs of one's foolish choices onto others. See fiscal policy, U.S.
Racist! what the voting advocates will say. Even wanting better ID checks to make sure people voting actually have that right is just dismissed as racist Nazi yada yada.
Opining that maybe we shouldn't encourage mass voting because that just gets more ignorant voters to the polls, well, my goodness! We need to shift to the MHS (Multiple Hitler Scale) where just calling you a Nazi isn't enough. Claiming that ignorant voter might be a problem? You rate 3.7H, or 3.7 Hitlers.
In all of American history, a single vote has never determined the outcome of a presidential election.
What if you're an elector? In 1800 the electoral vote was tied. 1876 was decided by 1 vote.
"Wearing an "I Voted" sticker on Election Day"
I usually stick mine on the front of the dumpster at work. That makes me feel good.
There's a great shirt on that reads "I Voted...then I vomited."
Dude that is one hot blonde, would totally bang!
Katherine would be pleased to know that.
No way am I voting. That being said, as trashy as it might be, I'd vote if I could fuck Paris Hilton right afterwards.
Paris Hilton? I would hold out for Charlize Theron.
Voting (at least at the federal level) amounts to collusion in one's own suckering.
Does collecting government benefits also amount to collusion in one's own suckering? I don't see any difference.
Vote or die muthafucka, muthafucka vote or die
Rock the vote or else I'm gonna stick a knife through your eye
Democracy is founded on one simple rule
Get out there and vote or I will muthafuckin' kill you
I like it when you vote bitch (bitch)
Shake them titties when you vote bitch (bitch)
I slam my jimmy through your mouth roof (mouth roof)
Now get yo' big ass in the polling booth
I said vote, bitch, Or I fuckin' kill you
Vote or die muthafucka, muthafucka vote or die
You can't run from my .38 go ahead and try
Let your opinion be heard, you gotta make a choice
'Cause after I slit your throat, you won't have a fuckin' voice
Vote or die
This is my favorite South Park episode. They need to revise the song for the current election, something along the lines of
"Get out there and vote or you will not have free contraception, leading to mass rape and no abortion forcing you to bear the illegitimate child"
Meh, needs work I guess.
I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can't stand the scene
And I'm neither left or right
I'm just staying home tonight
Getting lost in that hopeless little screen
I think this is one of the worst pieces I've read on Reason, and three pages at that. Oy vey.
Oh man, how totally ironic post-modern you hipster libertarians are. Totally.
Pfft. I was a hipster libertarian before any of these turkeys.
Does it count if we only vote ironically?
Curiously enough, it seems that he gave his consent in whatever way he acted?whether he said yes, whether he said no, or whether he remained neuter!
When did forced sterilization enter the conversation?
Dear Katherine,
I scanned through the rest of your article, but didn't have to go much further than the "every vote counts" section to notice an error in your logic. It seems to me that if we accept your reasoning there, then we may also accept that: since you can train your heart to beat 65 times per minute rather than the 70 times it beats now, those extra 5 beats don't matter, therefore no beats matter, so you may as well just stop your heart beating. Am I wrong?
This is a terrible analogy.
Try that heart beat argument again. You are not clear.
The basic argument that my vote is worthless in terms of election outcomes (not necessarily as a religious gesture or as a display to others) is one of probabilities. That is simply a fact.
It seems to me the writer's argument in that section is that your vote doesn't matter because no one single vote ever turned an election. Then she cites the vast number of total votes and other statistics as her reason.
Well if one has a value of zero because of the huge grand total of the many, then each and every one can be valued as zero, then there is no grand total other than zero.
Yes, your vote does not matter (again in terms of outcome) to you. If outcome determination is your motive then you are in error.
You are making an integration argument regarding the sum of votes that would determine an outcome (give or take the cheating, but put that aside). Your argument is for ward bosses, party whips and get-out-the-vote campaigns, where the probabilities are sufficiently high that an investment in whipping votes might make sense.
But WEF, I'm not making any kind of argument about outcome, motive, good, evil, or any such aspect in why we should or shouldn't vote. I'm not making a political or philosophical point here, I'm arguing a logical point.
The author's syllogism on whether a single vote makes a difference does not make sense. It is illogical. I thought my last example made that clear.
She never says that your vote has a value of zero. She just says that the value is extremely small. This is why she uses terms like "almost certainly" and not just "certainly".
1/x for large values of x isn't zero, but it's close enough for some approximations. The question then becomes whether or not this is one of those "close enough" approximations.
Also, if you conscientiously did not vote you have more right to complain than anyone. If you voted and your guy wins, you have the least room to complain.
This has to be a joke. If you "conscientiously" refuse to vote then you "conscientiously" give up your right to complain. Complaining without voting is simply bitching and moaning about something you refused to express your opinion on in the first place.
If you vote for a candidate and they win, I agree you have no right to complain about things they campaigned on. However, once they break promises then you can complain.
Anyone can complain about anything they want to. But I object to the argument that if you don't vote, you can't legitimately complain about the outcome.
I agree. This shamey-guilty message that you have no right to express an opinion if you didn't vote begs the question "What right do you have to suppress my opinion?"
Talking about Obama-Phone-Woman is totally racist
Or maybe this is, you know, just one more example of Obama's school of electioneering/goverance, which is simply the distribution of largesse to the faithful. Phones for people with missing or defective chromosomes, bailouts for the unions, sweetheart loan deals for the green energy cult, cheap weapons for the Saudis and Bahrainis, White House appointments and plum ambassadorships for his donors, and it just goes on and on.
D'oh! Meant to post in A.M. links.
In his 1851 book Social Statics, the English radical Herbert Spencer neatly describes the rhetorical jujitsu surrounding voting, consent, and complaint, then demolishes the argument.
Spencer just pwned Tony.
Saw a bit of the C-span appearance, and I'd suggest adding a reason or modifying one of the reasons people have to vote. One progressive chucklehead kept calling KMW "an elitist", another was a black vet who refernced the civil rights days, and another was a Liberian immigrant. Instead of "it's fun," how about "voting gives some people the feeling of an emotional connection to their country."
Yes, voting could be a type of religious celebration. That might have other problems, but it does fall in the box of reasons marked "fun".
On the other hand, there are those who might think that the regime is illegitimate. Not voting is a form of protest. If it is taken as blasphemy, all the better.
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.
If there is no voting, there is no democracy.
Voting, then, is valuable not for the outcome of any particular race, but as an inoculation against a worse form of government. Your vote is like a white blood cell: sure, no one white blood cell will save your life, but if you didn't have any, you'd be dead.
even democracy can be an tyrannical as a dictatorship. that's why you need constitutional limits to protect the people from their govt and then elected officials who will actually abide the law.
That's kind of how I look at it now. Voting is never going to get us a very good government. But it does keep things unpredictable and random enough that no one can get too much power or fuck things up too badly. As bad as things are now in some ways, just imagine how bad it could be without the veneer of democracy.
If people don't vote for their own personal gain, how do you explain the Obamaphone lady? Immoral ignorant voting, perhaps.
...if everyone behaved as the nonvoters do, the whole system would fall apart. A certain minimum level of participation is necessary for elections to appear legitimate.
Finally, a good reason for convincing people to NOT vote.
What if the arguments against voting were so persuasive that everyone stopped voting? This worry, which channels the categorical imperative of 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant, posits that if everyone behaved as the nonvoters do, the whole system would fall apart. A certain minimum level of participation is necessary for elections to appear legitimate.
This IS the optimal outcome -- ending the perceived legitimacy of a brutal, coercive state.
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.
Lots of better forms of social arrangement, starting with not having a coercive government at all, or having a strong constitution that is adhered to. An actual democracy is kleptocratic mob rule, hardly the best possible form of governance.
The "clean hands principle" argument against voting is bogus. Lysander Spooner demolished it over a century ago.
If tens of millions of other people are voting for one of two candidates, each of whom wants to tax and spend and borrow the country into oblivion, I don't dirty my hands by voting for a candidate who wants to scale back the spending and taxing madness and end the borrowing.
If millions of Californians want to vote for one of the several ballot measures that will raise my taxes, I don't dirty my hands by voting against them. Morally I could take up arms to try to stop them and their representatives from stealing from me, but that might not end well, and it would behoove me to try non-violent means of stopping the plunder first, such as voting and persuading others opposed to the widescale theft to vote also.
You're also free to leave.
Ah yes, the same argument the mafia uses when it "asks" for protection money.
And the same argument a hotel makes if you don't want to pay the rent.
A closer analogy would be that a hotel was built around my house and wanted to start charging me rent.
What came first, the US federal government or your house?
There are a lot of houses that pre-date the US government. And plenty of families who have owned such properties continuously since before the US. So you are saying they don't have to pay taxes?
If voting doesn't matter, why do old people who vote get to plunder the young nonvoters through Social Security and Medicare, and ban their recreations and imprison them and ruin their lives through drug prohibition?
The argument isn't that voting doesn't matter. It's that your specific vote doesn't matter.
If you don't agree, then go vote against all that stuff you listed and see how it works out for you.
The problem is this:
[ ] Main Stream Sociopath 1
[ ] Main Stream Sociopath B
[ ] 3rd Party Sociopath
[ ] Batshit crazy Green/Progressive/Whatever
Katherine, three pages? To trumpet your ignorance? Three? You could have done it in a sentence.
Votes, Katherine, accumulate. The candidate who accumulate the most votes, Katherine, win. That they might win by more than one vote does not diminish the value of any individual vote because any one of them could be the one that pushe the candidate over the finish line. So every vote matters, Katherine, because them more you have, the more likely it is that you'll win.
People vote in their self interest, Katherine. That self interest may not be readily apparent to you or to other liberaltarians who use their underlying leftist philosophy to judge what constitutes someone elses self interest, but that's what they do. The vote for the guy they like better than or hate less than the other guy. Sometimes they vote for someone because they think he's cute. Other times they vote for someone because they've given deep thought to the issues and think that one guy will do better than the other. Both are instances of people voting in their self interest. Learn that you don't know what's best for other people, Katherine.
I could go on and on. But why? Should you read this you'll smugly think me the fool while ever failing to hear the bells jingling on your cap.
Votes, Katherine, accumulate. The candidate who accumulate the most votes, Katherine, win. That they might win by more than one vote does not diminish the value of any individual vote because any one of them could be the one that pushe the candidate over the finish line. So every vote matters, Katherine, because them more you have, the more likely it is that you'll win.
You fail statistics forever, Azathoth!!. I could go on and on. But why? Should you read this, Azathoth!!, you'll smugly think me the fool while ever failing to hear the bells jingling on your cap.
I could not agree with you more! The voice of the few collects to become the voice of the many. If the remaining 60% of the population would actually vote, a completely different person could win the election than polls predict. Votes matter. It's asinine to think otherwise.
Voting matters. Individual votes do not. It is a subtle but important distinction.
There is a way to increase the utility of your vote. By banding together with like-minded people who all agree to vote for the same candidate, people multiply the effectiveness of their vote.
It's called a political party. The effectiveness of this strategy explains why politicians backed by political parties win nearly all electoral contests in the US. It also indicates that people who refuse to back "team red" or "team blue" or "team purple" will never have influence over the electoral process.
There is a way to increase the utility of your vote. By banding together with like-minded people who all agree to vote for the same candidate, people multiply the effectiveness of their vote.
In other words, your vote has utility once it's part of a majority.
At which point it has no utility.
Way to resolve the voter's paradox, Joe.
You're confusing a political party with "the majority". Your vote is still magnified in importance if you band together in a small party. Minority parties and parties with the plurality of votes still have significant power.
Way to read for comprehension, Joe.
George Carlin said it first, and said it best.
One in 60 million? So you're saying there's a chance...
It's hard to equates a voter's aspirations, essentially, with someone hoping to win Lotto. Furthermore, it doesn't help that you began every interview answer with "So" on CSPAN today, which I think has become a trademark of DC insider slacktitude.
In pure numerical terms, your argument is pretty sound. Yet when you accuse GOTV drives or low-data hordes as 'dangerous', you render your thesis as jejune puffery. What makes them dangerous if they don't count as well?
Try Harder.,
What an incredible irony to see Libertarians line up behind this.
Now let's be clear, it's not a new argument, nor one I disagree with: I recall that Anthony Downs' 'An Economic Theory of Democracy' brought this up about fifty years ago.
The fun of it is that it kills the Libertarian Hayekian bible stone dead - if rational self-interest, so in-vogue for economic theory, cannot explain such a central tenet of social action and mass activity, how, precisely, can the market reflex be supposed to make rational decisions for society?
This quite apart from other ill-thought out flaws, such as charity functioning as an acceptable societal safety-net. Ever observed the imbalance created by charitable funding on top of state? Do you think it a great thing - or rational - to have shiny new cancer wards built every ten years whilst geriatric care is carried out in conditions half a century out of date? Do you really think that exculsively charitably funded healthcare for the poor would be acceptable in a country not blessed with incredible oil wealth nor run as a tiny tax haven for the wealthiest? Do you like the sight of kids with rickets and double amputees begging, or something?
Hayekian model Libertarianism is at least as irrational as Marxism, and every bit as dangerous.
Economics works when people are connected to the results of their choices; politics mostly fails because it alienates people from the results of their choices.
If businesses manage to stay afloat by satisfying customers, then the market worked. If they fail, then it means either they were poor managers (or had bad luck) or that not enough other people wanted that sort of product. In which case the market allowed people to shift their spending to other products they wanted more.
Markets work not just when people are Randians or hedge fund investors, incessantly seeking to maximize their wealth like Scrooge McDuck. Markets work because they allow people to choose their own relative priorities and then connect with other people who have compatible priorities.
So when you're talking about "rational decisions for society," what you really mean is that you dislike the choices other people are making. You think somebody at the top needs to enforce the choices you prefer, at the expense of the choices other people are making.
If you really think you'd make better choices, then you should get involved yourself in whatever area you think you can best assist. It might be hard to get in, though, because health care in particular is heavily regulated and expensive due to the machinations of earlier people like you who thought they had all the answers.
As economist Professor Thomas Sowell said:
It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."
Cris Baker
I saw part of Katherine's interview on CSPAN and thought she was hilarious. Then I read her article here and I'm still inspired by her audacity.
On election day I want to go to the poll and ask if I can purchase a more significant weight in the outcome. I think we should institute voter ID cards that show the voter's IQ, which number would serve as a multiplier of the number of votes the person casts. I have a lot of dead relatives and friends who cannot vote. I could vote for them since they are disabled.
Or maybe I'll stay home and play x-box that day.
Being able to correctly complete math problems and word analogies probably doesn't correlate too strongly with understanding market regulation or foreign policy.
I've known some people of middling to low intelligence who were genuine and decent people, who believed in a form of politics that seemed far more humane to me than all the Rawls, Kant and Plato you'd care to read.
If everyone who decides not to vote decides to drive by a polling place and shoot at it, it will affect the election. Possibly, it will improve the results.
The entire concept of not-voting is stupid. In almost every state, there are independent and "third" party candidates who are carrying a torch for an issue YOU care about. When someone "wins" a race with less than 50% of the vote, it takes away their "mandate". When you buck the oligarchy and not only don't fall for it's fear-mongering but also vote against it, it makes a huge statement. The last 150 years have seen that the role of third parties is not to take over, but instead to push public policy at the ballot box, where politicians (aka policy makers) pay the most attention.
If you don't vote, you're considered by politicians to be one of the uninformed sports-obsessed retards. Congrats on muting yourself, and being discredited.
Find someone and vote for them. Don't like what the Ds and Rs are doing? Well, you can whine about it on Reason's blog (which I'm sure they're glad to have you here, but...) but chances are pretty damned good that your elected official doesn't read Reason's blogs. Run for office as an I, or G, or L, or whatever. That will make the statement. And the more people that support you in the election amplify your voice for that issue.
That is, unless some retard convinces people to stay home, instead, and mute your voice and your issue.
It's not about being THE vote. It's about being A vote -- A voice that makes a statement.
KMW has probably contributed more to libertarianism than 99.9% of all the people who've ever voted libertarian. Publishing writings and appearing on television contribute more to appreciation for freedom than pushing a given third-party candidate's vote result from 0.320001% to 0.320002%.
On the contrary, I'd say that Ms. KMW's illogical and immoral arguments in this article more likely set back the libertarian movement.
I've heard people argue that voting is just political masturbation. Which is the best argument I've ever heard for voting.
I'd say that Ms. Mangu-Ward's arguments are nothing more than mental masturabation.
Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it.
- Mahatma Gandhi
What a Nihilist Ms. Mangu-Ward appears to be. What is the significance of just 1 person out of the 7 billion plus people on this tiny planet, circling an unremarkable sun in a distant corner of a galaxy somewhere in a universe of untold billions, that will one day be destroyed by an asteroid, comet or supernova?
I say that she wouldn't be missed (particularly with the ridiculous arguments she makes in this article) if she disappeared off the face of the earth. Let's have a Vote!
Ms. Magnu-Ward misrepresents the Kantian argument for voting, misses the point of the consequentialist argument from authors she cites, and ignores other good reasons to consider voting to be a rational endeavor. Read more in this post in the Economist:
"Your Vote Doesn't Count: Why (almost) everyone should stay home on Election Day"
This Is a philosophical argument and as such has very little to do with reality! The argument that "Your Vote Doesn't Count" may be mathematically correct however it is quite illogical. Why? Simple, you don't live in a vacuum! You live in a society where people in government (voted in by those "whose one vote doesn't count"?) determine how you live, what laws are enacted, what taxes you pay, what social services are provided in your area and so on; and you'll pay for all of that unless you're one of those that is being supported by the rest of the 'working' and 'tax paying' citizens.
Government does not make anything without first taking from producers and then funding programs that server the society as a whole, or a 'selected' vocal minority, or pushing their own 'ideas' of fairness.
If you choose not to vote, others will make those decisions for you whether you like it or not.
The two party system (D&R) does not work. They tell you that voting for a 3rd party candidate like, Gary Johnson is a wasted vote. Why? Because if they persuade enough people not to vote for the 3rd party candidate, then they remain in play and in power! You loose!
Continued in Part II
Part II. Being philosophical about voting may be amusing but it is quite unrealistic!
Locke's theory ? is seen in the Declaration's phrase that governments "derive their just powers from the consent of the governed."
". . . Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
(Source: John Adams, The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States, Charles Francis Adams, editor (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co. 1854), Vol. IX, p. 229, October 11, 1798.)
Visit to learn the truth about our Constitutional Republic!
[T]he Law of Nature stands as an eternal rule to all men, legislators as well as others. The rules that they make for other men's actions must . . . be conformable to the Law of Nature, i.e., to the will of God.
Locke had also asserted that:
[T]he first and fundamental positive law of all commonwealths is the establishing of the Legislative power. . . . [and no] edict of anybody else . . . [can] have the force and obligation of a law which has not its sanction [approval] from that Legislative which the public has chosen. from:
Educate yourself and then vote! If those in power (local -federal) do not do what they should vote them out, next time. If they don't obey the laws (Constitutions, Statutes) ? file a complaint with your Attorney General, hold them accountable, put them in jail!
"Being philosophical about voting may be amusing but it is quite unrealistic!"
You then go on to quote Locke, a philosopher, to support your position, which is in support of voting. You're precisely the reason that KMW is right.
One sword doesn't matter in a battle either. But you don't go to battle with one sword.
One person laying sand bags in a flood doesn't matter. But you don't build a dike by yourself.
One person's dish in a pot luck dinner doesn't matter. Which is why you invite more than one person.
I guess libertarians have never gotten a group together to accomplish anything before. This is where the stereotypes of aspy cartoonish individualism come from.
Who cares if an individual vote doesn't matter? May as well be on record for voting for what you believe.
This is terrible. It's articles like this that contribute to voter apathy. Yes, your individual vote probably won't decide an election. But when you start broadcasting the idea that it is therefore pointless to vote at all, suddenly you have THOUSANDS, even MILLIONS of people who believe their votes don't matter. One vote may not make a difference, but thousands or millions most certainly do.
You are exactly right, but this article isn't talking to legions - it is addressing the individual. I would bet that most people reading this article will not change their voting habits one way or another. And no one is calling for millions of people to opt out of voting. This is the same sort of shaming message that drives ill informed people to the polls just to assuage their guilt.
You may want to look more into the electoral college. That's the real reason why our vote doesn't matter. Seriously, read the 12th amendment to the constitution.
thank you nice
fantastic points and so true! Takes the heaviness off of perfectionists!
thanks man
...economist Aaron Edlin use poll results from the 2008 election cycle to calculate that the chance of a randomly selected vote determining the outcome of a presidential election is about one in 60 million
So you're sayin' there's a chance!
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Every election, I encounter this dilemma. Do I vote and not feel guilty, or abstain, and suffer the consequences? I'm sick to death of the shamey messages I get from friends, saying things like "You have no right to complain if you didn't vote!" Did they repeal the First Amendment while I wasn't looking? Whether I vote or not is my own business, and why should it matter to you what my opinion is, and whether I voted or not? To me, this is all about the illusion of control - the ephemeral notion that our actions actually impact our surroundings. I would contend that most people who do vote, do so out of feelings of obligation and guilt.
But mostly importantly, I think most people who vote have no clue what they are doing. The bewildering list of offices and candidates renders it impossible for anyone other than a political analyst to understand what these people actually do, who they are, and what they represent. Hell, most people can't even name their own representatives! But, also, as this article states, I am probably one of the people who SHOULD vote, because I at least am aware of the confusing nature of the choice of candidates and their roles. Thank you for writing this. I would forward this to my shamey friends, but then I would be seeking to change their thinking and behavior, and that's just as wrong (and futile.)
Voting in a country this large is the equivalent of buying one lottery ticket in the hopes of winning. This appeals to the mathematically challenged. Sure, you may feel better about your finances after buying one ticket, but the outcome will be unchanged.
I pretty much agree with this excellent critique of voting. Especially so in California where our state legislative races are 6 to 80 times bigger than state legislative races in other states, and most are heavily Gerrymandered to boot.
But I still vote.
One should NOT vote to decide an election (but that's why most vote). The odds are beyond astronomical that you'd cast the deciding vote in a significant election -- EVER. Especially with all the Gerrymandering.
Oddly enough, people feel most compelled to vote for President -- the race they have the LEAST chance of affecting the outcome.
But one might choose to vote to add to the "survey" of voters' preferences. I do. In my deep blue state of California, I cringe when I hear the liberal press claiming a "mandate" for progressive policies.
Two important things about voting:
1. Spend as little time as possible voting.
2. Spend as little time as possible THINKING about voting.
RE: 1. I vote by mail. It's a great way to vote. I am a permanent "absentee" voter (an archaic term).
Voting by mail entails less transportation health risk (though I might get hit by an asteroid while filling out the ballot in my study). Total out of pocket cost -- one 49 cent stamp. Also I get to decide when to vote -- not the government. No lines. No bumbling precinct clerks.
RE 2: In California we have propositions -- state and local. The short cut for understanding these props is to look who is funding which side, and who is signing the ballot arguments.
Candidates? Same way. Who are the unions funding?
Judges? Who cares? Actually most judges run unopposed, so I always vote against them (we can do that in California) -- so they feel a bit less anointed than otherwise would be the case.
One other advantage to voting by mail. I get to leverage my vote by filling out other family members' mail ballots at home for them. All legal, as they have to sign that they are the one mailing in the ballot, thereby verifying they agree with the positions on the ballot. My family is relieved of the burden, while I control a dominant number of votes with little effort.
Well, "dominant" might be a tad exaggerated. But then, most people who vote are delusional. Me included.
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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KMW could just as easily argue that my decision to purchase a peanut butter that tastes good instead of one that tastes like coffee grounds has no effect on the direction of resources in the economy,???? ??? ?????? ??????
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and conclude that this means the market does not in fact respond to the desire of consumers for good-tasting peanut butter.
KMW could just as easily argue that my decision to purchase a peanut butter that tastes good instead of one that tastes like coffee grounds has no effect on the direction of resources in the economy
and conclude that this means the market does not in fact respond to the desire of consumers for good-tasting peanut butter.
???? ??? ???? ???????
KMW could just as easily argue that my decision to purchase a peanut butter that tastes good instead of one that tastes like coffee grounds has no effect on the direction of resources in the economy
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a
???? ??? ?????? ???????
license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ??? ???? ???????
license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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When talking about the cleanliness of reservoirs make sure that the purity Company of the first companies in tank cleaning our experience in the field of clean water tanks and know very well the importance of this area in our lives because
???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????
the water tank of the basics that we use on a regular basis so you should clean and disinfect water tanks and Temtaz purity company in this .
When talking about the cleanliness of reservoirs make sure that the purity Company of the first companies in tank cleaning our experience in the field of clean water tanks and know very well the importance of this area in our lives because the water tank of the basics that we use on a regular basis so you should clean and disinfect water tanks and Temtaz purity company in this .
Cleaning tanks in Riyadh company 0532144004 purity concerns us by the client company to provide excellent service even accept valued customers where they are the highest quality cleaning machinery and materials???? ???? ????? ???????Reservoir is a place where water storage is household purposes so it has to be clean place the security of???? ????? ?????? ??????? its pure clean water unusable and we are cleaning tanks in Riyadh our company the ability to clean the tanks cleaner fully
Purity Company of the first and most efficient companies in insects Riyadh combat, and it appears that the company name of the purity of the environment and air pollution caused by insects Valenqa concerned with the purity of the environment, and we all work administration to team work and Mnadeb and workers on the Eradication and combat all kinds of insects Fair Riyadh, Dammam and Jeddah with giving testimony ensure the client in order to ensure our service to him.
Insect control company in Riyadh
Insect control company in Riyadh
Our American materials to eliminate ((cockroaches - termites - black ants - mice - mosquitoes - Anti bed bugs ... etc ..))???? ?????? ????? ???????We are anti-insect company in Riyadh ahead of us, thank God, our reputation for Annl keen to give outstanding results in pest control because ???? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? we do not all work and must join hands to exterminate insects from the Kingdom even become ((Kingdom without insect life without disease))
furniture is everything in the home must be maintained until the transportation arranged beautiful figure and landscape in a way, we transfer Furniture Company in Riyadh care about and focus on the main pillars of the company out of conscience of Vbatalla team and technicians set at the highest level of work,honesty and accuracy so that our customer satisfied with our service to him
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a
license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a
license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????
These politics posts made me shocked because I couldn't understand the level that we reached some times I'm talking about this in different websites like :
pest control company at Riyadh ,
swimming pools maintenance company at Riyadh ,
KMW could just as easily argue that my decision to purchase a peanut butter that tastes good instead of one that tastes like coffee grounds has no effect on the direction of resources in the economy
Could she just as easily argue that? There are observable, non-negligible consequences to me and the seller if I choose to buy the good peanut butter or not. The good peanut butter is consumed, and I have less money to spend on other things. The seller earns a quantifiable profit.
In contrast, it makes no difference to me or the candidate if I choose to vote or not.
???? ??? ???? ???????
KMW could just as easily argue that my decision to purchase a peanut butter that tastes good instead of one that tastes like coffee grounds has no effect on the direction of resources in the economy
Could she just as easily argue that? There are observable, non-negligible consequences to me and the seller if I choose to buy the good peanut butter or not. The good peanut butter is consumed, and I have less money to spend on other things. The seller earns a quantifiable profit.
In contrast, it makes no difference to me or the candidate if I choose to vote or not.
???? ??? ??? ???????
KMW could just as easily argue that my decision to purchase a peanut butter that tastes good instead of one that tastes like coffee grounds has no effect on the direction of resources in the economy
Could she just as easily argue that? There are observable, non-negligible consequences to me and the seller if I choose to buy the good peanut butter or not. The good peanut butter is consumed, and I have less money to spend on other things. The seller earns a quantifiable profit.
In contrast, it makes no difference to me or the candidate if I choose to vote or not.
???? ?????? ????? ????
???? ?????? ????? ???????
KMW could just as easily argue that my decision to purchase a peanut butter that tastes good instead of one that tastes like coffee grounds has no effect on the direction of resources in the economy
Could she just as easily argue that? There are observable, non-negligible consequences to me and the seller if I choose to buy the good peanut butter or not. The good peanut butter is consumed, and I have less money to spend on other things. The seller earns a quantifiable profit.
In contrast, it makes no difference to me or the candidate if I choose to vote or not.
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???? ??? ???? ??????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
??? ?????? ??????
???? ??? ???? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
??? ?????? ?????? ????
??? ?????? ?????? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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???? ????? ????? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
????? ???? ?????? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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???? ?????? ????? ??????
Hello! I just want to offer you a huge thumbs up for the excellent info you have right here on this post. I'll be returning to your blog for more soon.
Hello! I just want to offer you a huge thumbs up for the excellent info you have right here on this post. I'll be returning to your blog for more soon.
Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related judgments than the pool of nonvoters.
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Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related judgments than the pool of nonvoters.
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Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related judgments than the pool of nonvoters.
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Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related judgments than the pool of nonvoters.
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Hello There. I found your blog using msn. This is a really well written article. I'll be sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your useful information. Thanks for the post. I'll certainly comeback. Feel free to surf to my web blog: ???? ??? ???? ???????
Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and a vital component in the democratic system. Enables citizens of the state of freedom of expression from the exchange of information and ideas, and enable them to protest against injustices, and the impact on public discourse and criticism of authority over its actions. As such constitute freedom of expression is a necessary condition of civil and political, influential and wise to participate. Restrictions on freedom of expression affects the life of democracy and inconsistent with the fundamental principles of democratic governance. There are ambitious in this system that does not exceed the restrictions that are imposed on the individual and on the fundamental rights of the minimum necessary.
Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related judgments than the pool of nonvoters.
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Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related judgments than the pool of nonvoters.
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Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related judgments than the pool of nonvoters.
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Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related judgments than the pool of nonvoters.
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Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related
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Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related
Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and a vital component in the democratic system. Enables citizens of the state of freedom of expression from the exchange of information and ideas, and enable them to protest against injustices, and the impact on public discourse and criticism of authority over its actions. As such constitute freedom of expression is a necessary condition of civil and political, influential and wise to participate. Restrictions on freedom of expression affects the life of democracy and inconsistent with the fundamental principles of democratic governance. There are ambitious in this system that does not exceed the restrictions that are imposed on the individual and on the fundamental rights of the minimum necessary.
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Restrictions on freedom of expression affects the life of democracy and inconsistent with the fundamental principles of democratic governance.
????? ?????
There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much more likely to vote, which suggests that the pool of voters is better informed and more qualified to make election-related
????? ?????
???? ?? ??? cookingarab
Wonderful subject
Fellow 've talked before about the right to defend Alengs and I see that right can not be taken right to defend itself from any human being no matter what the reasons
furniture moving
For this I call everyone to give this right
Anti- Insect company
likt ie and love it thanks for you
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I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.
I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.???? ????? ???? ???????
Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
to deliver in institution of higher education.
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thank you
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When oil was discovered in the Gulf States fully in their situation changed and also???? ????? ???? ???????
temperament changed and Asubho living in affluence time but is that oil has made them Aiz expected or is it that European and American countries are enjoying greater yield size or profit truth is that the Gulf states did not take the full right of Petroleum exports as a result of the oil travels to Europe to be refined and sold again to the Gulf states at a higher price of crude oil and thus became the Arabs sold to Arabs.
I saw part of Katherine's interview on CSPAN and thought she was hilarious. Then I read her article here and I'm still inspired by her audacity.
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???? ??? ??? ???????? ???????
On election day I want to go to the poll and ask if I can purchase a more significant weight in the outcome. I think we should institute voter ID cards that show the voter's IQ, which number would serve as a multiplier of the number of votes the person casts. I have a lot of dead relatives and friends who cannot vote. I could vote for them since they are disabled.
I saw part of Katherine's interview on CSPAN and thought she was hilarious. Then I read her article here and I'm still inspired by her audacity.
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???? ????? ??? ???????? ???????
On election day I want to go to the poll and ask if I can purchase a more significant weight in the outcome. I think we should institute voter ID cards that show the voter's IQ, which number would serve as a multiplier of the number of votes the person casts. I have a lot of dead relatives and friends who cannot vote. I could vote for them since they are disabled.
I saw part of Katherine's interview on CSPAN and thought she was hilarious. Then I read her article here and I'm still inspired by her audacity.
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???? ????? ??? ???????? ???????
On election day I want to go to the poll and ask if I can purchase a more significant weight in the outcome. I think we should institute voter ID cards that show the voter's IQ, which number would serve as a multiplier of the number of votes the person casts. I have a lot of dead relatives and friends who cannot vote. I could vote for them since they are disabled.
I saw part of Katherine's interview on CSPAN and thought she was hilarious. Then I read her article here and I'm still inspired by her audacity.
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???? ??? ???? ???????? ???????
On election day I want to go to the poll and ask if I can purchase a more significant weight in the outcome. I think we should institute voter ID cards that show the voter's IQ, which number would serve as a multiplier of the number of votes the person casts. I have a lot of dead relatives and friends who cannot vote. I could vote for them since they are disabled.
When oil was discovered in the Gulf States fully in their situation changed and also???? ????? ?????? ????? ???????? ???????
temperament changed and Asubho living in affluence time but is that oil has made them Aiz expected or is it that European and American countries are enjoying greater yield size or profit truth is that the Gulf states did not take the full right of Petroleum exports as a result of the oil travels to Europe to be refined and sold again to the Gulf states at a higher price of crude oil and thus became the Arabs sold to Arabs.
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???? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????? ???????
Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much mo
???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ???????? ???????
Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much mo
???? ??? ?????? ???????? ???????
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Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much mo
Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and a vital component in the democratic system. Enables citizens of the state of freedom of expression from the exchange of information and ideas, and enable them to protest against injustices, and the impact on public discourse and criticism of authority over its actions. As such constitute freedom of expression is a necessary condition of civil and political, influential and wise to participate. Restrictions on freedom of expression affects the life of democracy and inconsistent with the fundamental principles of democratic governance. There are ambitious in this system that does not exceed the restrictions that are imposed on the individual and on the fundamental rights of the minimum necessary.
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I saw part of Katherine's interview on CSPAN and thought she was hilarious. Then I read her article here and I'm still inspired by her audacity.
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???? ????? ??? ???????? ???????
On election day I want to go to the poll and ask if I can purchase a more significant weight in the outcome. I think we should institute voter ID cards that show the voter's IQ, which number would serve as a multiplier of the number of votes the person casts. I have a lot of dead relatives and friends who cannot vote. I could vote for them since they are disabled.
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try. ???? ????? ????? ???????? ???????
???? ????? ??? ???????? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try. ???? ????? ????? ???????? ???????
???? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try. ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????? ???????
???? ?????? ???????? ???????? ???????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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Mankiw's argument draws on a 1996 article by economists Timothy Feddersen of Northwestern University and Wolfgang Pesendorfer of Princeton University that cites the phenomenon of "roll off"?people who make it all the way inside the polyester curtains on Election Day and then leave some blanks on their ballots?to illustrate the point that people who believe themselves ill-informed routinely choose not to vote, thereby increasing the quality of voters who actually pull the lever for one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim: Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout (the other is age). Better-educated people are much mo
U have your freedom when buy used furniture in ksa
???? ??? ?????? ??????
???? ?????? ???????
Any government or police can protect you . I can not believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self-defense and to obtain a license to carry concealed anywhere I go.People who believe they are ill- informed - routinely choose not to vote , and thus increase the quality of voters who actually pull his lever to one side or the other. There is some additional evidence for this claim : Education is one of the two best predictors of voter turnout ( the other is old ) . a
thank my post n article, good luck ")
I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.
Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
to deliver in institution of higher education. ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????
Good day! This post couldn?t be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting
about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
???? ????? ????
I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.
Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
to deliver in institution of higher education.
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????? ??? ?????? ??????? ????????
?????? ???????
Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try
Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me.
???? ???? ?????
????? ???????
No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me.
??? ?????
??? ??????
. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me.
??? ?????? ??????
Ilove this tnx man for this great topic And always thank for its useful topics for visitors and thank you very much and I am of course Atapek day and I follow Jdiedkm for the wonderful and beautiful location
????? ????? ????
thank you
Good day! This post couldn?t be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate! He always kept chatting
about this. I will forward this write-up to him. ??? ?????? ?????? Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.????? ????? ???? ???????Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
to deliver in institution of higher education.
Good day! This post couldn?t be written any better! Reading this
nice post
Amana voice Vhafez it and put it in the right place
I am truly thankful to the holder of this website who has shared this fantastic piece of writing at here.???? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? Fine way of describing, and pleasant post to take information regarding my presentation topic, which i am going
to deliver in institution of higher education.
When talking about the cleanliness of reservoirs make sure that the purity Company of the first companies in tank cleaning our experience in the field of clean water tanks and know very well the importance of this area in our lives because the water tank of the basics that we use on a regular basis so you should clean and disinfect water tanks and Temtaz purity company in this .
Cleaning tanks in Riyadh company 0532144004 purity concerns us by the client company to provide excellent service even accept valued customers where ???? ???? ??? ???? ???????
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Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try ????? ????? ???????
Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try
????? ????? ???????
Good day! This post couldn?t be written any better! Reading this
post reminds me of my previous room mate!???? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????
He always kept chatting
about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thank you for sharing!
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ?????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ????? ??????
???? ????? ??????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ????? ??????
???? ????? ??????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ????? ??????
???? ????? ??????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ????? ??????
???? ????? ??????
I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
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???? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? we have a team dedicated to the detection of leaks and fix them with a warranty up to 10 years of reform, the reform depends on the company 'Do not ??? ?????? ?????? advanced equipment and Anbeb Tgz nitrogen and long experience in the field of home maintenance and repair, we have a team dedicated to insulate roofs and isolated reservoirs and everyone kind of insulators and water intake and audio, we have a dedicated team and the cars on the recent transfer Alatha w Riyadh, a team dedicated to clean houses and washing tanks and hygiene in Riyadh, workers are trained to fight against all kinds of crawling and flying insects use stronger pesticides to eliminate all kinds of insects in Riyadh.
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thank you
When customers wish to purchase automobile insurance for your car, they will get insurance counselor urgently receive counseling and a lot of interest, insured costs, incentive levels .. . in addition, customers should be responsible for the insurance company. The following article will outline the responsibilities that car owners suffer during use. You should note that in order to negotiate with the insurance salesman and avoid trouble after them!
????? ???????
??? ?????
When customers wish to purchase automobile insurance for your car, they will get insurance counselor urgently receive counseling and a lot of interest, insured costs, incentive levels .. . in addition, customers should be responsible for the insurance company. The following article will outline the responsibilities that car owners suffer during use. You should note that in order to negotiate with the insurance salesman and avoid trouble after them!
??? ??????
??? ?????? ??????
When customers wish to purchase automobile insurance for your car, they will get insurance counselor urgently receive counseling and a lot of interest, insured costs, incentive levels .. . in addition, customers should be responsible for the insurance company. The following article will outline the responsibilities that car owners suffer during use. You should note that in order to negotiate with the insurance salesman and avoid trouble after them!
?????? ???????
???? ???? ?????
Thanks for sharing
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i love it, nice topic, thanks you
Voting in a country this large is the equivalent of buying one lottery ticket in the hopes of winning. This appeals to the mathematically challenged. Sure, you may feel better about your finances after buying one ticket, but the outcome will be unchanged
Voting in a country this large is the equivalent of buying one lottery ticket in the hopes of winning. This appeals to the mathematically challenged. Sure, you may feel better about your finances after buying one ticket, but the outcome will be unchanged
???? ???
????? ?????? ?????
????? ??????
???? ???? ????? - ?????
Voting in a country this large is the equivalent of buying one lottery ticket in the hopes of winning. This appeals to the mathematically challenged. Sure, you may feel better about your finances after buying one ticket, but the outcome will be unchanged
I have read your article and Its really very excellent and very useful
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you.???? ??? ??? ???????? ??????? I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try ???? ????? ???????? ???????
least I have a chance to stay alive ???? ???? ???? ??????? ???????. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back
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I think all elections are fake and every government trick their people and make it as a game.
and I left watching politics on TV and started to write in my Home & Garden Services Blog
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Nuestra empresa est? trabajando d?a y noche en la base de la organizaci?n est? presente en alta
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Nuestra empresa est? trabajando d?a y noche en la base de la organizaci?n est? presente en alta
A trav?s de nuestro uso de herramientas, equipos y materiales modernos de desinfecci?n segura
S?lo en nuestra empresa encontrar? seriedad y asume responsabilidad hacer todo el trabajo de limpieza profesional para obtener el resultado que le gustaba
???? ?? ?????? ???????
Compa??a Noor Dammam de los rasgos distintivos y empresas l?deres en Arabia Saud?
Ofrece la limpieza con la mejor porque tiene los mejores tipos de detergentes y noticias internacionales tipos de maquinaria y equipo alcanzados por la ciencia y los mejores tipos de mano de obra especializada
Nuestra empresa est? trabajando d?a y noche en la base de la organizaci?n est? presente en alta
A trav?s de nuestro uso de herramientas, equipos y materiales modernos de desinfecci?n segura
S?lo en nuestra empresa encontrar? seriedad y asume responsabilidad hacer todo el trabajo de limpieza profesional para obtener el resultado que le gustaba
???? ??? ??????
Compa??a Noor Dammam de los rasgos distintivos y empresas l?deres en Arabia Saud?
Ofrece la limpieza con la mejor porque tiene los mejores tipos de detergentes y noticias internacionales tipos de maquinaria y equipo alcanzados por la ciencia y los mejores tipos de mano de obra especializada
Compa??a Noor Dammam de los rasgos distintivos y empresas l?deres en Arabia Saud?
Ofrece la limpieza con la mejor porque tiene ???? company buy used furniture los mejores tipos de detergentes y noticias internacionales tipos de maquinaria y equipo alcanzados por la ciencia y los mejores tipos de mano de obra especializada
Through sincerity and honesty company, you will get the best??? ??? ?? ??? services, at available prices to customers
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I just realized this was written in 2002. I wonder what the gun crime rate is now. Any government that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be picked up or take a statement from me. I choose the later. Britons let a right be taken from them and now it will be much harder to get it back. But you should try.
???? ????? ???????
???? ?????? ????? ?????? ???????
sincerity and honesty company , has the competence and skill, in the implementation of ??? ??? ???? services , at prices are very suitable for clients
For more information, visit our website
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sincerity and honesty company , has the competence and skill, in the implementation of ??? ??? ???? services , at prices are very suitable for clients
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El Hamma global institution, now offers better discounts on ??? ??? ???? services , to suit customers'
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Curiously enough, it seems that he gave his consent in whatever way he acted?whether he said yes, whether he said no, or whether he remained neuter!
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nt that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be
????? ???????
???? ????? ???????
nt that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be
????? ???????
???? ????? ???????
nt that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be
???? ???? ??????
???? ????? ????? ???????
I don't think that education makes people better voters because many people feel that heir interests are attached with someone, therefore they vote for him and education does not help.
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evil, or stupid? Not necessarily. Or at least not all of them.No individual vote is likely to determine the outcome of an election; nor is it likely to result in a material gain for the voter. Does that mean people who vote are irrational,
nt that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be
???? ???? ?????? ?????????
??? ?????? ??????
Nuestra empresa est? trabajando d?a y noche en la base de la organizaci?n est? presente en alta
A trav?s de nuestro uso de herramientas, equipos y materiales modernos de desinfecci?n segura
S?lo en nuestra empresa encontrar? seriedad y asume responsabilidad hacer todo el trabajo de limpieza profesional para obtener el resultado que le gustaba
???? ????? ???????
???? ???? ???? ?????
evil, or stupid? Not necessarily. Or at least not all of them.No individual vote is likely to determine the outcome of an election; nor is it likely to result in a material gain for the voter. Does that mean people who vote are irrational,
nt that tells you that you have no right to self defense is not looking after your best interest. Self defense is the most basic right anyone has. No government or police can protect you. I can't believe you all allow this to continue. I keep a gun at home for self defense and have a license to carry it concealed any where I go. And I do. If I am attacked then at least I have a chance to stay alive. By the time the police arrive they can either arrange for my body to be
???? ?????? ??????? ???????
???? ???? ????? ???????
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An example of this topic values So what's wrong with that? Individual cases of expressive
????? ????????
voting in large elections are just as unlikely to affect the outcome of the election as other kinds of voting. But the fact of widespread expressive voting explains why elections are
silly season. Politicians offer themselves up as opportunities for expressive voting, as aggregations of easily
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You antediluvians still have polling places? My ballot comes in the mail and I mail it back (postage free).
Voting is wasted effort unless you want to send a very tiny message that you endorse the system.
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