
When Romney Left Bain Questioned, Penn State Hid Sandusky, Hackers Hit Yahoo: P.M. Links


  • The political scandal of the day is over when Mitt Romney actually stopped working for Bain. Was it 2002 or 1999? Romney has said 1999, but The Boston Globe (which ended up in hot water of its own for failing to attribute information from Mother Jones and Talking Points Memo used in its story) contends that SEC filings show Romney still with Bain until 2002. The Romney campaign says the story is wrong and is sticking with 1999.

  • Developers of a new laser scanning system process claim it can read people down to the molecule, able to find traces of drugs and gunpowder on their bodies and can even tell what's going on inside them. The Department of Homeland Security is interested, the anonymously written Gizmodo piece claims, so that should add some more fun at the airport. (h/t to Hit and Run profiteer Underpants Gnome)
  • A 267-page FBI report concludes that Penn State officials, including late football coach Joe Paterno, conspired to cover up accusations of child sexual abuse against Jerry Sandusky beginning as far back as 1998. Paterno's family Thursday insisted that he did not know Sandusky was a sexual predator and did not attempt to block any investigations.
  • Orthodox rabbis in Europe are calling on German Jews to defy a court ruling branding circumcision as a criminal act and continue circumcising newborn males.
  • A data breach at Yahoo allowed hackers to download the names and passwords of about 400,000 users. The hackers, called D33Ds Co., posted the data online to expose Yahoo's vulnerabilities.
  • Congress is considering legislation that could possibly allow the prosecution of journalists who report information coming from leaks in the federal government.
  • Journalists, bloggers, and writers from around the world are invited to enter the 2012 Bastiat Prize for Journalism, which will honor commentary, analysis, and reporting that best demonstrates the importance of freedom and its underlying institutions.

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