Now Playing at Why California Medical Marijuana Dispensary Owner Charlie Lynch Was Found Guilty in Federal Court of Selling Drugs
reason has been reporting on the trial of Charles Lynch, who operated a medical marijuana dispensary in California that was fully legal under state law.
Two days ago, Lynch was found guilty in federal court on five counts of distributing drugs and, if given the maximum sentence, faces an effective life sentence. Read reason's take here.
In this latest video, we talk to Lynch's lawyers and the forewoman of the jury to find out precisely how Lynch got convicted and what happens next. It's a disturbing, provocative video that should make even the hardiest drug warrior wonder just what the hell we're doing locking up businessmen who play by the rules and give aid and comfort to sick people. That Lynch's conviction was virtually guaranteed under federal law simply underscores how immoral those laws are.
Previous Lynch trial video updates can be found here and here.'s documentary short on the case, Raiding California, can be found here.
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