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New Study on How to Address Public Ignorance About Housing Policy
New data shows that "housing supply skeptics" can be persuaded by evidence showing that allowing more construction reduces prices. But not clear this is a good road map for addressing the problem of public ignorance in the real world.

Exclusionary zoning regulations that severely restrict housing construction are a major cause of the housing shortages besetting large parts of the United States. The standard explanation for why these rules persist is self-interested voting and lobbying by NIMBY ("not in my backyard") homeowners who want to keep housing prices high in order to protect the value of their own property. But evidence increasingly indicates that much of the political support for exclusionary zoning actually comes from people - both renters and homeowners - who simply don't understand basic economics and therefore do not realize that increasing housing construction is likely to reduce housing costs. Such people are suspicious of developers and tend to believe that additional construction will just benefit only the developers themselves or other wealthy people.
In a just-posted article, legal scholar Chris Elmendorf and political scientists Clayton Nall and Stan Oklobdzija (ENO) provide valuable evidence on the extent to which this kind of public ignorance can be overcome by presenting "housing supply skeptics" with countervailing evidence. ENO are also the authors of two important previous studies on public opinion about housing issues, which I considered here and here. Below is the abstract for their latest article:
Recent research finds that most people want lower housing prices but, contrary to expert consensus, do not believe that more supply would lower prices. This study tests the effects of four informational interventions on Americans' beliefs about housing markets and associated policy preferences and political actions (writing to state lawmakers). Several of the interventions significantly and positively affected economic understanding and support for land-use liberalization, with standardized effect sizes of 0.15 − 0.3. The most impactful treatment—an educational video from an advocacy group—had effects 2-3 times larger than typical economics-information or political-messaging treatments. Learning about housing markets increased support for development among homeowners as much as renters, contrary to the "homevoter hypothesis." The treatments did not significantly affect the probability of writing to lawmakers, but an off-plan analysis suggests that the advocacy video increased the number of messages asking for more market-rate housing.
The new ENO study has several important findings. Most obviously, they show that new information can have a big impact in changing supply skeptics' minds about housing deregulation. When shown a short educational video explaining how liberalization can reduce housing prices, many become much more supportive of cutting back on zoning restrictions. As ENO explain, this makes housing policy different from issues on which voters have more deeply rooted attitudes, and therefore tend to ignore or dismiss opposing evidence.
It is also notable that homeowners were just as likely to change their minds in response to the video as renters (possibly even slightly more so). This further undermines the argument that opposition to zoning reform is primarily rooted in the narrow self-interest of NIMBYs. If the self-interest story were valid, realizing that liberalization would lead to lower housing prices should actually lead homeowners to oppose it even more. Yet ENO find the opposite effect.
So far, ENO's results seem very optimistic. We can spread the gospel of YIMBYism simply by showing people simple videos! But I would add some cautionary notes.
First, as a practical matter, most voters are unlikely to take the time to watch even a short video about a policy issue they have relatively interest in. Most people are "rationally ignorant" about politics and public policy, and devote only very limited time to learning about the issues. Second, even if they do watch a video, in the real world they probably won't pay as careful attention as in an experimental setting.
Finally, while ENO have performed a valuable service by showing that most opposition to zoning deregulation is driven by ignorance rather than narrow self-interest, we should not discount self-interested NIMBYism entirely. Such people clearly do exist, and often have disproportionate influence over local politics. They're often the people most likely to show up at zoning board meetings, for example.
On balance, I think YIMBYism can make better progress by resorting to appealing rhetoric, than by expecting large numbers of people to watch videos or study other educational materials. Past studies, including some of ENO's previous work, suggests that people are more sympathetic to YIMBYism if it is described as giving property owners the freedom use their land as they wish, than if we refer to developers and business interests. It also helps to emphasize that reform can lower prices and enable people to live closer to offices, stores, and other locations they want easy access to. Of course studies also show that the NIMBY side also has effective rhetorical ploys, usually focused on the role of business interests, and claims that only the wealthy will benefit from liberalization.
Ultimately, YIMBYs should pursue a strategy of combining political action with constitutional litigation. Josh Braver and I have made the case that most exclusionary zoning violates the Takings Clause on both originalist and living constitution grounds. Past successful constitutional reform movements have usually pursued a two-track strategy, rather than relying on one method alone.
In sum, the new ENO paper is an excellent contribution to the literature, and should give some hope to YIMBYs. But changing minds in the real world is likely to be much harder than in a laboratory setting.
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"homeowners—who simply don't understand basic economics and therefore do not realize that increasing housing construction is likely to reduce housing costs."
Let me see if I understand this: you don't understand why homeowners wouldn't want the value of their largest investment and the largest proportion of their wealth to go down? How could I possibly take you seriously? You're not a serious person.
First of all, except in very constrained environments I doubt housing prices will actually drop from increased construction, housing inflation will just moderate.
Second, what percentage of homeowners are currently in their dream home and would never consider upgrading to a larger home, or one in a better location. Probably the percentage is pretty small.
Rising housing prices do increase wealth for homeowners, but it also locks them into their current homes, because the more desireable home they have their eye on is likely going up even more.
An uncle lost a lot of money on a house when prices fell during the late 1970s.
On the other hand, I think all zoning laws are evil, and have no sympathy for people who expect the government to enforce their living preferences on their neighbors. If you want mandatory setbacks, for instance, to keep your neighbors farther away, the buy a bigger lot; don't sic government on your neighbors to force them to build smaller houses.
Anyone who puts any faith in government to keep their promises is a fool. I shed no tears when the government alters the deal they thought they had stuck on their unwilling neighbors.
ALL zoning laws? So if someone wants to put a pig farm in a residential area, too bad for the residents?
Yes, because no one does stupid stuff like that. Give me a realistic example if you want a better answer. What next, skyscrapers and big box stores on residential streets?
Davy, this was historically dealt with by nuisance laws, although many communities have passed "right to farm" laws which would prevent that in this situation.
A common issue that used to be raised was a tall building shading an adjacent property, and at one point, that was damages one could sue for. And then the attitude changed toward that being considered progress and not damages.
Industrial pig farms are real issues because they produce more sewerage than a small city, and pigs are so genetically close to humans that we share the same diseases, some of which are spread via fecal material.
It's a real issue where people depend on well water.
"An uncle lost a lot of money on a house when prices fell during the late 1970s."
DID prices fall in the late '70s? I'm too young to know.
Your use of "doubt", "probably", and "in their eye" shows that even "economists" twist reality to fit their utopian dreams.
I bought the perfect home, in the perfect neighborhood, in the perfect location (even to correct side of the street) AFTER A YEAR OF RESEARCH AND LOOKING. That was 49.8 years ago.
I and people like me vote, contribute, show up, and litigate.
The new owners after we die will buy our home because they want to live HERE. If I am a NIMBY, they will be too. And angrier when Utpoians try to reduce their 3/4 million investment by 20, 39, or 40 percent.
Thank you for illustrating Prof. Somin’s point quite neatly.
Somin addressed your point, the so-called “standard explanation” in the very first paragraph. His counterpoints are that (a) not everyone who votes is a homeowner, and (b) the study shows that some NIMBY homeowners have motivations other than the standard explanation.
That’s the whole point of the article – that your explanation, which he understands perfectly well, is actually not the whole story.
You're a moron. So when talking about homeowners your explanation is not all voters are homeowners? No shit but all homeowners are homeowners. And other motivations would be on top of that, not instead of for homeowners.
For renters it's a bit different, but even there we are not pure economic units in some communist central city planner's 5 year plan as Somin and academics demand.
Maybe because they want to sell it and buy another one?
Why no mention of the most powerful force for housing: population growth? Talk about agenda driven propaganda.
Are these the same people who argue we shouldn’t build roads because that just encourages more people to use them?
Didn’t Reason just have an article explaining how 6 people have blocked all development in San Francisco? And cities won’t even approve their own projects?
Maybe the problem is that people suck.
No, the problem is that governments suck. They are nothing but bureaucracies, and bureaucrats' only goal is to expend.
People like to whine that Elon Musk is sucking at the government tear because his cars enable buyers to get a government tax credit. What do they expect him to do, tell his customers to not apply for it? Government is the problem, always.
The Federal government pay scales encourage the stupidest, dumbest people to work there instead of in the private sector.
Look at the federal workers who comment here, they are mindblowingly stupid, while simultaneously the biggest bootlickers the world has ever seen. They do this because they know they have unearned privilege and wealth and don't want to lose it.
Not all induced demand is bad. Highways are expensive and destructive, while housing is beneficial and can be made affordable.
How do you think the materials to build the house get to where the house is built?
Another take on this:
If he's smart, he's already parked the snowplow in his driveway.
While I could possibly be persuaded that increasing the supply of housing could lower costs by increasing supply, what is the government doing to make sure nobody will profit from investing their capital in building homes?
Professor Somin continues to studiously avoid the main reason homeowners support zoning restrictions. For most it's not development and urban sprawl's effect on housing prices, but rather its effect on the character of the area and the impact on quality of life.
I also haven't seen him discuss the many areas where rapid development outpaces necessary increases in infrastructure to support the increased population, and the negative effect that can have.
Believe it or not South Carolina is the fastest growing state and the city that is most desirable (not necessarily most expensive) is Mt Pleasant which has a median income that doesn’t really make sense for the state it is in. The people that live there don’t want apartment complexes spoiling the public schools and they don’t want more people going to their beaches. In Texas without beaches it’s all about schools which is why I support school choice and want to undermine home values in Highland Park where a house 10 feet from the school district boundary costs a fraction of the price of one within the school district boundaries. Democrats and Republicans should be trying to screw over people that live in Highland Park because it’s funny.
Please help us fight NIMBY ignorance! Visit to support the Forward Dallas plan and email city council telling them to support the plan too!
Oddly, too much policy (run by idiot “lawmakers” who have no idea what a republic is) kowtows to some rather UNsecret cabal’s mandate to make everything a scarce resource: food, water, housing, etc. The fact is, the earth is BIG, much bigger than this cabal and their owned MSM will admit — consequently, there is in fact plenty of earth available to grow food, plenty of potable water, and more than enough room and resources to build housing. Back in the day, we were told to eat everything on our plates because there were starving people in China; now, China has 30+ “ghosts cities” that no one lives in. Some group ostensibly WANTS insanity, indeed intentionally cultivates it, and has planned for its injection into all processes, making common sense not only uncommon, but also racist. The first thing we should do is COME TOGETHER (aka, “UNIFY”), do a quick audit, eliminate those who have historically failed to demonstrate common sense in their elected/appointed position (there are a lot of them), then revisit the rest of this stuff afterward. Invariably, many of these problems will be found to have simply vanished.
Note: By "eliminate," I mean remove from office. However, if you must take this to extremes, I cannot stop you.
The true and sad fact is that the vast majority of people are in favor of sensible policy until they think that sensible policy could, in any way, make their lives slightly more inconvenient, or make them even slightly less well off.
If a policy makes the vast majority of people slightly well less off, is it really a sensible policy?
Exposing people to the arguments for one side in a debate moves their opinions in the direction of that side. This is not a shocking discovery.
Which way does opinion move when people are exposed to the arguments for BOTH sides?
Let me guess: They didn't try that.
We've exposed you to the truth about the bullshit you spread here and it hasn't done a damn thing.
Physician, heal thyself.
Don't use indoctrination techniques that work as well for propagating errors as the truth, and claim you're just educating, is my point.
There’s got to be a middle ground here.
Sure! It's just like my great proposal when I run for office.
"It's the Other Guy Tax. See, here's how it works. You ... you pay not taxes. The other guy? He's gonna pay all the taxes!"
Can't fail.
"Sooner or later, you run out of 'other people's money'."
---- Maggie Thatcher
Please help us fight NIMBY ignorance! Visit to support the Forward Dallas plan and email city council telling them to support the plan!
Why? What will Yimby do for me?
You know what else causes housing and rent inflation? Mass immigration backed by largely government money laundered through NGOs.
I was going to say ignorance, but it looks like you already covered it.
Right, because it's not like dumping over a third of the area's prior population with NGO laundered funds into a town like Springfield, Ohio would cause apartment and rental housing costs to shoot through the roof or anything.
You should look up the history of Springfield, because you are speaking from ignorance.
You should make an argument rather than just insulting people, but you never do. Tedious!
Saying "look up the history" is particularly stupid in this case, anyway, because the relevant changes have been in the past few years -- especially since Biden started to destroy border security. That's not "history".
Ah. So the Haitians are illegals.
You have doubled down on ignorant hate targeting a small minority community.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you think this is OK?
The lies you spread have lead to bomb threats!
As I pointed out in a previous post, illegals only granted grace as a class with the benediction of an executive order which can be rescinded at any time without any other process are still illegals, whatever the official nomenclature surrounding them.
They are here legally, according to the law. A law which Congress specifically wrote and authorized. Your bleach-drinking idiocy does not change what the law is or the authority it grants.
Also, TPS cannot be rescinded "at any time without any other process." You're an ignorant twit.
To be real for a second, one of the big drivers of housing costs (yes, in addition to zoning issues and peculiarities with the market) is the lock-in effect of mortgages.
People that have a house already with a great mortgage won't move, even if they would normally be downsizing. Because of the great deal (interest rates). This has a massive effect on the liquidity of the market.
Another one that isn't getting coverage here is that private equity and other corporate interests have moved into the rental and housing market and bought up stock, which has driven up prices as well.
But more supply, especially of smaller and less expensive housing options? That would help.
The tendentious NIMBY/YIMBY dichotomy is a field mark of a certain kind of morally repellent advocacy. It shows up in arguments made by well-organized private interests. They try to restrict to others the private costs of certain public necessities. You see it in cases where everyone knows the public good can be advanced—but most conveniently advanced by inflicting private costs on a targeted sub-set of the populace.
The groups wielding, “NIMBY/YIMBY,” invariably favor AISEBY—Always In Someone Else’s Back Yard. They want the public benefits. They intend to make certain all associated costs fall on others; their targets are typically less powerful politically. AISEBYs enjoy punching down.
They get organized to do it. Their weapon is publicity. Their method is public shaming. When it works—when shaming suppresses resistance—what comes next are uncompensated exactions inflicted on groups turned into minorities by majoritarian public policies. Those policies get tailored to bypass Constitutional principles intended to safeguard individuals who suffer private losses in service of the public good.
That’s NIMBY/YIMBY in a nutshell. People who indulge in it should be ashamed of themselves. Somin should be ashamed of himself. A more honest Somin would at least reckon the private losses as part of policy evaluation, instead of touting only the benefits.
I think you hit upon a good point that is overlooked, that is there will be winners and losers. The question is can you accept the idea of losing a little for the greater good of the community as a whole. That is a difficult question to answer in a libertarian site where personal freedom is held as very important to the most important.
I live in Madison, WI the fastest growing urban area in Wisconsin. Within the city itself there are few areas for additional single residential homes. The city is seeking to quickly increase the amount of residential apartment space. Abandoned strip malls and businesses are being converted to apartments. There is substantial resistance to this conversion as people see more congestion and competition for streets, parks and city services. As a residential homeowner I accept we need more apartments and accept that I will be dealing with many more people in the area. It is a loss for me but a gain for the community. It is also a loss I can afford. My city has been good to me, and I have some obligation to help future residents.
It’s all Fun & Games until 20,000 Haitians move in and start eating your Cats, eating the Dogs. Hey, I live in one of the most heavily Korean populated cities in Amurica, when we moved near the former owner (Japanese Pediatrician) warned us not to let our pets run free “Ko-wee-an People eat dogs and cats!”
They do have some really great Korean BBQ though, unique taste, not really Pork, Beef, or Chicken
Here's a different idea.
Let's deregulate the legal profession. It's filled with needless regulations, restrictions, and barriers that simply serve to drive up the price of legal services. Seriously, the barriers put in place to "practice law" (3-4 years of school, hundreds of thousands in fees for that school, followed by needing to pass an exam AND then be registered by a local work organization). Simply excessive.
Moreover, there are many smart individuals in other countries who could easily perform the same services for a fraction of the cost. And with the pandemic, we easily found that Zoom Court is a perfectly reasonable way of doing things.
We need a national regulation to strip all this aside. Why shouldn't a smart, capable individual from India be able to Zoom into court and represent a person, for a tenth of the cost of an expensive American Lawyer.
Perhaps if absolutely necessary, some organization could put some minimal test in place, something that could be studied for in a month and passed. But if would need to be optional, not mandatory. Like BBB accreditation. But there are far to many barriers to cheap, effective legal services in the US. Let's pass national regulations to strip them down. And it would boost GDP greatly.
Trying to remember, what Law School did Lincoln go to? Northwestern? University of Illinois? Washinton U in St. Louis?
As late as the 1950s, there was a SCOTUS justice who had never graduated from a law school.
Why is the main driver of housing costs completely ignored? Population growth is the main cause of unaffordable homes. Began in the 1960s with the passage of Hart-Celler. Close the borders, and in ten years home prices everywhere will begin to stabilize. Happened after 1924 (Johnson-Reed).