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Does West Virginia v. EPA Doom the SEC's Climate Disclosure Rule? (Updated)
The Supreme Court is skeptical of agency efforts to pour new wine out of old bottles.
The Supreme Court's decision in West Virginia v. EPA undoubtedly constrains the Biden Administration's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While the decision does not curtail the EPA's traditional air pollution control authorities, it does make it more difficult for the agency to repurpose provisions drafted to address traditional air pollutants so as to limit greenhouse gases. The decision could constrain other agency efforts to foster climate mitigation as well.
One regulatory proposal sure to get additional scrutiny in the wake of WVA v. EPA is the Security and Exchange Commission's proposal to "enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures for investors." In today's Wall Street Journal, former SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins and former OIRA Administrator Paul Ray make the case that the SEC's proposal is likely to be struck down in light of the WVA decision. According to Atkins and Ray, the SEC is seeking to repurpose pre-existing statutory authority to address a new concern outside of the SEC's core expertise. In other words, it is seeking to pour new wine out of old bottles, and this is something the Court rejected in WVA (as well as in its decision invalidating the OSHA test-or-vax mandate).
From the Atkins and Ray op-ed:
The SEC proposal, like the Clean Power Plan, asserts a new understanding of an old statute to justify itself. In West Virginia the Court found highly probative that the interpretation of the Clean Air Act on which the plan turned was at odds with the EPA's longstanding interpretation of that statute. The SEC disclosure proposal also relies on a new interpretation of old statutes—the Securities Act and Securities Exchange Act—dating back to the 1930s. In nearly every case in which the SEC has used these statutes to demand disclosures in the past, it has claimed that it was doing so because the required information was material—that is, financially significant to the reasonable investor. But the commission does not even attempt to show that all its proposed climate disclosures are material. The Supreme Court is likely to be as skeptical of the SEC's claim to have discovered new powers in an old statute as it was of the EPA's.
The SEC proposal, like the Clean Power Plan, would also vastly expand the issuing agency's regulatory authority. The Clean Air Act gave the EPA power to set emissions standards for particular plants based on the emission controls the plants can implement; the plan would have fundamentally changed that regulatory scheme by allowing the EPA to set limits for the grid as a whole, with little limit to the kind of changes the EPA could force plants to make. So, too, with the SEC's proposal: By departing from the materiality standard, the commission would set itself up to compel whatever disclosures it likes, without any standards against which the need for disclosures may be measured.
Finally, the SEC proposal, like the Clean Power Plan, would adopt a measure that Congress has already considered and declined to enact. In the Clean Power Plan case, the court pointed out that Congress "consistently rejected" revisions to the Clean Air Act to require a cap-and-trade scheme, yet the EPA went ahead with one anyway. The SEC has taken the same approach in its proposed rules. Congress has already once rejected legislation that would have directed the commission to adopt new climate disclosure requirements. The SEC is plunging ahead anyway.
Atkins and Ray are not the first to raise concerns about the legality of the SEC's proposal. Back in April -- before WVA v. EPA was decided -- Stanford law professor and former SEC Commissioner Joseph Grundfest raised similar concerns in a Bloomberg column:
even if the commission's final rules are entirely reasonable, and even if they gain broad support from investors and securities issuers, they will probably never fully take effect. Why? Because courts could easily conclude that the SEC lacks statutory authority to mandate greenhouse gas (GHG) disclosures. That authority might instead belong to the Environmental Protection Agency. . . .
Several commissioners are on record expressing profound concern over climate change's economic and political consequences. They are, in my view, entirely correct about the climate threat. But the same commissioners can't, with a straight face, now claim that climate change doesn't have "vast economic and political significance." Nor can they claim that Congress clearly authorized the SEC to mandate climate emissions disclosures. Those claims are even harder to assert when the Clean Air Act shows that Congress knew how to structure unambiguous climate-related delegations. Ignoring this foundational question of statutory authority is like trying to hide a herd of elephants in a vanishingly tiny mousehole and hoping that no one notices.
Unlike Atkins and Ray, Grundfest supports broader climate reporting. He is simply skeptical that the SEC has the statutory authority to take this step.
More broadly, WVA v. EPA and NFIB v. Dept. of Labor suggest that the Court is likely to be skeptical of the Biden Administration's "whole of government" approach to climate change insofar as it involves deploying statutory authority that was not enacted with climate change in mind. As I discussed here, the Court is wary of agencies repurposing existing statutory authority without congressional approval. This creates a serious obstacle for climate measures that are not authorized by Congress.
Reviewing courts are likely to carefully scrutinize Biden administration initiatives to ensure agencies are exercising the powers given by Congress for the purposes Congress gave them, and will be suspicious when agencies -- whether the EPA, SEC, FERC, or any other -- purports to find new authority to address climate change in old statutes that were enacted with other problems in mind. It will be one thing for agencies to use their traditional authorities in ways that reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a co-benefit. It will be quite another when agencies make greenhouse gas reductions the reason for invoking this previously enacted authority.
UPDATE: On July 13, twenty-four state attorneys general submitted supplemental comments to the SEC arguing that the WVA v. EPA decision "confirms that the SEC should not finalize" its climate reporting proposal.
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I believe the expression is "pour new wine *into* old bottles." See Matthew 9:17 (KJV): " Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved."
Something new to be learned every day.
These regs are shortcuts without validity in the eyes of the public. Congress should enact legislation and be held accountable.
No lawyer is able to read the plain English of Article I Section 1 giving all legislative power to the Congress.
But "new wine in old bottles IS an established idiom, meaning, "something new added to or imposed upon an old or established order ".
So, right on point.
I think the distinction was whether the new wine is being poured into versus out of the new bottles, with the biblical reference suggesting problems from the first part of that sequence.
The Biblical reference had to do with "new" wine still fermenting, so it tended to build up pressure that would break the older containers.
"Because courts could easily conclude that the SEC lacks statutory authority to mandate greenhouse gas (GHG) disclosures."
IIRC, the SEC wasn't mandating GHG disclosures.
It said, IF a company decides to include GHG disclosures in their public statements, then the disclosures had to meet certain standards.
Please correct me if I wrong.
I'm afraid that's not correct. You might be thinking of the proposed requirements for "Scope 3" emissions. From the SEC's press release:
"The proposed rules also would require a registrant to disclose information about its direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions from purchased electricity or other forms of energy (Scope 2). In addition, a registrant would be required to disclose GHG emissions from upstream and downstream activities in its value chain (Scope 3), if material or if the registrant has set a GHG emissions target or goal that includes Scope 3 emissions."
"....and indirect emissions from purchased electricity or other forms of energy (Scope 2)..."
Basically , this portion of the proposed disclosure requirement would affect every company that uses electricity in any form.
Yes, it is, but at least that's a meaningful calculation. Even for heavy industry, scope 2 is much larger than scope 1.
However, Scope 3 is fraudulent. There is no basis that's not completely arbitrary. There is no way, directly or indirectly, to measure it. Even if you are selling fuel, your scope 3 emissions could be simply the emissions of your fuel or literally the entire world's emissions.
Well, states are ignoring the gun ruling, and the abortion ruling, so why not this one?
States ARE ignoring the gun ruling. But since the abortion ruling was that it was up to the states, I'm not sure what could constitute the states ignoring it.
"Do as you like."
"No, I refuse!!!"
Just doesn't work, does it?
First one I found just looking at the Reason site - - - - - - - - -
It ain't the states, it's the fascists.
Oops, probably should have included the link
Press Release
SEC Proposes Rules to Enhance and Standardize Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
Washington D.C., March 21, 2022 —
The Securities and Exchange Commission today proposed rule changes that would require registrants to include certain climate-related disclosures in their registration statements and periodic reports, including information about climate-related risks that are reasonably likely to have a material impact on their business, results of operations, or financial condition, and certain climate-related financial statement metrics in a note to their audited financial statements. The required information about climate-related risks also would include disclosure of a registrant’s greenhouse gas emissions, which have become a commonly used metric to assess a registrant’s exposure to such risks.
The only real impact on the financial statements is the regulatory costs associated with complying with what ever BS the regulators proposed. There is no known or quantifiable $amount from the actual risk of climate change. The SEC doesnt require disclosure for the risk of earthquakes, thunderstorms, volcano's etc, - In summary, the SEC proposed disclosure is pure BS
In nearly every case in which the SEC has used these statutes to demand disclosures in the past, it has claimed that it was doing so because the required information was material—that is, financially significant to the reasonable investor. But the commission does not even attempt to show that all its proposed climate disclosures are material.
Simply untrue.
From the SEC's proposal:
The Securities and Exchange Commission today proposed rule changes that would require registrants to include certain climate-related disclosures in their registration statements and periodic reports, including information about climate-related risks that are reasonably likely to have a material impact on their business, results of operations, or financial condition, and certain climate-related financial statement metrics in a note to their audited financial statements
The "presumed" material impact has to do with supposed climate related risks, but there's no materiality requirement for the "climate-related financial statement metrics", which is what we're discussing here, if I understand things correctly. So, "But the commission does not even attempt to show that all its proposed climate disclosures are material."
The business about ""climate-related financial statement metrics" is a bit vague, but as afar as impact on financials:
The proposed rule changes would require a registrant to disclose information about (1) the registrant’s governance of climate-related risks and relevant risk management processes; (2) how any climate-related risks identified by the registrant have had or are likely to have a material impact on its business and consolidated financial statements, which may manifest over the short-, medium-, or long-term; (3) how any identified climate-related risks have affected or are likely to affect the registrant’s strategy, business model, and outlook; and (4) the impact of climate-related events (severe weather events and other natural conditions) and transition activities on the line items of a registrant’s consolidated financial statements, as well as on the financial estimates and assumptions used in the financial statements.
In any case, the critics seem to want to make a leap from, "some of this isn't material," to "the SEC can't require any disclosure about climate risk." Otherwise they would be talking about what is and is not material, not how WVA kills the whole idea.
I'd say the real problem is that most of this stuff is unquantifiable and/or speculative. A rule shouldn't require disclosures that are just politically charged guesses.
I've written these statements about risk, in the context of a Private Placement Memorandum, not an SEC filing. And I've read them.
Many of the risks included are non-quantifiable. The point is not that "this will happen," but "there is some reasonable chance this might happen." The idea is that it is up to reader - the potential investor - to decide for himself how serious the risk is.
"The idea is that it is up to reader - the potential investor - to decide for himself how serious the risk is."
No, the idea is to be able to point to these coerced statements as evidence that "even big business thinks climate change is a grave threat".
Its a propaganda regulation, pure and simple.
That's pretty much what I think. You force businesses to make these statements, which you can then refer back to in order to establish that business is concerned about global warming risks. They've already done this in the insurance industry, I believe.
And how have "they" done this in the insurance industry?
Concur with Bob's response
As bernard notes - the typical PPM has lots of potential "risks" listed.
However, in the case of risks due to climate change - it is pure political propaganda -
Love the 3 people whose telepathy assures them that there is bad faith afoot yet again.
Its not telepathy, its applying the rhetoric and other actions of the climate change hysterics to a new situation.
Its called reason, you ought to try it sometime.
I'm not interested in pointers on reason from a guy who likely would have had a tough time being hired as a paralegal at a strong law firm.
Or you could tell us that you really wanted to end up in some shit-rate Ohio town proofreading deeds to $41,000 residential properties rather than working at a strong law firm in an educated, modern, successful community.
Are you counting me? I read the report describing the modeling work that resulted in the current emergency panic. That’s not telepathy.
Diss on me for that while you’re unthinkingly swallowing the pablum generated by your political party is a real hoot. Why think independently when someone else can think for you. Right?
Nope - Bob, Brett, and Joe.
Reality, science, logic and rational thought is not Sarcastro' forte
An ignorant, selfish, science-disdaining, obsolete approach to climate change is a natural fit for Republicans, and an important element of younger Americans' (especially the educated, modern, successful younger Americans') emphatic rejection of conservatism.
Any chance that Atkins and Ray are old, white, Republican men with a personal, financial, and professional interest in clinging to obsolete policies and practices?
Since there is still significant debate on the actual levels of "greenhouse gasses" that may be of concern, and since the impacts are so far mostly conjecture, there is no verifiable, quantifiable impact on our business, beyond the CO2 exhaled by employees trying to comply with this fanciful regulation.
Think that would do?
Better yet: "We anticipate rising CO2 levels improving agricultural productivity, as well as reducing heating costs, and so have listed anticipated climate change on the plus side of the ledger."
Careful; it may turn out we are a conspiracy - - - - - - - -
"...beyond the extra CO2 exhaled by employees by laughing at the absurdity of trying to comply with this idiotic regulation."
The conservatives on this court care about a stable business and financial environment. They don't change about climate change. Generally, they are much more likely to defer to the SEC than the EPA, or depending what the lower court does, use discretionary jurisdiction to just avoid the question.
If it was an ordinary disclosure that the SEC was proposing, no eyebrows would be raised. As soon as climate change projections of any kind are involved, this court of deniers would be all over it. Much like state governments in coastal areas outlaw references to climate change. It is bad for business.
Shunning the deniers and heretics and apostates is always an important part of scientific discussion.
Do you have any understanding at all of the results of the suite of model runs that are driving our current panic? What were the input assumptions on the model run that gave us the “we’ve only got 10 years” crap? Do you understand the spread between the input models or what the “keep the current course” model predicted?
Mandating that companies disclose future results with such a wide range of possible outcomes is forcing them to mislead the public.
We are talking about risk here, not projections. By definition there will be a wide range of possible outcomes.
July.13.2022 at 2:13 pm
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"We are talking about risk here, not projections. By definition there will be a wide range of possible outcomes."
True - the SEC is requiring disclosure of the "risks " due to climate change - However, the risks are both very speculative, unlikely and non-quantifiable.
There is a vastly greater risk to the financial health of a business from an earthquake or tornado and far greater likelihood, but no disclosure is required for those remote possibilities. So why require a special disclosure for something even less likely and far less risk?
sorry - forgot to add the only real risk is the risk of some idiotic regulation creating a risk to the financial health of a business such are requiring all electricity to be generated from "renewables" or some other idiotic regulation - organic fertilization - devastating food production, etc
There is a vastly greater risk to the financial health of a business from an earthquake or tornado and far greater likelihood,
Well, if Joe_Dallas and Bob from Ohio say so it must be true.
The model run that generated this panic was given a 2% chance if occurrence at the time the work was done. Why doesn’t the SEC mandate potential risk of alligator attacks or Ebola outbreaks?
This is more Biden climate virtue signaling bs. The range if accurately described will he do broad as to be meaningless. But he has to feed the beasts to whom he’s beholden b
You are a climate hysteric. The only climate risk to business is the stupid laws hysterics like you want.
No middle ground between not believing in climate risk at all, and being a hysteric.
Not really. You are either a true believer in global warming or a rational person.
Pointers on what to believe from an ostensible adult gullible enough to be afflicted by adult-onset superstition -- claiming to believe that fairy tales are true -- seem worthless in the reality-based world.
If I wound up in a town so far back in the sticks that it needs to pump in sunlight, I might be bitter and cranky, too.
If I am wrong about your position on religion, Bob from Ohio, and you do not genuinely (claim to) believe that a fucking fairy tale is fact rather than fiction, please correct my misapprehension.
Hey reality based Rev. Answer my questions.
You can’t because name calling is the peak of your intellectual ability.
Yeah use of the term “deniers” leaves no middle ground. Don’t question the orthodoxy unless you want to be shunned. Dismissing dissent with name calling rather than rational discussion is something other than science.
Note that neither he nor anyone else addressed my questions.
Calling people who completely deny there are issues deniers seems fine - they're zealots, not dissenters.
Plenty of dissenters from current policy or the latest predictions who aren't Bob's us v. then type of assholes.