Drug Legalization

Legalize All Drugs. Live With Ethan Nadelmann, Nick Gillespie, and Zach Weissmueller.

Join Reason on YouTube and Facebook Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern for a discussion about the path to full drug legalization in America.


"The fact is, America really is crazy when it comes to drugs," said Ethan Nadelmann, founder of the Drug Policy Alliance, in a 2014 TED Talk. 

So what would happen if America actually ended its almost 52-year-old war on drugs? What can we learn from the example of Portugal, which decriminalized all drugs in 2000? What about Oregon, which decriminalized them in 2021? What if the U.S. not only decriminalized drugs by ceasing to prosecute users but actually legalized commercial sales? Is any of this even possible amid an opioid overdose crisis fueled by fentanyl?

Join Reason's Nick Gillespie and Zach Weissmueller this Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern as they discuss all of these questions and more. Watch and leave questions and comments on the YouTube video above or on Reason's Facebook page.