White House: GOP Plan to Reopen Government Too Partisan, Meeting With Democrats Instead
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Doesn't want to tie it to budget negotiations
Second week of shutdown
The most transparent administration in history, right?
Long-term deal may not be possible by October 17
Trying to placate EU officials
Anonymous quote attributed to White House official
Anonymous quote in the Wall Street Journal
Is that an argument in favor?
Obama and Rouhani to travel to the United Nations next week
Claims they aren't serving constituents (You know, like they are with ObamaCare and possible Syrian strikes)
Maybe somebody just needs to draw a new red line?
Because their release would be like releasing the president's schedule, judge decides
There truly aren't enough "LOL"s for that one
Significant shake up of the economic team could be planned
Obama pledged in 2010 that he would have the panels installed
$4-6 billion proposal aims to expand high-speed internet to almost all schools
President faces too many "serious, persistent and credible threats on a daily basis"
Point of agreement found
Of course, if Watergate happened today, he'd get his phone records grabbed and intimidated by the administration
Insists in the face of latest news that people's e-mails aren't being read.
What happens if they keep asking about Benghazi?
Even when they're right...
Probably not likely to get anywhere though
Turns the 16-year-old intern sent to ask the question into a story
House expected to vote on the bill on Thursday
White House talks with Senate Republicans not going anywhere
Say Americans need relief
Yahoo documents close to 10,000 examples
CBO estimates $1 trillion in savings over 20 years from immigration reform