Why Are We Fighting?
When regulations limit what kind of housing can be built, the result is endless arguments about what people really want.
When regulations limit what kind of housing can be built, the result is endless arguments about what people really want.
The president promised to save suburbanites' neighborhoods from a wave of new housing development. They voted against him anyway.
How can a place that we're intimately familiar with—more than half of America lives in the suburbs—be so unknowable?
The president renewed his attack that a Biden presidency would wipe out the suburbs. Biden accused Trump of racist dog whistles.
Urbanist Joel Kotkin says the pandemic will accelerate America's urban decline. Richard Florida is "100 percent convinced" NYC will be just fine.
A uniform national response risks doing more harm than good in a nation that’s not uniform.
Land use regulation is making cities unaffordable. In an unfettered market, how would Americans choose to live?
Community planners don't have all the answers.
The legislation would allow duplexes on any residential plot in the state.
Plus: a radical remembering of the suburbs; support for sex-work decrim in NY; Bret Easton Ellis on Mueller and media
Whether red vs. blue or city vs. country, political tensions are best addressed by letting people run their own lives.
It's the worst sort of social engineering and special-interest payoff via the tax code.
Arden is a suburb, an artist's colony, and a radical political experiment.
Elinor Ostrom and the case against centralization
The wrong road to empowerment.
The latest trend in urban planning builds bureaucracy, not affordable living.
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