France Plans Limits on Private-Sector Salaries
Wouldn't it be easier to just exile productive people?
Examine Inequality's Causes Before Prescribing Solutions
Fear and loathing of income inequality is both totally understandable and ultimately misplaced.
Consumer Spending Down in October, Income Growth Stalling
Sandy partially to blame, also a sign of weak fundamentals in the economy
Britain's Brain Drain: Professionals Flee High Taxes
The number of Brits leaving England for new lives abroad has risen sharply over the past 20 years, according to new research undertaken for the UK Home Office.
Household Incomes Down in August
Since the economic recovery started in June 2009, household incomes are down 5.7 percent.
Mine Protests Spread in South Africa
It's been just a week since 34 were shot at one demonstration
You Have an 85 Percent Chance of Being Poor
But don't worry, you also have a 77 percent chance of being affluent
Is the Great Stagnation Real?
In many ways yes, but there is still room for hope and even celebration.