Government Spending
Across the Country, Governments Neglect Dams
Officials blow money on lots of things, but not on maintenance
Romney Won the Debate, But Will the Country Lose?
Mitt Romney's and Barack Obama's visions for government are more alike than different.
U.S. Presidency is Pretty Damned Expensive
The chief executive's family reportedly costs us $1.4 billion every year
Hefty Tab for Presidential Photo-Op
Taxpayers will pay "tens of thousands of dollars" for a brief stop at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Obama Promises Compensation To Contractors if They Delay Layoffs
Until after the election, of course
California's Failed Policies Are Driving Away Businesses and Residents
The Golden State needs to mend its ways before it's too late.
Small Businesses Fret Over Government Spending, Taxes, Regulations
The feds really do have the ability to screw-up everything
Report: There's More Economic Freedom in Canada Than the U.S.
The Fraser Institute releases its annual rankings.
Federal Money for Trails Comes With Red Tape Attached
There really is no such thing as a free lunch, or a free hiking trail
Ready to Cut Military Spending
Polls show that Americans want smaller government everywhere and fewer obligations abroad.
U.S. Credit Rating Slashed Over QE3
Turns out, ratings agencies think that doubling-down on massive spending is a bad idea
Strapped U.S. Government Spends Millions on Roads Overseas
Not all the beneficiary governments are huge fans of the U.S.
How Quantitative Easing Helps the Rich and Soaks the Rest of Us
And why the Occupy movement should be up in arms.
Paul Ryan Votes for Budget More Expensive than His Proposal
In order to prevent government shutdown
US Budget Deficit Tops $1 Trillion for Fourth Straight Year
Increased by $191 billion in August
Relief Funds To Flow as Feds Declare "Fishery Disaster"
If you've ever seen how New Englanders cook cod, you've seen a true fish disaster
Big Salaries for State University Officials in SC
The top ten earners from state agencies work for colleges or universities
Report: Education Spending Doesn't Guarantee Results
Per-pupil expenditures soar, but outcomes ... not so much
Worse Than the Recession
The Obama administration has engineered a "recovery" in name only.
Greek Government Agencies Almost Impossible To Kill
Cockroaches are less durable than Greek bureaucrats
Six Federal Courthouses to Close in the South
Congress hasn't given them enough money to stay open
The Recovery That Wasn't
Three and a half years later, White House officials are still making wildly optimistic comments about the economy they mismanaged.
Lawmakers' Primary Goal: Prevent Federal Gov. Shutdown
$1 trillion spending bill would fund government until March
Celebrate America's Deficit Spending Today!
2012's federal government will spend three-and-a-half month's worth of money it doesn't actually have.
The Insatiable Taxman
New laws push expatriate Americans to keep their money in their mattresses.
California Lawmakers Refuse to Accept Any Limits on Their Power
Only a return to constitutional principles can save the Golden State.