Poll: Most Americans Support Tax Hikes For High-Income Earners
But not so keen on entitlement cuts
But not so keen on entitlement cuts
Millions for museums and head start centers
The government excels in spending money on overhead costs
Fiddling with the rules while the economy burns
Surprisingly, it didn't get as much back as hoped
State psychiatrist rakes in More than $800,000 a year
Only $400 billion would go toward deficit reduction
Discovering what everybody else is warning about: Faulty ridership and environmental studies
State officials say they need at least $82 billion
Members stand to benefit from funding doled out
Where's the private support?
Obama argues that having a cap on debt, rather than unlimited debt, is a "bad strategy" for the nation.
After decades of American protection, our friends can form their own alliances to confront any adversary.
Any significant movement of wealth from taxpayers to tax consumers will not enhance prosperity.
Bureaucrats then recommend cuts they know won't fly
Throwing money around and driving-away credible scientists
To curb spending, Republicans will have to insist on clear, enforceable measures to induce greater discipline, and stick to them.
Or, Fun Facts About the Fiscal Cliff!
Tough-on-crime usually means tough-on-taxpayers.
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